Gwyneth decided to go for a sheep instead of a bear, but it's all good. We had a great are a few pics, and the video...

Funny story...Gwyneth's bedroom and a lot of her clothes and toys are covered with ladybugs. At the Bear Factory, Tricia picked out four different outfits for the sheep, spread them out on the floor, and put Gwyneth down to choose the outfit for her sheep...wouldn't you know it, she crawled straight to the ladybug outfit...we've brainwashed her!
Sorry, the OBBF does not yet have a website.
Sorry, the OBBF does not yet have a website.
I don't think that little girl could be any cuter!! What a sweet pea!! Her momma ain't too shabby either ;)
Good luck with the sale. If I were closer I would be there in a heart beat.
Love to you and your family Nate!!
Those are huge and adorable. Do they have a website to order from for those not near? I think those are bigger than BAB and very cute.
Her sheep is quite cute but not as cute as she is.
Cute video and what a great way to raise money for the church.
How sweet!
This was certainly fun to look at and watch... I have heard alot about build a bear... never done it.
I think it is so darling that Gwenyth picked out the ladybug outfit. I think I would have too.
Well at our house, ladybugs are THE thing, so we think her pick was just perfect.
Love the video. Gwenyth look so big when she is being held like that, I can't believe she is getting so big and grown up
That's really cool!
We brainwashed our little girl to love monkeys...
What a great video! I love it!
Great pick, Gwenyth!... and lady bugs are good luck!.. that's why I got one permanently placed on my ankle so I was always sure to carry good luck where ever I went! .. May they always be with you as well!
Love it! Let us know when they have a website up. I have always wanted to do a build a bear. ~Darlene
That's a knock off of Build A Bear. Kids LOVE that place. I hope the kids love their animals for years to come!
Could that be any cuter??!! The ladybug outfit is to die for. Wish I could come!
There's your next calling - take orders from all of us that want to support the cause, charge shipping and spend the day stuffing critters for all the online orders!!! HA hA!
This is a great idea and I wish you guys all the best with the fundraiser. Is the church trying to save up for something specific?
GOOD LUCK! And love the ladybug lamb.
What a fun idea for a fund raiser! Adorable video. Is it being promoted other places?
the lamb in the ladybug costume is adorable! I'm a fan of ladybugs too as they're a symbol of adoption from China and I may be seeing my daughter's face for the very first time next week!!! God has been preparing me for 4.5+ years so it's amazing to realize that next week may be the week! God is so good!!!
Great video!
i wanna know what she named her sheep!
The lady bug sheep is cute (definitely not as cute as it's owner), but that Dalmation hockey player is a hoot!
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