My name is Nathan Lawrenson (most people call me Nate). On June 27, 2004, I married Patricia Suzanne Kirschner (everyone calls her Tricia), and we began our crazy life together. Up until September of 2007, we had been living in Nags Head, on the Outer Banks (OBX) of NC for two years with our dog, Meka and our cat, Ralphie.

In May of 2007, after a few unsuccessful years of trying to become pregnant, Tricia’s disease had progressed to the point at which her doctors strongly advised that we stop our efforts to conceive and consider undergoing the evaluation process for the double lung transplant that could save Tricia’s life. Trusting in our doctors’ wisdom and in God’s control, and coming to terms with the fact that we would never be able to have our own children after that point, we took their advice.
Yet, all this time, since before we were even married, Tricia had been praying a secret prayer…it was even a secret to me. Tricia had been praying for a miracle baby.
In July of 2007, Tricia went through the week long evaluation process at Duke University Medical Center to determine if she was a candidate for a transplant. She was a candidate, and we began making plans to temporarily move to Durham, NC to be close to Duke.
In early September, the day before Tricia was to begin the physical therapy that would prepare her to be placed on the transplant list, we found out that we were unexpectedly pregnant. Against the advice of many of our doctors, we chose to keep the pregnancy, having been told that both Tricia and the baby had less than a 50% chance of surviving.
From September through December, Tricia participated in physical therapy five days per week to keep her body in the best shape possible, all the while growing sicker and more dependent on oxygen. On December 27, Tricia went into the hospital for what we hoped would be a short stay. The short stay turned into a long stay.
Because of her deteriorated health, Tricia was moved, on January 3, 2008, to an ICU room. During this time, Tricia was getting less than one hour of sleep per every twenty-four hours. The baby was just under twenty-four weeks old (gestation) and doing as well as possible.
On January 8, Tricia was taken to the OR where she was sedated, given a tracheostomy and placed on a ventilator, with the hope that she could carry the baby for a few more days. The trach and ventilation went well, but Tricia was too unstable to return to the ICU, and the decision was made to perform an emergency C-Section right there in the OR. There were no less than 75 medical staff with Tricia in that room that day.
Gwyneth Rose Lawrenson was born that day at 24 weeks and 4 days gestation, weighing just under 1 lb 6 oz and measuring 12 inches long.

Tricia remained on the vent in the hospital for over four months as she slowly regained some of her strength. On February 22, less than seven weeks after giving birth, Tricia was listed and activated on the double lung transplant list. She was given a high score but was told that new lungs may be difficult to find because her blood type was very rare. In the meantime, she was walking nearly a mile everyday (with the help of a vent and a walker) and visiting Gwyneth for just a few minutes each day.
On April 2, my 27th birthday, we got the call that changed our lives forever. Tricia was going to receive a second chance at life. That night, and throughout the early-morning hours of the next day, Tricia underwent the nine hour surgery to replace her old, sick lungs with a new, healthy pair.
As of November 1, 2010:
Gwyneth Rose spent over eighteen weeks in the NICU. On May 15 (2008), we finally brought her home (to our hotel in Durham). Although she remains on a few medications to help her premature body grow, and her development is progressing slowly, she continues to do incredibly well with no major setbacks. Gwyneth has amazed everyone, including her nurses and doctors. At 2.5 years old, Gwyneth finally began walking on her own, and, with the help of glasses and hearing aids, she is discovering how to communicate with others with sign language and a slowly growing vocal vocabulary. Although she is very small for her age as a former micro-preemie, she is now growing at a very steady pace and is well over 24 lbs. Gwyneth is the joy of our hearts and a smiling baby, and we are having so much fun introducing her to the all of the things that God has given us in this beautiful world!

Tricia and I are slowly returning to a more normal sense of life. We are incredibly excited to have Gwyneth home, and are enjoying our lives as full-time parents. We finally returned home to the OBX in early June of 2008 and purchased our first home in the fall of 2008. We are spending a lot of time with our families, traveling to visit friends, and are looking forward to another awesome summer on the beach!
We are forever grateful to Tricia's donor and his/her family for making the decision to give Tricia a chance to be a mother and wife (not to mention and daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece and aunt) for several more years.
We are also humbled to have this opportunity to allow God to use our story to show Himself and bring our passion for awareness of and support for Cystic Fibrosis, Organ Donation, Premature Birth and Lymphoma to the minds and hearts of even more compassionate people.
Thank you for reading our story, and feel free to check back in as we update the blog often. Also, take advantage of the links on the right-hand sidebar to find out even more about our story.
Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth Rose

1 – 200 of 370 Newer› Newest»We here at FAC in Medford continue to keep all of you in our prayers. Love you brother.
I was just about to be the first comment on here..hehe I love to read your blogs Nate, and do check in all the time to see what you wrote and any new pictures of your sweet little princess.You have a beautiful Family:)
Take Care,
You guys are too cute. Thanks for the recap :) We're praying!
I continue to be amazed at Tricia's strength and patience. I'm glad she is getting some much needed rest. Your family is precious; praying for you all!
Still praying Nate ok!
Thanks for doing such an awesome job of keeping us updated!
I don't even remember which website I found that had a link to this one, but ever since I clicked on that link, I have been coming here to your website, and of course praying for you and your precious family.
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you, and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
To him be the power forever and ever. Amen
1 Peter 5:10,11(NIV)
Reading your post just now I felt as though I could see the operating room and the 75 people in it as angels, as if they were here on earth very specifically for the moment Gwyneth was born and as if they were giving all their silent strength and hopes to Tricia to make her strong.
If you are doing a recap to introduce yourself to new visitors, you might also add what fascinates me. (as an only child)
You have an incredible extended family. A seriously crazy and brilliant Uncle Andy and a very wise father Rick. Some very cool sister in laws Janet and Megan, all whose sites we read linked off your site.
It gives me a full picture of the love, HUMOR, and faith this family has.
You have a wonderful church, too. (I have watched most of the Youtube videos posted)
It just makes your story all the more heart warming to see where your values come from and the people who love you most.
