It's been very, very cold here the 20's/30's for about a week, which is rare (and, I know, for many of you, that's like summer weather)'s so rare, that I've only seen the sounds freeze up like this a few times in my 20+ years on the Outer Banks.

Wow - the weather provided a really great photo-op eh? And you took great advantage of it!
Coool Pics!!!!
very pretty. i am in MN and it has been very cold here also in one city it was -49 out burr. we wont see nothing but ice till about may.
Beautiful photos!!!
beautiful nate! thanks for sharing!
Wow, those are really great photos! I'm originally from NC and I really miss the winters there. I live in Hawaii, not that I'm complaining, I just miss having actual seasons!
Freezing weather makes for all kinds of awesome photo ops. Yours are beautiful--so so cool! My favorite is blue sky against white snow.
great pics...i think i will wait till you thaw out up there to visit. i can stay down here and in our cold temps for now :)
Amazing... Terrific Photos.. Thanks for sharing them with the blog world!
Beautiful pictures. My daughter and I were just talking about what the beach might look like in the winter. Thanks for sharing these.
gorgeous photos! never really seen ice/snow by the ocean. :-) stay warm!
Oh how I wish I had your warm weather...but some very cool photos.
Great pictures! It's pretty cold here too... down in the teens at night.. not out of the 30s during the day... that is NOT what the weather in Alabama is supposed to be doing...
Makes for beautiful pictures!!
Thanks for sharing,
I've always enjoyed seeing photos like those!
We are supposed to hit 30 tomorrow here in Upstate NY and we were talking this morning how that's gonna be a heat wave for us.....Is it spring yet? I don't mind the snow, but I hate the cold!
Rare, but a great photo op! Good thing you took advantage while you can!
very cooooooooool pictures.
Love to all.
Oh, WOW! That is an amazing thing to see. Great pics!
Oh WOW! beautiful!
Great pictures. I have family that lives on the river in Camden (across from the Coast Guard station). I remember visiting one January when a couple of swans were frozen in the ice around their pier ...
Wow! Beautiful ice pics, Nate!
Wow!! I was impressed that a few of the lakes had frozen over here in Raleigh! I am even more impressed that the sound has frozen over! Great photos! Thanks for sharing!
these are gorgeous! Wow, and i have been complaining about our cold weather in Santa Barbara!!
The pictures remind of Lake Erie being frozen in Cleveland.I would never think this happens here in North Carolina.
Wow! Your really working that new lens. Beautiful photos, and I love the pics of Gwenyth as well. So cute!!!
I mean..."Gwyneth" typing fingers get to fast for my brain sometimes...heehee
Awesome pictures Nate! Never thought of the OBX as cold and with ice but it sure is pretty!
Absolutely beautiful photos!
Beautiful pictures!
Despite the cold (and I live in Vermont so I know cold!) those are beautiful pictures. You really have a great eye for photography.
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