Friday, September 5, 2008

1 Year of Blogging

Today marks one day since I began this blog. It started, on our second day in Durham, as a simple and fun way to stay in touch with family and friends back home as well as an opportunity to educate the random stranger who might find their way here. Who could have imagined...

Nearly 6.5 million hits later, it's incredibly hard to believe it's really been a year. I can remember very clearly when the idea for this blog came to my mind, late one night, a few days before This First Post, when I couldn't sleep. I had no idea what lay ahead for us, but I somehow knew it might be a good idea to document it.

We kept the pregnancy a secret for three months, and it was often hard to figure out what to blog about, knowing that there was so much more going on in our lives than we were yet willing to share with more than our family and a few close friends. Those first few months were, in many ways, the most difficult and uncertain, and the blog, and those of you who have been with us since the beginning of the blog, gave me an incredibly therapeutic outlet to laugh and vent and share.

So, today, I'm inviting you to leave a comment and help us remember this past year of blogging. Whether you've been here since day one, or have just joined us in recent months, consider contributing to this post and helping us celebrate.

When did you first start reading CFHusband? Why do you continue coming back? What has been your favorite moment of our story so far? Do you have a favorite post or picture or video?

Thank you so much for your continued support and kind thoughts and words. You have truly helped make this past year very special, and we will always be thankful for your friendship.

Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth Rose


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Julie Keefe said...

In my simple, selfish, self-centered, glory stealing, sinning life, I come here to remember gratitude and miracles. Thank you for honesty, sincerity and heart-stopping photos. I love them all.

Katie said...

I had a little girl on January 3rd and my sister and her two little girls were interested since our babies are close in age. She was hooked by your blog and it wasn't long before I was too! What a wonderful story you all have of God's love, mercy, provision and proof that He still performs miracles.

Thank you for sharing your lives, hearts and faith with me over these past few months. It is inspiring and encouraging, not to mention a great demonstration of the power of prayer.

Debbie said...

I started reading your blog this last spring. I found it via someone elses blog. I continue to come back so I can stay up to date, know how to pray, & be encouraged by your walk with the Lord.

Florida_Mom said...

I've been reading since early January a couple of days before Gwyneth was born. Megan posted your story on a message board we both visit.

I was hooked and checked about twenty times a day in the beginning. I keep coming back because I can't wait to see what God does next. I even checked Janet, Megan and your Dad and Andy's blogs if there wasn't an update. It was so cool to hear all the different points of view.

I think my favorite post was the video Hands on a miracle. Then I also remember the videos of each of you holding Gywneth for the first time.

Your family and faith are such an inspiration.

Happy Blog Birthday!

sarah said...

I started reading your blog in late December. I was immediately hooked. I have literally cried, laughed, and cheered with and for you. I have told many people about your blog and describe the two of you as "the most amazing and inspiring couple that I have never met". Thank you for sharing your life with us!!

AlaneM said...

I fell in love with your family not long after Gwyneth was born, like maybe a week or so. Don't remember where I found you exactly but it was from a link on a blog & I was hooked from the get-go. You have been a blessing to so many by sharing a slice of your lives with us. Thank you for opening my eyes to CF & showing us how organ donation can save lives.
Congrats on your anneversary & I look forward to the next year with you.

Katie Hilfiker said...

Hey Nate, Tricia and Gwenyth!
I have been reading your blog since... maybe mid-December. I found you on Asher and Jacob's friends, and fell in love with all of you! I think my two favorite things were Gwenyth being born (I'm the mom of a 32 weeker), and Tricia getting a new set of lungs. Both amazing days for your family, but I'm sure you count all your days as pretty special. You are an amazing family, and I enjoy following your story. Keep up the great blogging work, and I look forward to seeing many more pictures.

AlaneM said...

I forgot to answer your questions!

I keep coming back because I feel like you are friends & I care about you very much.

My favorite moments have been 1. when you held her for the first time 2. when Tricia saw her for the first time& 3. when Tricia held her for the first time.

I also was deeply touched when Tricia got her lungs but the mommy/daddy moments touch my mom's heart like nothing else :)

Oh and pictures, any pics of your lil rose are worth many thousands of words. She is a miricle & I'm blessed each time I see her sweet face.

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I began reading April 2 of this year. It stood out to me because it was my little guy's 1st birthday and your birthday too, as well as Tricia's surgery. i think that because that first day was so important I kept coming back. There is nothing more amazing that to watch a miracle in progress!

A said...

Greetings! I found you via mommylife on April 2, 2008. I have been praying for you, Tricia & GR each day since. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. I would have to say that all the videos and photos are my favorite! You are inspiring.

The Beaver Bunch said...

First of all, can I just say how funny it is that your first post has 0 comments, and here I am a year later hoping to come in at #211! Amazing.

I joined the CFHusband journey just days after(or maybe even the day of) Gwyneth's birth.

The most significant memory I have so far is calling my friend Lindy when you posted that Tricia went into surgery for the TX. I remember crying and praying with her, over the phone. I continue to be amazed at how the spirit moves me to think about you all so often and with such fondness.

I keep coming b/c I'm a stalker. Ok, I seriously keep coming b/c I feel connected to you all as a believer in Christ. I see clearly the miracles that He is working in your lives and I NEED that constant reminder that He is powerful, miraculous and, above all, love.

Thanks for sharing. It means more to us than you could ever know.

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

I first started reading your blog last Spring. April I think. I can`t remember how I found this blog, but was hooked from the first read.

I remember the night of Tricia`s transplant. I felt like a stalker, checking your blog every few minutes. I could not sleep. I was a woman obsessed.

Mrs. Sassy S. said...

I started reading your blog at the beginning of January. Found you from reading someone else's blog (can't remember who). I've returned everyday since!

My favorite post was when Tricia received her transplant. I am married to a Kidney transplant recipient so I know about the "dry runs" and I was so happy when I read that it was or real that time, I was at work and I actually squealed with delight.

My favorite picture was your first official family picture. I cried tears of joy.

I keep returning everyday just for the simple fact that I feel as though you’re my family. I may never meet you, Nate, Tricia or Gwyneth but I will carry you three in my hearts forever. You love each other so much and your faith is beyond my comprehension. I can't wait for the post where Tricia is in full remission. I know without a shadow of a doubt that it WILL happen.

Tricia, I just pray that I will someday become just a portion of the lady you are. You are such a portrait of strength. You have been so encouraging to me. Your faith in God is so strong. You may have your fears but you don’t let them take over you. You are awesome!

Nate, you my brother. You're so encouraging. You are such an incredible husband & father. You rock!

Gwyneth, you my dear one have been blessed beyond measure with the best parents a little girl could ever dream of. Your mom is a portrait of strength and your dad is such a loving man. I enjoy watching you grow and become your own little person. You have been through the ringer already and you’re so young. You are a miracle sent straight from God.

I am honored that you all let all of us snoop through your life. It has boosted my faith through the roof! I can't wait for the post that says "5 years of blogging" because I can only imagine where God will lead y'all too.
Love & TONS of prayers,

25weekermom said...

I can't remember exactly when I became addicted to your blog, not long after Gwyneth was born I think. I am the mom of a 25 weeker (now 4) and found it through another preemie blog that I read from time to time. I stuck around because you guys have an amazing story...and who doesn't love a good love story! You have a gift for writing that makes it fun to read too.

tessa said...