I thoroughly enjoyed catching up on the last few posts. You're becoming a pro with wording the Q&A to where those of us who aren't there daily can understand what's going on. It is greatly appreciated. :)
I love the way you recapped everything, although I'd suggest those who have time read all your posts from the beginning. "Watching" each step of this journey is what has made me feel so "close" to y'all. It's been amazing to read each day of the blessings God has rained down on your family.
I'm anxious for the post this week when you let us know for sure that Tricia's back on the list. :)
Lots of Love to your sweet family!
hello there,
i used to go to high school with sarah and rachel. well, sarah even drove me to school a lot when she had her little red car. i have them on my facebook and had been using sarahs page to get to your blog. i saw rachel over the summer and remember her mentioning that tricia had cf, but i guess thats before it got uber complicated. i wrote sarah a long message telling her i was thinking of you guys and she told me i should tell you myself b/c you read all of the comments. i just wanted to let you guys now that, even though ive only met nathan maybe three times, i'm just so proud of you guys for being so strong. youre an inspiration and definately in my prayers.
lots of love,
Did I miss the picture of Gwynie's CPAP somewhere?? OR for that matter how about the picture of *just* her face? :)
(Just a hint in case you forgot...although I understand if you don't care to post it.)
God's love is the tie that binds. Even though most of us are strangers, reading your posts and commenting to you, gives us the feeling of Family. Well that is true if we have made the important decision to be sons and daughters of God!
It is always nice to meet other believers and become "adopted" into their families. After all being in God's family makes us brothers and sisters in Christ. (Technically then we can all call Gwyenth our sweet little niece!)
Children are a wonderful gift /blessing from God. Counting my blessings all 6 of them! Praying and waiting for God's timing and answers. He knows what we need and his timing is perfect.
I love the picture at the beginning of this post - that's LOVE in Tricia's eyes for sure!!
Still praying!
You are beautiful no matter if it is your wedding day, or your shining eyes and smile from your hospital bed- I just wanted you to know :)
I love the wedding photo. >:0)
I'm sure you've heard this countless times before, but it still holds true: Tricia, you were the most radiant bride! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful picture with us all.
Very glad to hear your girls are making progress, even with a set back now and then. I've been reading for the past three weeks. As a pet lover, glad to hear that you've got Meka and Ralphie, they can be such comforters! Who is taking care of Ralphie? You mention Meka but not him. You, Tricia, and Gwyneth are true blessings!
Love to all.
Ralphie is very happy and content living with Nate's grandma!
Thank you for sharing your amazing story with others. Your wife and daughter are beautiful. I know God used you to touch me and to teach me a much needed lesson about having a thankful heart. I am sure you will never know how many lives you have touched by allowing the Lord to work through you. So, thank you. You are in my prayers.
Thank you for your story. I had gathered almost as much from doing some serious backreading, but it was so nice to see specifically chosen pictures to go with it. I'm definitely praying that Tricia will receive a transplant soon (and for the donor and their family).
What a gorgeous bride Tricia was....but you already knew that!! Continuing to pray!
Keeping you in our prayers here in Austin. Your love story is awesome. Lovely pic of the bride. :)
May God's hands rest gently on you today.
-Shannon and Family
Thanks for sharing your "side" of the story. I love the picture of your wedding day - it was a GEORGEOUS day indeed!!!! The breeze from the ocean, the warm sun, the good food and the beautiful ceremony! It litterally seems like it was last year!! I pray that you two have many more years of happiness w/ Gwyneth.
Tricia is absolutely beautiful, apparently inside AND out! Keeping up the prayers!
Thanks for the story. I'm still checking in on you guys and your all in my thoughts.
The pictures are great!!! They bring a smile to my face when ever I see them:)
Thanks for doing this. I'm just going to print it out and take it to my prayer group bc I would have spent an eternity explaining the entire story which I think needs to be done so that the Glory of God on your journey can be revealed. By the way my name is Nichole, I am one of Aleena Overman's best friends from Oklahoma I met you and Tricia when I came for the wedding. I had previously met the rest of the Lawrenson clan when I came the year before. I just wanted to let you know that Ardmore, Oklahoma is praying for your family!
June is a good month for weddings! My husband and I were married on the 26th five years before you! Glad to meet your family! Hope the girls continue to make progress!
I am so blessed by the beauty of your lives and story. I will continue to pray for you family. I know that the God we serve is able to do all things, and able to carry us through all things. I'm so thankful that you have let other rejoice and cry with you. It has been a blessing to see Him do his work and a blessing to see that you are willing to let him do it. I really don't talk like this all the time ;)Blessings!
Beautiful and touching to read it all again! You are both an inspiration!
I've been following your blog and praying for you guys for a few weeks now. Love the pictures--you're a beautiful family!
It's fun to hear the history of how this love story began...
I'm a new reader to your blog. I got it from one of the blogs I read daily. Thank you for doing a re-cap. I spent more than an hour last night briefly scanning through old posts to get caught up.
Please continue to be strong for your wife and your little bundle of joy. My thoughts are with you and your family.
-Amy from Pittsburgh, PA
Thanks for the quickie update - I have not found the time to peruse your older posts so you have great timing on this.
Beautiful pix too...
I LOVE your wedding picture! It is so obvious that Tricia is so in love with Nate! Not to mention how beautiful she is! You all are still in my prayers daily.....waiting for the word for the transplant to take place!
Yesterday, my husband and I attended Nags Head Church with my daughter and son-in-law who just moved to OBX. Your story was shared at the beginning of the service with the beautiful video you've done, Nate--what a powerful image of grace you and your wife and daughter give to the world--what an amazing gift of life and love in a world too often beset with pain and uncaring.
Know that we'll be keeping prayers for you all and sharing your story!
Thanks for the brief history I am one of those new readers, that is a beautiful wedding photo, Tricia you are one beautiful girl!!! Then and now, I know you may not think so in the hospital (been there too many times too) but you look so much better than I ever do! Love the blog and all the updates, we keep you in our prayers.
