Tricia goes into surgery at 11:45 am today.
Sinus surgery is very common for cystic fibrosis patients, and even more common for lung transplant patients. In fact, it's surprising that she's made it this far out from her TX without the surgery.
The purpose of the surgery is to both open up her airways a bit and to prevent nasty bacteria and other stuff that could be harmful to her delicate lungs from finding a comfy place to hang out. It is often a rather uncomfortable, if not painful procedure that must be repeated every so often, but Tricia's surgeon is very progressive/cutting edge and has had great success with minimal pain/discomfort and very few repeat customers.
Obviously, anytime you're drilling around inside your head, there are risks of damage to the eyes, skull, brain, etc. The procedure may take several hours, but hopefully Tricia won't be required to stay overnight...we're still hoping that 2010 will be the first year of Tricia's life that she hasn't had to spend a single night in a hospital!
Thanks for your prayer! And, please, don't share your scary sinus surgery experiences here...Tricia is not encouraged at all by reading about how this might not be a fun experience.
Praying for the surgery go really well. Come on 2010 for no overnight hospital stays!
The new techniques are just sooooo much better! Don't listen to the horror stories at all! Praying you through!
Tricia is one tough cookie! I'm sure that compared to everything she's endured, this procedure will be but the tiniest blip on her radar screen. Prayers for her speedy surgery and recovery, and joining your hopes for "no hospital check-in 2010."
Will be praying for an easy recovery!!
No scary story here...I had the surgery a couple years ago and I was just fine! The morning after, my parents couldn't even tell I'd had surgery. I hardly had any pain at all, and it made SUCH a difference. I could smell better, breathe better. It was great! Praying Tricia's surgery goes just as well!
Everybody I know (CFer or not) who has had such surgery has been very happy with the results. Praying for another on the list!
I had the surgery and came through it with flying colors! I had very little down time. I am sure Tricia will do fabulously, this is small beans compared to what she has already come through. None the less it is surgery and I will keep her in my prayers!!! God bless, Tricia and Nate! You guys ROCK!!!!!
Praying for you Tricia, May you have a speedy recovery!
Hope all goes well for Trish and that she is able to come home after. Praying for you!
Hope all goes well! I've had 3 sinus surgeries and felt a huge relief after each one. All I can recommend is that the Neil Med sinus rinses make a huge difference in recovery and keeping things clean up there going forward!
Remembering you with prayers for peace of mind and to the 2010 100% free of hospital stays !
I'll be praying today! And for a speedy recovery :) I know a few people who have had sinus surgery and said it made a world of difference for them. I know this practically nothing for you, but every little bit helps!
Sending lots of prayer Tricia's way!!! She's going to do great! :)
Tricia will do just fine. :) No hospital stays in 2010 is in my prayers for this year!
Tracy Edwards
Thanks Nate for the privilege of praying specifically for Tricia for her surgery. Will be watching for an update!
What a praise that 2010 has gone so well for her!
You guys are an amazing family with an amazing story of our Amazing Heavenly Father!
Joining with others who are praying...for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery!
My sister in law had a similar sinus surgery. She felt SO much better afterward after having sinus trouble and problems breathing for years. Good luck.
Good luck! I had sinus surgery for my CF sinuses years ago, before many medical advances have improved the procedure...and it worked like a charm! It really helped!
I firmly believe that the Savior is there to guide a (listening) surgeon during a procedure. prayers for no overnight stay!!
Prayers being said today!
Praying for T's speedy recovery!!
Best wishes! You'll do great!
Praying for Tricia to be as pain free as possible and hospital free too!
Praying for a speeding recovery! I hope you can make that dream come true...not a single night in the hospital!! We love you Trisha and your inspiration even though I have never met you! Nathan..I have said this before and will continue to say it..you are an amazing husband and Godly man. I see Christ's strength through you! Please give us updates!
Praying for ya'll from Dallas!!!
Just read this now - praying she's already out of surgery or will be out soon. God be with you, Tricia!
Praying for a speedy recovery!! Hey and enjoy SHARK week!
My Dad's had the surgery twice and has had amazing results both times. His first was several years ago and the techniques were so much better for his second a few years back that I can't imagine how much better they'll be now for her.
Tricia is an amazing woman and such an inspiration! Your family is beautiful, Nate. I love seeing your updates, but am so thankful for you guys that your lives have settled into a normal, so as not to have to update daily.
Not a scary sinus surgery story at all. I have heard this surgery is great. I mean really people report having such great seasons after they have this surgery.
Goodluck to Tricia. And I really hope no overnight hospital stays.
I want to hear Tricia's story!! I am waiting for surgery due to many many bouts of pneumonia and bronchitis which they said are because of my very very blocked sinuses(no smell, no taste) praying that everything goes well!!
(((Tricia))) My son has had 2 sinus surgeries and recovery was quick for both.
The picture you have of her on this post is beautiful. Praying for your family.
Praying for a speedy recovery and NO hospital time this year. And that is such a beautiful picture of Tricia!
Love and prayers!!! She will do great, she is one tough cookie!!
My friend's pre-schooler recently went thru sinus surgery and was up and about in no time! Know it will be the same for Tricia!
Praying for 'no overnight stays in 2010' and a smooth & sucessful surgery today! It is wonderful to see the great quality of life Tricia is experiencing since her transplant. Praise the Lord. He has done great things!!!
Thought Seth was gonna have to go through it last winter but we dodged that bullet. We will be thinking of her today!
feel better tricia!! i had sinus surgery ("general housekeeping", as my ENT called it). i had a sore throat like you do (according to nate's twitter) but that night, i was home eating take out! (and haven't needed a repeat surgery - so YEAH!)
feel better!! wishing you a hospital-free 2010!!
No scary sinus surgery story here! Daughter Anne had the surgery several years ago and did great! She's been so much better since too! Love to Tricia and speedy recovery.
I've had three sinus surgeries when the technology was not so cutting edge (1993, 1995, 1997) and even still, they weren't so bad. She'll do fantastically!
I'll agree with commenter Salome Ellen (and perhaps others): I had sinus surgery in 1992. I didn't have any sinus infections for about 15 years. (I have had a few in the last few years, but that's beside the point.) I was so glad I did the surgery.
I am looking forward to hearing how things went. My daughter will be having her first sinus surgery at the end of her next CF tuneup (probably in a few weeks). The worry is keeping me up at night but I have to say the comments people have left you are making me a little less worried :)
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