Wednesday, April 23, 2008

White Rose Blooming (15 Weeks)

Every Tuesday while you're in the hospital, we'll take a picture with your pug so that everyone can see how much you are growing!

You are now 16 inches long, and you weigh a whopping 4lbs!!!

Your fifteenth week was another great week! You grew nearly a full pound this past week, and not even your nurses know how to explain it! You are already outgrowing a lot of your clothes. You are looking and feeling healthy, and nearly everyday you seem to be more and more aware of your surroundings.

Your mommy finally was able to hold you without wearing a mask or gloves, which made both of you very happy. She walked into the nursery without a wheelchair for the first time as well, and has been able to spend more and more time with you. And, she finally was discharged from the hospital, which means that we get to spend some time getting things ready for you at home!

In the next week, we're praying that you continue eating more and more from your bottle and continue to grow and stay healthy so that we can take you home soon.

We love you!

Compare our Blessed White Rose at:

2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks
14 Weeks


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Anonymous said...

Soo amazing! I think I might even see a double chin? Cute cute and thanks for updating with all that you have going on. What an inspiration you all are!
Love, Dale

Mayhem And Miracles said...

She absolutely couldn't be more precious!

North Carolina Mom said...

Wow. I feel my eyes are looking at a mircale. She doesn't even look like a preemie anymore, she just looks like a baby, but she's a seasoned little fighter already! Go Gwenyth go!!!

I've always meant to ask, and perhaps I missed it, and I'm not sure how you'll be able to answer a question on here, but how come Tricia can't have a baby after a lung transplant?

North Carolina Mom said...

I'm sorry, I spelled her name wrong. Sorry little baby Gwyneth!!

Tracy said...

Look at Her!!!! When you mentioned in a previous post something about you won't believe how much she weighs--I just knew she had to have gained a surprising amount-but WOW a whole pound that is so amazing. Won't be long and the next step in your journey as a family will begin.
Continued Blessings
Tracy from Kansas

tillisfam5 said...

I absolutely love the first picture of her smiling! It just melted my heart:) It also puts a huge smile on my face to hear of your first day "home"... I can hardly wait to hear about the first day home with Gwyneth! Congratulations to everyone!!

Julie said...

Hi there Trisha, Nate and Gwyneth,
What beautiful moments to treasure! You capture them so well Nate. Your photography has made your shared journey much more personal. Fantastic!
You are all looking soooo good and very happy. Gwyneth is looking so much like a healthy baby who's getting ready to leave the hospital and join her family. God is really working with you!
It's wonderful to hear about you experiencing so many things that I took for granted when I had my 4 kids over the years, even though they had their share of medical problems.
Enjoy the new times together.
I'm praying for this transition to continue to go smoothly and healthily for you all.
Praise God!!!
Moonta, S Aust

Gila said...

She is really looking like a proper baby--round and all. :)

Congrats on Tricia's discharge!

Sheila said...

Wow, has she ever grown fast from 2 pounds to 4 pounds! Looking so beautiful! Way to go, Gwyneth, looks like you've got everything working just right now. Like your mother, you've set a goal and you're going to work toward it as hard and fast as you can - you want to go home!
God be praised, what a wonderful blessing.

Ally said...

Look how chubby she is getting!! She apparently wants into the free world with her mama.

Ally said...

Look how chubby she is getting!! She apparently wants into the free world with her mama.

Julie said...

Hi Trisha and Nate'
How wonderful to see how much Gwyneth has grown. She looks so content and healthy.
She's so much closer to going home now.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Moonta, S Aust

Amy Lynn said...

I am LOVING the cheeks! :) She is doing great! That is amazing she gained a pound in a week! :) Way to go, Sweet, Gwyneth!!! :) Keep it up and you will be home with your mommy and daddy in no time! :)

Amy in Oregon

Shan said...

wow!! she almost looks chubby!! And at this point in her life, SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF!! You go White Rose!! So amazing,

The Bass Player's Wife said...

Oh my gosh! I had to call my husband in from the other room to show him how "fat" she is. Those cheeks! Even a double chin! God is good! (I wonder if I left any exclamation points for anyone else)

Thad and Ann said...

awwww, she getting a lil belly, so adorable! She will be coming home before you know it!

Unknown said...

Look at those cheeks! YAY baby girl!!! You're doing it! Praise God!

Fermina Daza said...

Yay for "fat" babies!!! She's beautiful! What a wonderful week :) Still praying!

marcia said...

She is so beautiful...and suddenly growing sooooo fast! Won't be long, now, and you will be able to take another drive away from the hospital, with all THREE of you in the car! :):):)

TsMom ~ Karen ~ Durbette said...

What an awesome God we have!!

Yes, she does look a little "chubby" in the greatest way!!

My daughter could only say 'Aw, she's so cute!!!!!'.


boltefamily said...

WOW! She is looking great! What a gift from God she is!

Beka said...

Look at those cheeks! And chins! She looks fantastic! I can't believe how much she grew in one week.

You know, I was thinking the other day about how God so perfectly worked out the timing for you here-- at least it seems to me that if Gwyneth had gained weight better before, she may have been ready for discharge before Tricia. It seems like the timing is so perfect, now that Tricia is discharged and you have some time to get settled, and hopefully very soon Gwyneth will come home too.