Hi Nate, I found you through someone...I don't know. I didn't know there was life outside of the Disney Channel. I should have gone to be a while ago but I am reading about people...real people. I love your story. I will be praying for your family and passing it on so others can pray. My friend gave birth to her daughter around 27 weeks. She looked very much like your little angel. Stay encouraged! Theresa
Just read your blog for the first time. We live in the Durham area, and wondered if we can visit or is there anything we can do to help you locally here?
Just saw ur blog..really touched my heart..will be praying for u & ur family..
Your wedding picture is so beautiful. If possible could you share a few more with us???
Hi Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth. I've been so touched by your story. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. As a parent of a child that was recently in a NICU, I can relate to your situation on some level. And...we have the same anniversary, although a few years apart (we were 6/27/98). Take care
Praying for you all, and praising the Lord for His loving care!
A new visitor here-- linked in by a friend's blog. I will be praying for you and your girls! Gwyneth is so precious...
I read that Gwyneth is taking some donated breastmilk and wanted to share a resource with you. You may have already heard of Milkshare (, but I though I'd mention it, in case you're interested in finding more donors.
Nate, Thank you for making a link to the prayer request for Daniel. Robin said that there were over 6,000 new hits on her website Friday during the operation and a lot of them came from your blog. Thank you for your prayers and everyone. I will be praying for your family Nate. God Bless you all.
Your Brother in Christ,
I discovered your blog from elsewhere, but I have to say that I pray daily and regularly for Tricia, you and your beauty of a little girl. I will continue to pray for you and have even talked about your family to many others,who are praying too ( my church family prayer group). I can not help but check in daily in an honest and fervent checking of the status of each of you. God IS in charge. This I know and he is using your family in such a incredible way. It's truly remarkable. God will never leave you in your journey. I guess I do not have to tell you this. Thanks for sharing your life with the rest of us.
Hi Nate and Tricia,
I just wanted to send a note of encouragement to you both.
1) Tricia, you are a hero. Just like any father who would go to war and be wounded and even die for the protection of his children, or just like any mother who would lay her life down to protect her little ones, would be called heroes, so are you. In our world today we are so selfish, you are very selfless. Our lives are for God's service, you have born your Gwyneth as she was given to you, as God ordained.
2) Your Christian testimony is outstanding. Thanks for giving the glory to God. Your attitudes are out of this world, which makes this world know that you are different. You live your lives like you believe that God is sovereign, instead of in living in fear.
3) Don't give up.
1Cr 3:22,23 Whether, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; And ye are Christ's; and Christ [is] God's.
Rom 8:35-39 Nothing can separate you from the love of the Lord.
4) Have you ever heard of Derek Webb? He's a Christian artist, who writes thought provoking lyrics. Check him out.
ok, this is really long.
Dear Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth,
I don't remember how I found your blog, but look how God is using it--and all GLORY be to Him. I woke at 3 a.m. Sunday morning, with and urgent call to prayer for you, Tricia. I don't know you, but God is bigger than us all. After that experience, in which I was wakened to pray for you--though I don't know you....Well, now, in some odd way, I feel as though you are a friend I am rooting for.
(I know that sounds odd, but you are close to my heart through the day--and it is by God's doing.)
I teach at a Christian school, and now there are first graders who are praying for your family, from our corner of the world in Northern California.
We are cheering for all of you and asking God to protect you. When things are rough, know that some toothless-grinned six year olds are praying for you far away.
They are impacted as they grasp the concept of sacrificial love through the devotion you have to your baby girl, despite the risk to your own health. They "get"that, and have you to thank for your powerful example.
Much love to you.
God bless your family, and stay strong. I keep you gyuys in my prayers.
I stumbled on your website and was moved by the faith and courage you both have! You are in my prayers today ad I look at your precious baby and believe the Lord has great purpose and destiny for this precious baby girl!
My name is Amy and I am 22 years old and 4 1/2 years post double lung transplant. I also have CF and just wanted you to know that y'all are such an inspiration to me. Y'all truly are amazing and I just wanted to let you know that I've been there and that I know it's difficult but you CAN get through it! I'm praying for your family.
As everyone else has commented, your family is just beautiful. A friend of mine gave us the link to your site so that we would read your story and pray for you. It's Valentine's Day, my husband keeps asking me waht the heck I am doing alone in the office for, but I couldn't tear myself away. I just have to say how proud I am that this world has such loving people in it such as you and your precious girls, Tricia and Gwenyth.
Know that you have alot of people praying for you ... people you've never or will never meet. But we're here for you ...
God bless you for not choosing to abort Gwyneth.
He will see you through this.
Wow. I have so much respect for you and your family and I wish you nothing but the best.
God is using your story! Praying God's healing for Tricia and strength to keep growing for baby Gwyneth! I wanted to share a resource with you for families of preemies.
It was started by a friend of mine from college who gave birth to quadruplets at 26 weeks and 3 days. Three survived and are continuing to amaze their doctors! God is so much bigger than any obstacle! You can read about their amazing story at
Lifting you up!
My heart goes out to you and all your family and friends. I'm praying for you and wish you God's healing hand. Bless you and keep the faith.
Cathy Ann
We are touched by your story and by your faith-filled testimony. May God continue to give you the grace & strength that you need to face it each. And praise him for the new little joy in your life! :)
I am overwhelmed by the strength that is present in all 3 of you, and will be praying for you and your beautiful family.
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
I just somehow came across your blog. Your story has really touched me. My husband and I were married on January of 2004 and your wedding date and picture just made it feel so real to me. I just want to tell you that I will surely be praying for your family. It is just about time for my Monday night Bible study to begin, and we will absolutely pray for you. Thank you for the love you have for your family. This is the love that comes from God. It was a blessing to me to hear of your love.
Hello Nate, Tricia and Gwenyth,
My Mother talks of you often. She forwarded me the link to your blog in lieu of giving me verbal updates. :)
My son Joel was 15 weeks early and weighed 1 lb 1/2 oz. While I had complications during my pregnancy, nothing as severe as what your family is dealing with.
I will be praying health over Tricia and baby Gwenyth and that God will give *all* of you wisdom and strength during the upcoming weeks.
Love and prayers,
All of you are in my prayers. I know what you are going through. Both of my brothers had CF. I wish you much luck in getting that double lung transplant and your precious little girl coming home.
