Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Bad News

Tricia's biopsy (from last week) was no good (meaning, the sample they took was not from the right spot in her lungs). This means:

1. We'll have to return to Duke for an overnight stay and another biopsy...they will cut Tricia open and be certain to get a good sample (the previous biopsies were less invasive procedures using a bronchioscope).

2. It may be close to 2 weeks before we actually know anything more.




Emily H said...

Praying in Ohio for your peace of mind! I know this must be frustrating! Jeremiah 29:11 :)

One of the Bunch said...

I am so sorry to hear this. Just remember, He had a plan. There is a reason for all of this. Best wishes to you all.
Becky (MI)

Laurie in Ca. said...

I am sorry to hear this Nate and will continue praying for Gods peace to carry you and Tricia. Asking Him to lift your spirits as you wait.

Hugs, Laurie in Ca.

Nina Diane said...

prayers to all of you from Virginia.....

Catherine said...

We are praying for all of you!

Dragonfly said...

Oh how frustrating. Am praying for your family and for the success of the biopsy.

Nikki said...

Tricia and Nate--Praying for a quick diagnosis and wonderful prognosis. Still praying..Nikki in Ohio

I Speak Refugee, Let's Chat! said...

Praying hard from London, England

The Beaver Bunch said...

Oh my. Immediately the verse that comes to mind is, James 1:2-3. I cannot imagine how you all must be feeling, but I am praying that you will consider it all pure joy as He grows your faith and tests your perseverance.

Mrs. H said...

I'm so sorry that you still have to wait. Praying in TX that the peace of God will be with you during this trial.

Praying praying,

Patience Leino said...

Dang it! We're praying for peace for you & Tricia and for supernatural strength & healing in her body. You know we're always here to do whatever is most helpful. We love you guys!

Me and my Gurl said...

Nate and Tricia, I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through this again. The first thing I thought of though was that this gives God an even better time frame to work His miracle. I will not stop praying for a complete healing of you Tricia. May God Bless You all and give you the peace to handle the next 2 weeks in waiting. God Is Good!

Wilkmom07 said...

That gives us 2 weeks to pray!

Unknown said...

Praying for you during the waiting! Trusting that God will bring peace and comfort to you as you wait for the news.

I'm sorry you all have to endure more time in the hospital and another procedure!

Sending love and hugs!

Kelly said...

Very sorry to hear this. This is all very frustrating. Prayers for patience and peace in this time of uncertainty.

Genevieve said...

I know it's discouraging, I understand the frustration. I'm praying for you both. May God comfort your family, bring you and Tricia an enormous amount of courage, strength and favor with the doctors.

Daniel Yoleha Foo said...

Hey, sorry to hear about this, just said a prayer for your wife and also you and your baby girl. God bless.

Christy said...

Wow Nate. I'm so sorry to read this. I am continuing to lift Tricia up in prayer.

Melissa Dovel said...

How I wish someone had some magic words to help. Simply put we will continue to stand in prayer and agree with you that the biopsy comes back favorable. Quick recovery for Tricia and peace for you and Gwenyth.

Praying in North Texas
The Dovel House

Michelle M. said...

I am so sorry to hear this. We will continue to pray for you all during this time.

My mom is going through a similar thing and will need to have a surgical biopsy as well. She had a needle biopsy about a week ago, but her bp went really low during the procedure; so they didn't even get a sample. Now she is waiting to find out when she will have the procedure. I know how frustrating it has been for her; so I can't imagine how difficult it would be to think you are going to have results soon and now you have to wait longer. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Erin said...

No advice, no ideas. Just prayer!

Kerry said...

Nate and Tricia..So sorry to hear all of this. For whatever reason I know God has a plan. What it is I am not sure. I also know its frustrating going though all of it. Sending Prayers for all of You and to guide the surgeons hand.

purejoy said...

i can hear the frustration and fatigue in your words. . . . and i know how discouraged you must be. . . any advice i give comes from someone who has absolutely no clue what you are going through, so that makes me completely unqualified to offer any. only to say that you all, through every trial, every turn, every cliff-hangning experience, have ALWAYS praised and found strength in Jesus. let this time be no different as you keep your eyes averted from the water that surrounds you and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. do not be afraid, for He is with you. yesterday, today and to the ends of the earth. may you find comfort in His presence. and of course, we are praying for you all.

marie said...

Praying that God will continue to give you the strength and endurance to cope with the latest news. I know that going back up that road to Duke is probably the last thing you want to do right now. Hoping for the best and praying for God's love and care to sustain you through these tough times. Your faith is inspiring to so many people and we love you.

Stephanie said...

So sorry to hear bad news! Praying for all of you!

marcia said...

Oh, you hear me groaning all the way from MI? How disappointing!! Will keep praying for God to fill these days of uncertainty with lots of fun Gwyneth milestones, to keep your minds focused on the miracle that she is...and the hope that she represents.

