Gwyneth had a nasty chest cold for a few weeks. She became reacquainted with her nebulizer...but, this time, there's no screaming and crying. She'll sit without any problem as long as she's got a book to read or a video to watch...she even pulls the mask back over her nose if it slips down.

What a good and CUTE patient!
Aw. I'm so glad she's doing so well with it. Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.
What a good girl! I remember being so relieved once my boys figured out the nebulizer wasn't going to EAT them and to keep it on! Hope she is feeling much better!
She looks so big sitting there like that.
I agree. They don't come much cuter than your teeny and darling patient.
LOL! That is SO cute!!
She looks so grown up in that picture! And so adorable in all of the pictures, too. I missed a few by not obsessively checking your blog for a few days but I'm back on track now! Happy Holidays!
So cute! I hope she feels better soon!
Hope Gwyneth is feeling much better soon.
Lots of love to you all
Aw, so sorry she's not feeling well. Hope she's better soon!
What a good girl! She is growing up so fast.
She's getting so big! She's just as cute as ever. Feel better little girl.
That is so cute! Sorry she is sick.
What a good girl. My daughter had a chicken beak mask. Cracked us up.
Wow who is this little girl and where did your baby go???
I don't even sit that nice and still, way to go Gwyneth. :)
I agree, that is a very cute patient! :)
That IS a good patient and baby! My little one was really good, too, when she was 16 months and hospitalized several times between then and 3 1/2 years with a blood disorder. It makes having a sick child a whole lot easier when they're good. =)
Poor sweetie! I hope she feels better soon!
This is an especially hard things for kids... my child on a nebulizer was my last baby boy. His issue was asthma and compromised lungs and the threat of pneumonia (always) but I am happy to say he has outgrown the need for his nebs and steroid drugs.
She is a very cute patient.
What a good girl! And what a blessing for you guys that you don't have to fight it out with her!
Praise God for giving your little girl such patience!
I've seen cf adults run a mile when they see a nebuliser, so yes, very good patient! (and yes, very cute!!)
How cute is that! way to go Gwneth! Hope she feels better soon.
This is AWESOME! My 2 yr old has breathing issues and uses a nebulizer most of the year but she HATES the facemask. She has to use a mouthpiece and has since she was tiny.. This is wonderful for you!!! :)
Poor baby. She looks so cute though.
That is how my son developed his love for Barney many years ago. I have to say that we loved Barney too because it meant no screaming!
Goodness she is growing!! I hate that she had to be sick, but what a big girl! She gets cuter everyday!
Winter and colds just don't mix. My daughter had a heart transplant,so my biggest worry is her getting a cold.Your little girl is a little trooper keeping that mask over her mouth.God bless you and your family.
Team Sarah,
Such a smartie! Such a cutie!
This warms my heart. What a good little girl.
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