Lots of Love,
I am a friend of Janet's that went to high school with her. I remember coming over to the house hanging out, watching TV, and every once in a while helping do percussion on Trish.
Janet shared your story with me. It really touched me.
It is clear to me that your faith makes both of you beautiful people. While I am amazed to hear and see the miracle God did in your sight, it doesn't amaze me that he did it for people like you.
Grace and Peace.
Praying for you and your family...
Nate & Tricia (& Gwyneth!) -
I got to your blog through a CF parent that I've worked with here at the Georgia Chapter at the CF Foundation. :) My other link to you both is that I'm from Durham, NC and my parents still live there. (Never ceases to amaze me how small the world can be.) Your story is truly awe-some and I am so glad that you have been blessed with strength, courage and wonderous bits of joy, too. You are definitely in my prayers. You have a great story of hope to tell others - thank you for sharing. :)
We continue to keep you and your family in our prayers. We'll be praying for lungs to come available for Tricia very soon and keep praying that little Gwen continues to gain weight and work toward breathing on her own. Our preemie, Tage, who's about the same age as Gwen, is doing pretty well too. Still has major lung issues but improving slowly. Now up to 3# 4oz. We cannot imagine the double struggle that you are going through, Nate. God bless you, Take Care, Kolby, Justin, and Tage Bozeman, Montana
WOW!! My heart is so heavy for you guys. I've just stumbled across your blog and am speechless to how much you both unconditionally love each other.
I will be praying for you guys often...
Awesome video! Praise God for His faithfulness! I praise Him that your faith will be people to their knees in prayer for you and for their own lives. You are walking through this "valley" know that "His Rod and His staff" are your comfort! It is obvious.
I praise God for your testimony. I pray for you all...all three of you.
Thank you Lord for this message of your faithfulness!
I just found your blog. I would like to say that I will keep reading and will pray for Gwyneth and Tricia. Good Luck!
wow. i'm absolutely new here. will be following and praying.
Just starting reading and WOW! Such an amazing story and what a beautiful family. God bless each of you!
Someone passed along your blog to me and Nate, I'm in awe of your strength and sense of humor through all of this. Keep that attitude and know that you have been blessed to have these 2 beautiful girls in your life. I will pray that Tricia receives new lungs very soon and that your baby girl grows big and strong.
God bless!
I just found your blog linking from the blog party site. WOW--praying for you all. What a cute little girl and wonderful family---praise to you all...
Wow! What an amazing family! Tricia and Gwenyth are very lucky to have a guy like you around. And your wife and daughter have unbelievable strength! My prayers are with you!
I've been following your story for weeks. I'm the mother of a 23-weeker (now 19 months), and I know how horrible the NICU journey is, and I was healthy during the process. Just wanted you to know you've got some preemie parent prayers coming from Dallas.
Truman's mom
Much love and prayers to Nate, Tricia, and baby Gwyneth!
You are amazing. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
What a beautiful little girl!
God bless all three of you. I have blogged about you today (, knowing how strong the power of prayer is.
Stay strong and kiss those two beautiful girls in your life!!
Prayers and hugs from Ontario, Canada!
Dude. My wife Rebecca, Lauren (our 3 week old baby), and myself are on the 5th floor at Duke. You can read Lauren's story over on my blog. We will be here awhile, Lauren has a cranial taratoma tumor. drop me an email... I'm not sleeping much either.
God Bless you and your precious family. I had preemie twin boys in 2006 and we were in the hospital over 4 months, so I truly understand the NBICU roller coaster and I am praying for your family. God took care of our boys and he will take care of your girls, just keep your faith in Him. All the best.
Your story is just amazing, the strength and courage you and your family have during this trying time is a true gift from God. Your outlook and positive attitude is just amazing. Thats all I can say.
I just surfed upon your blog today for the first time, by way of anothers blog about prematurity. I can relate to your experiences in the NICU. I have had three premature babies, my first was 11 weeks early and was only with us for a couple days.Then a year and exactly one month and a day later I had twin boys who was 8 weeks early and this time we was double blessed . The boys are healthy and will be turning 16 today :) I just know your little princess will defeat all the odds as she has already proved that. you three are in my prayers and I will be back again soon to see how you all are doing. Keep smiling and inspiring. Love and hugs from Amanda in Sandusky,Ohio
Your story is just amazing, the strength and courage you and your family have during this trying time is a true gift from God. Your outlook and positive attitude is just amazing. Thats all I can say.
I just surfed upon your blog today for the first time, by way of anothers blog about prematurity. I can relate to your experiences in the NICU. I have had three premature babies, my first was 11 weeks early and was only with us for a couple days.Then a year and exactly one month and a day later I had twin boys who was 8 weeks early and this time we was double blessed . The boys are healthy and will be turning 16 today :) I just know your little princess will defeat all the odds as she has already proved that. you three are in my prayers and I will be back again soon to see how you all are doing. Keep smiling and inspiring. Love and hugs from Amanda in Sandusky,Ohio
Wow this really is a truely amazing story. It has really touched me. I found your link on a friends blogspot, I have been reading and watching your videos, and I will continue to come back and read. May God keep you strong and keep bringing nothing but good things for your beautiful family
You are amazing. I randomly found your blog and am so inspired. All of the sudden, my daughter peeing in the floor at Walgreens today seems like small potatoes! CFers have a special place in my heart. My friend Jeff LIVED for almost 23 years with CF and forever changed my life. God Bless you and your BEAUTIFUL family! I will add you to my list of blog addictions!
Dear Nate, Trica & Miss G,
I wanted to say how amazing you all are. I too am the mummy of a premmie and I know what you guys are going through in the NICU. My daughter was born at 27 weeks due to PE and HELLPS weighing 861grams 1lb 14ozs. Airlie Fae is now 2 years old and an amazing spirit.
Your story is inspiring to many and your belief is amazing.
Tricia I hope your given the double lung transplant soon my mother had a kidney transplant 4 years ago.
Nate I hope you know how awesome you are and I commend you for keeping this blog going throughout your experience.
To Miss Gweneth we know your strength I always said about my Miss Airlie
"Nothing TIny About My Spirit"
and I can see your the same.
