We are thankful beyond words for the huge ways God has shown Himself in and through our lives and for the countless ways He has blessed us over these past several months. We never would have imagined that we'd be where we are now back on September 2, 2007 when we discovered Tricia was pregnant.
The possibility that Tricia would ever be a transplant candidate again after the pregnancy was limited.
The chances that Gwyneth would grow to full-term from 24+ weeks without any major complications was improbable.
The likelihood that Tricia would receive her new lungs after being listed and activated turned out to be nearly impossible.
Our God loves to move in impossible situations, not only to show us love, but to also show us His glory. We pray that, beyond everything else, people will see Him.
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»Praise the Lord! She is so beautiful - and God is so Good.
You have proof of God's greatest miracles. You also have youself some stong women!! =) continuing to pray for you all!
Happy "due date", Gwyneth!
WOW!!! Absolutely Amazing... These pics really show off her red hair.
Thank you, Nate and Tricia, for allowing us to pray for you, and rejoice in God's goodness with you over these past several months. It has truly been a blessing to see all that God has been doing in your lives. Gwyneth is so beautiful! To God Be the Glory... Great Things He Has Done!!
What sweet pictures.
Thanks for pointing us back to God and keeping ours and your focus on Christ.
Hallelujah! Thank you Lord for your many miracles and for having your hand on this sweet family. Thank you for the blessings you've bestowed and those to come. Please continue to watch over Gwyneth and Tricia and bring them the strength and healing they need to go to their true home and live happy, full lives and please give Nate the rest he needs and traveling mercies to those who travel to see them. Thank you Lord. Amen.
Gwyneth is beautiful! She's grown so much in just the past few weeks. She must sense how well her mommy is doing. :)
Lots of love!
Praising the Lord for his Goodness!
What a beautiful little angel she is!
i just found your blog, and was quickly drawn into the story of your lives...thank you for sharing so honestly. what a testimony to what God does when we completely give our lives and trust Him. we will be praying for you all!
I see Him!
she's beautiful! thanks for sharing her with all of us.
I have goose-bumps. God is amazing. Those "every-day" miracles are the BEST! So thankful with you for all God is doing in your family and because of your family.
Yet again, how blessed you all are. Thank you for sharing your journey of faith and love with us all. (And I still can't believe how much she looks like Nate) continuing to pray in KY
My calendar quote today is "I love to see the ways that God works."
I agree :)
Your family has blessed us! Thanks for sharing. Your girls are beautiful!
Happy "Birthday" baby girl!!!
God bless you all!
He is very evident in your story. Your girls amaze me and your love, strength and faith makes me strive to be a better person. Thank you for sharing your story with the world.
and they have seen Him!
God is answering prayers!!!
What a beautiful post! So true! Glory to His wonderful name! Happy Due Date :)
It IS amazing, Nate. I've been a NICU nurse for years. I've also taken care of children with CF. Gwyneth is one very fortunate girl. She was primed to have many problems that just never happened. All you can do is give God the glory.
It IS amazing, Nate. I've been a NICU nurse for years. I've also taken care of children with CF. Gwyneth is one very fortunate girl. She was primed to have many problems that just never happened. All you can do is give God the glory.
God has made Himself known once again.
Praising Him with your family!
~The Jackson Family in Alaska~
I find your story amazing, uplifting and a true testament to God's prescence around us. I've never commented before but I just wanted to say that.
And I wanted to let you know "you're a dad now". The fact that you took and posted three pictures that look identical to the average joe but because you found them special because of the nuances of her face and mouth, makes you a dad. Both you and Tricia enjoy these moments as much as you can right now. You'll blink and all the cute things she does right now will be gone and she'll be twice her size and moved on to bigger and better skills.
She is so beautiful! We do serve a mighty God and as been evidenced by your story He is still a God of miracles. Thanks for letting me be a part of your miracle if only from a distance. I visited your dad's blog yesterday and watched the video on the link he had posted and I was so touched by it. Nathan seeing the emotions you were going through really touched me. I can't imagine what you've been feeling these past few months. I'm continuing to pray for all of you and hope that Gwyneth continues to gain weight so she can be home with you and Tricia very soon.
I will never forget all of you and how God has worked through you. Thank you for sharing with us.
