One day, maybe this fall, Tricia and I are going down sans Gwyneth...we'll stay overnight in a B&B and ride mopeds all over town...I call the orange one!

You can thank me later for keeping this next photo PG rated...

Apparently, just me and this cat are the only ones who like visiting the lighthouse at 7:30am...

After a long walk around the village, this is what was waiting for me back at our motel room...

After a ton of rain the day before, the sun was shining. The great thing about Ocracoke is that it is even closer to the Gulf Stream, which means warmer water. We had never hit the beach in Ocracoke, so we took our 4x4 out, found a semi-secluded spot, and enjoyed the low tide for about an hour.

It is so beautiful there, make me want to go. I'm glad you had a great time and I always love seeing your photos.
I love the pic of the wrinkley feet...so cute!
pickled feet!
Thanks for keeping it PG...it took me a minute to even figure out what you needed to "hide"...but then I saw it.
Love the pics, you're really becoming a fantastic photographer!
The wrinkly feet is one of my favorite pictures as well.
Love those pink shades... more on Gwenyth than you Nate... sorry.
I love your photos. I bet those gnarly fishermen would have felt all warm and fuzzy inside... downright honored to be photographed... or not. Maybe it was too big of a risk.
I love lighthouses... and beaches. Why is it I live in Nevada?
Wrinkled baby feet, my fav!!!
Love the glasses nate,
they are SO YOU
I adore the first show of the lighthouse. Just lovely.
And those FEET! :)
These pictures are AMAZING! Gwenyth is the cutest thing!
I can't decide which picture I like better: the prune feet or the glasses on Nate!!!
These pictures are great! The wrinkled feet, the lighthouse, the piers, all of them. =)
As I scrolled through the pictures, enjoying each one, I wasn't prepared to see YOU in Gwyneth's glasses - it made me laugh outloud!
And those cute little feet with wrinkly skin - what a great picture!
Ya'll had so much fun on the island and you've got wonderful pictures to make the memories last forever.
Great photos! Loving the pruned tootsies!
Awesome pictures! Both Tricia and Gwyneth look amazing, so healthy and happy! Love the wrinkly feet - if that isn't precious, I don't know what is! Destiny D
She is so stinking cute. I wish my little one would sit still long enough for me to fix her hair, and I don't know if I've ever seen feet that pruny in my life!
you can really see in those pictures how much more gwyneth is getting around on her own- her legs are losing the baby bandy leg look. that seems so fast...
wish our beaches were warm. we go paddling with jumpers on!
What fun!!!
Nate, I do not even know you... but I am SHOCKED that you didn't jump at the chance to ask those guys for a picture... It might of been your only opportunity to become Shark Bait... What were you thinking!
Pictures are fantastic.
Love seeing Miss Gwyneth she is amazing!
Have fun!
I was feeling a bit down until I read this blog entry and saw the photos of Gwyneth (and you!) in the pink sunglasses! Thanks for sending the vacation sunshine over here in the last 5 minutes!
Amazing Photos!
Great pictures, love the sunglasses!
Love the sweet feet pic!
Apparantly my husband isn't the only one who thinks it is fun to wear his little girl's shades. I keep telling him to stop or her shades will not fit any more but he does it anyways...and the shades have yet to fall off of our daughter's head.
Awesome pictures! My daughter lovingly refers to the last picture as "raisin toes"!
I'm at the Village of Hatteras right now and we are going to Ocracoke later this week, my dad is a potter and sells to a family that has lived there for six generations. You might have even seen his work while you were there! It is the pottery by the old, old graveyard. I can't wait till our daytrip to make another pottery delivery...I LOVE the island.
By the way on our way down here from MD, I was thinking of you and your family when we went by Mile Post 13!
I'm jealous! That looks like a great place, and you guys are always so cute!
I'm traveling right now...and no where near the beach (which I live at when I'm home.) You are soooo making me homesick!
Great photos! I bet it will be interesting to see what Gwyneth thinks of them when she is older. She is growing so fast!
The Castle on Silver Lake B&B. We stayed there for two or three nights. Rented the top floor with cupola. It was super nice!
Look at those prune feet :) How funny.
I think you should have asked for a photo of the fishermen!
Love the last one of the wrinkly feet.
Love, love the sunglasses!
The wrinkly feet pic is one of the best ever! Adorable and proof of a good time!
Wonderful pictures!
Oh my gosh, LOVE the pics! My faves are the ones of Gwyneth's wrinkly feet and you w/her sunglasses! The one of you wearing her glasses is fantastic. Seriously. She will crack up at that when she's older!
☼ yay!
wow.I was going to say that the one of you wearing Gwyneths glasses was the best but THEN I saw her wrinkly toes...very cute. I was also going to mention...the old fisherman...that when you snap a couple pics really fast then run! ha. I have the same problem though...I always see cute old people that I want to snap pictures of but feel strange doing it/ asking to.
Love the feet!
Raisin Feet!
Oh my, Gwyneth is going to be walking before you know it!! She is definitly losing the baby look and turning into the lanky toddler.
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