I've learned much about CF from your blog and even more about how strong the human spirit really is. Thank you for sharing your incredible journey with us.

Q's NEWS said...

I have been following your blog since close to the beginning. I can't remember whose blog led me here, I am sure it was a blogger who had posted a prayer request for you, maybe jodi from the nitty.gritty blog. I remember becoming enthralled with your story and sharing it with others. I feel like Gwyneth and Tricia are both real life miracles that I actually got to witness (from afar)

Of course, your superb writing abilities keep me on the edge of my seat and I couldn't read each segment of "The Story of Us" fast enough!

All the questions from everyone have probably driven you crazy so I really appreciate your patience and willingness to answer them (especially the dumb ones) and to keep the blog continually updated so we know what to pray for and also how everything is going. I intend to come to the Outer Banks someday and meet all 3 of you!

Love from WV,

chocolate hug said...

Hello CF Husband and all your readers! I bumped into your blog by accident, via a friend's, just about two months ago. Your story is incredibly compelling and is an amazing reminder that none of us can really know the purpose God has set before us but we can trust that he'll give us what we need to carry it out (even if that means a new set of lungs and a bald husband.)

A few years back my cousin Andy lost his long and horrible battle with cancer. He was too far away to visit, but like you, his family kept a blog of his journey. I guess a part of me keeps coming back for him...knowing that all the people who prayed for him and cared helped him stay strong till God called him home. What a blessing technology can be, that so many of "the saints" can lift you up in prayer to our Heavenly Father!

The entry that left an impression on me so far was the one with all the pictures of the three of you bald. It brought tears to my eyes. Actually I just all out cried. What a blessing that all three of you have each other, not only to offer comfort but also to point the other to Christ when the times get tough, and to laugh when life is just too much!

thank you for continuing to share!


Cassie12 said...

Not sure what blog I was reading that asked me to pray for Tricia...back in December. I have checked in on all of you several times a day and have prayed for you all. Your faith is such an inspiration. I feel like I know your family. Thank you so much for sharing your story and for all the wonderful pictures.
Susan from California

BarBQ Mom said...

I remember exactly when I started reading the blog. It was the night Tricia had her transplant surgery. I had linked from another blog which listed yours as their favorite. Not knowing what the blog was about (I did think CF stood for Cystic Fibrosis, but I had no clue about any of your journey), I was shocked to realize that Tricia was having transplant surgery right as I was reading. Not believing in coincidences, I immediately began praying for Tricia. Of course, the next morning I rushed to the blog to see how the surgery went and have been praying and coming back ever since.

As I started reading more of the blog, I was drawn to a couple of things. The first is that Tricia was at Duke. My husband and I both graduated from Duke, so I always have a special place in my heart when I hear someone is at Duke Hospital. Secondly, we also had a preemie (not micro, 32 weeks, doing great now at 7 yrs old). I know the faith journey God took us on with our son, and I have enjoyed reading about your experiences with Gwenyth (and the NICU).

As a Christian, it has been joyful to watch God work in your lives. Thanks for letting us in on it.

25weekermom said...

I can't remember when I first became addicted to your blog...shortly after Gwyneth was born I think. I am the mom of a 25 weeker (now 4) and I found you through the blog of another preemie mom when she was asking for prayers for you guys. I stuck around because you have an amazing story, and who doesn't enjoy a great love story? You have a gift for writing that makes your blog fun to read as well as being truely inspirational.

Blair said...

I found your blog through links when Tricia was about to deliver Gwyneth. You have such a beautiful, miraculous story that I keep coming back every couple days to check up on things!

Betsy said...

I started reading your blog in January. I had just found out a friend's newborn possibly had CF and was trying to get in touch with other CF parents. I reached out to a past coworker only to discover that his 21 yo son had just passed away 11 months after receiving a double lung transplant. I was devastated. I relayed that story to a friend of mine who lives in Manteo and goes to your church. She told me about your blog and I have read it ever since.
I have been donating to the CF cause through my prior coworker's fund raising efforts for over 10 years. I know how little is traditionally spent on research for what is considered childhood diseases including children's cancer and am thrilled to see your efforts and the response to them. My Mom was also diagnosed with NHL last October and underwent 6 rounds of R-CHOP, so I have seen a tastes of what Tricia is currently going through. All in all I keep coming back because of the pictures, Gwyneth's smile, your honesty and the hope it gives to everyone facing adversity. You and your family are a gift.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lifes.So.Sweet said...

I am a member of Today's Parent forums. Members would post your blog and tell all of us that you need prayers & vibes, and Tricia. It was then I got hooked. Your story is much more then a miracle, it's like a fairytale, romance, a beautiful daughter and a loving family. It's what everyone dreams of.
Thank you for allowing us into your lives.
God Bless

Kate said...

I've been reading since December. Thanks so much for sharing your lives with so many. Your family, your faith, and your genuineness are an inspiration.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I heard about you from my friend down in Yorba Linda, CA. She use to go to a church that your dad has a good friend at. I have been reading your blog since early March but had been kept up todate from my friend weekly. You have a wonderful testimony for Jesus Christ. My mom in Colorado now reads too.

We pray for your family often

The Gotz family

Unknown said...

Dear N,T,G
I have 7 year old twin girls with CF. They were premies born at 30 weeks and after both their intestines perforated at birth, the doctors did DNA tests and discovered the cystic fibrosis. This time in our lives was definitely the toughest thing my husband and I ever had to go through...but we love Jesus with all our hearts and He has gently carried us through all the heartache and fear, however with Him, He brings much hope and strength, and of course His immeasurable love for us is more than enough to meet our needs.
I've been following your blog since Jan 08. I've tried to respond a couple times but I'm cyber challenged and I usually can't figure out how to enter a comment. I've been praying for your family since Jan. Except for Tricia's transplant, we've experienced some of the same life trials...the CF, the preemie baby, the NICU life, surgeries, coming home from the hospital etc. You have blessed me so much by sharing your thoughts, feelings, pictures, and just seeing your humor in the moments of your everyday life through extra-ordinary circumstances. But mostly your faith in God has encouraged and uplifted my spirit many times and as a CF mom, I appreciate that so much. So thank you for taking the time to blog to the world, which includes me in Keizer Oregon.
PS: My twins are doing well right now. Starting 2nd grade.
2nd PS: I love all the first-time moments you have shared. And you have so many totally awesome pics, but one of my top fav is the Fraggle!
-Your friend on the west coast, Monica

Anonymous said...

When did you first start reading CFHusband? About 5 months ago!

Why do you continue coming back?
to be more precise than just "addicted", i find myself thinking and praying for Gwyneth and Tricia. Also, the love and support you have for your wife is like nothing I have ever seen and I know us readers dont even know HALF of it.

What has been your favorite moment of our story so far? You shaving your head so Tricia did not have to go thru that alone!

Do you have a favorite post or picture or video? I love to see pics of Meka...too cute!

korokoro said...

I started in January when a friend of mine who is a mother of micro premie introduced your blog in her blog. Your story is very inspiring in trusting God. I love pictures of your beautiful daughter.

Thank you so much for sharing your life.
God bless.

AubreysMom said...