That last picture of Gwyneth is one of the most beautiful shots you've ever taken of her.
THIS is a wonderful day. Thank you God.
God is good...
Lots of babies go home a few days after being born, we'll be praying that you get to go home a few days after your due date. You are a miracle, and you have wonderful parents!!! Happy day to your family. We pray for you all the time.
I had chills as I read your post this morning. I do stand in complete AWE of God who is gracious beyond our imaginations. Your wife and baby are a true blessing and I believe that God has his hand upon you and your family. You made a difficult choice to do what was right in the sight of the Lord, remember how God blessed Abraham for that same decision.
I do not envy the shoes that you have worn and will continue to wear, but I am humbled. You have lived out your faith before a HUGE audience. I cannot wait till the day we meet in heaven and I hear how your story ended.
Our God is awesome.
I remember the first time I clicked over. It was the day Jordan and Patience mentioned Tricia's pregnancy on their blog, with a link to yours.
My life certainly has been changed because I clicked over.
Much love to you all,
Oh the deep deep love of Jesus...
God is very, very good.
Happy Due Day, Sweetie!
If one didn't believe in miracles before meeting you three, they surely do now. It is a wonderful day!
I really feel that God loves to be able to work so powerfully in people's lives - many of us just never give Him the opportunity!
Hooray for healthy moms & babies! (And healthy dads, too!)
Wow, I've been keeping up with your blog for quite a while now, and I'm noticing that little Gwyneth is getting some color in those beautiful eyes of hers!!! :)
She is beautiful, Nate! I am so happy that things are looking so great for you guys!! The Lord is awesome :-)
He is definitely seen in your lives! jen in al
Beautiful! Amazing story to show God's power and glory. So glad that Tricia is "home" out of the hospital and that Gwyneth is growing and thriving!
Please pray that God also works another miracle with this family (www.caringbridge.org/visit/katherinewolf). This young mother suffered a brain bleed/rupture and went through a 13 hour brain surgery. She is married with a 6 month old son. Hopefully this will become another miracle story!
I've been reading daily (sometimes hourly) since the start of January and I, too, am still amazed to see where you are today. It's an indescribable experience and I thank you for sharing this journey with us and showing, front and center, one of God's many miracles!
refreshing in ohio
Yes, our God is certainly amazing. Thank you for alloiwng all of us to witness the countless miracles that have occurred in your lives over the past few months.
The last picture of Gwyneth gave me chills. She seems to be be saying with her eyes, "See? God is still performing miracles." You have captured her soul in her eyes. Absolutely beautiful.
Gwenyth looks GREAT! I can even see the start of a belly on her - what a wonderful thing to see!
God is clearly working miracles, and I admire how you recognize Him for what He is doing in your life. Congratulations on your beautiful family!
Nate, It all is, indeed, a miracle. I beleieve no one could follow this story and not see God at work. Miracles do happen, and y'all's story is made up of many miracles! Gwyneth looks absolutely adorable in these pics on her "due date"!
I hope Tricia is enjoying being out in the world again. I'll bet you are enjoying having her there with you. (Perhaps enjoying is an understatement! :)
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas
What a beautiful gift from God. She is absolutely beautiful. I love the red hair!
When do they think she will be able to come home?
Very eloquently said, Nate! How can anyone look at your lives and not see God? His fingerprint is everywhere!
Yay for reaching your due date! Its milestone is dischange, right? And then just take it one day at a time like you already are!
So many miracles. She looks beautiful! Still praying.
Thanks be to God and to good medical care at Duke Hospital and the loving care of family.
Thankyou for pointing to the Saviour!
Gwyneth is a beauty..Happy Due Date!
incredible story, and breathtaking pictures!
God is good indeed. I pray that many have seen Him through this experience, and that many have been saved because of it. Thank you again Nate for allowing us to watch your amazing life unfold. We'll keep praying for you all daily.
Tricia and Gwyneth are a living testimony of the miraculous power of our God!
Thanks again for sharing your story with us and doing such a great job posting and keeping us up to date.
The pictures of Gwyneth are so cute. Her look makes me think she is looking at you saying, "Mom and Dad, am I ready to go home?"