You can check out her story here in a video I made when she turned 1year old.
You can also check out our blog
We send you lots of hope all the way from Australia.
Airlie's story
Our Blog
Take care
Fiona xxx
I so admire you and Tricia's strength and faith in conviction. I wish you all the best! And will now be saying prayers daily for your little family. I don't know what choice I would make in the same situation, but it is awesome to see that God always has a plan for us. I pray that a donor is in God's will for Tricia!
Hi Nate and Tricia,
I am a fellow CFer and had two double lung txs down the road at that other hospital! :) I have been following your blog and want you to know that I am holding you in my heart and praying for a speedy road to transplant.
I know you are overwhelmed with cards, comments and support but I wanted to offer this, just in case you would be interested. I have recently published my book about the illness journey that included 2 transplants. It's called "Sick Girl Speaks!" and I'd love to give you a copy if it sounds interesting to you.
All my best to CF Husband and my CF Sister! I'm glad to hear you baby continues to get stronger.
Tiffany Christensen
I've been continually lurking but wanted to let you know that we're praying for you and your family in Tucson. I've known a few people with CF in my life time but losing my sister to leukemia last year continually reminds me how precious life is.
God Bless! :-)
Nate, Tricia, and Baby G,
Our family has been following your story since January. We live in the Raleigh area and had to tune in to Barbara for your story tonight! Of course it brought tears to my eyes... as well as the other news anchors that were there tonight, I might add! My husband is a middle school pastor at one of the churches in the area and today another pastor lifted y'all up during their prayer time as he had read the article about you guys in the newspaper. Many thoughts and prayers!
Dear Nate & Tricia,
I just watched your story on ABC11 News. Such a real love story. You have such a beautiful little girl! I will pray that Tricia gets the transplant soon and that the 3 of you can all go home healthy! Thinking of your little family, Debbie L, Raleigh NC
Even though I have been following your story since the day Gwyneth was born, hearing the story again in your own words brings tears to my eyes. Thank you again for showing me gods will. Am praying for you all, as always.
No matter how often I read your story(and I am a long time lurker) I get goosebumps.
Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves and for your honesty and frankness. As total strangers, the last few months have been an incredible journey for us and a wonderful lesson in love and faith for my children.
As an aside, we spent the Easter weekend at Nag's Head and fell in love with the place, the people and the sense of community. Not to mention that we are still finding sand in weird places after rolling down the dunes at Jockey's Ridge!
Much love and many prayers heading your way,
wow...amazing and so well said. you brought me to tears. your family is in my prayers. may God continue to bless you and help both your girls grow healthier each and every day.
I think Melissa's comment (8th one from the top) was brilliant and full of wisdom.
Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy
continuing to pray for your precious family. Quick question--we had a 29 weeker and they fortified his breastmilk. Are they fortifying Gwyneth's for extra calories and fat? Take care!
Nate you did an awesome job condensing the story! :)
I loooooove the pic of the three of you together. Too sweet!
Still sending many prayers and much love...
Now that was an excellent idea. I remember the first time I checked your blog. I think I was up till midnight that night trying to catch up. You did a fantastic job, Nate.
Heidi Reed
I could read about and listen to your story every day and still ball my eyes out every time I read/hear it.
By the way, it's been about 3 weeks since we got another part to the "Story of Us"...I'm waiting with anticipation to hear all about how you guys ended up together!!!
-Lisa Collinsworth
In regards to your "weight gain" post. My family and I always think someone is making a mistake---to us she looks like she has gained more. God so often confounds we humans, to look at what "should" be yet there really is so much that is glorious that is going well. Rejoicing over His grace for your family.
I was just thinking, it would be interesting to see how many people have signed up to be organ donors as a result of your family's story. God bless. Praying for Tricia's new lungs and your beautiful baby.
What a touching story. As the mother of a 29 week old preemie, my heart is with you and your family. I'll be praying for continued progress for both your beautiful wife and daughter and strength for you.
Great way to bring new readers up to speed. Just wondering how your support is coming in for Great Strides, especially with your emphasis on CF information the past week. Haven't seen the total increase on your page recently...wonder if that is in real time, or if it requires you to take some of your very busy schedule to manually update on occasion. VERY understandable that you might not have the time for that right now!!! :):) Readers...just click on the "donate" link and follow simple instructions to help Nate meet and exceed his goal of raising $10,000 for CF research, via his particiation in Great Strides walks in April and September, at Duke and the OBX.
Praying for ounces and lungs!!
What an awesome testimony the three of you are! Praying for all of you.
That was a WONDERFUL recap...I especially love your video. Actually hearing the story adds a personal touch.
Still praying for your girls' health AND your continued strength.
~ Tanisha in VA
Still praying for the family! And the purpose of your blog is working!!!! Last week I registered to be an organ donor! Tricia's story has inspired me and my life!
Thank you and God Bless!
I'm not new to, but I LOVE the re-cap.
Once again...Thank you for Blessing all that read your story with your amazing love for your family and your faithful trust in the Lord-it continues to inspire me and remember to turn to him with my families our struggles. I just wish I could be as open and honest on my blog-but for reasons of sensorship by other family members whom read my blog-I have to keep it under the radar to real issues. Anyway-praying as always for you all and love visiting your blog daily.
Keep Imagining!
I have a question for you. I am writing a final report in one of my classes and have chosen the topic of organ donation. I can't seem to load up your email to ask you questions, first and foremost if you are able to do it. It would be a great addition to the paper if I could pick your brain, but please believe when I say I understand if you can't. Thanks and I hope to hear back from you soon.
You are all an amazing testimony of God Grace and Love and you just drip sweetness of Jesus in your life! dont know you but love you all and am a sister in Christ! Praying for you and your girls.
Love the recap. I'd have a hard time doing it in less than a million words. You guys have endured so much, seen so much and have much faith. God will continue to bless you guys and will bless others through their contact with your stories and your blog.
Tricia, you are such an amazing woman, with such strength and a story like no other. Hang in there, girl!
Can't wait to have a minute and check out the story on the news about you guys!
Oh My Goodness! All I can say is God bless you three! I will be praying for you.