I first started reading this blog about 2 days before Trisha got her new set of lungs. I saw a link from someone elses blog and was up late and killing time on the computer while I was waiting for calls back. I'm a kidney and liver transplant coordinator in So CA and we were incredibly busy with multiple transplants going. I've been working in the transplant industry (first on the donor side and now the recipient side) for close to 4 years now and am also a former NICU mom-although my daughter was only in the NICU for 6 days (a 35 weeker-much different than your experience I know) and was instantly captured by your story. I started praying that Trisha would get her transplant soon and was so thrilled to see when she did. I've continued to check in with your blog frequently and keep your whole family in my prayers. You're an inspiration to us all!


valn said...

Hi Nate
I started reading your blog in January, when Gwyneth was born. I am a mom of triplet and I found your link on the triplet connection website. my babies were just born prematurely last Jan, that's probably why my favourite video is "hands on a miracle" makes me cry every time I see it! BUT the best moment of your story (for me of course) is when Tricia held Gwyneth for the first time! I'm also a surgeon, have worked in a transplant unit for awhile, I know what you and Tricia have been through beyond your words, you amazed me every time. you are beautiful people and are e blessing to all of us. Thank you
Valeria, Milano Italy

Catherine said...

I started reading your blog a few weeks after Gwyneth was born. I found out about your blog from one of my Crosswalk forums friends. I have stuck around because you blog is interesting and I want to continue to see how you all are doing.

megasam said...

I started reading your blog about a month befoe Gwyneth was born. I was so impressed by Tricia that I kept coming back to see how she was doing. I cried the day Gwyneth was born. I cried the day Tricia got her lungs. I cried the day Gwyneth went home. And I cried the day Tricia was diagnosed with lymphoma. There have been lots of laughing and crying in between there as well. I couldn't believe that I could be touched by a family I have never met, but you all have made an impression in my life.

I have loved all of the pictures. But I think my favorite is the fraggle hat picture. That was so cute!!

I will continue to read as long as you continue to blog. It is an honor to be able to watch Gwyneth grow. And Tricia is such an inspiration.

Happy 1 year blogiversary (totally not a word).

Sonia said...

I believe I started reading your blog just a few days before Gwyneth was born. I had found it through another blog that was asking for prayer for you and your family. And I've been hooked ever since.

My favorite parts would have to be the miracle birth of Gwyneth and Tricia's transplant.

Thank you for sharing your journey and faith. My prayers are still with you all.

Terry E :) said...

I started reading your blog a few weeks before Gwyneth was born. I am a NICU nurse- so my interest was immediately peaked. I've continued to come back daily because I am continually encouraged by your story and your faith( not to mention that you all feel like family now ). May God continue to bless your beautiful family!

Travelin' Tracy said...

I started reading this blog in January or February because I found the link on my best friend's blog. I was intstantly hooked as cheering for you all. And I was constantly impressed and thankful to see other spiritual people out there.

My favorite post was when I found out that there was a positive donor. Since then I have just been glad that things are still going as best as possible. I would also like to note that I decided to become an organ donor this summer!

Karolien said...

I just came across your weblog in January. Gwyneth was a week or so old. We had lost our daughter Annalien in december, she had lived for 19 hours. She was born at 40 weeks and 6 days and everything was fine, till she was born. God had shown me through Annalien and your story that he is in control of life.
I can not understand why we are going trough difficult times, but I know that I can trust Him. Thank you for your blog
It was good for me to read your story and I'm praying for your family.

cookie16 said...

I've been following this blog ever since Tricia was put on the prayer chain at PBU prior to her delivery of your precious baby. It has been a blessing and a priviledge to pray for the 3 of you. The Lord has blessed you so much. Sharing your thoughts, concerns, videos and pictures are a testimony to the Lord. Tricia and Gwyneth are two precious miracles.

Because of your blog, I will be changing my drivers license to reflect that I will become an organ donor at my renewal in April.

It would be very interesting to aske the question: How many people have become organ donors since becoming with your amazing story.

Thank you for sharing your heart with so many people. I feel like I know you both, I work at PBU and Millie is a coworker!

God Bless your family...keeping Tricia in our prayers. God bless you Tricia!


cookie16 said...

I've been following this blog ever since Tricia was put on the prayer chain at PBU prior to her delivery of your precious baby. It has been a blessing and a priviledge to pray for the 3 of you. The Lord has blessed you so much. Sharing your thoughts, concerns, videos and pictures are a testimony to the Lord. Tricia and Gwyneth are two precious miracles.

Because of your blog, I will be changing my drivers license to reflect that I will become an organ donor at my renewal in April.

It would be very interesting to aske the question: How many people have become organ donors since becoming with your amazing story.

Thank you for sharing your heart with so many people. I feel like I know you both, I work at PBU and Millie is a coworker!

God Bless your family...keeping Tricia in our prayers. God bless you Tricia!


cookie16 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cookie16 said...

I've been following this blog ever since Tricia was put on the prayer chain at PBU prior to her delivery of your precious baby. It has been a blessing and a priviledge to pray for the 3 of you. The Lord has blessed you so much. Sharing your thoughts, concerns, videos and pictures are a testimony to the Lord. Tricia and Gwyneth are two precious miracles.

Because of your blog, I will be changing my drivers license to reflect that I will become an organ donor at my renewal in April.

It would be very interesting to aske the question: How many people have become organ donors since becoming with your amazing story.

Thank you for sharing your heart with so many people. I feel like I know you both, I work at PBU and Millie is a coworker!

God Bless your family...keeping Tricia in our prayers. God bless you Tricia!


Youth Leaders said...

I started to read your blog just after your little one was born (just before mine was). I don't know why I keep coming, back I just do. I guess it is just to see the love that both of you do for each other, and for your baby. It is so beautiful.

I would say that my faviorte picture by far, (I looked, but couldn't find it) was the one of you first holding your baby, and the video of Tricia holding her. Both pictures still bring tears to my eyes.

God Bless you even more than He already has.


Kristina said...

I found this blog from a rubber stamping website. I forget which of your family members posted a prayer request. It was shortly after Gwenyth was born. At the time I was pregnant with a baby due at about the same time as her original due date. I felt a special connection as I saw her tiny body grow, and knew my little guy inside was doing some of the same growing. Now he is an almost 17 pound 4 1/2 month old baby, and it seems Gwenyth and he reach a lot of their milestones together. For example, when you posted that she was reaching out for toys, I said, "James just started doing that too!"

I was incredibly blessed by your faith in tough situations, and your story makes me appreciate health that my family has. I admire the work you do to raise money and awareness. Your lives are an inspiration to many.

My inlaws have a timeshare in the OBX, I would love to go with them some summer, stop by your church and say hello.

Cyd said...

I have been reading your blog since late winter. I am addicted. Your story, your faith, your commitment to each other, your hope and your humor are inspiring. I think of your family and pray for you every day. Thanks for sharing a part of your life.

Shannon said...

I found your blog through another blog as well that was asking for prayer for Tricia and Gwyneth. I started reading, sometime in February or March I think.. I was hooked long before the transplant. The love that you guys share, the faith in the Lord, the humor through the journey and of course the pictures keep me coming back. I thank each of you for including us in your journey. My life has changed since reading your story. I tell everyone I know about you guys especially those who doubt the power of prayer. Thank you again, and keep the pictures of that beautiful baby coming!

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

Totally random, really (if anything is random in God's world). I was playing a silly internet game where you google "[Your first name] needs" or "loves" or something, can't even remember. This took me to the blog of a little girl with Trisomy 18 (her mother's blog, actually), and through that, to yours. This was back in April, literally the day Tricia had her transplant, I think, or perhaps 24 hours or so later.

