On January 9, we visited the NICU at Duke to say hi to some friends. Barbara Gibbs from ABC11 met us there to film a quick update about Gwyneth and Tricia...the story is airing tonight at 5:30 for those of you who are in the Raleigh/Durham area. For those of us who are not, I'll post the online link to the story as soon as it shows up!

You can watch previous the three previous segments that ABC has filmed with us
Look forward to reading them.
Brent (Abby's Dad)
Oh cool!
I was wondering if you were going to do a follow up story with Barbara.
She's a classy lady; I knew her when we worked at WTVQ in Lexington. (Well, she worked there; for all but the last six weeks of the time I was there I was an intern.)
I just wanted to say that I love reading all the good and normal good stuff (like moving into a house) happening to your family.
It makes me smile. :)
Awe, she's even cute when she's crying! Tricia, you look great! Nate--well, you too!
Gywneth doesn't look to happy. Maybe she is remembering the days when she was here... Even though she doesn't look happy, she is still so very cute.
Elaine from MT
i absolutely and positively love the look on gwyneth's face in this pic. (i feel like that sometimes.) it made me smile on what has otherwise been a dreary day.
Poor little Gwyneth looks so sad!
Just saw your news spot, so well done, it made me cry! :)
I just watched your story on WRAL. What an inspiring story. Here's to many years without having to pray for miracles.
ABC did a great job telling your journey once again. I could watch that segment over and over again. You have such an amazing family!
The video's up and I watched it with tears in my eyes. God truly had blessed you! :)
Just watched the story online. Amazing...and what a beautiful family.
Wow, that was really neat getting to see that news story with live video of what your family went through.
It's tragic enough giving birth to a micropreemie, but all the more heart breaking when mom's life is in jeopardy too.
I know the Lord has and continues to use your story to shout His love and mercy to a hurting world.
Thanks for sharing!
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