Still praying for that day of Gwyneth joining both of you at home. I have faith it is going to be REAL soon.
Have a great day.
Amen! And if Gwyneth had held to her original due date, she would have shared my birthday! :)
How true that is.. GOD IS GREAT.. She is so precious.
I love the new pics! Gwyneth's cheeks are actually getting chubby and it look like she's developing quite the personality :)
What a sweetie....she's grown so much and looks so healthy now!!! YES, many miracles have happen in your life....too bad not everyone gets these kind of miracles!
Praise God for all of His goodness and provision to all of you. He has most certainly been glorified in all of this.
"My Savior, He can move the mountains,
My God is mighty to save, mighty to save
Forever, Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing
for the glory of the Risen King"
Peace to all of you,
Melissa in Lancaster, PA
Amazing eyes, no?
Happy Day to you Gwyneth, Nate, and Tricia! Gwyneth is just gorgeous in this picture... God has really blessed you guys and a lot of others through you. :)
What an awesome God we serve! Keep enjoying your beautiful girls!
Gwyneth looks so strong in these pictures.
I hope Tricia is recovering well at home.
How anyone can read your story and deny that miracles do not happen and God does not exist would have to be under some sort of supernatural influence! Your family has certainly been blessed and God glorified throughout!
Praise the Lord for his grace!
I love comparing the pics of sweet little Gwenyth from the first few days and weeks...she has certainly come a long way!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Gwyneth looks just great! I'm sure you and Tricia are enjoying being together again. I am so blessed to know of your story!
How amazing... what a wonderful testament to the world that our God is still busy at work!
Oh, we see HIM alright!! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. And isn't Gwyneth just beautiful and amazing.
Love and prayers from MI,
What a blessing that God was there on September 2, 2007, and knew today you would be posting these words. He has amazed me with miracle after miracle in your story and increased my faith so much. Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful and getting so chubby (in a good way). I can't say enough about Tricia and her faith and strength. She is one of a kind and her life points to God. God has glorified himself in this story so huge, and it has just begun. Wow. We serve a BIG GOD!!
Love you guys and continue to pray for all things good for you.
Love, Laurie in Ca.
It brings tears to my eyes reading this post. What a mighty God we serve! Indeed you and your family have been blessed.
God is so good!
I was reading the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal to my pre-school age kids the other night. When Elijah called on God to send fire, God delivered with a spectacular show of His power. He send fire from heaven that totally consumed a very wet offering along with the stone alter itself. And as an added bonus he took out the false prophets too! God likes to do spectacular things to get our attention. And God has used your lives and story this way!
God is so totally awesome, there are just not enough ways to say it. He just rocks!!!
She is beautiful. The lord blesses us in so many ways. I hope to read about your family twenty years from now.
and they do.
I was thinking about it the other day and wondering when Tricia's original due date was. What an amazing day to have Tricia out of the hospital and Gwyneth doing so well. Thanks again for allowing us to tag along on your journey you are restoring its truly uplifting.
How cute is she!? We have good news on my blog too...check it out if you want.
oops meant to say your journey is truly uplifting...not sure where the other bits came from :)
LOL! I never thought I'd be saying this about a 4 lb baby but "she looks so big!" :-)
I just came from prayer time for you guys and am rejoicing with you. Even though the "crisis" is over, you're still being majorly prayed for!
What a wonderful story - I can't believe how much your daughter looks like your photos! My thoughts and prayers are with you as this new part of your journey starts. All my best wishes! Thank you for allowing us to follow along.
Dear Nate and Tricia,
We are strangers, but like so many other people, you have allowed us into the most private parts of your life. Several times daily, for the past several months, I go to your blog, and at other times during the day, I sent out my prayers.
What a wonderful experience this has been. Your "family" has grown to include thousands. (who knows how many)
I've always been an organ donor, but now I really know how important that is.
Gwyneth is so beautiful - you and Trisha have truly been blessed.
Thank you for sharing this amazing journey with us.
Love to all!
God has his ways of making miracles. Gwyneth is beautiful. Look at her red hair, her eyes, expressions on her face.
Bless your beautiful family
The Lord works in wonderful ways.
Would you look at that HUGE four-pound baby!!!! Beautiful. Prayers continuing. I imagine that changes at dizzying speed, while exciting, can also be exhausting.