So I keep coming back to see what God is doing for you all.... and to know what your prayer needs are.

Carey said...

Congrats on your year of blogging! I dont recall how I landed on yur blog, or when I started reading..i think it was around the time of Tricia's transplant, but i enjoy reading your blog. You and your family are an encouragement to me, through your faith, on how to enjoy the day, and not take things for granted. Thank you for writing your blog, and sharing your life with us. I read every day, sometimes 2 times a day.
God bless you all!

Carey said...

Congrats on your year of blogging! I dont recall how I landed on yur blog, or when I started reading..i think it was around the time of Tricia's transplant, but i enjoy reading your blog. You and your family are an encouragement to me, through your faith, on how to enjoy the day, and not take things for granted. Thank you for writing your blog, and sharing your life with us. I read every day, sometimes 2 times a day.
God bless you all!

Emmie said...

I started reading this blog around the time that Tricia was 3-months pregnant (when it was made mentioned on CF parenting forum and this blog's website was given).

I love checking in with this blog. Despite all that you guys have gone through, your love for each other shines out. I also love the photos, which I think makes a huge difference to this blog compared to others, they are all beautiful!


Sheila said...

I started reading shortly before Gywneth was born although I had read Tricia's site before then b/c her sister frequented a board that I did and I saw it linked to her signature ( Not sure what my favorite video or picture has been but its been a pleasure to be a lurker in your story. Continued prayers and many more miracles for your family!

Anonymous said...

A friend left a link to your "Safe and Sound" video on facebook and I was so touched I checked out your blog. It was so refreshing to read of a couple with such strong faith that I have continued to follow your story and delight in seeing Gwyn get so big and strong.

mom2LEAA said...

I'm not really sure how I found your blog. I had never followed a blog before or even surfed looking for one. I feel that God led me to you all, so that I could see him working in your life. I started reading in late October and have followed your blog ever since.

I keep coming back, because I love your story and it has helped me keep faith and perspective in my life. There are times when life is more than hard and you question if God is paying attention or cares what is happening to you. You also question how much you can bear. Your story helps to answer both of those questions. Your strength helps me to find my strength and your faith helps me to see mine. Your humanness of not being perfect and openness have helped me to realize that faith is not about being perfect or always being a "good christian", but rather about knowing a loving God and trusting that he is always present and does care about your life.

I have never seen you as super human or perfect, but rather as exactly what God wants us to be, loving, open and faithful, in good and bad times. Your lives have been used by God in a time when it is hard to find God and even harder to see him in others.

Your humor has also been great. You seem to go goofy just when I and others need it most. One of my favorite pictures is Gwyneth in her fraggle rock hat, it never fails to make me laugh. There are so many beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing your beautiful family with "the world".

I will keep coming back to check on your family and to strengthen my faith in God and the inherent goodness of his people and occasionally for a good laugh.

May God's peace continue to surround and protect you,

Roni said...

I started ready about a month before the lung transplant. I do keep coming back to see how things are going. I used to work for a company that processed all the donations for CFF. It made me feel really good about my job. Knowing the money people sent in actually went for some good. Cff is a wonderful organization. I haven't had money to give personally, I just finished college, majoring in Human services. Working there made me feel like I was helping in a small way, other than the prayers. I do still talk to others who work there, I will soon have something from CFF to share with you and your family.

Caroline said...

I first found you all around March of this year, prior to Tricia's surgery. Gwyneth was still so tiny and I always looked forward to your weekly updates on her growth and development. It has been a blessing to see so much evidence of God's love through you all. He truly cares about the huge and teeny intimate details of our lives. While I know that you all are not perfect, the way you have handled yourselves has been such a testimony of integrity and faith. Thank you for being willing to share your story with so many of us faithful readers.

Elisa and Kevin said...

I first heard about your story through Jordan and Patience as we prayed with them during there difficult time. What continues to draw me is what God has done in your lives and the many miracles he has provided. I also had a really good friend that has CF and past away when we was 21. This was more than ten years ago and many of the medical treatments you have today just did not exist.
I am encouraged by your honesty and how God has used you to reach out to so many people. I continue to pray for you guys.

You also have a talent for both writing in a very expressive way and your photos are great.

Party of 5 said...

I am not sure how I found your blog. But I know that I am different person for reading it! You and your family have inspired me. Still praying in TN.

Kathy said...

I started reading through a prayer request from a friend of mine in February and have been "hooked" since then. The continous strength your family has shown through this amazes me, inspires me and keeps drawing me back day after day..whether or not, I comment, I'm always checking in and praying for your entire family. I've laughed, cheered and cried for you these past few months and everytime I leave your blog because of your faith and strength I love my family just a little more than usual that day. You and your sweet little family are a joy and blessing to all of us. God Bless you all.

Angie said...

I've been reading your blog since right before Gwyneth was born. I'm a xanga blogger and someone had posted a link to your site to pray for you all. I've been checking in on you guys from time to time ever since! ;-).
Take care!

Katie@ThisCrazyLife said...

I've been hanging out here since shortly after Gwenyth was born. I find your strength and your faith amazing. Plus it reminds me of my journey with my little NICU baby who is now a healthy five year old! My favorite post was the video of the first time you held Gwenyth, it was just so moving!

happygeek said...

Started reading just before the transplant. Several other bloggers wre asking for prayer for y'all.
Enjoy your writing style and LOVE the pics of your little joy.
This blog has taught me a lot about CF a disease that I knew almost nothing about before.

UKNat said...

I started reading after Christmas last December. I can't even remember how I found your blog.

I kept reading because I fell in love with your family and have prayed that there would be a happy ending for all of you.

My favorite parts are your birthday when Tricia got her new lungs and that Gwyneth is the healthiest 26 weeker ever! Amazing!

My new favorite part will be when Tricia finds out she's cancer free and you can go about your business as a healthy new family!

Blessings to you! Thanks for sharing your story with all of us. Natalie

Sandra said...

Found your blog through Ashley Adams' blog. Yours and hers is the only one I follow. Been following for about six months. Never posted before, but you asked so many good questions. :o) I enjoy your view on life and your silliness. Love Trish's strength. Love that baby. Anymore questions?

Sandra said...

Found your blog through Ashley Adams' blog. Yours and hers is the only one I follow. Been following for about six months. Never posted before, but you asked so many good questions. :o) I enjoy your view on life and your silliness. Love Trish's strength. Love that baby. Anymore questions?

laurie said...

I started reading when Tricia was hospitalized prior to Gwyneth's birth.. I keep reading because your story so beautifully proclaims God's amazing grace and His sustaing grace and faithfulness in difficult times.

May He continue to uphold, preserve and strengthen you all.

Kate said...

i found you through one of the Trisomy 18 baby blogs that i started reading in June 2007 because of i think i started reading in late december/early january. i keep coming back because i have come to love your sweet family and am blessed by your writing and faith. thanks for sharing.

andiewade said...

i found this blog through a friend's blog i think back in january. i was pregnant at the time. my son was born in february. i kind of get addicted to interesting baby/parent blogs... and this one's definitely interesting. :) i can't remember when gwyneth was originally supposed to be due, but i remember thinking that my son was supposed to be older than her, but she was born so early that it was the other way around!

Meg said...

When did you first start reading CFHusband? Why do you continue coming back? What has been your favorite moment of our story so far? Do you have a favorite post or picture or video?

