Enjoy the sweet harmonies of The Lawrenson Family Carolers...our album is hitting a Walgreens near you in late June, 2017!
In all seriousness, we were able to carol for some people who really needed some extra Christmas cheer this year...I hope that you're doing something fun and meaningful with friends and family this Christmas as well!
May I be the first to order a cd!
Beautiful gift Lawrenson family and a wonderful family memory.
Merry Christmas and the Lord continue to bless you!
Awesome caroling!!!! Thanks for sharing your lives with us and giving so many inspiration. I hope yourself, Tricia and cute as a button, Gwenyth have a safe and happy Christmas. God Bless you.
That was beautiful! What a blessing you have provided for so many....even us! Brought tears to my eyes. Merry Christmas!
This is beautiful you guys. And I just know Gwyneth was singing too. I could see her mouth moving to the words:) I am always amazed at Gods Goodness when I see the three of you in action. Just warms my heart as I remember walking your "Miracle Journey" with you. What a blessing you are to my heart. May JOY fill you and yours up to overflowing as we celebrate Jesus's birthday:) Love you guys.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
Wonderful! I'll buy a copy! :o)
You are guys are awesome! Now, let me be clear.. I am NOT going to buy your 2017 platinum album release, because I think the funds can be put to better use... instead, I'll go make a donation to the CF foundation right now for $20.17!
May you all have a joyous, healthy and fun Christmas! I look forward to continue peeking in throughout 2010.
This is beautiful - thanks for sharing! I love that you guys went caroling at a nursing home. I know the residents absolutely loved that. It brings them such joy!!!
Even though I know you are a worship leader, I didn't expect you to have such a good singing voice, Nate! I was really impressed! Thank you for sharing. It looks fun!
Hi Nate and Tricia,
I hope you are doing well this holiday season. I heard of your blog a few months ago and my wife actually found your site a bit earlier, but this is the first time I have taken the chance to read it. Great stuff. Honest and real is the way to be!
I am 30 years old with CF and have a blog of my own called Welcome to Joshland. I hope you'll stop by when you have a moment. I am at the beginning stages of doing some very fun stuff to teach kids all about CF as well as continuing to share - as you on this great blog - stories about my life.
Congrats on your wonderful life you've built together and I wish you nothing but the best.
Happy Holidays,
PS - Love the caroling. ;-)
Can Christmas get any better than this? Sharing Jesus,love and music for people at the home, It brought tears to my eyes as I remembered my dear mother in law in the rest home. she passed due to Alzheimer 3 years ago, right up until the end, she love the different churches coming in to visit and sing, Thanks for sharing this.Bet they enjoyed seeing the little one too !!!
Thanks for sharing your lives with the world. Gwyneth is so precious.Brought tears to my eyes. I work in a Care Center here in Missouri.
Praying in Missouri
One of the most AWESOME things about this video is HEARING Tricia. She has come such a long way and I am blessed just to watch. . . and listen!
God Bless You!
Awesome!! I know this is a few days ago, and not even sure if you will see this, but I wanted to thank you for caroling to these families. You have no idea what it means not only to those you sang to, but also their families. In 2006 a group of carolers came to my mothers house wo sing with her. my mother had some medical problems and was unable to get out of the house. that was in middle December. My moms living room was packed FULL of people, I stood in the background watching how much mom enjoyed it. Little did we know then, that Christmas morning mom would leave her earthly body and join Jesus. I watched this video and the tears just fell like a river. God Bless each of you who sang for all those people. It was truly a blessing when carolers from our church visited mom that year and am sure it was a blessing to each one you and your family sang to this year. I hope and pray you had a wonderful Christmas with you family. Love your blog!!
AWESOME VOICE Nate. i'd by your cd:)
Hey Nate....GREAT voice you got going on there! Will there be a solo album as a spin off?
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