I was shooting some pics around our church building today of the Christmas decorations that were put up a few days ago (it's awesome to have professional decorators and lots of helping hands in the church body). My goal was to find a few shots that I could use for graphics for church marketing stuff in December.
Below are a few of my favorite shots, and because it's the giving season, I thought I'd share them with you. They'd make great desktop backgrounds, Christmas postcards, or even a seasonal blog header. If you'd like, feel free to download them to your computer and enjoy!

VERY COOL--thanks for sharing.
That's fun! Thanks for sharing your church decorations and giving them to us for our creative use! :)
Very nice. My first gift of the season. :)
Very Pretty!
PS...Glad the painting is done in the house...Not much longer and you can move in ?huh?
Dang it! I submitted the design for our Christmas Eve postcards to the printers yesterday. The first one would have been great. I'll keep it for next year! Thanks!!!
Thanks so much! I just downloaded them and think I'll try to use them for our Christmas cards! You ROCK!
these are wonderful :) Happy Holidays!
Thanks! Are these the actual photos or did you do some photoshopping to them? They are lovely! Well, not sure about the last one but the rest are all brilliant!
Thanks! Happy Christmas!
The first, third, and fourth would be great backgrounds for posters / postcards etc. Nice shots!
How thoughtful Nate!
I just redid my header otherwise I'd be downloading my favorite for sure. I'll keep them in mind though as I always have a bunch of projects in the works.
Merry Christmas!
Just wondering...
Is being in your home by Christmas a possibility? You have a talented group of family and friends helping you out, that's for sure!
THANK YOU!!! I love them! The second one (ornaments) is now my computer background!
Thanks, Nate!
OH wow! WAY cool I am going to get one for my blog - thanks :) Sunshine
ooh thanks! I just used the first one for my desktop here at work. I love it!
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them!
Your very creative, thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks for wrapping my screen - the festive desktop will cheer me up each time I see it!
Thank you Nate! :) That is so nice of you!
Cool! I think I'll use some of these! THANKS!!!
That was very kind! I love the shots!
I know you occassionally visit "mycharimingkids" and wondered if one of these days you could give us all a short photography lesson on one thing that you find useful in your shoots. McMama recently did that and I learned so much about ISO!
Thanks for sharing!
Great pictures for a back ground and super great about the house work getting done
Great pics - thanks for sharing!
Great Photos and thanks for the gift!
I just checked out "Pattysues" blog....read her story and shared in some really beautiful pictures of the two of you. Just thought I let you know that I was thinking of you both today and wondering how she was feeling through the cold weather and all? Keep you all in my prayers.
God Bless
Thanks for sharing. Love the last one especially.
Looks great!
On a side note, I know you have a large group of followes here on your blog so could you please send out a prayer request for a little girl who is in the hospital fighting for her life. She is 10 months old and swallowed a battery and it leaked for 6 days in her before it was found. Here is her blog link:
Thanks Nate! I'll be using the top one on my desk top.
Thank you! They look amazing!
Thanks for sharing =]
Great idea. Thanks!
That was too funny!
I set the first one as my background at work. It looks beautiful! Thx.
This is the second time in ...oh...I don't know maybe 3 months or so... I was actually staying in an extra bed in the hospital with my husband. This time I'm going to follow... wow, it impressed me then and has again. My hubby has real serious health problems, but you are amazing!
Very Nice! Also using Free Christmas video backgrounds from http://www.ignitemotion.com
Those are great - thanks! I cropped one down and made a header for my blog.
Thanks for sharing! One of the backgrounds came in handy today as I was finishing a video for our German exchange student's Christmas present. Have a wonderful and safe trip to NJ. Enjoy the time off from blogging and loving on your beautiful girls!
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