Monday, August 18, 2008

Bad Day

Tricia's not feeling well today. Very tired and her stomach is really bothering her. As I've mentioned before, because she has CF, she is constantly dealing with digestive issues, so it's hard now to know if any problems are related to the CF or to the chemo, but, more than likely, today is a chemo problem.

Also, because she is still only less than five months removed from the double lung transplant (which means she hasn't yet "fully" recovered), and because she is taking a few handful of transplant drugs every day before the added medications she is now taking for the lymphoma, her body is having a rough time. She cannot take some of the typical cancer drugs (like those that help boost white blood count) because they would cause a greater risk for rejection. All of this, plus a few other factors, make her journey with chemo very different than most others (again, not to minimize the sufferings of anyone who has to deal with chemo), which is why she literally needs somebody with her 24/7 for the next few days. Tricia is as tough as God makes them, and I know that, when she is hurting and "tired", she really means it.

It's a burden to think of her going through this several more times over the next few months, and a blessing to know that she should be feeling better by the end of the week...

Again, thanks for your prayers today and the next few days.



Andrea said...

We are specifically praying for Tricia today!

Amy Lynn said...

Thinking of you and Tricia!

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

You're right, Nate. Tricia is one tough cookie. Praying she'll feel better soon this week. X

mel said...

Tricia, I wish you felt better! I will be lifting you up all day today! And I know I will not be the only one!! :) Nate, I know this is hard for you to watch Tricia go through this and I'm praying special blessings for you too!

God bless you three, Melissa

RoseGirl said...


Blessings to you all,

Southern CA

Aimee said...

You all are in my thoughts.

I can't even begin to imagine what Tricia is going through is she is amazingly strong and I look up to her strength =]

Jen said...

Thinking and praying for you Tricia! You are in our daily prayers!!

emily said...

I came across your blog somehow (I'm sure a God thing!) and I have been following your story and praying for your family. I just thought I would finally introduce myself! I am praying for Tricia and His glory to be GREAT in her today. That His love would abound in depths that she has not yet experienced, that she would truly know how much He loves her. God bless!

Renee said...

Just a helpful hint for the chemo. I just finish chemo treatment one year ago for Breast Cancer. An edlerly man told me to sip on Sweet Ice tea all day and it will help with the sickness. I did and it really helped.

My prayers are with you daily.

Cindy said...

Praying for Tricia and your whole family!!

Anonymous said...


I really feel for you guys. The "ups" vanish quickly away and the "downs" seem to linger.

Here's praying for "normalcy". And for God's comfort, care, and compassion.

Jane said...

always praying for you guys!

Lord, please hear our prayers.

Elizabeth said...

So sorry to hear this. Interesting about the neupogen; Will had both it and the red-blood cell stimulating drug with every chemo treatment when he had his second PTLD event, although he was about 6years post tx, so maybe that's the differnce. (He also was in the hospital with neutropenia after every chemo anyway, so hope you can avoid that.) Take care, we're thinking of you,

Unknown said...

praying for you all...

debbale said...

Tricia I am praying for you today. I hate you have to go through this it just doesn't seem fair. But as Nat said it is a blessing you will be better and when you beat this thing you will feel GREAT!

Tricia said...

Hang in there Tricia! You have come so far and you really more than deserve a break. We continue to pray that you and Nate will get a good one SOON. Love to Gwyneth too.
Tricia and Family (N.VA)

I Speak Refugee, Let's Chat! said...

Praying for those experiencing chemo and the nasty sides associated with the bad-cell-fighting-poison.

JoAnn said...

I am praying for you Tricia to feel better not only today, but for the long haul. May God bless you with strength, health, and a mighty spirit.
Love in Christ,

Jennifer said...

"The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:28-31 (NLT).


Job said...

I am praying for Tricia right *now*... I pray for God's strength, mercy, grace and His healing touch. In Jesus' name.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. Like you said, most CF patients know how to deal with feeling badly...if Tricia mentioned it, it must be pretty uncomfortable :( I'll be praying and thinking of her.

Bev J. said...