Well, Nate, I found your blog while trying to vote for one of my favorite blogs Breed em and weep and I couldn't find it to vote. What I did find was your blog. I noticed it was about CF and I've always been interested in CF because when I was young, I read a fiction book about a girl with CF and it always stuck with me. So, I started reading and read the whole thing in one day. This was in April. It just so happened to be the day Tricia went into surgery for her lung transplant!!! So, I stayed up till about 4am checking and checking to see if there was an update and praying and hoping she was ok. Talk about timing!
I continue to come back because you update frequently and I really care about your family. I like the "happy ending" that your girls are ok for now. I also have a friend with lymphoma right now.
My favorite moment was when you guys left the hospital! And my favorite picture on the whole site is recently of Tricia and Gwyneth where Tricia has only a little fuzz of hair and she's looking into the camera and her eyes are gorgeous!
Your blog is inspiring and fun to read and very honest. Thank you for all you do.

Dawn McKinstry said...

I started reading after your professional family photoshoot. You're one of my favorite blogs. I'm just amazed by your faith and inspiration. Thank you for your blog and the information and inspiration that you provide to the rest of us!

Amy said...

I started reading when someone referenced your site on their xanga blog. I was hooked from the beginning... I think I started reading right around the time Gwyneth was born. My favorite video is, without a doubt, the video of the first time you got to hold Gwyneth and you thanked Tricia for bringing her into the world. I sobbed like a little baby, myself. And the song that you used, Safe and Sound, is a new favorite of mine. I think I commented before that we played it at our daughter's baptism a few weeks ago. I continue reading because your family has come so far and I am anxious and excited to find out what tremendous blessings God has in store for all of you.

Kellee Flatt said...

I started reading your blog back in November. I came about it because another blog I was reading linked you up. (Jordan and Patience) I have enjoyed getting a glimpse into your life... your struggles, but most of all your faith. There are days when I ask myself "Wow! What would I be like if in that situation?" You two have been a good example of faith, prayer, and just openness. It has helped spur on my own prayer life. I have enjoyed seeing what God has done, and continue to look forward to what he will do!

My all time favorite part of the blog is just the simple fact that you document so much with pictures. It's incredible!

Rhonda said...

I found your blog because a friend posted a link, not sure how she found it. I started in January just before Gwenyth was born. My highlight was when I checked the blog and found out that Tricia was getting new lungs!! That is closely followed by the day that you all got to go home!! I have been very blessed by your faith and strength going through a trial that I cannot even begin to imagine what it's like. Thanks for your testimony.

Melissa said...

I celebrated my one year on sept 4th! happy blogiversary to you! I started reading your blog about a week before Gwyneth was born. I found you thru another blog I read who was asking for prayers for you guys. Havent stopped reading since. Love you guys and still pray every day!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

I started reading your blog back when Tricia was in the hospital waiting for Gwyneth to be born. I keep coming back because your story and faith bring smiles, tears and laughter to my life. It gives my children another reason to pray for others, and builds our faith too. Your story is a strong reminder that God does work, in His time, for His glory, and loves us very much.

I'd have to say that all the photos and videos are special, but the one I truly love the most and I'll always remember are the ones of Tricia holding Gwyneth for the first time. I'll always remember finally getting to hold my son, Matthew, for the first time in NICU. You just never forget that moment, the smells, the joy that supercedes the fear.

Thank you for blessing all of us with the ways God has faithfully held you and your family in His hands.

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and family

Jamie said...

Hello! To answer your questions: When did you first start reading CFHusband? 5 months ago (March) Why do you continue coming back? You, Tricia and Gwenyth inspire me to keep my faith, believe in miracles and shear love of life!
What has been your favorite moment of our story so far? My favorite moment was the day you posted that everyone was finally back home in OBX!!! Do you have a favorite post or picture or video? I really do enjoy all of your videos but one in particular which still brings me to tears is entitled "My Wife" and you set it to Coldplay's 'fix you.' Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!!!

Thank you!

Nicole said...

I've been reading here since last December. I was linked threw another blog I read daily, and was so touched by your story. I had JUST bought my preemie daughter home, and was watching you go threw so many trials and tribulations that I myself never had to endure. I could only sympathize and pray for you. I have continued to read here because - its almost hard to explain - the 3 of you have touched my life in a way no one else has, and I've never met you. I think of your family often. You inspire me to have more faith than I already had.
You all have been a blessing to all of us who keep coming back to see how you're doing. Thank you for sharing your story, its touched millions of lives in ways I'm sure you can't imagine.

courtney said...

I started reading just days before Gwenyth was born. I was hooked, and being an MD I knew that the things that I saw happening were truly miracles. You have a wonderful family and God bless!

Nikki said...

I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago and check back regularly. Your story is such an inspiration to me and many others. I have never known anyone with CF until last week when I was paired with a guy at volleyball with CF. I immediately thought of your blog and Tricia's story and spent the next day reading up on the facts of CF. Your blog is not only a great inspiration, but a great resource for CF and CF awareness. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading your journey in the future.


Emilie Krocker said...

i know that i found your blog through another blog as a prayer request, but can't recall now exactly who's blog that was...

i started to follow your story right after sweet gwyneth was born. i believe the first post i read was the one where you did a video of the walk between tricia's room and gwyneth in the nicu. i've been a faithful follower ever since! i think and pray for you almost daily and randomly even when i'm not online. my cousin and i talk about you like we know you! haha. i also think that you and my husband would be good friends (too bad we live in chicago), he is also goofy (no offense :) ) like you and a musician. you could check out his new guitar here:

i thought of the excitement over your white rose guitar when he was getting this one.

i think what keeps me coming back to this blog is the seeing the grace in which you handle every situation you encounter. it's inspiring.
i grew up catholic and only in the past 2 years have developed a personal relationship with god and have been truly walking with him, so your faith also inspires me!

thank you so much for sharing your story!!!!!!!

Christy said...

Hey all,
I have been reading this blog for a long time. I think it was Oct or Nov of Last year. I don't know how I found it, probably from another blog. I come back because I feel like you are part of my family. We have been thru ups and not so ups for a while now. I think that seeing Tricia the first time without hair has touched me the most. I just sat and cried. Your story has touched many parts of my life and connected in differenet ways. To see her without hair, was just more than I could do. I had cancer and went thru that. You look much better bald than you think you will. I was just so broken that she has been thru "SO" much and is dealing with this now. I just wanted her to get her lungs and then have a somewhat boring (no docs or hospitals) life. I know that God is in this and that you all know God is in it and it makes me put things in to perspective. I just love your family now. I enjoy your dads blog as well. Gwyneth is a little miracle and I just smile when I see her. I am so proud of you, Nathan. You have been with and behind your girls every day. That is a miracle in itself and encouraging as well. To sum it up...Gods amazing GRACE!!! That's why I am still here.
Love, Hugs and Prayers,
Christy in KY

katrynka said...

I started following your blog via a link from the blog of a friend of Tricia's sister. It was about 2 weeks or so before Gwyneth was delivered. I remember wanting to check all the time throughout the day. I work with premature babies, in a step-down hospital for children not acute enough for the NICU, but not ready to go home. And then I do therapy with them as needed after discharge. I have been doing this for 22 years. I love all my kids and their families, so I like to see how Gwyneth is growing!

Amanda said...