Don't know if any of that makes sense, but let's just say I am amazed at God's providence in your lives, and you are a wonderful testimony to His faithfulness.

We're praying for you.

Destini said...

She looks great! She's getting baby chub! How aweseome! What sweet pictures of her and mommy.

Full of Grace said...

I'm amazed at how big she is getting all of a sudden, she sure is a miracle baby :)

Unknown said...

wow--that double chin--how exciting! she's a doll baby! (very soon she'll be 18 mos. and getting into everything as my youngest is right now--ugh!) :) can't wait to see pics of her hitting the beach in her little bathing suit!
Praise the Lord--me and the girls are still praying!

daralala said...

Wow, she is getting sooooo big! :)


Oh Wow!! Has she grown!
She's getting so chubby!

Rachael said...

Wow! I am amazed at how much baby Gwyneth has grown, she looks so adorable.

It's certainly been a wonderful week for you all.

Lots of love

Meredith K Beaupre said...

I do believe there's some very hard earned baby fat on that gorgeous girl!! It's absolutely wonderful to see these pictures. She's leaving that pug in the dust!!!

Anne said...

WTG Gwyneth!!!

It's amazing how gaining 1/3 of your body weight in a week changes your look!!! It's like I would gain 40 pounds in 1 week, just amazing!!! And I love to see she's getting a little Buddah Belly! So cute!

I pray that she can join you and Tricia at home soon!

Candy said...

What a beautiful little thing she's turning into! She's always been beautiful, don't get me wrong, but with each picture her beauty grows. And she's definately movin' on up! Can't wait for you all to be able to take her home!

Farmers wife said...

What a beautiful little girl you have, I have been following your story for many weeks and I just wanted to let you know how happy and excited I am for all 3 of you!! :)

Garza said...

Can't believe how big she is getting. She will be going home soon in no time..... We are praying for you guys everyday.
Jessica from Wanchese, NC

Mom to the 3rd degree said...

She looks great! I've been following your blog for a while now, you are truley blessed! And you seem to be a wonderful husband/father! Congrats on all the wonderful things lately! You're doing a great job taking care of those two girls!!

lislynn said...

Oh man! Look at those cheeks! I love chubby babies, and she's going to be a real chunker in about no time flat. Sweetheart...

lislynn said...

BTW, we need some new feet pics, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo... 4 lbs... She'll be out by May. I'm telling you! :) One more week Gwyneth and you should be home with mommy and daddy. She is doing awesome.

And I am so glad to hear that Tricia was discharged. Way to go girl!

Anonymous said...

WOW... that is amazing!!! She is growing soooo fast- I love her chubby cheeks!! You guys are sooooo blessed!!! Its gonna be soo awesome when you have both your girls at home!! GOD IS GOOD!!!

Kate said...

She's got a double chin now! I love it! Keep growing Gwyneth and you'll be outta there in no time and home with your mommy and daddy!

Laura Norman said...

i love how chubby she looks in the first's so awesome. i'm so happy tricia is "home." i'm sure she was so excited to see Gabbi, i know Gabbi was to see her. (i'm one of gabbi's friends from DE)

lori moise said...

Look at that chin!! She sure is growing!! She'll be in your arms soon!!!!! :) PTL!!

Jenni said...

That baby girl knows her mama has been discharged and she wants to go home too! Bless your whole family!!!

Anonymous said...

She is getting so big!
What a precious miracle!

Sheila said...

She looks so different with some cute fat on her! I am so happy Tricia is "home" and I hope Gwenyth is not far behind!

How awesome will it be when you post pics of the three of you in Nags Head?????

Dee Dee said...

Hmmm,wasn't there something kind of special about today's date? :)(Scratches head)

Joanna said...

She is becoming a little chunky monkey! So cute!!!

Anonymous said...

L@@K at them chubby cheeks, I just wanna pinch them and kiss them!!!

andiewade said...

she's huge! and she even has a double chin! gotta love a baby double chin :)

Magoon Family said...

LOL, she does look chubby now :) Way to go Gwyneth!!!

Lynnette said...

Gorgeous! Congrats to you all for making it this far!

K Storm said...

Wow...look at her!! She is growing so fast! God is good!

Cassie said...

ahh - chubby cheeks and double chin!! aren't they just soo scrumptious!!!
praises to God for all the wonderful happenings this past week!

BoosMom said...

That pug gets smaller every time I see it!!!!

Mandy said...

The words, "OH MY GOODNESS" escaped my lips. WOW!! She is so stinkin' cute. And I love love love the chunky cheeks!! Wow--praise the Lord!!

Violet said...

i love that you can see she's getting 'chubby', at least for her! wow, that pug is looking smaller and smaller

Nicole said...

Hey, she's huge! :) She's on her way to being a little butterball!

Debs said...

Aww beautiful, bonnie, baby pictures and she is laughing too! I am an avid blog follower all the way from East Anglia, UK. You are world known!! All love to Tricia and Nate and the most beautiful, little Gwyneth, God bless you all xx

The Deavours Family said...

Oh my goodness! Such a little chunker!!!

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