Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Another One...

...of the cousins (and Tricia).



Kim said...

I LOVE the look on Gwyneth's face! Such personality!

Stefanie said...

Aww...LOVE this picture!!!

ShEiLa said...



Shari said...

Is that Evaine? She is getting so big! Darling pic!

mom nana nelson said...

jusdt so very adorable and look st that head of dark hair woweeeee, beautiful.

Irene said...

Both the babies are adorable, and Tricia too of course! I believe Gwyneth is starting to "work the camera"!

chocolate hug said...

Gwyneth looks like her mommy here!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet photo! :) Love Gwyneth's facial expression! haha

Elaine said...

Beautiful beyond words. Just love the little "woopdy do" (is that even a word) in Gwyneth's hair. She is really working the camera.

Anonymous said...

Is that Suri Cruise? totally kidding. lame I know.But the hair made me say it.

Jenna said...

Your 4th picture are oh so cute! Can I ask how your put links on your blog? Like for this post you put a link for your chuch in it. How do you do that? I have been trying to find out how and I can't! Thanks. I LOVE reading your blog :)