I found your blog within a week of Gwyneth being born. I was sucked in immediately. She was adorable from day 1! Ilove the honesty, emotion and your willingness to share. Getting to see all of you together for the first time as a family outside hospital walls was my favorite!

Jesse said...

I started reading last fall. I think one of my friends found you first, and said what a great sense of humor you had, despite unimaginable circumstances. Now I'm addicted! I check several times a day, always stopping to say a prayer for you and your miracle girls.

Thanks so much for sharing your journey, your faith, your hope, and your life. I think it is so cool to feel like you "know" someone who lives thousands of miles away. We love the Lawrensons!

Kim B said...

I started reading right after Gwyneth was born b/c my niece was born about the same time and a week younger. Sadly my niece did not make it past 25 hours.
How can I not come back. I feel like I'm a part of the family every time I read what has happened in your life. I talk about ya'll like everyone I know should know you already. It blesses me to see what God does for you. And now as Tricia goes through her cancer I understand your troubles more since my dad is 2 days past his bone marrow transplant.
Favorite moment: You holding Gwyneth for the first time! I cry every time I go back to watch it.
Thank you for sharing your life on here and for being a great Christ-like example!

Lola said...

I read your blog every day...since almost the bring me strength, faith, and encouragement...I have been ill and now am going through another biospy but I don't feel as afraid when I read your blog.

I love your videos when we can hear your voice and Tricia...makes it even easier to connect with a family I feel I know to some small degree.

I pray for you every day.

designHER Momma said...

I remember the night of Tricia's transplant surgery and commenting, I was probably commenter 300 or so...then seeing the next day that you had like over 1200 comments!

I have mentioned your blog a few times to Christian friends of mine that find it hard to blog, be transparent, say too much on the blog in times that they are suffering or in need.

I tell them about your story, how I believe that you are using this blog, this platform, to tell a story of Faith, Strength, and Love for Jesus Christ.

How others can be touch by Christ through Confessions of a CF Husband.

Alice Vogt said...

I started reading your blog just before Gwyneth was born... not sure how I came across it... The best was when Trish got her lungs!!!!!!! By far... And the first pics of Gwyn made me cry too...

kaltmom said...

We started reading the blog last January when we were living in CA for the winter. A friend in NC had you listed on his prayer requests. We continued reading because the drama was so compelling and the journey of faith so inspiring. Made us appreciate God's hand in all of our lives. Kept reading when returning to PA where we lived and through a move to NC in July. Then this week we met Gwyneth, Tricia, and Nate in person at the Prime Only dinner for CF. What a thrill! God is good!

Julia Rosalinda said...

I started reading your blog soon after Gwyneth was born. I kept coming back because I was amazed by how you could all ways see the bright side of life, and how you always remain constant in your faith. (Plus, I had to find out what happened to Gwyneth!) I Think the Post "Bald is Beautiful" is a really great example of how you always look at the good or fun side.
God Bless You !!!!!!
Julia Rosalinda

family said...

I first started reading your blog the day after Gwyneth was born, so I guess that would be on 1-9-08. I've prayed for you and your family. What keeps me coming back? When I'm praying for someone, I like to know how my prayers are being answered and how they are doing, what additional requests they have, etc. My favorite post/picture was the day that Tricia got to visit Gwyneth for the first time. I cried like a baby when I saw that. As a mother of ten, it never gets old.
I respect your blog and realize that, as a reader, I don't know you in person and I'm an outsider. Thanks for letting us into your world through this forum and having the privilege of bringing you before our Heavenly Father in prayer. I'll keep praying as Tricia continues to walk through this illness.

purps said...

I first read our blog the day Tricia got her new lungs. I came from an Australian online forum, your blog had been linked there under a post to say Tricia hd a call. I sat for days reading your blog from the very beginning, nd have kept visiting since.

Lisa_in_AR said...

I first came upon your blog in December. It touched me so much because I have known what it's like to wait hour after hour hoping for new life in the form of new lungs for a friend/ patient with CF. I keep coming back because you guys are so inspiring. Glancing through the comments on this post really drives home the fact that there are lots of people who struggle every day with their CF, or their loved one's CF. Thanks for all the awareness you've brought and continue to bring. We've made so many "great strides" in the fight, but we've got a way to go.

La Familia Garcia said...

wow! one year later...i think God heard your heart in this post:
I think the word has gotten out!

Amanda said...

I started visiting this blog after a friend told me about it just a couple of weeks after Gweneth was born. I'm still hooked as I want to keep up with how your girls are doing....and I like your crazy pictures and videos!

jenny said...

I started reading your blog right after Gwyneth was born. I honestly can't even remember how I stumbled across it...I think it was listed on someone else's blog as a prayer request for your family. I was hooked right away as our first child was born 6.5 years ago at 27 weeks gestation. She weighed 2 lbs at birth and then dropped to 1.5 lbs for about a month. The early pics of Gwyneth brought back so many memories for me. We didn't own a digital camera when she was born and it is one of my biggest regrets, because our pics just don't do justice to how small she was. We have been lifting up all three of you in prayer since then and have watched in amazement at the many ways your blog has brought glory to the Lord.

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."--Proverbs 19:21

Jenny C.

Brenda said...

Started reading right as Tricia was about to have Gwyneth and was doing her surgery to intubate her so she could have the c section if i remember. Still tuning in!

Alice said...

I started reading at about day 8 after the birth of sweet Gwyneth. I couldn't believe the story and just knew that God had a special plan for you guys (many of my friends read because I couldn't stop talking about you guys AND you are on my blog roll). I try to check it every day and pray for you all often.

One of the best moments for me (as a mother) was to "see" Tricia see her prayer come true for the first time when she saw Gwyneth. Tears were streaming. And, of course, after Tricia got the REAL call for her lungs was a GREAT day. To know that she would get the chance to enjoy being a mother like she prayed for.

Thanks for sharing your family with us. Your family is a great inspiration to me and so many others.

Stephanie said...

I keep visiting because I think you all are such an inspiration to everyone. Thank you for sharing your lives with us and for educating us on CF. Amazing the things I've learned. I love the pics of Gwyneth..she's such a doll!

Maren said...

I started reading when Tricia was "sleeping". My FAVORITE part was when Tricia woke up!! I told my family, "She's AWAKE!!!!" Of course they had no idea what I was taking about. I loved this moment because being a mother myself, I wanted so badly for her to be able to meet her miracle.

I continue to read because against the odds both of your girls are here and it just reminds me that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us. He LOVES us so much! I am so thankful for that =D

Leslie said...

I began reading your blog in early January. My sister-in-law who lives in France had heard one of your close friends preach at their church and told your story to the congregation. She quickly emailed your blog to me since we have a little girl with CF. Your transparency and openness has been so kind and uplifting. It's so wonderful that we have God walking with us every step that we take, and it was awesome to see how you and Tricia live that in your own lives, even during such tough trials. Thanks for allowing us on a big part of your journey!

Denise said...

I don't exactly remember when I started reading...but I remember thinking that I was reading something pretty special. I was right. May you continue to be blessed.

Unknown said...

I started reading just a few weeks after Gwyneth's birth, before Tricia's transplant. My brother in law has CF and had gone though the whole transplant process, and my mother had been talking about you and your experiences in relation to our own, and I got completely hooked thinking about you and hoping that your lives and faith stayed well.

