Tuesday, August 5, 2008


...is a two-way street.



Kristen said...

LOL! Cute photo moment.

Angela R. said...

Look at Daddy and his little princess... Adorable! :)

Melissa said...

Thats so cute! She's a beautiful little girl!

Tammy C said...

Now you know how to get the people to still read your blog-the pictures of Gwyneth are so adorable!

North Carolina Mom said...

Aw, it's just a new love story going on over there!

Amanda said...

that is ADORABLE!! I loved those moments. She is just tooo cute!

Ashley Gray said...

awwww....so true.

Cara said...

So very precious.

Stacemoe said...

PRECIOUS!!!!! Sweet Gywneth is so blessed to have such a wonderful Daddy!!!!!

Stacemoe said...

Do you think she will recognize you once you are bald??? Also, I am assuming the facial hair will go too when you shave your head? :)
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Awe.. now how precious is that!!! The memories are just flooding back from when my little ones were that age.

Marty said...

Such a sweet moment. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Megan and Company said...

She's just getting ready to kiss that hairy head goodbye.....

Bridget said...

Wow--she's getting so big! Adorable picture!

Kimberly said...

okay idea theft -- make it a 2 fer - go for 5000 to get facial hair at the same time :o) Happy fundraising!

Jennifer said...


"get a good look Gwyneth. Daddy is going to go bald on Friday."

Anxious AF said...

I love this picture!

Kim said...

Aww-one of my favorites of your pictures. Just precious.

Heather said...

Really loving all the photos and videos. It's great to see her personality developing as well as she's developed from birth. Such a tough and lovely gal!

Deb and Sean said...

This is by far, my favourite photo ... to date!!!!
Keep 'em coming!

Mary said...

What a priceless picture. Eyes locked, and love shining through.


Anonymous said...

So sweet. You're the hero you know?

~j~ said...

and that fascination never goes away either... it just keeps getting better!

Sonja said...

Beautiful picture...

Beverly said...


Michelle Jamie said...

I've been sitting here a while to find a way to express what I think of the photo....I keep coming up with things that don't go like

*I could squeeze the photo till it's head pops off

*It's so cute I could eat it up

...some how I don't think those quiet go!!

I think you get the msg though!!

Meredith K Beaupre said...

That is a Daddy's Girl if I have ever seen one!!!

Patyrish said...

PERFECTION in a picture. I love it.

Somer Love said...

I love this photo!!!!

Brenda said...

Love this photo! And the caption, too!