As a mom of a preemie (three years ago) I can certainly understand how stressful that situation may be. With Tricia's added difficulties, I cannot imagine.
Your family is beautiful and your joy shines through the pain. May your journey continue towards good things for the three of you!
Just wanted you to know that another stranger is holding your family in her heart. Many, many blessings to you and your family.
Love, love LOVE this post and the youtube video. Tricia looks absolutely beautiful in the pictures and Gwyneth seems so alert now days! :)
Prayers continue for your family!
Your story is beautiful, one of courage and faith. God is with you.
God has been taking me on the most profound journey of my life over the last two leading me to you and your family. Pastor JR said it yesterday..."We need each other, as friends, Christians and prayer warriors" (okay, that part is from me)...another warrior praying for your beautiful family.
My name is Kristi, I live in a suburb of Atlanta, GA. I heard about your story from a friend of a friend of a ..... well you know how that works. Anyways, wanted to let you know that your story has touched my heart and your family is in my prayers. I am asking God to send healing to Tricia and your baby girl in the name of Jesus.
May God Bless and keep you all. Thank you for your incredible faith... it inspires.
May God Bless and keep you all. Thank you for your incredible faith... it inspires me.
Just stumbled across your blog. What an incredible story! I am so inspired by your amazing faith in God. I will be praying for your family and continue to visit here.
I am not a blogger. Took me forever to reach this area to say my pennace. God is good. Did I say it right God is good. Forgive me Nathan. Please forgive me. I did not respect you or God in your
calling to His service. No matter what happens to Tricia or your daughter is really not relavant for me in what God is really telling me. I praise Him & thank Him for what He is doing in your life. One may ask why? I can tell you. Its for me. Reason good enough or not, its real. I see your family(those of Rick & Don) with such faith and strength in the Lord. I am such a weakling in comparison. Then I look at you. I always just thought you were lazy and a slacker. I see the Lord leading you, guiding you, leading all of us, and I say WOW!!, such strength; God is really guiding you. I love you brother. I love you and your family. I pray it all goes well for you. You have had to endure so much. God bless you! Don't let this be the end of your ministry, but only the start.
I pray for Tricia's swift recovery and both of yours strength.
Greg Avery
My prayers are with you.
Hi Nate, I'm a friend of the other Trisch who directed me towards your blog. My brother is a CF doctor here in Ireland, the facilities here are so under-resourced. I wish you, Tricia and your beautiful daughter all the best and I hope Tricia gets her new lungs soon.
All the best,
Hi Nate and Trish, My name is Lynn Livingston and I am from Indianapolis In. I am waiting for a Liver transplant. I have been following your story from the beginning. I am so happy for Trish that she got her new Lungs. And it is kind of cool that she got her transplant on your birthday. I was placed on the transplant list on your birthday! So maybe you are my new hero! I love how you talked about how the donor family feels. That is hard for me. I lost my dad in a car accident 2 years ago. So I know how families feel that are grieving. Just know I think you are an awesome husband, daddy, and man of GOD! Gwyneth is beautiful!
Lynn Livingston
Just got a link to your story this far in, I will come back to read more later but I wanted to comment that already you've brought tears to my eyes. My best friend growing up had CF. I have lost contact with her but my mom and I agree that Sandy (her mom) would have gotten ahold of us by now if she had I'm praying that she's a medical miracle too...and this story gives me such hope. Thank you for sharing it.
I got your link for your blog from the blog of the leino family- baby isaac. I love the fact that even though doctors say no-- guess who is charge-- GOD. He knows what is to come, we just need to trust. Its hard sometimes to not know the outcome or what will happen on the meantime- but you are showing the faith that God gives to all of us to hold on to him. You have a beautiful family. We here in South Jersey- BROWNS MILLS will be continuing to hold you up in prayer just as we continue to hold up the Leino family. I also placed your family as a bulletin on my myspace-- so we are going to keep the prayers coming in. God bless you and your beautiful girls Tricia and Gwyneth. Blessings- Cruz Family
Good evening...My name is Ruth Ann...and I share your precious little baby girls birthday!!! ( Along with Elvis!!!) I linked here from a friend on Xanga who has asked us to be in prayer for you as your family goes through such a trying time.
I am grateful to see that you are not going through all of this have family,friends and God to give you strength and faith. Please know I will be lifting all of you in prayer
Hi Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth. I have two CF children, a daughter 21and a son 17; a friend at church told me about your story and emailed me your links. I was amazed when I went to Tricia's page and saw the Jeremiah Bible verse "For I know the plans I have for you . . ." because that's my daughter's verse. I was also amazed to read about Nags Head Church because we visited your church July 2006 while vacationing down the Outer Banks and Nate was the worship leader. My family and I are encouraged by you and all three of you are in our prayers. My daughter became engaged in June so your story is encouraging to her and her fiance as well. Thanks for sharing and God bless! Nan in NN
Good to "hear" from you Nate. Hope you are enjoying your time "off". :) We are so grateful that your family has got this new lease on life! Thanks for the update!
How many times have I read this post and today's addition to it is the best by far!! :) I'm so happy both of your girls are doing well and I can't wait for the update that's titled "Out of the Hospital."
Still praying for continued healing for Tric and continued growth for Gwyneth.
Love y'all!
I can't imagine what it will be like for Tricia to walk out of the hospital, hopefully very soon! Even though I do'nt know you guys, I am very excited for her!! There are no words to descibe what it feels like to take your baby home from the NICU. I am so looking forward for Tricia and Nate to have that experience!
I've been lurking since I came home from the hospital with my first daughter on Jan 3 of this year, and thinking a lot about you guys since Tricia's transplant. A friend from high school shared your blog w/ me, but then I had heard about you also through some friends at C3. Small world.
I just wanted to let you know that thanks to you and your blog, I spend LOTS of time thinking about how thankful I am for my little world. And thanks for the recap- I blogged about my thankfulness and put a link to your blog on my blog :) - knowing that many friends and family who read my blog will be much encouraged by yours,
We all know that your two girls are such fighters...
