Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gwyneth's Birthday

It's been funny to read the comments from people who thought we celebrated big on Thursday, because we definitely spent the entire day at Duke Gwyneth and I mostly in waiting rooms, Tricia mostly in surgery and her recovery cake, no parties, no gifts from mommy and daddy... Although it was a long day, and certainly not the most exciting way we could have imagined spending her birthday, we still tried to make it as fun as possible. And, we're planning a big party in a few weeks in our new house!

Gwyneth's medical team at the childrens hospital made sure to remember that it was her birthday, for which we are very thankful! She had many people wish her a happy birthday. They made certain to give her a fun band-aid after drawing some blood (nothing makes you feel more fatherly than comforting your infant daughter during a needle stick)...

And, Tricia was sure to tell all of her surgeons and nurses that it was Gwyneth's big day as well.

We ran into several people who were celebrating Pink & Brown Day with us! Somehow, we managed to not get a single family pic together (it didn't help that Tricia was only in her pink and brown until about 7:30am), but I did get a few pics of Gwyneth around 10:30 that night (not that I needed to point out the time, with her dirty clothes, glazed eyes and nappy hair)...

BTW, Pink & Brown Day was a HUGE success! Over 1000 people joined the Facebook Event (I would guess probably 3000 actually participated), and it's been very fun to see the many pics and read the comments from people all over the world who helped us celebrate Gwyneth's birthday this is definitely something we'll continue next year, with some improvements!

Anyway, I still have several fun posts coming in the next few days related to the birthday stay tuned!



Anonymous said...

Awww she looks cute even with dirty clothes, glazed eyes, and nappy hair!!

Emily said...

She looks precious even after such a long day.

--cara said...

Sounds like you guys made the best of a dreary situation. My heart just sinks when I draw the picture of you and Gweneth in the waiting rooms all day. Keeping her occupied, satisfied and happy in such a plain ole boring place. All the while, you worrying about what's going on with your precious bride.

Was so glad to hear that things were so upbeat for you guys throughout the day. Even though it didn't turn out the way you had hoped it would, her first b-day sounded amazing with all the love and support you guys got at the hospital.


Tim said...

God Bless you and your family Nate. Our prayers are always with you.

CFHusband said...


Thanks for your concern, but it certainly wasn't that dreary...the hospital is as fun as you make it, and I certainly wasn't worried about Tricia (not after last year...).


Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

I'm thinkin' you all didn't need a party to celebrate such an important day, and neither did Gwyneth. You and Tricia are her ice cream , cake and presents all rolled up into one set of great parents. Happy Birthday to all 3 of you.

My Blog said...

Nappy hair??? Um in Europe (the UK) and other parts of the world a nappy is what you put on a baby's bottom to collect wee and poo (diaper) -not something you put in hair!!!

Adayinthelifeofcandice said...

Many people at the bear drugs (tried to) participate, in the pink and brown day, I was one of them and I sent a mass text to everyone, but something went wrong and no one got the text till 12 noon that day, anyway we tried!

Melissa Dovel said...

Your lives have continued to show us all the goodness and mercy that the Lord could possibly pour onto anyone. I praise the Lord with you for days like today and I praise Him for the days he will bring tomorrow!
Happy Birthday tooooo U
Happy Birthday tooooo U
Happy Birthday Sweet Gwyneth
Happy Birthday tooooo U!

With Love and prayers,
The Dovel House

Melissa Dovel said...

P.S. we all wore pink and brown even down to our shoes! (it was a good excuse for me to get a new pair). The hubby agreed to wear a pale pink polo and a brown belt. Better than nothin':)

Nothing but Love,
The Dovel House

Tricia said...

You call those dirty clothes? Just wait until she gets mobile and/or discovers mud [says the mom of 3 boys!]

Tonya said...

She's so beautiful! Your writing and photography are amazing.

What exactly did you wear for the big day? Just teasing, but curious :)

Sabrina said...

she is so pretty!! And getting so big!! Hope she had a wonderful birthday. What a blessing!!

SamanthaLee said...

i dont normally comment..
but today i must..
gwyneths eyes are BEAUTIFUL..glazed or not =]

Pam D said...

She's just adorable, and I would bet I'd look a lot more frazzled after such a long day! It was fun wearing pink and brown, and yes, it made me stop and pray for your family frequently. We should do it more often!

MrsRealMcCoy said...

Happy belated birthday, White Rose! I have been reading this blog almost since the beginning, at the forward of my mom. I am so glad that today could be a joyous day! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.

As we prepare to conceive our first child, I take solace in knowing that our God is an AWESOME God!!! And I thank him for your multiple miracles!

sunshine rose said...

i love reading your blog. i have cf and i'm 31, no transplant yet. your wife was so brave to keep G.Rose not knowing if she would lose her life or the baby's or both. your the best husband in the world!! i hope one day to find someone as caring and compassionate as you. the world needs more men like you. i've really lost my faith in men lately but when i read your blod it makes me feel like there are good ones out there. Happy Bday to G.Rose and many, many, more to come!!

Aunt Donna said...

Happy Birthday my sweet little neice. I thoroughly enjoyed holding and cuddling you over Christmas. Love you.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to join the facebook event but include me in that tally! I wore my pink jumper and my new brown trousers that my mum bought me on Thursday.

Leslie said...

Hi, I don't know if you read all of your comments but I just wanted to write to thank you. My two twin girls were the recipient of some of your baby clothes. Our girls are not anywhere near being ready yet to wear them. They are 3 weeks old (born at 25 weeks and 4 days) and about 1 lb. and 10 and 1 lb. and 13 right now. Their names are Cameron and Reagan. We cannot wait until they are big enough to be able to wear them. Thank you so much for your generosity! Reading about your little one has brought hope to those that are going through it right now! I cannot wait to read more about your story.

-Leslie and Seth Carter
To read more about our story and our girls:

Nadia said...

Hi Nate, I am a long time reader/lurker of your blog. I feel compelled to ask your readers to please pray for this little girl. I do not know her personally, but through the adoption community. Abby starts a very agressive form of treatment tomorrow. here is the link to the blog.


Rebecca said...

Nate and Tricia,
I have CF too and I am trying to raise money for Invitro Fertilization. I am selling scarfs and baby blankets and other things to raise the money. Christy who had the lung transplant just posted a pic of her scarf that she purchased on her blog. I really want to try and have a baby of my own and be blessed the way you have...I will make Tricia and Gweneth one, and you could post on here for me. I need all the help I can get. God Bless.


April said...

I CAN'T believe someone posted weight loss spam stuff here for Tricia! WOW! so tacky! we all obviously know she does NOT need to lose weight!

Kim said...

I need to check here more often! I missed that it was Gwenyth's birthday! Happy belated birthday! :) God is so good and I am so happy for you all to be celebrating this wonderful milestone together. She is such a pretty baby girl.
Praying for Tricia too that she recovers well from her surgery.

Anonymous said...

She looks good anytime of day (or night).
