Monday, November 24, 2008

More House Pics

Here are a few more pics of the renovations from last week...

The Living Room Ceiling

The Floors, Post-Popcorn

The Kitchen

The Master Closet

The Backyard



Unknown said...

Love the picture of Meka!

Ali said...

Lovin' the big, beautiful trees!

Shan said...

cute house!

abi said...

i'm so excited for you guys!

Julie said...

What a cool little shed. It should definitely be turned into a princess castle for Gwyneth.

(Never too early to start planning those things...)

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

It is really looking good. All of you are doing such an awesome job. Can't wait to see pictures taken on Christmas morning.
Nate, Hope your feeling better!

Mel said...

It looks like things are moving right along!!! I know y'all are so ready to move into your beautiful new home.

Amy said...

Hey Nathan,
I've been following your blog since the beginning of January and I remain absolutely amazed at how strong and beautiful your family is! I keep you all in my prayers on a regular basis and rejoice with you with every milestone and miracle! Reading about your new home and the renovations got me thinking that you guys would be PERFECT for Extreme Home Makeover! I went online and checked out their site, I don't have all your personal info. to fill out the application for you, so I am writing in hopes that someone in your family will get the idea and nominate you guys!!! I can't think of a better family that is more deserving than ya'll! God bless you and congratulations on your new home!

Amy said...

Oops! I forgot to add the web link to Extreme Home Makeover! Here it is:

CFHusband said...

Thanks Amy, but our house is pretty safe and sound, except for the relatively minor projects we're currently working on. We'll let Extreme Makeover help those who are really in need.

Laurie in Ca. said...

I love the pictures from outdoors. Your house is so neat and the woods are fabulous. Enjoy. This is Home Sweet Home now.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Mickey & Minnie said...

Isn't renovating fun!! The end result is so worth it. I love the back yard, plenty of shade. Certainly needs some "princessing" up!

Mickey & Minnie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marcia said...

Can't believe how much you and crew have completed in so little time! Wow! Looks like a great house and very nice yard for Gwyneth to play in!

Rebekah said...

Looks wonderful! I'm so glad you all have been able to purchase a house! :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice house, Nate. Do your workers hire out? I sure could use some renovations. I pray that you, Trisha, and Gwyneth have many happy years in your new home.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful yard. Gweyneth will love playing there. :D The house is very nice. Can't wait to see it all done and furnished. :D

Kat said...

oh the backyard is fabulous! looks like you guys are really getting somewhere with it..

Christy said...

I'm so happy for you guys. I know it takes a lot of work, but it's so worth it!!!!! What a great yard for Gwyneth!!!

Ben said...

Looks like things are coming right along - the before and after photos will be unreal!

By the way, Congratulations on winning all 4 Blogger's Choice Awards that you were nominated for. Did I miss a post about this or did it just take a back seat to more important things?

Have you heard anything about prizes or an awards ceremony?

jlmishler said...

Does this mean that Ralphie will be coming back to live with you!?!

KYnurse said...

What a cute house. Looks almost like you could've built a new house with all the renovations that have been done. Best of luck to you guys.

Violet said...

so wonderful!

One Hot Single Mama said...

I love it! I super love the little house in the back for you when you have more "grumpy" days so that Tricia has a place to send you! hahaa. JK! It will be so much fun with Gwyneth gets bigger!

~j~ said...

Looking really great you guys,seems to be moving along quite fast. Looking forward to movin in day! Hope you are feeling better Nate.

April said...

you guys are as always inspiring!

D said...

Love the little shed in back!!


Kimberly said...

Poor Meka... stranded in a popcorn blizzard!

Lissa said...

The house looks great and you guys have busted your behinds working on it so quickly and with all the appointments too.....WOW. I am just wondering about those pine trees in the yard that can really irritate a respirtory system. I know that is one things that flared my own asthma/allergies and just the general resp distress that they caused my 3 months old nephew. We had to keep a purfier in his room, keep him indoors away from them and use nebulizers until they were cut down. Just wondering if that has crossed your mind I know that it is none of my business. Thanks, Melissa

kidsworld said...

I'm so jealous! I wanna live on the Outerbanks! Guess I'll just have to settle for one week out of the year...I'd tell ya to count your blessings but I already know that you do!

Bumblebee said...

Congratulations on you "new" older home! You are doing a great job with the renovations, but I did have one concern. Pop-corn ceilings are notorious for containing asbestos. Unless you know yours is asbestos free, great care needs to be taken when removing it so as not to contaminate the home with the asbestos fibers which can cause a myriad of health problems - especially in the lungs. I know you love your girls, so please be cautious when handling this stuff! May God bless and keep you in the palm of his hand - Gwendie

Erin said...


Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Wow, you guys are really moving along. Praying that you feel better and you have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

mom nana nelson said...


twin power mommy ♥ said... much work!

I hadn't seen these pics, so the painted (after) pics look REALLY great!

Love the red wall. We have a single wall that is painted red in our living room. I love it. There's never been a day that i thought i made a mistake painting the red.

Everyone told me it would get tiring to look at, or i just might end up not liking it....i STILL love it 5 years later!