I just wanna give you "Nate" a big Wooohooooo for doing such a great job in dealing with everything you've had to go through. I know it has been so hard on you but you seem like such a strong person and both your wife and daughter are so lucky to have you! I'm not sure if I were in your shoes that I could have been as strong as you have ... but then again I know in certain situations we do what we have to, especially for those we love. Back in June 2007 my daughter had to have the right upper lobe of her lung removed, I don't think I've ever been as scared in my life!
mother of 11 yr old with CF (Molly)
Amazing! God's timing never ceases to amaze me....Thanks for being so faithful!:)
Still praying from WI...
Absolutely beautiful.
Praying for you and trusting God with you,
Hej, I just reread some of the old posts (dated beginning of January) and smiled at the mentioning of being thrilled to get 300 hits per day... And now shooting for 3 million...
Somehow, your stories have inspired thousands of people around the globe, who are enjoying your candid posts of joy, fear, sorrow, hope and FAITH. The Lord works in mysterious but GLORIOUS ways...
Thanks so much!
Everytime I read a recap I learn new things about you.Thanks for just being you.
I can't believe that Gwyneth is over 3 lbs.
Did I hear you say Tricia may be out of the hospital in the next week! That would be awesome!
You guys are simply amazing. We rejoice with you in all that God has done. Our prayers continue to be for you.
I loved reading the recap. Your story is truly amzing and has been an inspiration to many, including myself.
Sending love and prayers from Ohio.
Prayers continue for your beautiful family......
Much love....
Am praying for you. Praise God for all he has done so far.
Continuing to pray for y'all. Won't it be a wonderful day when the 3 of you get to leave the hospital togethr?? And in Spring..The time of blooming and rebirth!!!
Y'all take good care of yourselves!
God Bless,
Jamie in Texas
Thanks for always keeping us up to date. I love the new family photo. I can not wait until Tricia gets to remove the gloves and mask for the family photo. I pray that day will come soon for all of you. You are always in my prayers and thoughts.
Take Care,
No words can describe how much your story has touched my life and probably the lives of thousands of people. It is a story of hope and God's faithfulness in our lives and your incredible faith in Him.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story. I am grateful.
A friend shared your blog with me today. All I can say is WOW. Both Tricia and Gwyneth are truly miracles. I can see God working through you. I'll be praying for you guys for continued strength every day!
Melinda in So Cal
As a long time reader, I know this story very well, but I still read it and cry everytime!
Hoping to see you out of ICU!
Yay! :)
Thanks for updating that.
:) (again)
Gwyneth weighs MORE THAN THREE POUNDS!!! She is on a roll now!! I can't believe how well Tricia is recovering. You've compared the double lung transplant to a major car accident, but I think we have to remember it is a person who has been very sick for some time being in a major car accident! Prayers continuing for you all.
That picture of the three of you makes me tear up every time I see it. Thanks for sharing your life with us...your life has greatly improved my prayer life. I love seeing the Lord work daily in your lives! ;-)
I love that you post the fast tracks Nate, it is absolutely glorious to see all that God has done and is doing. thank you.
praising and praying...
It doesn't matter how many times I read your story, look at your pictures, or watch your videos... my heart continues to be touched by your family's amazing and inspirational story. Thank you for sharing some light from above in a world obsessed with darkness and gloom. May God continue to bless you all!
A-Ma-Zing!!! So excited for y'all!
Continued prayers for you all & thanks for the update! I can't believe both Tricia & Gwyneth are making such fabulous progress! God is indeed good!
Thanks so much for continuing to share your journey with us. God bless you all.
That was awesome and gave me goosebumps! I hope both of your girls are doing well and I look forward to when you start blogging again on a regular basis!
It's amazing to see the transformation from when Gwyneth was born to the little chubby baby she's become now. :)
We have some friends who have a son with CF (he will be entering high school next year). He had a liver transplant several years ago - and watching them go through that was amazing. I can only begin to imagine what your family is going through during this season of your life!
Praying God's richest blessings, peace, healing and mercy on your lives!
Tricia amazes me.
Gwyneth amazes me.
Nate, you amaze me, too.
That the three of you have each other is clearly meant to be.
What an inspiration Tricia is. Prayers to all of you.
Keeping you (all) in our prayers. Congrats on exceeding the 3 lb mark! That is impressive!!!!
i have been following your blog for ages, as a fellow cf sufferer, and soon to be mummy hopefully, and i think you have tremendous strength and a loving nature, it is so good to see your positivity. your family is on the up, long may it continue
wishes and thoughts for you
24 wcf
As each chapter is added to the story it is kind of like reading a Bible story. How different it is to go through it not knowing how it will unfold than reading it after the fact! The Lord has visited us through you guys! It is a modern "Bible type" story! We are still praying. Last night we talked and said, "imagine what it will be like for these Nate, Trisha and Gwyneth to walk across the threshold to their home for the first time!! It should be soon.
You blog truly,truly touched me. :,)
I've had my fair share of life obstacles and can't help it but feel God hasnt been very fair with me,challenging me to my limits.But after reading your posts,you determine me to never give up.To move on with my chin up.
Your family will always be in my prayers.You are blessed with two lovely princesses and I wish you everlasting happiness throughout.Stay positive and strong like you have always been.
You guys are amazing and I pray that you will have the most fantastic life together! I am praying for you to have an extra measure of strength. There will be a day when you look back and have no answer for how you survived on so little sleep! Keep up the good fight Tricia! Motherhood is worth every minute of your struggle!
Amazing :o)
Oprah Winfrey here you come!!
God is beautiful!
You three continue to amaze me, and you continue to be in my prayers.
this is my first time at your blog and i'm touched, inspired and amazed. my prayers and thoughts are with you for continued good health and happiness.
Prayers that your lovely wife and beautiful daughter continue to get well. Your family is always in my prayers. What a strong family. Don't forget to get rest and take care of your self. It is amazing to see how many strangers are praying for your family. Sure is beautiful to read all the encourgement and prayers that are left.
We have been out of town and I just had the time to review this video. Beautiful.
Just found your blog. You have a beautiful daughter and wife. God Bless! Keeping you in our prayers!
What a Gorgeous Family !
May God's hands rest gently on your family.