I really admire your ability to stick to blogging despite everything-- it really is a wonderful thing to have all of these moments documented!! It's hard enough to keep blogging when things are "normal" around, not to mention when they get hectic. It has been quite an encouragement to see you come through each new step with grace and a sense of humor.

Pamela @ Frugal Vet Tech said...

I first found your blog through the "Hummel Nest" blog ( I believe I started reading occasionally sometime before Tricia had her lung transplant and then started reading more frequently (multiple times daily) when you guys were waiting for new lungs for Tricia. I remember getting tears in my eyes when I found out Tricia's lung transplant was a go. Since then, I visit at least once a day.

Why do I keep reading? 'Cause I'm Nosy and like to know what's new with your beautiful family :) You're a good writer, I enjoy looking at your photos, and I like to see how Tricia is doing, how Gwyneth is growing, and how crazy you are for your two girls. I cannot begin to imagine what you and your family have been through, but I've been able to "see" God in it all and see him in you. It's been pretty amazing.

Oh, and Gwyneth and I share a birthday :) It's a good day for a birthday, although there have been a few years where I've ended up with school starting (after Christmas break) on my birthday :/

natesgirl3 said...

I started reading your blog when a girl I was in Bible study mentioned it. I am a NICU nurse and I'm so in love with my job. I love to read miracle stories like yours. I also enjoy hearing stories of such amazing faith. I keep coming back becuase I love to see how your sweet peanut is doing and I'm amazed by your wife!!

Dutch Momma of 4 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dutch Momma of 4 said...

I started reading back in February, after reading about your blog on another blog (don't remember which one..). I then read mosts of the back-posts, starting with Gwyneth's birth, and have been back every single day since. I got hooked on 'The story of us', I discovered 'Safe and Sound' and 'You raise me up' through your Song-contests, and was so excited the day the new lungs were a go, that I checked for updates 20 times a day (driving my husband crazy!).
The reason I keep coming back? The pictures and the humbling aspect. My 4 kids are perfectly healthy and all weighed around 8 pounds at birth. I am counting my blessings. Through your blog, I rediscoverd the fact that the Lord works in our lives, in ways we cannot always comprehend.
God bless you! And keep posting, you are my daily read with my morning coffee (thanks to the time differece!!)
Much love from the Netherlands.

Cindy B said...

I heard about your blog from our friends Stephanie and Ben ( ) I admire you and your families strength and faith. I love coming back to see how your little miracle is growing.
I love all of your photography! You are very talented.

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Awww...I didn't see this post till just now...our internet has been down a lot since the flood.
I began reading here in Jan. 2008 right before Gwyneth was born.
I kept reading because:
*Your faith and testimony for our Lord in the midst of your trial was a blessing and encouragement
*Because Gwyneth was truly a miracle and I loved praying for her and watching her grow (still do!) and well, I just really love babies...obviously ;)
*I already knew a bit about CF because they thought that our 10th child, Nehemiah, had it when he was young and I love praying for Tricia too
*And I keep coming back to see how you are doing, how the Lord is continuing to work in your lives, and so I can keep praying for you all...and cuz you are all so cute :)

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

I started reading last December by request from Jordan and Patience. I've stayed every week and read every post. Many times over praying for your sweet family. Such a joy to see what God has done in a year.

kidsworld said...

I've been reading since the day that Gywneth was born. I check in everyday, sometimes more than once, and in the days of uncertainty, hourly! You've inspired me beyond imagine. My favorite moment of your blog was definately "Hands On A Miracle". The song, your words to Tricia and the pure joy seen in your eyes brings me to tears each and every time I watch it. (yes, I revisit it often!!!)

Thank you Nate and Tricia for sharing your lives and experiences with me.

refreshing in ohio

The Cleggs said...

I can't exactly remember when I started to read the blog..but it was sometime before Gwyneth was born. I guess I feel (like most other folks) like I have gotten to know your precious family and continue to pray for you often. My favorite video right now is the one you posted today (Sunday)....I have a 5yr old and 2 1/2 yr old so I really miss the baby noises!!!
Continuing to pray God's blessings for your sweet family.

Unknown said...

I have been reading this blog for a while probably since last Christmas. I live in the greater Charlotte area of NC. My home church made a prayer request for your family and gave the blog address. I began reading often and praying daily for your family. My favorite picture are the pictures of Gywneth after she was born with the comparisons of Nate's wedding band.
What a blessing this time has been! I just feel I know your family like my own.

bobbie said...

I started reading the blog several months ago ~ I keep coming back because I care.
Hugs to you all.

Lisa said...

I started reading your blog when Tricia was going in for her lung transplant. A friend of mine has a friend in North Carolina whose music pastor is one of your good friends. My friend linked your blog on her blog. This is the only blog I visit of someone I don't know personally. But you update your blog so regularly, and you have done such a wonderful job chronicling your journey through pictures and videos. I love reading your blog because it's like reading a one-page-a-day-biography. I keep coming back because I'm anxious to see Tricia get better, and I love seeing Gwyneth's progress. My favorite video is when you were doing the kangaroo hold with Gwyneth in the NICU. Our son who is now eight, was born at 3 lbs. so I can relate. God bless you all, and we will continue to pray. ~ Lisa

Lisa said...

I started reading your blog when Tricia was going in for her lung transplant. A friend of mine has a friend in North Carolina whose music pastor is one of your good friends. My friend linked your blog on her blog. This is the only blog I visit of someone I don't know personally. But you update your blog so regularly, and you have done such a wonderful job chronicling your journey through pictures and videos. I love reading your blog because it's like reading a one-page-a-day-biography. I keep coming back because I'm anxious to see Tricia get better, and I love seeing Gwyneth's progress. My favorite video is when you were doing the kangaroo hold with Gwyneth in the NICU. Our son who is now eight, was born at 3 lbs. so I can relate. God bless you all, and we will continue to pray. ~ Lisa

Julie said...

I started reading in January, right after Gwyneth was born. I read about your blog on a homeschool chat forum.

Kelly said...

I found a link to your blog through someone I don't know. I was interested because we have been part of the CF community for years now. My SIL's sister had a double lung transplant 3.5 years ago. I started reading your blog the day Tricia got her transplant. That night I read your blog entries back to December and I cried for you and prayed for you fervently while I held our daughter. She and Gwyneth were born on the same day. I check in regularly because I want to know that all of you are okay and so I know how to pray for you. I love seeing Gwyneth and Tricia thrive. I love one of the early photos of Tricia and Gwyneth nose to nose.

asuthrngrl said...

I just started reading your blog about three months ago...and every time I read I am reminded of how precious life is. I lost a preemie 8 years ago and Gwyneth is a complete true miracle. You make my heart literally ache when I read. You keep saying thanks to all of us that read..but my thanks goes to you and Tricia and your angel. Thank you for reminding us daily that love exists to triumph over pain. Thank you!

Marge Sexton said...

I started following your blog about a month before Gwyneth Rose was born. Your posts have been a true inspiration to me, and I love how you have allowed God to use you, your family, and your life story to share the awesome faithfulness and power of God. As for my favorite posts, some of the first pictures of Gwyneth, and the first time that Tricia visited the nursery...I'll never forget that day. Oh and let us not forget your April Fools trick! My all time favorite video is "My Wife"....You have done a fabulous job with your blog, and that is why I keep coming back!
Love and Continued Prayers,

The Microblogologist said...