Shari said...

Sorry to hear that. Praying for all of you.

Shari NC

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh no, how frustrating! we will continue to pray...

TheRagan3 said...

no advice, no words here... just prayers. Praying for peace and grace in the middle of what looks like an insurmountable obstacle. God is bigger than our troubles and HE is always at work for our best.
Erinn (MD)

Andrea said...

Lots of prayers on the way up!!!

Cindy in GA said...

I'm praying for you, Tricia & Nate. Every day.

Karen said...

I was checking your site first thing this morning hopeing for good news. Sorry for this setback. My prayers continue. Stay strong!

careysue said...

I am so sorry.

Kathy said...

I cannot imagine how frustrating this must be....will continue to lift your entire family up in prayer. When I first read your headline my first thougth was Darn It - but then I thought, God is always in control and through uncertainty and frustration comes the comfort of God's love. Hang in there.

Blessings From Above said...

I'm so sorry...this must be so frustrating for you all. Stay strong!

Praying in Ohio

Brie Latini said...

Oh, how frustrating. I wish there were words to make this better, but just hang in there.

Jenny said...

I am so sorry to hear that things are not looking as good as we all had hoped. Please know many, many people are thinking of you guys all the time and praying for a better day soon. You are not alone in this, we are all here with you.

Emily said...

I'm so sorry! I can't imagine how frustrating this is! I'm still praying for all of you & most especially Tricia!

Hope said...

I am so very sorry she's having to deal with this. I am praying daily for you all. I pray you get the answers you need. I pray for strength for both of you. I pray for knowledge and steady hands for her medical team.

Di said...


Mandy said...

So sorry you are having to repeat a more invasive procedure and wait, wait, wait. That is the worst for sure. I will pray for your patience and peace of mind.


Ali said...

Praying. Praying. Praying.

Tracy P. said...

Ooh, sorry guys! And here you've been so good about keeping things light while waiting...praying for unexpected blessings while you wait some more.

Anonymous said...

And the hits just keep coming. Still praying for all of you.

Molly said...

Your family in is my thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry to hear about this set back, but I hope that you and your family find the strength to get through this..

mamav said...

Might this actually be good news meaning the sample they got that said the cancer is not going away, might actually be going away when they get the right sample? I hope that makes some sort of sense.

Many prayers,

65rosesqueen said...

Tricia: I am so terriby sorry that you're going thru this. I have prayed over and over and over asking God to let you beat this so you can raise your beautiful little daughter. As a CF mom, myself, and having a daughter who is going to be activated for transplant in January, I can feel your pain. It is so hard to understand why things happen, and if we could have what we deserve--you would certainly have the best. You are an inspiring and beautiful woman. Please know that our prayers are unceasing. Much love, Margaret Payne

Em said...

How discouraging...continuing to pray for you. I am so sorry to hear about this bad news. Praying for healing, for patience, and for wisdom for the doctors.

Rebecca Meyers said...

I continue to pray for your precious family. Maybe this time is what God wants and needs to do some healing in Tricia's body. HUGE,HUGE PRAYERS GOING UP!!!

Tiffany said...

I am so sorry.
How are you holding up? Tricia? I can't imagine how she must be feeling right now about getting cut again.
I am sending you both my heartfelt compassion and well wishes.

Wendy Glosser said...

When you pray for someone, it is like giving them a piece of your heart or rather, to the Lord on behalf of that family. I am so sorry for this trial for your family yet again. Please know that I sincerely pray. I think we need some "Gwenyth pick me up pics" :-) She seems to always make it all better.

KELLY said...


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Ugh... I'm sorry. Thanks for the update. I'd been thinking about you.

terri c said...

Rats. So very sorry for this new complication/aggravation. About the only positive thing that occurs to me is that this is two more weeks without chemo side effects. Prayers, of course, continuing.

pam said...

Well this isn't news you (we)wanted to hear--hmmm. I can't imagine what this is like for you guys. My God knows and He is able to be what you need. But I still don't like this path---praying for a BIG swerve towards healing.

Father God, I want to cry out ENOUGH--yet I'm silenced by Your presence this morning. Lord, I can not imagine going through all of this without You--so first I thank You that Nate and Tricia are Yours, they have a solid foundation, Abba Father to cry out to. Jesus, intercede with the Father, I ask for a miracle, a touch of Your healing hand to her entire body, in Jesus name. Father pour out Your peace upon them and strengthen them. You know EVERYTHING and You are able in the midst of all circumstances to carry us through. Rejoicing that You blessed their lives with each other and answered Tricia's prayers for a child. thank You, LORD. In Jesus name, AMEN

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil4:6,7

BoosMom said...

Man, I can't believe that! I am so sorry to hear they are going to have to do surgery now! I will be praying for all of you!

monkeysmom said...

