Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Carrot Eating Pirate

Actually, Gwyneth didn't eat the carrot...she didn't even really chew on the carrot (which was the goal)...she basically just held the carrot and gave it the one-eye stare-down. And, actually, she's not a pirate...she's just wearing an eye patch to help strengthen that lazy right eye.



Mrs. Dan said...

love. that. girl.

Christy said...

She is one precious pirate...your post brought back memories for me as I had to wear a patch over my eye too (I was older and remember being quite dramatic about it!). I pray her eye strengthens quickly.

Enjoy your weekend!

Laura Sue said...

i was only 6 weeks premature... but i remember having to wear my eye patch at times until i was probably 3. i also wore it to strengthen my right eye. Since i could always see better out of my left eye, at a young age i taught myself to close my right eye sometimes to see things better with my left eye. now people think its strange that i'm left eye dominate but right handed... interesting huh?

Rebecca Harber said...

My oldest son had to patch his eye when was a toddler. He also had to have 3 eye surgeries and was doing fine until this year when his doctor put him back in glasses because his eye was turning back towards his nose. He loves his glasses though.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I had two tours of duty with an eye patch... so I know how this goes... Cute, cute, photo

Holly Aytes said...

I have lazy eye and had to wear a patch when I was little. Wish that had those cool stick-on ones back then...I had to wear one that actually looked like a pirate, it was even black!

Patti said...

I have not stopped by in a while because I have been pretty busy but you all look amazing! Today is my 2 year double lung and liver transplant anniversary and it's a wonderful feeling. I can't wait until Trisha gets to her first!!!

I'm going to be in your neck of the woods (I'm from NY) next month and would love to meet you all if it's okay. I was talking to my Aunt about possibly going to Nags Head Church the Sunday that we will be out there (February 15th I believe) and I hope that it's all right with you.

I wish all of you the best and continue to hope for you to do well!

Stephanie said...

I had (have) a right lazy eye too Gwyneth. Hang in there.....the days of the patch, eye drops, eye exercises and in my case 2 surgeries (one at a 18mths and one when I was 22 years old) will be well in the past.

Jennifer said...

Gwyneth Gwyneth Gwyneth:

Lesson One: You put the carrots in your mouth, not in your eye. ;)

Love ya girl. Give that Carrot a good stare at.

Jane said...

a carrot that big could be scary to such a little girl. :)

fyi...i was helping friends move this weekend...they have the same pug that you use in the pictures...holy is SMALL!!!!! They have been praying for you, it was great to see all their kids light up when I talked about your family. Your "story" has effected so many lives. God has been good.
praise God for your baby girls growth and good health.

Danine said...

eye patching works wonders, seems so archaic though. She is one great looking pirate though....Arrrr!

Jordan said...

well, carrots are supposed to help you see better ;)

Anonymous said...

She needs a pink and brown decorative eye patch.
Darling little does my heart good to see a child so fully loved as she is.

Em said...

she's still a cutie!!!

Jen said...

I had that when I was a kid. It works!

Kristen said...

I was wondering if she had lazy eye in an eye! thanks for mentioning that...

barden photography said...

that perspective is crazy - her hands look huge !!!!

so cute !!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

My girls wore that same kinda eye patch for months!

Everyone would stare as we went out into must've looked a bit odd to people who weren't in the know...c'mon people...eye patches arrrrr cool!

Violet said...

very cute. cold carrots are great for teething

Sarah said...

Oh the eye patch! Hopefully Gwyneth won't be like me and close that eye in every picture when she gets older. Now I just look like a pirate without an eye patch!
Yo ho! Yo Yo.....

Connie Mae said...

days a week for 4 hours to strengthen her left lazy eye!! We got cool colorful patches which works out great for her. She keeps it on. She started wearing the patch in October. IT HAS REALLY HELPED! Since her glasses and wearing the patch, she has gone from 20/50 in her left eye to 20/25! That is with the glasses on. The doctor has been very impressed! I think patches are cute on kids. Have fun. They say that children who are born prematurely have a higher risk of weak eyes. My daughter was only 4 1/2 weeks early. She has been going to an eye specialtist since she was 8 months old. The younger the better they say to help correct.

