Guess who will be two tomorrow!?!
You might remember that we invited everyone to celebrate Gwyneth's birthday Last Year by wearing either pink, brown or a combination of those two colors on January 8. Before she was born, we chose the combination of pink and brown to use for Gwyneth's room and other things. As it would turn out, the vast majority of her clothes are also pinks and browns, which is totally cool with us.
Well, we had so much fun with Pink & Brown Day last year, and so many people participated with us, that we're going to do it again this year. And, just to bump it up a notch, we're also asking, if you celebrate with us, that you email us a photo of yourself!
Although it will be a little while yet before Gwyneth is able to understand what her birthday means, we look forward to sharing with her the things we have recorded on this blog as well as every encouraging comment and prayer when she is old enough.
And, be sure to check back in tomorrow for some fun birthday posts!
Happy Birthday G!!! Will you get a haircut for your big day?? Hope you and your mommy and daddy are always as happy and healthy as they are today!!!
Awwww, Happy Birthday sweet girl! I hope you have a wonderful 2nd birthday.
Happy (early) Birthday Gwyneth!
I thought about your family a lot yesterday as I sat with my Grandmother at Duke, waiting for an appointment. Especially since we were right next to the transplant clinic!
Next week, we return to Duke for a Pulmonary Function Test and, naturally, it made me think of y'all again and I wondered if Tricia has had such tests done there as well.
I pray that you guys have a blessed 2nd birthday with your little princess! Hope to see some Pug photos!
Wow, Gwyneth is turning two!!:) What an amazing little "big girl" she is becoming. I never get tired of seeing her here:) She's the best miracle I know.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
Has it really been two years?! Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday, one day early, Gywneth. You are the cutest two year old! You have the happiest smile and prettiest eyes, the most amazing gumption, the greatest parents - wow, what more could you want - except birthday cake of course. Happy Happy Birthday - Happy Happy Life.
I can hardly believe Gwyneth will be two tomorrow! I have so enjoyed watching her grow up on your blog :). Happy Birthday pretty girl!!
I can't believe that your sweet girl is 2 already!! Can it be that I have been "watching" in on your family for 2 years?? What a blessing and miracle she is! Happy Bday little girl!
Happy Happy Birthday and Praise the Lord!!!!!
Yay! Happy Second Birthday, Gwyneth!
It brings tears of thankfulness to my eyes for how good the Lord has been to you and your family.
Have a wonderful birthday!
I have been reading your blog for awhile and I never realized that Gwyneth and I have the same birthday! I hope you have a fun day together as a family!
Happy I checked in tonight....it's been a long while but I guess that's life...so excited for Gwyneth to finally walk. You sure have a precious miracle:)
I hope she has a wonderful second birthday. Wow, hard to believe 2 years has gone by already. I'm sure you say that everyday though!!
Tomorrow is my nephew's fifth birthday. He was a preemie, too, but a 32 weeker. That was scary enough (five weeks in NICU).
I blogged about his fourth birthday and Gwyneth's first last Janaury 8, if you're interested. :) http://www.ramblingsbyreba.com/2009/01/08/happy-birthday-to-francis-and-to-gwyneth/
Happy (almost) birthday, Gwyneth!
Happy (early) Birthday Gwyneth!
Wow, I cannot believe she's almost two.
Wow, what a "coincidence" before even seeing this post I laid out a pink & brown outfit for my 2 year old to wear tomorrow!
Thank you for inviting us to celebrate with you by wearing her signature colors!!!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Gwyneth!! I have to wear scrubs at work today and they have to be green but I'll be thinking of you! You share a birthday with my mom today!
Happy 2nd Birthday Gwyneth! I'm wearing some pink and brown slipper socks for you today. What an amazing little girl you are. Love all the cute pics and the videos of you. Feel like I've gotten to watch you growing up. ~Bethany
Happy Birthday Gwyneth! Is that the same hat you are wearing in this picture as the one in the picture of you dressed like a fraggle?
Mayyou know God's best this year of being 2.
HAppY HaPpY hApPY hAPpY HaPpy DaY to gougeous Gwyneth and Family!!
Been following your blog for a loooong time (since shortly before the pregnancy), and have loved your writing and photos Nate!
Happy Birthday to my birthday buddy! I have on brown. :)
I can't beleive that it's been two years since I went to an empty church after work to pray for Gweneth and Trica, and you, Nate. I remember posting that it was something I'd never done before. Well, it wasn't the last! Following your journey helped me to re-find my faith...which has been invaluable to me time and time again over the past two years as a CF mom. Your blog never fails to bring a smile to my face and peace to my heart.
Happy, Happy birthday Gwennie! And to you to, mom and dad...it's your miracle day, too!
Happy birthday Gwen!! :) I had an interview today, but I wore my pink shirt with my suit in honor of your birthday, sweet girl! :) Hope your day was amazing!
~anna from pittsburgh
Has it been 2 years already? So hard to believe! Happy Birthday to our precious little Miracle. I always thought that should have been her middle name, as that is truly what she is...a little Miracle from God. What a wonderful gift she is. So happy for all of you, and look forward to many more years of watching you all grow as a family in Christ.
Wow! I have been following this AMAZING family for just over 2 years!?!? Seems like yesterday that I was praying for this sweet 1 and a half pound miracle! Look at her now....2 YEARS OLD! You go girl!!! Have the bestsest, cakiest,most FANTABULOUS Birthday ever Peanut!!!! I will be wearing my brown and pink (favorite combo)today just for you!!!
It seems like last week that I was praying for this 1 and a half pound miracle, and now look at you!!!!
Have the most FABULOUS, Cake SMASHINGEST, ROCKIN Birthday Peanut! We all love you Big girl!
Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!!!
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