Nate, you do an excellent job in pointing all the glory to God. I am sure there may be times that you stop and say "Why, God." But you are always most careful about putting the credit and glory where it is due. God bless,
Praise God!! What an amazing day today is. God it so good!!
AMAZING!!! I don't think there is any way to see your "story" and NOT see God at work! He surely has performed miracles with your lovely ladies!:)
What a beautiful beautiful little girl.
She is so beautiful and amazing!
Look at the Chunky Monkey! God is good! She is so precious Nate and
Tricia. Her hair looks more and more red? Happy Due date Gwyenth! I'm sure you will be comming home soon, can't wait to see the homecomming pics.
Love and prayers,
Hello, sweet Gwyneth!! So precious. Yes, God has been good to all of you. And it has changed my life. Love you.
Look at the adorable reddish hair and gorgeous eyes. WHOAA! She is such a lucky little girl to come home each day to a wonderful mommy and daddy. The updates are wonderful. I hope all is going as well as can be for the moment. Prayers are stretched around the world for your little family.
That was beautiful. I have goosebumps. I pray that God uses your situation to bring many to Him.
What a wonderful testimony to your faith. Bad things happen to good people, but there are always lessons to learn and even though we would not have asked for those tough times, they really do make us stronger. But you have taken it even further by sharing your faith with so many and you have been an inspiration of faith and love, as well as parenting role models for all these months.
Happy Due Date!
What a special day for your beautiful family!!!! Look at Gwyneth's red hair -- how pretty!!! She's absolutely, wonderfully, and spectacularly
it's impossible not to love, trust and believe in our God, especially after hearing your story. So thankful for you all and restoring my faith
I have only commented a few times on your page, but I have followed it everyday since shortly before Gwyneth was born. I just want to say she is SOOOO PRETTY, and I am so happy for you guys and the family that you've been blessed with. I have been through some rough things in my life, and it has always been so humbling to see the Lords hand in my life. When I was younger I could only 'look back' and see how the Lord had his hand in my life, as I have matured I have been able to go through hard times and feel the Lords presence with me throughout them. It is very neat to hear your experience with one another and the Lord. Thank You again for sharing!
Julie (Florida)
simply amazing.....
We truly can see the work of God in what he has done for your family. Thanks for sharing your journey with us all!
With seemingly impossibilities in my own life, your post today has encouraged me greatly! Your whole story has, really.
What a precious girlie! Praise God!
A-mazing! What a little miracle your baby girl is. She is showing a little chub! :) How very sweet.
Amazing!!!!!! Your white rose is blooming beautifully. She is a doll and I love her red hair!!!
Thank you so much for sharing in these amazing miracles with us!!! These are the most beautiful pictures of little G!!!
Thank you so much for sharing in these amazing miracles with us!!! These are the most beautiful pictures of little G!!!
She is absolutely beautiful! Praise God for all He has done for you!
Nate, Your story and your witness have changed my life. I am not the same person I was back in January when I started following your family. Thank you for being willing to allow God to use you in a mighty way!!
I was thinking the other day about how much I will miss you and your updates when your life settled into completely normal. I pray that God is always able to use you though!
Praise God for all these miracles!!!! Thank you for sharing- your story has impacted my life dramatically.
What beautiful girls you have. God really is great, isn't He?
Both of your girls are amazing!
Today is my first born's 11th birthday!
Celebrating the miracles of Tricia and Gwyneth with you today! Not only did he meet all of your needs and give Tricia her longed for baby but he made her just as adorable as can be. Are you sure Tricia wasn't just praying for a baby but maybe that her baby would be the cutest baby in the hospital! Happy planned "Birth-day" sweet little White Rose.
Rachel in PA
Mommy to (2 miracle babies)
Rose Margaret &
Pearl Caroline
Well said! You are doing a good thing sharing your story - thank you :) These past two weeks have been so great for both of your girls. I hope you get to take them both home very soon!
That is by far the cutest baby I have seen in a long time (my youngest is 3- go figure ;O))
And thanks for putting your story once again in the right perspective: improbable, unlikely, unimaginable- those are words NOT known to God, who really does work in His own mysterious ways! I must admit that the wonders performed in your lives are no long a mystery to me: he is using your precious, beautiful family to SPREAD THE WORD! I am humbled by your testimony!
