Tricia, Gwyneth and I spent the past 24 hours in Waves, NC with some of Tricia's childhood friends, the Aiello family. The Aiellos are down on vacation for the week and invited us to spend some time with them at their beach rental, and, of course, we jumped at the chance for a break from the norm. Nothing more than spending quality time with friends, which is exactly what we wanted.
Gwyneth loves exploring new places, especially new places with lots of stairs.

Thanks for singing for us!

I kept getting this little one confused with Gwyneth.

Lots of great pasta (and crabs!) when you spend time with an Italian family!

Mario Kart!

Tricia has always spoken so highly of Amy and her family, so it was great to finally meet everyone.

For a rowdy group of yankees, they've certainly got lots of warm southern hospitality. Thanks so much for allowing us to interrupt your vacation!
Still love your posts Nate. And...I love to see that precious girl growing and becoming! God is truly good now isn't He?
BTW...I'm still praying for you in Michigan!
How cute is she!!!
Glad you had a nice break, hope you feel relaxed for it.
Love to you all,
Aiellos! I miss them -- so wonderful that you all got to spend time together! And beautiful photos, Nate!
beautiful lil girl with blue eyes!
Amazing friends you have to spend fun time together.
so glad you guys got to have some get away time. Your girls are as beautiful as ever! Thank you for sharing as always!
Like always, you have such beautiful ladies! You are a great photographer!!
Wanted to share a link with you guys. This little boy needs prayer!
How cute! It's so nice to have a little time away to relax.
Just wanted to let you know that a local tattoo artist here is donating all the money he gets from the tattoos he does...
I got my tattoo and it will always be a reminder of those with CF and how important it is to never forget that they live with this day in day out... hoping that they will find a cure!
my blog with my pic of my tattoo
I love that life has seemingly slowed down enough that your blog posts aren't every day... even though I check everyday lol. Wishing you all a joyous summer!
I too am glad you guys are living a 'normal' life but I sure am missing your updates.
Wish you would post something short along the lines of "Life is fine, we are fine, nothing to report." That would be good news. When there is no news, we worry.
miss the updates but still praying for you all
I'm with many of the other is really wonderful that life is rolling along smoothly enough that regular posts don't need to be a part of it. Yet I still check every day, and worry when it's been a while! It is fun to see Gwyneth grow and to celebrate each of her new accomplishments. Thanks for sharing what you do for those of us who can't bring ourselves to totally disconnect from your story!
Hello again from Shari in San Jose, a faithful reader & occasional commenter.
I second everything Lisa said above me! :) I don't know her; it's just a happy coincidence that she said pretty much everything I was going to comment. In particular, I hope all is going well for all 3 of you, since there haven't been any updates in almost 2 weeks.
In the meantime, I hope you're having a fun & safe Memorial Day weekend. :)
P.S. Do you know if Blogger will soon allow folks to sign in w/ our Facebook accounts for the OpenID thing? I signed in w/ my LiveJournal account name, but I'm on FB much more these days than LJ. heh
Looks like things are still wonderfully quiet. And for those worried, looking at their other family member blogs, all is well. Beyond that, I won't even try to speculate :p
Ok Nate...where are you feeling a bit worried...
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