So sorry for everything you are going through. Continuing to pray...

Avery Tales said...

I'm praying for peace beyond all understanding. I'm so sorry that your family is having to fight this battle.

Jenni Stearns said...

Praying for a complete healing that can only be attributed to Jesus. I'm sorry that you guys have to go back, though. You're in my prayers.

Marty Rhea Hill said...

Nate, I am so sorry to hear this news. I have been checking your blog more than once a day to hear the results. I am so sorry to hear this. You, and Tric, and Gwyn are contantly in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted.

Carol said...

Yuck, yuck, and yuck. Trish, you just can't catch a break, can you? I will continue to pray.

Carol said...

Yuck, yuck, and yuck. Trish, you just can't catch a break, can you? I will continue to pray.

Cassie12 said...

Nate - I am so sorry for this news on Tricia's biopsy. Continuing to pray for Tricia, you, Gyneth and the rest of your family.

OhMyTwins said...

My family in Virginia is praying for your family.

bome62 said...

I continue to pray!I am so sorry to hear this. I've been checking your blog frequently. May God Bless you as you make another trip
Praying in Missouri

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Praying for you in CA.

Jennifer said...

(((Nate & Tricia))) My good thoughts and lots of prayers on the way. May the peace of our Lord be with you always. ~~~Jennifer (Arlington Hts, IL)

~j~ said...

no words can express hearing this news..
praying without ceasing.

Lyndsay said...

I like the commenter who said "That gives us 2 weeks to pray!" so I will second that!!

Hopefully the news will prove to be worth waiting for and nothing but good, good, GOOD!!

meh. said...

I'm so sorry to hear this!! two weeks sounds like such a long time and having to go through the more extensive test also seems miserable. I'll be praying the the Lord will sustain you and give you His peace which passes human understanding.

The Barnes Crew said...

Oh what a bummer, I'm so sorry to hear this! You all are still in my prayers!

Courtney said...

Hopes, thoughts and prayers coming from Piglet Land!!

Becky said...

I'm so sorry! I will continue praying, particularly for His peace and healing!

jerilynn said...

Praying for complete healing of the lymphoma!
~jc in DM

Jenny said...

I can only imagine how discouraged you both feel right now.

Continuing to lift you up in prayer, and begging God for peace, and patience as you await more results.

Grin and Barrett said...

Praying, Praying, Praying...... The power of prayer is an awesome thing. Wishing we could do more!

Jennifer in Ohio

Rachael said...

Love and prayers,

Jennifer said...

Praying for your family..


ditarae said...

I'm sorry to hear your discouraging news. Still praying....always.

Marjolein said...

Oh no... More time for you, not knowing what is going to happen, what the plan will be.

I'm thinking of you

Sending positive vibes across the ocean

Tracy Carson said...

Ugh! How frustrating. So Sorry to hear of this. Will be praying for perseverance through these coming weeks.

2 Babes in Boyland said...

So sorry to hear the latest setback. Praying here in Virginia for peace and positive outcomes!

applesofgold said...


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that they couldn't give y'all a conclusive diagnoses and I'm praying for some positive news soon!!

TupeloLove said...

I'm so sorry. We're praying for you.

Momof2bz said...

Sorry to hear that it's not good news. I hope the next procedure is quick and accurate. Praying for a safe trip and a better prognosis.

Linzy said...

Prayers from Kansas just went up for you guys...

Ruthie said...

I so hope things get better for you soon. Praying for you.

Amy said...

Praying for safe travel to Duke, praying for peace during the time you have to wait on the results, and praying for a great report when you get them.

Sarah said...

Augh, how FRUSTRATING! Best of luck with the new procedure, and I'll be thinking of you guys.

Emily said...

Praying for you here! This can't be easy....

The DC area Team-in-Training crew will be running for Tricia on Saturday. Lots of thoughts and prayers going up for you!!!

Unknown said...

Praying in Northern California!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Bummer! Hang in there, praying for Tricia and the whole family.

HollyMarie said...

Big bummer... hang in there..

Shannon said...

I have been checking your blog for news... I am so very sorry. This must be so very hard and frustrating for you both. I am also sorry Tricia has to go back and do the more invasive procedure. I am praying that God gives you peace and that you can enjoy each other and sweet Gwyneth Rose every moment even through this. Thank you for sharing your story and giving us the chance to pray for your family.

Stacemoe said...

Praying Peace for you both from Dallas while you wait the results...Pray the procedure goes well and Tricia recovers quickly with very little pain...she is such an amazing strong person...

megasam said...

This must be so excruciating for you all. I can't even begin to imagine what you all must be going through. I am praying for you.

Sara said...

Lots of prayer.

Alice Vogt said...

So sorry Nate :-( Give Tricia a hug from me...

