Everyone on Facebook has been posting "vintage" photos of themselves the past few weeks. My dad got a hold of one of my grandmother's photo albums and posted several photos of our family from way back when. Here's a few of them...hard to figure out where Gwyneth get's her good looks from, eh?

I'll be sure to post some of Tricia's baby photos as well!
My goodness, is this your mom? no wonder you fell in love with Tricia, she looks like YOUR MOM, and your sweet baby looks like you WOW
and you look like your dad, can you see that Tricia looks like your mom?
Your mom DOES look just like Tricia!! How funny!!
Wow, the first pic at first glance, I thought it was you, Tricia, and Gwyneth!
I was thinking the same thing...Tricia DOES favor your mother! Both are so beautiful...loved these pics, thanks for sharing. :)
ditto...your mom & lovely wife are "same-ies"!
Oh my goodness! That looks like it could be a pic of YOUR family NOW! Your Mom looks like Tricia, you look just like your Dad, and Gwyneth looks just like you! Uncanny!
Wow, it does look like Tricia and Gwyneth, unbelievable!
I love vintage photos..
Like the others, at first glance I thought that this was you guys now, but with some effects on the photo! It is uncanny how much you look like your dad, Tricia looks like your mom, and Gwyneth is the spitting image of you as a baby!
yep those qualify as vintage.
maybe I will have to try this... oh yeah, I just have to scan one in.
I thought this was you, Tricia and Gwyneth...no kidding. Tricia looks just like your mom! And you just like your dad. Oh. My. Word.
No lie, the kid looks like you...but I hope she grows up to look like Trish.
Everyones comments are right. Wow. I also can't help but giggle that you used 'eh' in your post.
wow. that is wild.
Wow... I can't get over how much Tricia looks like your mom! Yes, Gwyneth definitely looks like you :) Too cute!!
Wow does Gwyneth ever look like you... however I cant get over how much Tricia looks like your mom!
Its true, at first glance I thought it was a picture of YOUR family; you, Trish and Gweneth. That is so funny.
I just wanted to ditto what everyone else has already said. Wow!
I have been sitting and pondering about these photos, and now I have to ask, is it a trick of the camera, I know you are starting a new photography career and maybe you are just showing us what you CAN DO ?? come on, tell us how you did this .
WOW!! You look like your dad, and Gwyneth looks just like you!!!!
No trick, Marie.
The pictures are of Nathan, me and his mom back in 1982.
Wow does not even cut it!! It is amazing how much your family now looks like this photo!
tricia looks exactly like your mom! ha, that's a trip!
OMG! The resemblance is UNCANNY!
That is scary how similar you guys look to them...what is good to know you'll still look good when you age!!
I kept staring at this photo wondering how you pulled off that amazing Photoshop trick! It totally looks like a vintage photo of your darling family. :)
You definitely look like your dad, and Tricia does resemble your mom. Adorable!
Oh wow...the similarities between you and Gwyneth are stunning. Same goes for your mom and Tricia.
Whoa!!!! Crazy!! I like most everyone thought it was a pic of you Tricia and Gwyneth. I did a quadruple take! lol
It's funny, because my husband and I are always teasing his brother saying he married their mom's twin...
I see he's not the only one who's done that.
Aww, so stinkin' cute you were...waht happened?! I am so joking with you!!! Gwyneth really does look similar to you when you were that small. Great family photos!!
count me in with those who thought "wow, that looks like Tricia!".
What A Perfect Picture Combination of you, Tricia and Gwyneth as looking twins as your parents and you! That is scary! :-)
Seriously, At first, I thought it was all 3 of you guys! WOW!
Your dad looks like you holding Gwyneth! And your mom...well she's HOT!
You're exactly right about Nate's mom, Amanda!
When you said vintage photos I thought that you had altered photos of you and Tricia and Gwyneth to make them look vintage. Can't wait to see the photos of tricia as a baby.
I was going to post and say that your mom looks like Tricia, and then I saw that everyone else thought so, too. That's amazing. I think your dad looks like a young Bill Clinton in the top photo (no offense intended.)
No offense taken, Marilyn! I've heard that before.
You should recreate either one of the photos with yourself, Tricia and Gwyneth, then put the old and the new side by side. I would like to see that.
My goodness, Gwyneth looks just like you did when you were a baby!!
And the other folks are right, Tricia does favor your mom.
in to agree with all the others, that is a FREAKY resemblance to your wife and mother. Men really do fall for women like their mama's. :)
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