Praying that God will surround Tricia, you and Gwyneth with His presence in extra measure this week. I am so sorry to hear that Tricia is experiencing these side effects. "God please encourage her, comfort her and help her through this. And please give Nathan peace and strength as he supports her and tries to balance ministry and home life. Thanks for this precious family." ~ Bev in Surrey, BC, CANADA

bdodge said...

I am praying for you today, Tricia. Praying for our Great God to give you rest and healing!


DustyDoodles said...

Thinking of your family today -- Tricia, as well as you and Baby Gweneth. I hope she begins feeling better soon and that you both get the rest you need. Prayers coming your way.

Bailey said...

i have tears in my eyes, as i can feel your love and concern for you wife just pouring out of your post. i will continue praying for the both of you.


Cara said...

Praying especially hard for you today, Tricia.

Kathy said...

So sorry Tricia is feeling so bad. I pray for sweet distractions during these times.

~j~ said...


Ann said...

I too have tears. Your love for your wife is so transparent. God bless you all! May He give you peace.

much love in Christ,

Michelle M. said...

Praying for Tricia today.

Classy Fab Sarah said...

Prayers for Tricia to feel better soon.

I remember how rotten my mom felt when she was going through chemo - add in the double lung transplant and I can't imagine how difficult this must be for Tricia.

I will be praying that Tricia gets on a feel-better upswing very soon.

Stacey said...

I'm praying for you and Tricia and your family!

Marty said...

So sad to hear Tricia is having a bad day. Lifting her (and you) up in prayer.

Marty said...

So sad to hear Tricia is having a bad day. Lifting her (and you) up in prayer.

Di said...

Absolutely praying!!

Melissa Dovel said...

Praying for sweet mercy I am sure even the toughest of them all grow weary. Know that you are lifted up in prayer to feel better quicker than expected and to have all the great and desired residules of Chemo and none of the bad ones.

In His Perfectness He created you Tricia,


Mrs. Dan said...

Praying for you and Tricia. Thanks for being honest with us so we can know how to better lift you up in prayer.

Corinne said...

Praying for you all everyday. Today I'm sending extra prayers for you Tricia.

krissy said...

Oh, I have never seen someone who has such a positive outlook, incredible faith and unconditional love as Tricia. I know these times are hard but I have no doubt that there are brighter days in the future.

Tricia...I send you hugs from South Dakota and pray for your well being. You are stong. And you have a great family in your corner. Keep smiling!

Julie D said...

:::Sending Tricia as much strength as the Internet bandwidth will allow:::

Hugs to all.

Deciduous Heather said...

I have been lurking forever, but I check in with you guys everyday.....(((HUGS))) to Tricia today and to you as you watch her clear this next hurdle. I know she will overcome it and next week will be better. Take it one day at a time. (((HUGS)))
Praying in NC

Cassie12 said...

Praying for Tricia - I am sorry she is feeling so bad.
Susan from California

DavitaJo said...

I was a little whiney this morning about how tired I was...from staying up late and watching the Olympics. I'm going to stop whining now.

Lisa and family said...

I'm praying that Tricia is feeling better from this round very shortly.

Marsmile said...

Hope you rebound quickly, Tricia. Feel better soon! Take it easy and rest with your sweet lil girl who definitely lifts up your spirit as well as Nathan's! :-)


Kerry said...

Nate..when she is tired on chemo as you know its a bone tired and you need to sleep. Plus with still recovering I can't even imagine how she is feeling.
All any of us in the situation we are in, Is take it one day at time and thats all. Its to hard to sit and wonder what is going to down next week let alone three weeks from now due to the next treatment.

I am praying for something specific and thats when Tricia is resting this week that God is steadly working on healing this lymphoma.

Your right Tricia is tough and I am glad you as her caregiver see and hear what she is saying. Cause that is a blessing to her right now.Rest is the best thing for her at this point.

Praying for you as well Nate. Because I know its mind boggling at times all of it.

Liz Ferguson said...

I am praying!


Ramblings of an Army Wife said...

Praying for strength, and rest.