I have been reading your blog for awhile now and am truly amazed at the progress your girls have made. God is great! I am an labour and delivery nurse and one of our obstetricians lost a son to CF a few years back while he was still a teen. Her 26yr old daughter also has CF and just last week was being placed on the list for a double lung transplant in British Columbia Canada. I showed her your blog which lifted her spirits. She isn't a Christian but I hope that by reading this she will find hope in Christ. Blessings!
God is SOOOO good! Reading this post (along with all of the others) has given me goose-bumps once again. It has been so amazing to see every step of your journey. Thank you for sharing your heart and pictures of your beautiful family!
In Christ,
Alisa in Oregon
To God be the glory!!! What a beautiful miracle! Thank you Nate and Tricia for sharing with us.
Love and Prayers from Marge in Maryland
And we do (see Him)....Oh, we do.
Wow! Such an amazing story of faith and miracles. Don't we serve an awesome God?! Thank you for letting us share in the journey with you. God is using you, Tricia, and Gwyneth for his glory - and that is amazing!
Your family is surely evidence that the God we serve is bigger than any circumstance! Thank you for being obedient and allowing Him to work through each of you!
September 2nd 2007 was the day that I gave birth to my son. Can you believe what just under 8 months can do to your life?! God is good and His plan is so much better than we can even imagine!!
Is God AWESOME in the truest sense of the word or WHAT? Your journey is such an outward example of that for all the world to see and know.
April 24 is a special day in our house, too. 41 years ago, my husband was born on April 24. 40 years ago, I was due to be born on April 24. (I arrived on Feb 23... which was QUITE the preemie in those days). 11 years ago, my son was due on April 24, (my husband's 30th b-day), but, being the laid-back kid that he is, showed up a week late for his own birthday.
Happy "Birthday" Precious Little One!!
Praying, praying, praying!!
I call it a God thing. I love it.... Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful!
She is breath-taking! I am so glad everything has turned out so well. You have a beautiful family and God has definitely "used" y'all to bless others :)
She is breath-taking! I am so glad everything has turned out so well. You have a beautiful family and God has definitely "used" y'all to bless others :)
absolutely GORGEOUS!
Nate, thank you for allow us to share in the miracle of your lives and to witness the hand of God over your family.
She is just beautiful. Look at those eyes!
i join w/all the others who your very personal story has touched.
i speak that you, tricia & gwyneth continue to enjoy God's favor & walk in the path that He has so perfectly prepared for your family!
:-) jane
Funny, I was just thinking the other night that Tricia's due date should be around now. I don't know you and haven't commented much but check on y'all every day and am so happy you have received such wonderful blessings!
Yay, love the cutie patootie! So glad everything turned out the way they did, thank God!
Happy "Real Due-Date" Birthday!
Marissa :-)
I cannot get over the captivating beauty of both your miracle girls! You are so richly blessed. God is so good!
She looks exactly like Nate. She is beautiful and has come so far.
Our God is an amazing God and he has really been able to "show off" through the lives of Tricia and Gwyneth. Thank you so much for being willing to be so open and honest through all of this.. Tricia, I cannot tell you how excited I am to know that you are out of the hospital!!
Gwenyth looks so good! Seeing her with just a feeding tube means she is on her way home!
Praying for you in Chesapeake, VA!
Amazing. God is so good and so faithful and so glorious. To Him be all the praise!
It looks to me like you are going to have a red-haired, blue-eyed little girl..she is so, so beautiful. Her eyes are starting to look much more clear and focused and what an adorable little mouth she has!!!
I have seen HIM more in this time, on this blog and something that I will never forget or be grateful for being part of. We serve a mighy God who is Lord over the impossible. God is so faithful.
Happy "Birthday" Gwyneth!!! How joyful to know that you have all beaten all of the odds.
I can see God, in the eyes of your beautiful child, and in your words... New reasons to rejoice and thank God are posted here every day.
Happy Due Date, Gwyneth!
continuing to pray for you and your family...
I think she's starting to look like her daddy :)
Praise God! I'm so excited for your family and I've been praying for you. Gwyneth is beautiful. Does she have red hair?