Anonymous said...

That stinks.

meleea said...

so sad to hear you have more waiting to do. continuing to pray for you here in washington!!

Smashley said...

Praying for 2 weeks (or sooner!) until GOOD news!

Rich and Lauren said...

I will be praying for you guys and so will lots of others here. If you need anything let us know. We love you guys!

Tricia said...

Hey - we are continuing to pray for miracles for Tricia. Keep your hearts up - you are so loved and cared for.
Hang in there,
Tricia and Family (N>VA)

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Nate, Sorry to hear this. Tricia is in my thoughts and prayers.

North Carolina Mom said...

:( I am sorry you didn't get good news. Keep your chin up.

I have no idea what to say. I'm thinking of your family.

Apryl in NC

Nicki said...

I'm so sorry.

Prayers for peace and healing.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that:( Just remember that I am praying for you!!! And thank you for the comment. I was my first one:)besides my mom:|

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys have been through so much! This may a surprise to us, but the Lord knows all. We are praying for strength, peace, joy & encouragement for you all! Keep persevering!

~Sara in MD

Lori said...

Praying in South Carolina!

Tabatha said...

Praying for you! Don't get discouraged...God is with all three of you.

Deni said...

I am praying that things start going a little more positively for you!

Jane said...

I'm here in Indiana praying for you all. I'm just so sorry y'all are having to go through even more...
Trusting you to God's hands, there's no better place to be held.

The Stevens said...

UGH..........Just keep thinking of the story of Job, no matter what is going on, still give God the praise...although, it would be extremely hard at this point! Still praying.

Aspiemom said...

Nate, I am so sorry to hear this! And I thought we were having a bad day!

-stephanie- said...

this just gives God way for His complete healing of Tricia.
Praying as always.

Kim said...

Oh good grief. I am SO sorry. Praying for Tricia with the surgery and for all 3 of you to receive GOOD news.

Melissa said...

I am so sorry! How frustrating for your family to have had to wait so many days to hear they will have to re-do the biopsy and this time invasevly. I am truly sorry. Still thinking good thoughts and praying for Tricia as she goes through the procedure.

Anonymous said...

Oh man!!! How can they take it from the wrong spot? :( I pray you will get good news from this.

Praying, Praying, Praying!

shoutingforha said...

Ugh! I am so sorry that you have to go through another biopsy and waiting period.

Praying that you will have peace through the entire process.

Darci said...

I'm praying for you guys.. So sorry to hear this.

Jennifer said...

Psalms 139:16. "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your books. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."

Jeremiah 30:17 For I will restore health to you, and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord."

God hears us all. Remember: Matthew
18:19 Again, I tell you the truth, 30 if two of you on earth agree about whatever you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. 31 18:20 For where two or three are assembled in my name, I am there among them.”

Houston(HUEY) said...

I am so sorry that the biopsy was no good, my thoughts are with you and your family.

andiewade said...


Robin said...

Nate & Tricia,
Don't take this recent news from Duke as negative or bad news. Take it as HOPE remains. This sample was not bad, just not good for defining purposes. The power of prayer is amazing. Our Savior listens to prayer. This is hope it's an opportunity for a better hopeful outcome. Stay with the positive until given a different direction. My faith says hope springs eternal.

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

I am so sorry.

Sarah said...

Hope this one works for you guys. My son had a open lung biopsy to diagnosis Interstial Lung disease, and once the chest tube was out, he was fine as can be.

The Liberto Family said...

Keeping you all in my prayers!

Andrea said...

I have been so burdened to pray for so many people lately, and you are written on our family calendar in the kitchen so I can do so often throughout the day. God is faithful no matter what. ~A fellow believer

Misty Rice said... frustrating!!! Im sorry she is having to endure all of this. Praying! Praying! Praying!!!!

Twinkletoes said...

I am so sorry. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

AprilErichsen said...

We are continuing to lift you all up in prayer.

Emily said...

Praying!!! Does this mean another chest tube? Ouch!

Scott said...

Man, I'm sorry to hear that. You guys have been through so much. We will just keep praying for miracles.

LA said...

Was praying for you guys a few days ago, over Psalm 91. The first couple of verses especially.

Will keep praying... LA

Marty said...


UKNat said...


Jen said...

Will continue to keep your family in my thoughts & prayers!

Kat said...

I have been checking back in to see how things have gone, and unfortunately this wasn't what was expected. My son had a lung biopsy when he was 11 months old (has a unexplained chronic lung condition) I remember the pain and the still no answers, to me that part was the hardest, not knowing what you are dealing with. I admire your spirit as always, I am thinking of you all.

Rene said...

How frustrating! I'm sorry to hear that they will need to do an open procedure to get a good sample, but I'm also hoping and praying that the sample will give good news. Lots of hugs and prayers for your entire family.