Instead, we spent a quiet evening at home, taking some family pictures. We did manage to take Gwyneth out for her first Rita's trip while everyone else was out on the beach watching the fireworks.

I hope you also spent some time with people you love!
These pictures are beautiful! You guys were not the only ones spending time at home tonight. Our family did the same. :) It's a little more peaceful and relaxing. :) Happy 4th to you guys as well!
PS. The pic of Meka and Gwyn are adorable!!
What a precious family. God bless the U.S.A. Happy 4th!
Happy 4th!
I love your pictures especially the one of the four of you.
The girls look so great. Thanks for the updates. And Happy 4th!!
I love that Meka got in on the action too! They are precious pictures of you guys. Thanks for sharing more of your heart.
Relaxing at home, too. I am reading a fun book by Brad Meltzer. (The title of the book is the Book of Fate.) I enjoy Melzter's books as thriller/mystery/murder books. No life lessons. Just fun.
In it, one of the scenes the President attends a fundraiser.
You probably already know this, but if not, check this out: Page 106 of the book says "But this one, with its cream-colored card stock and twirling black calligraphy, also had something more: An Evening with President Leland F. Manning. Benefiting 65 Roses-the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Tonight."
Any light you can shed about how 65 Roses ended up in this book?
Great pictures of the sunlight coming through. Did Tricia takes those? If so, good job Tricia.
Happy 4th!
such gorgeous pics. i love that we get to see her with her real pug now! lol
Happy 4th you guys! Everyone looks happy and healthy. My family and I are still praying for you.
Sarah in Gastonia, NC
Happy 4th! The pictures are beautiful--who takes the family pictures that you are in? Are you using a tripod?
Wonderful photos. Hope Gwyn enjoyed Rita's!!! Glad to see she and Meka are enjoying one another.
Happy 4th of July Lawrensons!
I absolutely love (and always feel so encouraged) reading your blog, and like so many, feel privileged to intercede to our Father on your behalf. And normally, I don't comment, but this time I had too...I love the pictures with the sun shining on you all -- it's literally like God is physically present, for us to see, in those pictures, just shining down His blessings. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing these. For some reason, they just made ME feel blessed.
So happy to see your beautiful family, HOME, and together this 4th of July! God is good...all the time! :)
Aw, she's so cute! I love her bald head, reminds me of my middle girl who was as bald as she could be for about a year!
Love the pictures of her with the dog!
So precious...
it's what life & family are all about. Great to see you all happy.
Sweet, sweet pictures!! I don't comment often, but I do check in you guys each day!! Still praying for you all! Happy 4th!
Sweet pictures. I'm sure that you all enjoyed Rita's.
Did you sing up for the birthday club?
You guys look AWESOME...... The pics are so cool and spending time at home with family and those you love is a great way to spend any holiday. (Meka seems to like his new toy. lolol)
Go dBless each of you and enjoy just being a "FAMILY".
Happy 4th!! What awesome pics of such a beautiful family!!
I love these "sunlight" photos!
Very nice pictures. I'm glad you were able to have a great day together. Prayed for you all last evening!
Pics are wonderful. Love the ones of you guys with the sun in the background. We also stayed home and shot off our own fireworks in the rain. The kids had a blast!!!!
Happy fourth!
Looks like you guys had a fun holiday! The pictures are beautiful. You all look relaxed and happy. It looks likes Gwyneth enjoyed her trip to Rita's. What was her favorite flavor? lol
Happy belated 4th of July...
The pics are awesome! Hope you guys enjoy some good family time this weekend,
Southern CA
Meka has a great tongue! how funny!! Thanks for sharing. Gwen is getting so big. She looks so happy. Congratulations again!
sometimes those family nights staying in are the best nights to remember. Who needs fireworks? You guys have all you need right there in those photos.
God bless,
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of your family! Gwyneth is getting so big and beautiful! I love her big eyes! Meka is a crack up and has the sweetest face.
Happy 4th of July to you and may we all open our hearts to Him. May we pray to become One Nation UNDER God!
Blessings - Jill
As always these are great. What a good lookin' family!
We hung out in our blow up rectangle swimming pool (So glad the kids are small enough this is GREAT to them), cooked out, played Wii and hot potato while waiting for fireworks, and were thankful to stand on our front porch and take advantage of everyone esle in the neighborhood that shot fireworks!
Happy 4th!
Love the fireworks on Miss Gwyneth's pretty dress! Happy 4th!
I absolutely love the pictures!! Especially the family one and the one of Meka and Gwyneth! Gwyneth is getting so big.
I'm glad you all enjoyed your 4th. :)
Your pics are great! This is the first year that we took Brady out to the fireworks....he normally doesn't stay up that late but he's 2 1/2 now and we thought it would be okay. Other than being a little tired, he loved them. I hope that Gwyneth loves them the first time she see them too!! Happy 4th to you and yours!
You have such a beautiful family.
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" 2 Corinthians 3:17
Happy Independence Day!
Loved the pics!! Meka looked like she was having a blast!!!
Ya'll make such a great family. hehe
Happy 4th, a little late. LOL
Nice pictures!
The last two are my very favorite. Gwyneth looks postively patriotic in her little outfit!
Looks like you had a wonderful 4th.
Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures.
Aww, looks like Meka and Gwyneth already get along great! Is Meka gentle with her?
That is so wonderful that Gwyn can get off oxygen every now and then for the photos. How long can she stay off of it before she needs it back on again?
She is getting so big! Tricia looks very comfortable holding her too! I hope she is feeling better! We prayed for all of you today.
Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures.
Don't get me wrong, seeing pictures of daddy and baby are nice, but seeing this particular mother with her baby makes me smile!
Love the pictures. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.
i know that I have blogged before and mentioned that my grandson, who just turned 1, was diagnosed with CF at the age of 2 weeks (he is doing fantastic). Great news, he is going to be a "Big Brother" in about 6 months or so. Would you pray for God to give my son and daughter-in-law a healthy baby. You can check out their blog at:
Praying for you all.
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