Carolyn's sister
Gwenyth is getting so big! Love the photos!! She is soooo cute!!
She is so breathtakingly beautiful! Happy due date!
My sister who has cf turned me on to your blog, it touches me as I know what its like to have someone closs to you suffer with cf. Both of my brothers only made it to 15 and she is still fighting it at 28, I am so happy for you and your family, and hope you will have plenty more happy days to come!
I think that baby girl of yours is getting herself a double chin! You are all so blessed. As always, thank you for sharing yours story.
And the beauty of it is....
HE'S NOT FINISHED!! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.
If someone can read the events in Tricia and Gwyneth's lives and not see that there is a God who does miracles even still today they need to step back and say, "God if you are real reveal yourself to me." and then read the blog all over again from the beginning.
I'm amazed at how God has worked and is still working. Truly blown away by his love, grace, power, sovereignty.
Uncle Andy
Isn't it just so beautiful how the Lord works :) You will have a beautiful story to tell Gwyneth someday! Blessings...
Thanks so much for sharing your unbelievably touching story with all of us. My twin sister ( who also has CF ), told me about your site weeks ago, and I have been addicted ever since. I find myself getting teary eyed almost daily when reading the latest updates on your family's journey this past year. The ups, the downs, the stress, the joy, the hope, the faith, etc.....your world is truly an inspiration to us all. And I'm sure I speak for all the ladies out there when I say.....can we clone you, Nate? To have such a supportive, loving, caring, and dedicated husband and father.....both your girls are very lucky to have you. Thanks again, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that you, Trish & Gwyneth will be together at home soon! AJP in Chicago
emilyGod is good!!
She is so pretty!!
I pray that she will soon join you and your family outside of the hospital.
I have been keeping up with your story and it is amazing- straight from God.
God is using your family in amazing ways. Thank you for allowing Him to work in and through you. It definitely has been a blessing in my life.
What miracles you have!!! Your girls are amazing!
you two deserve every bit of God's love and miracles.
One of my favorite songs comes to mind.... "our God is an awesome God"....
Happy Due date Gwyneth!!!
Beautiful! So happy for you. Praise the Lord.....
Praise God for where you all are today! Gwyneth is so gorgeous and looks like such a big girl now!! She also looks like her daddy, in my opinion!
I have goosebumps reading all the ways God has moved in your lives over such a short span ... there is no doubt that he intends to use your family to further His kingdom. Thanks for sharing!
God is awesome. We are looking at two wonderful miracles - no doubt.
Praise be to our Great Father.
She is so beautiful. Happy due date
Blessed be the name of the Lord - Blessed the name
I've been singing "Our God is So BIG" to my baby girl lately and how much truth is in that simple song. I'm thankful that you've shared your lives and your (our) God with the world these past months. Praise HIS name! Happy due date Gwyneth!
She has the best hair EVER!!
you know anything is possible with God
The only way to explain these events is GOD!! What wonderful miricles! Looks like Gwyneth has some red hair!
May we NEVER think that God isn't BIG enough to cover the "chances" that the doctors give. Our God is a God of miracles and HE loves doing things to blow our minds... and HE has accomplished that and more in your lives. I am blessed to have been a partner/ride taker with you. Thank you for sharing your lives with me.
Your daughter is GORGEOUS!!
praise the Lord for His miralces!!
-Emily Haager :)
Amen! I am so thankful - for your family, your faith, and your story! THanks for sharing all so freely...still praying!
Nate, you always make me smile and realize that there is a power we can not see only feel and watch the ways he walks through this world making his mark. It is great to see tricia out of the hospital, and the baby getting so big ... so now the story is what color is her hair ... we here at work are having a debate!
hope all continues to thrive for you 3
Praise the Lord! She is so beautiful - and God is so Good.
These pics are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! She is so precious.
Praise God!!!! You havea beautiful baby & a lovely wife!!! You are blessed beyond measure!!!
Happy due date day Gwyneth! Keep growing beautiful girl!
She is looking SO GOOD! What beautiful hair!
Amen. Favorite picture of Gwenyth's sweet face and beautiful eyes.
Truly amazing! She is so beautiful... Enjoy every moment with your two wonderful amazing girls!