I started reading this blog right after Gwyneth was born but before Tricia came out of the coma. Favorite moments are the first time Tricia got to see Gwyneth, the first times you two got to hold her, Tricia getting her transplant and you all getting to go home. I keep coming back because your whole family is amazing and I love to read about what is going on with you all.

Happy anniversary!


Meredith K Beaupre said...

I've been keeping up with your family for about 9 months now and I keep coming back because I feel like, in some odd way, that I know you. Your family is a beautiful inspiriation and I look forward to reading about your adventures each day.

I hope that the coming year is a fun one with just a tad less stress in it for you :)

Anonymous said...

I started reading your blog just before Christmas last year. I found your blog through facebook. I've read through laughter and tears, and I keep coming back because I believe your life truly shows God's faithfulness to his followers and that miracles are still possible today. Congratulations for hitting your one year mark. Please, keep posting!

Randi said...

I started reading your blog right when Tricia was going into the OR to have Gwyneth. I have been hooked! Your family is so amazingly strong and I can feel how much love you have for your two girls by reading the words you type. I love re-reading when you do the quick updates every few weeks. Your beautiful little Gwyneth is getting so big! Thank you so much for sharing your story.
God Bless
Randi (SLC, UT)

Steph said...

I found your blog through a prayer request on the APU Alumni website back in January about the time Gwyneth was born. The request caught my attention because of the CF.
Long story short, I was addicted to a tv movie in the 80's about a true story of a little girl with CF - "Alex, the Life of a Child." The disease is horrible, but the little girl was full of life. If I remember correctly, the little girl died at about 7 or 8. I actually named my first daughter after the little girl. About 2 years ago (when my daughter was 6), I wanted a find copy of the movie for my daughter, so that she would know why I give her her name. I was able to buy it from the CF Foundation. I do not personally know anyone with CF, but I am truly humbled by every CF story I hear- CFers are amazing individuals.
I keep coming back (almost daily) because you inspire hope. You are real and genuine. I appreciate your candidness and your willingness to share your personal journey with Christ through the highs and lows of life.

Michelle said...

I started reading in October, just a week before I went in to have deliver my 3rd son. I came across your blog through someone else's who was asking for prayer. I read every day since day one. Even when I was in the hospital. I'll admit that I don't check every day now that things have "calmed down" a little for you guys, but I still think and pray for you daily.

My favorite video and pictures was when you did Kangaroo Care with Gwyneth. I re-cry every time I watch it.

Anonymous said...

I started coming to your page because Tricia's brother is the Pastor's daughter at the church I grew up in. I come back to see your steps and am encouraged by your faith. I have even started my own blog to keep family members up to date.
We keep you in our prayers and thank you for being some open about your family.
Many blessings.

Cheerios_Addict said...

I started reading this just before your daughter was born. The link was posted on a parenting webboard that I read. I've been an avid reader and fan ever since. I even went back to the first post and read the whole thing.

My due date was within days of Tricia's which really hit home for me.

I keep reading because I'm riveted by your family's strength and attitude to life. I can't get enough. :) I don't know anyone with CF and this blog has really educated me as to what it is all about.

My favorite posts are the monthly update pictures with the stuffed pug. :) I did the same with my son who is now 4 and my daughter who is 4 months.

Pauline said...

I come back each day to see the growth of your awesome family. I too like many people that read your blog know what it is to love someone with CF! It also reminds me that faith is an important part of life!
I also love seeing pictures of your angel ... she is getting so big!

Husband said...

Nate and Tricia, I don't remember how I found your blog but I do know it was in Oct of 07. I was just starting to date my newly wed beauty and she was 8 months along. Your story was a huge blessing. I followed closely for a couple months but lost touch after Makynlee Jo was born.
Nate you really encouraged me to strive to be a godly husband and Tricia your journey is an amazing testimony. I love you two and your daughter very much. I thank the Lord when I remember you in my prayers. -Alex M. Holty

K said...

I started reading right before Tricia went to the hospital to have Gwyneth.

I keep reading because your deep love for your wife (and her amazing spirit) are truly inspirational.

Irene said...

Nate, I started reading your blog, I believe, the day or right around the time that Gwyneth was born. I think I got the link either from someone on "Secondwind" (lung transplant support group) or from a "Google Alert" for the word "lung transplants". I have been an avid follower ever since then. At first I was interested because of Tricia's situation with needing the lung transplant and having to come off the list. I have also had a lung transplant so that was my "connection". However, I keep coming back daily now to follow you and your family because all of the miracles in your life, and your faith, are so inspiring to me. I love that Gwyneth is doing so well. I love seeing the pictures and the videos of her and think back at how fragile she was at first. I am in awe of Tricia as she so gracefully has gone through the transplant and now the complications. I myself had alot of post transplant complications so in *some* ways I can identify with her day to day journey. I can't imagine dealing with her own issues while also learning to be a new mommy of a premmie. It truely makes us see that we can't just dwell on our own problems all the time, while we deal and take care of "ourselves", we also learn to see beyond ourselves.
Because I am close to Nags Head I had thought about joining in the Great Strides Walk, but a few weeks ago we had plans come up that same day, so I won't be able to join in, but you all will certainly be in my thoughts. I hope that it is a nice day and Tricia and Gwyneth are able to attend.
God Bless you and your family,
Irene in EC

Strength & Dignity said...

I started reading right before Gwyneth was born. I kept hearing your names at church and people praying for Tricia. I believe your dad (Rick?) goes to my church and plays guitar in the band with my husband. Your family was instantly imprinted on my heart and I read as often as I can get to the computer. I pray for you guys all the time. Thanks for blessing my life through the way you let God have control of yours.

Reagan said...

I found your blog through a friend who linked to your site. I like reading about what you're doing for fundraising and how your family is doing. I like your photography site too.

Valerie said...

I started reading your blog when I found you by googling 'lung transplant' in January, when my dear friend (who had her own double lung transplant in Sept 2006) started having complications. She lost her battle in March, but coming here and watching Tricia and Gwyneth's progress lifts my heart and in a way helps me to honour Jodi's memory too.

aimee said...

Though I’ve been following your blog for months, this is my first comment! I linked in from another blog sometime around the end of January. I keep reading because of the incredible, awesome, mind-boggling ways that God has worked in and through your story. Thank you so much for sharing!

Molly said...


I found you guys in January through Kenzie Stanfield's blog. Your sense of humor reminds me of my brother, so many times I visit just for the entertainment. Your openness about your family's experiences has made you feel like family. I think of you and pray for you often, so many times I visit for updates. You are educating me on CF and organ donation, something I have a much greater appreciation for now. I am a NICU nurse and I love to see premies grow, so I come to see Gwyneth Rose and how she is blooming. And I was in the past month diagnosed with Primary Mediastinal Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Lymphoma (I'm 39) so now I feel a kinship with Tricia and her suffering. God be with you.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

I am just trying to catch up as I have been gone since the end of August. I have been following you for around the first 11 months. I do not remember where I heard of it. Sorry :( I did not comment alot at first. You guys have become so special to me. It is not everday I would stay up all night for a virtual friends surgery. But I did. Y'all have boosted my faith. As you said, it still waivers at times. The last months have been hard. BUT-I pray things will get better healthwise.
Y'all, and your parents inspire me. I do not know a greater gift you can give.
(The only prettier baby girls ever than G Rose are my daughter and my grandaughter who looks just like her mom. She is Maddy Rose! ;-p)
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas (formerly username of nativetxanj)

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