I finally broke down and bought a new lens...I tend to be a thrifty person and almost never purchase anything for myself that falls in the "want" category. But, having made some extra money shooting photography the past few months, I thought it was about time. Although the Canon 50mm f/1.8 II is a relatively cheap lens, it gives me more versatility with dof and low light. The no-zoom will take a little bit of getting used to, but I'm pretty stoked about the quality I'm seeing in just the first few shots.

My Grilled Luau Sandwich

Bath-head Gwyneth

I love your dog!!! I want a Pug so bad, but where we live there is nowhere for a dog to go outside and play so we have to wait.
That sandwich looked so yummy....now I'm hungry!
And I love the crazy hair on Gwyn.
i have the 50mm/1.4 and looove it.
good investment. it will become one of your favorites.
I have the 50mm 1.8 for my Nikon D200. I love prime lenses.
Great photos ! :) Love the DOF
Yeah Nate, I didn't like mine the first week, b/c I kept trying to zoom... definitely takes some time to get used to, but great pics!!!!
Great pics! I just got the "nifty fifty" for Christmas and am so excited to break it out and take some great portraits!
i have the 50mm 1.4 and pretty much use it exclusively now!
Got that lens....it's pretty much the only one I use.
Great pics!!!!
Love it! I have that lens too! It's a great lens! But, now all I can think about is that Luau Sandwhich and I'm gonna need the recipe for that!
Good for you Nate! I shoot with my 50mm ALL the time. I only take it off when I need to switch to a wide angle, but that's a fixed lens too.
Glad to know you like this lens - I've been thinking about ordering it with my Christmas money. You've convinced me to go ahead and do it! Great pics!
I just got the same lens last month and I LOVE IT! :o) It is difficult to get used to...having to stand a lot further back, but the crisp clear images make it a great lens!
That is the lens for my camera, I hardly ever take it off! I LOVE IT! I have some pics on my blog using it!
Okay the pics are great but I want to know what is on that sandwich. It looks divine.
I shot with this lens yesterday. My prime and favorite lens is my canon 50mm/1.2L BUT I tend to have accidents and it had to go to the doctor. I bought this lens as a back-up and it was a smart move. Once you get the hang of the no zoom, you will love the fixed part. The beauty of this is with children, you can get super close and keep their attention. My 2-year-old loves me being in her face with a camera all the time!!!! Blessings! Cheri
I LOVE my 50 mm lens too! My favorite thing is to take pictures of food with it. It is of course awesome with any inside shots! Something I learned in the process was that if I took the picture in RAW and then adjusted the temperature in the settings to a more "cool" setting (more towards the blues) that it allowed the yellowish tint to leave and look more natural. Yours looks fine, it was just something I learned months into the process when I had been taking low light shots. I hope is okay to leave this suggestion. I can't wait to see all your work!!! My most thankful part of this lens is that I no longer needed to use my flash! That is the best gift!
Dare I say this will be your go to lens of choice? I have a 50 mm f1.4 that I adore! Have fun shooting with the new toy!
Wow! You have some serious bokeh going on there. Like it!
I got the same lens for Christmas! The hardest part for me is my "moving object" (the 1 year old.) Things get blurry.
great bokeh!!
I have the 50mm 1.4 and it produces my favorite results. I just wish I had a full frame camera because I do find there are times it is limiting. I bet you're going to love it.
I purchased that lens about 6 months ago at the recommendation of Jennifder McKinney......best purchase I ever made. I am amateur photographer by all means, but boy that lens makes great pictures!!
great work with the new lens! looks like you are getting along just fine with it! Have fun.
It will take all of 3.5 seconds for you to not only GET USED TO the no zoom thing... but to totally forget about it! It is an amazing lens for the money and the one that is on my camera 99% of the time!
You'll love it! I bought one a few months ago, & then accidentally knocked it off my counter & it shattered! I only got to use it for about a month. Haven't replaced it yet. Watch your camera strap! That's what knocked my lens off. :(
How come everyone's Blogger profile works but mine. :( Yes, I have it set right! :(
Okay, I love Gwyneth's and Meka's pictures and really like the sandwich but haven't a clue what language you are speaking about cameras. But great pics!! Judith Taylor
I have that lens and love love love it. No zooming was hard to get used to but you will. I know recommendations can be annoying at times but... If you want a cheap go to camera that allows for creativity AND has a bright lens, check out the Olympus 5050. It's not made anymore. Ebay is your friend.
By the way- thanks again for taking the time to blog. Yours is the only one I follow. Much love and prayers to your wonderful family :)
Those pictures are so clear; they look great! (And what a cute little bedhead!)
Cindy in GA
I have the 50/1.4 and it is my most favorite lens ever! Love, love, love it, especially the ability it gives me to shoot in low light.
It does take some practice to get used to using a fixed lens, but I found it helped me to grow my photography skills.
Have fun with your lens!
Although I have a Nikon, I love my 50mm 1.8 lens!! I have a blast shooting flower photos and it's great for portraits as well! Can't wait to see more of what you do with yours!
Great! Don't you love it?! (I am a relatively new owner of a 50 mm and its kind of life changing - especially for portraits.) Have fun!
The pictures look fabulous, I am wondering what type of camera you use?
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