Connie Mae said...

I got cut off. My daughter wears a patch for 2 days a week for four hours. Just in case you were wondering! LOL!!

Mendi said...

Both my girls have been patching for 8 months--one is 2 years and the other 13 months. I found cute design patches on this website and they have the "junior" size for babies/toddlers which I had a hard time finding locally. Also, I put vaseline on the skin around their eyes at night time to help prevent skin problems. Good luck!

Jennifer Renee said...

I'm so glad to see that:

1)I'm not the only one with pirate memories and surgeries (in my case 5!)...the curse of being a premie! But who can complain when things could be so much worse!

2)they are patching her so early (for me they waited too late...thus the surgeries)

It's never too early to get glasses! (or patch the eye) :)

Gwyneth and you guys are always in my prayers...she's a fighter...I know her eye will strengthen quickly!

Rick Lawrenson said...

It's hereditary. My fault, I'm afraid.

I briefly wore a patch, then glasses, then surgery at age 4 that did the trick. No problems with it until I was 17. Corrective glasses made the difference then. Now it only affects me when I'm really tired.

Rick Lawrenson said...

And I love carrots.

Missy said...

Brendon had to wear a patch for awhile. First we only had to do 30 minutes a day. He was a bit older than your Gwyneth, but I am amazed at how 'cool pirate' she is about her patch. Brendon, on the other hand, immediately tried to pull it off, over and over and over. We had to distract him with silly dances. (daddy is quite good) and we saw the doc 6 mos later and he said Good! I see progress....let's do about 3 hours a day!!! Needless to say, in order to comply and keep my sanity, I had to tape it on and tape over and retape to the extent that he looked like he had a major head wound. lol. Memories......

kelly w said...

i was going to suggest the fresnel sight as well. my 4 year old daughter has been patching for about a year and has improved from 20/80 to 20/30 in her "bad eye". but she wears precious heart, princess, pink, floral, etc. also has great patches.

look at my blog to see my cute daughter in her patches!

we have patched on several different schedules, maxing out at 3-4 hours/day 7 days/week, to now 3 hours/day 7 days/week.

our MD suggested sticking the patch to a fabric before applying to face to decrease the stickiness or to use milk of magnesia around the eye prior to attaching the patch to prevent skin irritation.

good luck with your sweet angel!

btw, i have been reading your blog for FOREVER, but this is my first comment, i think :)

candicesalazar said...

Hey Guys! Seems you are getting a lot of "patch" comments-so, what is one more, right? As a pediatric home care nurse, I have treated many a lazy eye (with those stinky patches)--AND THEY WORK WONDERS!!!! (It helps if the care givers are compliant)IT IS HARDER ON THEM THAN IT IS ON THE BABE!! ;0) And, I agree..That baby has PER-SON-AL-ITY!!! WHAT A DOLL!!! I am so happy that you are having such joyous days!!! COngrats! Summer time will be here before you know it....And what a cute beach bum Ms. G. Rose will be!!

I am so enjoying these recent posts!!
Nurse Candice in Nebraska

Cindy said...

If you find the eye patch really sticky and hard to get off try this.

Rub milk of magnesia (just a little bit) on the sticky part before you put it on. Our eye dr said to do this with Luke's.

He has glasses so he is able to wear a patch attached to those--never had to do the stick-ons. Not yet anyway.

I love the pirate look!!

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

She is adorable. My 15 month old has to wear a patch for a lazy eye. She does NOT like it. She is very sneaky about it - she actually tries to go to sleep most of the time when we put it on her - needless to say that defeats the purpose of the patch!

Debbie said...

I, too, had to wear a patch when I was younger but definitely old enough to remember. Thanks for continue to keep us updated on your family.

Anonymous said...

She's not really a pirate!!?? I am SO disappointed.