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Tricia IS tough. I think the typical person would get sick to their stomach from the sheer number of pills alone.

I am sorry she is having a rough time tho, she deserves to feel good... really good.

I hope the side effects are short term and she is feeling better each day.

Christy said...


Lee said...

No words. Just prayers....

Marlene said...

Tricia, I pray you feel God's arms wrapped around you and he helps you deal with the side affects. You are such an inspiration to us! I will never complain about my issues that are so small compared to what you deal with. You are my Hero!

Kellita said...

Praying for you both, and for strength for Tricia to make it through this rough spot.

renee said...

praying for you Tricia!

grandmato3girls said...

Nate and Tricia,
Praying for you here in Georgia..
I hope you recover from this round of Chemo quickly...Nate I know how hard it is to see your loved one go through these things,,remember to take care of yourself too...
I will say extra prayers for you all this week...

Unknown said...

I'm a first time commenter...but a long time every day faithful reader and prayer warrior for you guys! Joe and Carolyn are dear friends of mine from LBC and I can remember back so clearly to Cheryl's wedding in early January and not knowing at that time what was going on with Tricia or Gwyneth. I am just marveling at how far the Lord has brought you three and how far you have yet to travel! How assuring to know He is mighty to save!!! That He is walking beside you and that He is not only with Tricia 24/7, but you as well! I pray you feel Him so close to you both and that Tricia, you feel an extra special touch on your body this week! Thank you for sharing your story with so many, and encouraging my faith! Know I am lifting you all up to our Father!! Standing in the gap for you guys!

Yamma Mamma said...

Praying for you and Tricia...

Twinkletoes said...

I am praying for Tricia's strength and continued determination. Stay strong Tricia! We are all rooting for you!

Amy said...

Praying for Tricia today. Praying that her sickness will ease - she is definitely the toughest person I have ever heard of!!! God bless you guys!

shoutingforha said...

Praying for Tricia this week....

Audrey said...

A million prayers for Tricia and for those who love and care for her. And a million more prayers that she get a much needed break from feeling crappy and get to just enjoy these first few months of motherhood (with that fat girl!!).

Karen said...


Deb said...


Patyrish said...

I hate it that she is feeling so bad from the chemo. I was hoping somehow she would avoid the nasty side effects and problems that go along with it. I think she deserves a break OR A HUNDRED!

Praying for you Tricia. I hope that you are feeling back to yourself in no time.

Paige Hinrichs said...

I'm praying for Tricia tonight and will do so again first thing in the morning. You are so blessed to have family close by, for I couldn't imagine having a little baby and being sick. Tricia is so strong!

Praying for you as well, Nate. : )

Rest well.

Unknown said...

i love you tricia and i was praying for you so much and will continue to do so...please know that I wish I was closer to see you and be there with you. I think about you all the time and love you SO much.

Unknown said...

i love you tricia and i was praying for you so much and will continue to do so...please know that I wish I was closer to see you and be there with you. I think about you all the time and love you SO much.

AlaneM said...

As always beautiful pics the last few days.
Also as always, praying for you all.
Tricia, you are a hero!
God bless.

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

Praying for Tricia, may she feel better soon.

That pic of the two of them together is beautiful!

Hugs & Blessings!

Scott said...

We are praying Nate!

Coffespaz said...

Sending lots of hugs and lots of prayers! You are both as "tough as God makes them" and you both make a wonderful team.

Catherine said...

I will be praying for Tricia !!!

twinsmom said...

Our family is praying. I hope you feel our prayers as well as our love. We have added you to our circle of loved ones. Welcome.
Love and Prayers,

Kerry said...

Just letting you I was thinking about all of you today.
Still praying from here in your families behalf.

Annette said...

Still praying for Tricia. Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated even though you are super busy with Tricia, Gwyneth and your job. You are all in our prayers. In God's Love, Annette

Undomestic said...

Praying for your strength today. You can beat this! You can do it!

The Sinks said...

Praying for you all today...

Unknown said...

Praying for Tricia's continued peace and good spirits...and yours, too!