Tuesday, July 8, 2008

6 Months!!!

Today is Gwyneth Rose's SIX MONTH BIRTHDAY!!! It truly is too much to even try to wrap my mind around all that has taken place since that miraculous day on January 8.

It would be impossible to even begin to say how thankful we are to God, our family and friends, the Duke staff, our blog readers and the donor and his/her family for the many gifts we have been given during the first half of this year. We are sincerely amazed today, just as we were from the start, that God would bless anyone the way He has blessed us.

Thank YOU for your encouragement and prayers and comments and emails and donations and cards and gifts over the past 26 weeks...you'll never know how much we appreciate everything.

Make sure you check back in later today for some new pics!



Autumn Haven said...

happy birthday, Gwyneth!!

Mills Family said...

And what a beautiful 6 month old she is! Happy birthday Gwyneth!

Heather said...

Happy half birthday, Gwyneth!

Dawn said...

6 months!!! Wow how time flies! Happy 6 months Gwyneth, you are loved by soooo many people including many that have never even met you, God bless you sweet thing:)

BH said...

Happy Birhtday Gwyneth!

Unknown said...

HPYITDY (that's 1/2 of HaPpY bIrThDaY)!!!!

Congrats on a wonderful milestone!

What a great video to RE-start my day with... my day had already started with spilling my coffee, dropping my eggs on the floor, forgetting my lunch at home, and misplacing my keys... but that smile made it ALL better!!!!!

Jen in Al said...

Happy 6month Birthday, Gwyneth! it just doesn't feel like it could possibly be 6 months!!!!! Wow!!! Praising God with you, jen in al

Kathy said...

Happy 6th month Birthday, Gwyneth!!
What a true gift from God you are.

PS The video put a smile on my face and heart....too cute...makes me miss those "baby" days.

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

Happy Six Month Gwyneth!! Love the smiles video =)

Crafty Mama said...

Happy Six Months, Gwyneth! And to Mom and Dad too! :)

Lauren and Eddie said...

Happy 6th months, Gwyneth!!! God is SO good!!!

Sandra Cruz said...

I have been reading your blog for months now- and you guys are truly an inspiration. I have been linked to several blogs- and there is a common theme to all of them- you are all Liberty Grads- First I started with Baby Issac, and then with your blog, and now Ramey Reeves- I say a prayer for each of you every day. I am so glad your little girl is getting bigger each day and staying healthy as well as your wife- you are truly a beautiful God loving family. Sending the prayers.

Sandra Cruz- NJ

Kerry said...

Happy 6 amazing months Gwyneth! Hope you have fun celebrating life today :-)

Guilford, CT

Jody said...

"Happy Birthday Gwyneth!" Keep on smiling sweet one. God will keep you close. I can see HIM thru your eyes =)

Momof2bz said...

Happy 1/2 Birthday Gwyneth! It has been a pleasure to watch your journey. Your faith is inspiring and has strengthened mine. We are truly lucky that you are so generous with your life. Thank you all. I hope Tricia is doing well.

Rita Andrews said...

Nathan, can you email me...I have a gift I would like to send to Gwyneth from my girls to her....they love seeing her baby pictures!


Blessings From Above said...

6 months already??? I can hardly believe it!

It has been a privilege to pray for your family during this time. A family so many, although we only know you through the family of Christ, have fallin' in love with.

The Curtis Crew said...

Happy 6 month birthday, Gwyneth! You are absolutely beautiful!

ckuretich said...

She is a testimony to the wisdom and faithfulness of God; she encourages me to trust - at 6 months old, she has had more of an impact on the world than most will in their lifetime! What a gift to be thankful for.

Fire Hunt said...

Wow 6 months! Happy birthday, Gwyneth.

Princess Talana said...

Happy half birthday sweet baby girl... amazing that this journey is already at a half a year...

Shelly said...

happy 1/2 gwyn!

careysue said...

Happy half birthday sweet baby!!!

You're such a doll baby. Thank you again for sharing your journey with all of us.

You're family has truly changed lives in many ways.

Carey ~ MI

Jenn said...

Happy half-birhtday, Gwyneth!

God is so awesome!!

Love my boys! said...

Happy half birthay, Gwyneth Rose!

Christy said...

