Anything you see in "quotations" is a Yankee/Jersey word/phrase that this southern boy normally wouldn't use.
Having been to Wildwood, NJ a few years ago, I did not have high expectations for the Ocean City Boardwalk... But, the fact that OC is a "dry" city (no alcohol is sold in the city limits), and the fact that the city actually seems to care about keeping itself family friendly, it was much cleaner and less chaotic than I expected. If you've never been to a "boardwalk" before, I'll show you a pic or two of it in my next post...every boardwalk I've been to is different, but I liked this one the best. It's not something that I'd want to vacation to all the time, but I can see why Tricia has such fond memories from her's basically like going to a big state fair on the beach...lot's of food, lots of arcades and amusement rides, lots of people.

Some world-camous Kohr Custard, with "jimmies" (sprinkles)...

Hermit crabs...we've got them on the OBX as well, but the colors make for a great pic...

Neither one of us loves arcades, but we decided to blow 5$ anyway...

By far, the tallest funnel cake I've ever seen...Tricia likes "extra sugar", and she did give me a bite or two before she finished it up.

Wow! Looks like an awesome time! I loved looking at all the great pictures! =)
P.S. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!! I hope you have a fun day.
Great pictures.
Have a Happy Father's Day Nate!
I'm a 100% Jersey girl and am happy to see that someone from out of state enjoyed themselves here (Oh yeah and Pt.Pleasant and Ocean City are much more family friendly than Wildwoood or Seaside (aka Sleezside))! I was wondering if Trisha's family is from North Jersey 'cause I noticed that you referred to the beach as the "shore"? I've always lived in the Point Pleasant area and typically a "Jersey shore" reference is made by what we call "Bennies" or people from North Jersey never by the locals. Sorry just being nosy.
Beautiful pictures, and Happy Father's Day!
I laughed at "jimmies". FWIW, I'm a born and bred Yank and sprinkles are sprinkles. I was very confused the first time my husband called them jimmies. I wonder where that name came from.
#1 Happy Father's Day!
#2 Awesome pix
#3 Happy summer fun
#4 I'm hungry for those delicious treats!!!
AWESOME photographs...Happy Father's Day!
Gotta love the Jersey shore. I have been reading your blog for a while but never commented. Just wanted to say hi! I sort of "know" Tricia from when she went to Fellowship Baptist. My parents are Andy and Phyllis Wallin (one of the pastors there). I probably should have said hi sooner. Love reading your story. We were all praying for you here last year during your trial.
Oh good gracious.. our family is absolutely NOT from North Jersey. I, for one, barely consider North Jersey part of NJ.
Tricia's older sister
*This is an "in good nature comment" and should not be taken seriously by anyone who lives up there in the dank shadows of NYC.
Funnel Cake!!
I was a good girl last night and had cotton candy instead....
Hey Nate...
Thanks for getting these great pics up! Love them! What a great glad you guys could make the trip up.
Happy Father's Day to ya.
I used to love bashing crocodiles when my Mum and my grandparents took me to a UK equivalent of 'The Jersey Shore' - a place in England called Scarborough.
Looks like you guys had lots of fun, and I now want to try that funnel cake stuff even more!!
I'm probably wrong, but isn't "jimmies" a Philly / Lancaster County term? And isn't going "down the shore" a South Jersey thing, too? Maybe it's a thing people who don't live right on the beach say....
By the way, did you play skee ball in the arcade? I've got fond memories of skee ball and mini golf with my grandpa.... Glad you had fun in Ocean City!
I loved reading about,and seeing your pictures from Ocean City, NJ. I grew up outside Philadelphia, and spent vacations there. Then, my husband and I took our sons there for years. It was fun seeing you and your family having fun in our old "stomping ground." While you were there, my husband and I were having a wonderful week in Nags Head...perfect weather...lots of dolphin sitings and pelicans flying close to our balcony, diving into the ocean, and skimming by. We logged a record of 31 pelicans flying overhead on one of our beach walks. We look forward to next year's trip to the Outer Banks.
Ok, here it is; If you grew up in Philly or S. Jersey you went " Down the shore" then parked your car and went "on the beach". So even if you never went "on the beach" you were still "down the shore". And no, none of us like the " beach tags". As to medical waste; NEVER happened in OC! The City charter forbids such things right along with sale and public consumption of alcohol.
Ok, here it is; If you grew up in Philly or S. Jersey you went " Down the shore" then parked your car and went "on the beach". So even if you never went "on the beach" you were still "down the shore". And no, none of us like the " beach tags". As to medical waste; NEVER happened in OC! The City charter forbids such things right along with sale and public consumption of alcohol.
Ah yes - happy Father's Day! Great pics - love all the family shots. Yay for 'jimmies'. Since moving to the midwest I have learned to call them sprinkles but growing up in upstate NY, they were jimmies. Everyone looks so great and happy in the pics.
I am in love with the picture of the two little ones each holding their own spoon. Flawless!!!
I am 8 mos pregnant and the funnel cake pic has captured my attention and appetite....but I live in the midwest....where is the nearest state fair!?!?!
Love it. We live in PA, therefore OC is a place we travel to each year! The boardwalk is PERFECT for the kids!
Just wanted to pop in and say hello! I've been following your story for about 1 1/2 years. I'm a friend of Tricia's sister, Janet and went to BHS too. Obviously I'm a bit bias to OC and LOVE that you posted pics. It was fun to hear your perception of OC. I've been coming to OC all my life and couldn't imagine going anywhere else. Glad you guys had a good time and it's good to see you hit all the most important places on the boardwalk! :o) We are in OC right now for our vacation! Sorry we missed you!
So glad you all are doing well! Love to see all the updates of you enjoying "normal" life! :o)
Katie Fueger
Looks like you guys had a great time. That funnel cake looks AWESOME, it has me drooling. :)
It looks like you had a great trip!!!
Love the pictures! Hope you had a great Father's Day!
Carol - that's funny, because I grew up in upstate NY too (about as upstate as you get without being in Ottowa) and I'd never heard them called jimmies. Funny.
I love the funnel cake picture too! It's making me really hungry right now, but I suppose I won't have funnel cake for breakfast...
Those are absolutely the most precious and personal moments on that video.
It has such a impact on me, I know I will never forget it.
Thank You Very Much for sharing these/your tender moments
Here on the Outer Banks "jimmies" are male crabs. We don't like them on our ice cream or custard.
But put a soft-shelled one in the frier for me and it's better than ice cream.
Did Gwyneth experience some cotton candy? That would make a fun picture.
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