Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ABC Video Link


If you have the time, please leave a comment at the bottom of the linked page on ABC's site thanking Barbara Gibbs and the team at ABC11 for following our story and helping us to share our good news with others. Barbara is most definitely totally sincere about caring for us and keeping in touch with how my two girls are doing, and we appreciate her very much! It's just as emotional for us to watch these videos as it is for you.

BTW, you can see Tricia's wound from the surgery the day before. And, the nurse holding Gwyneth through much of the video was one of Gwyneth's primary nurses during her four months at Duke!



Brent Riggs said...

Will do... thanks for letting us know how we can be good, to good people.

Brent Riggs

Emily said...

I just watched the video that Tricia posted on facebook! What an amazing, wonderful, uplifting story! Your family continues to amaze me & your willingness to share so much of your lives is a gift! I loved hearing both of you talk about your sweet family & I'm so thankful that I stumbled across this blog last January! We do serve an AWESOME GOD!!!!!
Emily in Mississippi

Jeremy Keegan said...

As a relatively new father myself, and as your friend, knowing your story, that video was awesome. It tore me up in all the right ways. I thank God for every member of your family. Peace brother,


JennaDK said...

that was Amazing! I cried just like I have every other post you have posted! I pray everyday for your family!

Yamma Mamma said...

Thanks for sharing! It is so good to hear Tricia's voice! Thanks to the three of you for sharing God's goodness with the rest of the world.

Kori said...

Loved it. Thanks for sharing this journey with all of us.

Christy said...

That was just awesome!!!!

Twinkletoes said...

Absolutely amazing! Thanks for posting! Wow! I have tears in my eyes from watching that! You don't take a second forgranted...and for that (and many, many other things) you are a wonderful, albeit internet, role model! Stay well! Thanks for always sharing!

Anonymous said...

The video brought tears to my eyes. Especially when you got all choked up. I love when they show Gywneth and she's sticking her tongue out too. :)

Amy said...

That was so beautifully done!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

That was a really beautiful story.

Marge Sexton said...

So beautifully done! I sit here with tears streaming down my face. It just brings the entire past year full circle, and reminds us of how good God is.
May God continue to hold each of you in the palm of His hand!

marcia said...

She did such a great job...again! Thanks for the link!

JZellner said...

Reading your blog and following your story at times you say I'm not sure why so many people follow our story. Well I can only tell you why I follow your story... For inspiration and as an affirmation on my beliefs. Knowing that miracles really do happen. Thank you so much for sharing your miracles.

HIS daughter said...

Wow that was just truly amazing! God is so good and I am so happy for you all :)
Many blessings and hugs to your family!

Tam said...

Wow! That was a wonderfully told story! Praise God for all your miracles. Enjoy your new home and each other. You are such sweet people and your lives over the past year or so have greatly impacted people for eternity! Thanks for continuing to share your story. Still praying for you guys in TX!

Carey said...

What a great story. Thanks for sharing with us!

Standing in the Rain said...

wow! i can't believe it's been a year already. i remember those first days right before the transplant, refreshing your website regularly throughout the day, waiting for those magical words that a match had been found.

your family's faith and determination has been a blessing to me this year. through my own (very minor in comparison) health struggles, i think of all that you guys have gone through and trust the Lord a little more.

i haven't commented much, but i have thought of and prayed for you all often.

happy birthday gwyneth and happy new lungs birthday tricia!

mumameee said...

Beautiful! It captured you guys so well :)

Jessi said...

Tears, tears, tears. Forgive me if my post is hard to read. Your story is so amazing. I can never imagine what you all have been through in just the past year alone. I've been reading your story since Gwyneth was just a couple weeks old and I have prayed and prayed many times for your gorgeous, wonderful little family. You truly have experienced many miracles, and you deserve it. I am so thankful that you share your story with us. I always update my husband on the latest, and will talk about you to anyone who will listen! I watched all three videos and was in tears with each. God bless you, Trisha and Gwyneth!

Sara said...

What a great video. Your family is truly an inspiration!!

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

AWESOME! It brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad you're doing so well!

katy said...

wow that was wonderfully awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Watching that made me guys have come so far. I was having a really rotten week and this helped me more than you could know...

not up to code said...

Your "normal" is such a beautiful story. Thanks for letting God use you.

purejoy said...

what a sweet story. it is so awesome to see mainstream media not shying away from "God speak" and miracles. kudos to the reporter, and thank you for being so transparent. your story has been such an inspiration to many, and always, always God-honoring.
blessings to you, and as the anchor said, smooth sailing and blue skies fo you.

Mrs. Dan said...

I emailed her since it was taking too long to get a comment window. Must have been all my fellow CCFH friends. ;) She actually e-mailed back. I was shocked! :)

Laurie in Ca. said...

Just beautiful and heart melting. I forgot how small Gwyneth was until seeing her with your hand. What a miracle your two girls are.

Love, Laurie

Anonymous said...

It brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful testimony your family is for the Lord! Thanks so much for sharing!

~Sara in MD

Rachel Dominguez said...

I cried through this entire video....What a miracle family you have. Thank you so much for sharing. Your blog alone has made my connection with God that much stronger.


Mary said...

How awesome. All I can say is "Thank you God for all of your blessings."

Florida_Mom said...

What a great job she did with that story. I have lost count of the times your story has brought me to tears. Praise the Lord for your testimony. God is so good.

Kerry said...

what a wonderful video...they did a great tribute!

Unknown said...

tears just kept pouring down my face as the video played! i am amazed and praising Jesus for the good work He began and is completing in all of you! Thank you for sharing and allowing HIm to receive glory!

Karen said...

Could there have been a better video? Gracious, sniff- our God is made manifest in your loving lives.

Lynnipoo said...

Beautiful story- what an amazing threesome you are! You are truly a blessed family. Thanks for sharing your story.

Violet said...

they did a wonderful job with your story.