Wow, what an amazing journey. Happy 1/2 Birthday Gwyneth. I was just talking about you this weekend. I can't help but get a smile when I think of your family. Your a blessing to me.

~*~Bre~*~ said...

Wow! It's hard to believe that she's 6 months old already!! God is truly awesome! I have really enjoyed following your journey, and thank you for sharing your lives and faith with the world. I don't know you guys in an Earthly way, but you are my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I love you. You have reached out, and taught so many millions of people so many different lessons with your story, and that totally amazes me. God Bless You!

Happy half birthday, sweet Gwyneth Rose. Thank you for sharing your glorious smile with the world. You continue to get more and more beautiful every day. I have truly enjoyed seeing your pictures, and reading everything about you throughout your miraculous journey. What a little blessing you are! <3 I thank God often that He has blessed your Mommy and Daddy with the gift of your life, and that they are able to love and enjoy you. It definitely looks like they love their beautiful girl to pieces. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Keep growing, and sharing your gorgeous smile! :)

Brianne VA

Laurie in Ca. said...

Happy 6 mo. Birthday Gwyneth!!

Your smiles on your daddy's video are priceless. You are truly a living miracle sweetie pie!:) Keep smiling and showing your joy, it's not always gas.:)

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Jane said...

happy half year birthday Gwyneth!

Thank you Nate for sharing your family with us.

Patience Leino said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GWYNETH!!!! What a blessing you are!

emily said...

What an wonderful milestone! Happy 6 month birthday, Gwyneth :-)

jessicagv said...

Happy 6 month birthday Gwyneth. January 8 is a great day to be born. My son Corbett was born on January 8, 2006! If she is half the "fighter" he is, I know she will be just fine all her life!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Happy 6 months!
You are such a miracle and such a blessing.
You are loved by so many people.
Look forward to the pics.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay for Gwyneth!

Deb said...

Happy 6 month Birthday Gwyneth! Hope you day is a great one!

~j~ said...

Oh Sweet Gwyneth, Happy Six months of beautiful life to you! You are one very,very,very loved little baby.
Love julia

GreerPowers said...

Happy 6 month birthday, Gwyneth!!! Isn't God's grace amazing?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday ( 6 mos)!!! Hey my daughter was born on January 8th 1997- she is a miracle baby too!!! God is a "BIG" God isn't he?



Kim said...

Happy 6 months, Miss Gwyneth! You've come a long way and we all praise God for your amazing progress!

ITooWasAbused said...

Do you think you'd have believed it a year ago if someone had told you that a year from then you'd be parents to a 6 month old, and proud owners of a new set of lungs??? :-D

I'm Jen. said...

Happy Six Months, sweet girl!

Carmen said...

I can't believe I've been reading your blog for 6 months. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

Twinkletoes said...

OMG - 6 months already? Time flies! Happy half a year birthday Gwyneth!

Violet said...

wow, 6 months!! amazing!

TheRagan3 said...

If you think that her 6th month birthday is amazing (and it is!) just wait until she is 1 yr old and you are celebrating THAT birthday! What amazing grace and love of our Father to continue to heap blessings on your heads. May the next 6 months be as thrilling as the first 6!
Prayers always for you!

Mary said...

Wow. 6 months already. God has truly blessed your family. He is so good and pray he continues to bless you all.


Elyssa said...

Happy Birthday, Little girl!

Elizabeth said...

Happy 1/2 year to Gwyneth!

I wanted to tell you again how humbled and blessed I am to have been able to witness (even via internet) the miracles of your family.

Sheila said...

Happy 6-month birthday, Gwyneth! I hope you are smiling all day at your parents. (I remember when my own preemies began to smile - I was overjoyed and overwhelmed. And of course I did tricks all day to make them smile again.)
What a joyful birthday this is, a fabulous answer to so many prayers... Keep on growing and smiling, precious girl. God has blessed you and your family!

Scott said...

Yesterday in our prayer time for you guys, my wife and I talked about the journey you've been on so far! What a ride. We are praying for many, many years for all of you to be together.

Tam said...

Happy 1/2 birthday Beautiful Gwyneth! Such a happy day for ya'll! Thanks for sharing!

Tracy P. said...

Happy amazing birthday, Gwyneth! Fun to see those smiles.