-Katie L
We have been so blessed to follow your story for the past several weeks and rejoice with you and for you!
Praise the Lord for all of the wonderful works He has done in your girls lives. I have truly enjoyed watching your story unfold, and continuing to uplift your family in my prayers. You have moved me in a ways you will never know!! Thank you for sharing everything you have with us. I can't wait to see your lives progress to even more wonderful things. Your family is incredible! Gwyneth is just beautiful!!
Seriously Nathan and Tricia, i cannot stop coming here and looking at her, she's sooo beautiful.
I love the photos. She is getting so big! Pray works will.
What a wonderful testimony to the grace and extreme and unsurpassed power of our Father God. Sol Deo Gloria!
No need to respond...just wanted to let you know that I finally figured out how to add your blog to my blog.
So happy for you all and God's blessings!
Your story is God's Love and Faithfulness in action!
Beyond a shadow of doubt I have seen HIM over & over again while following your journey and I share the many stories of God showing himself through YOU THREE, with SO many, many people, as long as I find someone who hasnt heard of your journey, or who needs a update I will continue to do so, Yes above I said God shows himself through you three, because I beleive God had his hand on you Nathan, guiding you through each day......
I love today's pic's of Gwyneth,
do I see big beautiful blue eyes to go along with a very popping' shade of strawberry blonde hair =) =)
It is WAY BEYOND - SO GOOD to "see" your lives going from every day having to deal with uncertainties to preparing to head home as the rocking' strong solid family that you are...
With love & Prayers always
Patricia N.
Wow, she's *so* pretty! Thanks for sharing :)
Wow.... beautifully written. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!!
WOW-how amazing to see the due date and see how big Gwyneth has gotten.
This is my first time leaving a comment after following this blog for so long, but after seeing how your baby girl is "chunking up" and how Tricia is healthy and getting stronger daily I have to say that God is really showing off now, isn't He? I love it when He does that!!
OH MY!! She is sooo beautiful! LOVE the red hair. Of course I'm in love with the hair color as ALL my boys have red hair. LOVE IT and she is just precious!!!
Many Blessings.....
She is now 1 day old in adjusted age. :) Praise Jesus for your beautiful pictures. I had a tough draining day. I got home and should have gone straight to bed. Instead I got online to see how you guys spent Gwyneth's Due Date. :)
Thanks for being inspirational for being strong. Thank you Tricia.
She is absolutely beautiful, and yes, your family is absolutely blessed!!
I read your blog and see Jesus, absolutely. I see Him all over your story, interwoven in your lives. Thank you for sharing your journey and for giving Him the glory each step of the way. Continued prayers for healing and growth and the three of you together at home soon.
Gwyneth is such a beautiful baby! Thank the Lord for the story and all the miraculous ways God has shown His favor to you guys. What an awesome story with yet to be written chapters!
Look at that red hair!! I love the "O" face where she is pursing her little lips together!! What a gorgeous little girl!
God is good.
Keep truckin' you guys!
Much Love,
The Vande Castles.
Thanks be to God who is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. To Him be all glory forever and ever. Amen!
Happy "Birth Day" Gwen. Thank you for changing so many peoples lives.
One little girl. So many miracles.
God Bless you and your family.
What a daddy's girl she is! So happy for all of you. Cannot wait for you all to get back home and begin your new life together. God bless all of you!
Happy Due Date Birthday, Gwyneth!
I love her facial expressions. What a JOY she is!
We are all so ecstatic that everything is working out so well!! We all hope to meet Gwyneth at the Elizabeth City walk!!! God has a wonderful plan for you all!!
Beautiful eyes, cute little nose, perfect little ilps, such a beautiful face...... GOD is good.
I'm so happy for you and your family that Tricia has been discharged!! Hopefully Gwyneth will get to join you at 'home' soon! My prayers are still with you! God is Awesome!! I can't believe how big she is now!! I also wanted to thank you for letting us in on your Amazing story of how Great our God is!
A Miracle of God's Love!
She is STUNNING! Look at her red hair, her eyes, expressions on her face.
God Bless you.
I've been away from the computer for several days. I can't believe how big she's gotten! We are so happy your family is doing so well!
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