Brazil is praying for your family
Dear Nate and family... We were guided to your site by Marie Peluso at Duke's ICN. We spent 11 months at Duke while our daughter, Raegan was in the ICN. We have since moved to Minnesota because Raegan is awaiting a kidney and has to be on hemodialysis (MN is the only place that can do this for babies) but Raleigh remains our home. We have been here since mid-December and hope to be able to come home some day soon. We got "the call" today that a kidney was available for Raegan but it ended up not getting here in time. We continue to wait, pray for a donor and be thankful for people like you who continue to spread the word about organ donation. My little girl (14 months) continues to be hooked up to machines and has never been to her own room. This is our life until a kidney becomes available.
We are so happy to hear of your progress and are so familiar with some parts of your journey. Our prayers are with you.
Layne, Michael and RAegan
Dear Nate,
Thank you so much for sharing your story with the world!! it is amazing and you've done it in a wonderful and faithful way. Praise the Lord. You are in our prayers, and we are glad to hear your wife has been released from the hospital! We met your Dad a couple weeks ago and know he is too! Praise God!
In His Love,
Dear Nate!
That you in your very very dificoult posision use time to tell your story is beutiful. It is so importen to all people to read this.
I have myself CF. Same age as your vife, but I will not get a lungtransplant because of some problems whit infeksjon in my lungs. I understand what krises you have gone tru. I em so impressed.
Sorry for my bad english, from Norway you see..
God luck to all 3 of you.
God bless you & your beatiful family, hope you 3 go home very soon & have a long & Happy life togheter.
This is my first visit here and all I can muster out of my thoughts is God Bless all of you. You are a beautiful..beautiful family.
Nate, I know how overwhelming it can be, being married to my husband who has CF for 2 years now. Lots of time at the foot of a hospital bed :) Reading the New Testament gives me courage through the trials that happen everyday. I always come back to Heb 13:5 'I will never leave or forsake you.' Looking into the future, and how difficult it looks (getting a house, getting pregnant and taking care of a baby, his health), I know God's taking care of us, which makes me smile. -Loni, wife of Ronnie
Please visit Ronnie's website where you can shop at major retailers and 100% of commissions received goes towards the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to find a cure! The commission comes from your purchase, and there is no additional cost to you. Simply visit the website and start shopping.
Although I have been following your story for quite some time now, reading a summary of all that has occurred over the last few months still brings tears of joy.
I am so happy for the positive outcome. PRAISE GOD!!!
I found your blog through Tiffany Jones and I was immediately sucked in! Praise God for your awesome testimony! :)
I love it when you post the "fast tracks" as a beautfiul reminder of all God has done and continues to do,i love knowing that all across the world we are linked by faith and rejoicing as we have watched this miracle unfold. thank you as always for taking the time to do so. still praying and praising in so cal.
Your YouTube video is just amazing. Hearing the story in your words is touching and a wonderful tribute to your girls. I hope you do an update video soon!
What an amazing testimony of faith and perserverance. A friend led me to this site after finding out our student council (we work at a center for children with special needs) was participating in the Great Strides Walk. You and your beautiful wife and daughter our in our thoughts and prayers. It's just an amazing story and shows how God is so awesome! Can't wait to come here daily and read how they're doing. :)
Didn't mean to delete that last one, but I mispelled alot of words and wanted to fix
Hi Nate. I was surfing around the www tonight and found your blog. You guys have been through sooo much.
I'm so glad that your wife and daughter are doing so well. I admire your strength and your willingness to share your story with the world.
Until today I hadn't given CF much thought, didn't even know anything about it, and I'm a better person today because I found you three.
-Lisa :)
What a beautiful, touching, inspirational, and educational story. Thank you for sharing it with the world.
God certainly has blessed you and may he continue to bring you all the strength you require to continue to grow both emotionally and physically.
I believe He has used you and your family as an instrument to help sooo many other people in similar situations and I'm sure that HE is as proud of your spirit as everyone that knows and loves you is.
What a beautiful, touching, inspirational, and educational story. Thank you for sharing it with the world.
God certainly has blessed you and may he continue to bring you all the strength you require to continue to grow both emotionally and physically.
I believe He has used you and your family as an instrument to help sooo many other people in similar situations and I'm sure that HE is as proud of your spirit as everyone that knows and loves you is.
What a beautiful, touching, inspirational, and educational story. Thank you for sharing it with the world.
God certainly has blessed you and may he continue to bring you all the strength you require to continue to grow both emotionally and physically.
I believe He has used you and your family as an instrument to help sooo many other people in similar situations and I'm sure that HE is as proud of your spirit as everyone that knows and loves you is.
What an incredible story of God's incredible power! His hand is so evident over each of you!!
Thank you for giving God the glory, even in the dark valleys!
I just left a comment on your recent post, but I wanted to leave another one to thank you again for sharing your amazing story. What an amazing testament to life and love you guys are. I'm sitting here wiping tears out of my eyes. God bless you guys.
Congratulations. You are so blessed. A healthy baby, soon to be coming home and a second chance at life. My two year old came in while I was watching your slide show. She said "Oh mommy, dat baby is beautiful!" Yes, yes she is.
I love the name Gwenyth Rose and the faith your family has is amazing to me...I am always encouraged when people decide not to abort - it always shows the goodness of God our father! Your family is beautiful!
May God bless you, your wife, and your precious baby girl. I will pray for you!
Such a beautiful story God is writing in your life!
I could not be more happy for you all!
You have an absolutely beautiful family and you are a beautiful person. In my opinion, your story is a true testament to God's power and your faith. I remember reading somewhere that Faith was Forsaking All I Take Him. It's very evident in your lives. God Bless you all.
i found your blog through a friend and i check in daily- your story is insiprational and a reminder of what god can accomplish!
I just found your blog- I am in tears! I am so happy for you and your wife and daughter- I don't even know you but I feel an overwhelming sense of relief to know that you are all ok. Thanks for sharing your story.
I just same to your blog from Lisa Leonard's site after seeing the necklace she designed for Gweneth. I am so glad that you are all doign well, and I will say a prayer for you all. What an amazing story for all of you. Your strength and commitment to each other and to family is truly inspirational. Bless you all.
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