So, I received an email from Jessica Claire a few months back telling me that she was following our blog and wanting to know if we'd be interested in having a photo shoot with her...
Don't know who Jessica Claire is? That's OK, because neither did we...until I checked out her blog and discovered that she's basically one of the best photographers in the world (according to, and I agree).
Anyway, Jessica has family in the RDU area and was in town this weekend for a visit...and, of course, we said "YES!" to her offer. This kind of opportunity doesn't come around very often!
The forecast for yesterday was "partly cloudy with a 20% chance of rain". It was raining and cold when we woke up. It was raining and cold when we left to drive to meet Jessica.
As we pulled up to the shoot location, the clouds parted and the sun came out. For 40 minutes, the weather was perfect.
As we entered Elmo's Diner for a late breakfast, the sun never showed it's face again for the rest of the day.

Here's Jessica with Gwyneth...

Wow, wow and wow again! What fantastic photographs of a very amazing family. It's obvious in her pictures the love that you have for each other and for your precious baby girl. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. What a phenomenal talent she has!
Shelley in Iowa
Beautiful pictures! What a GREAT day!
Sarah in Gastonia, NC
Truly breath taking photos. You can see the love between the two of you and for your amazing daughter. What wonderful photos for you to have and to cherish and look back on. I am so happy you got your 40 minutes of Sunshine.
Wow! Did she ever capture what is so obviously there...the sweet love between a hubby and his wife and their precious little girl! Those photos are juts beautiful! I hope you get a copy of every one and LOTS of frames to hang them up all over the wall of your home!
WOW!!!! Those pictures are just incredible. What a blessing! Your love for each other REALLY shines through.
Gwyneth is starting to really look 'big'. :-P
I commented on JC's site. I just soooo love the photos and can't pick just one as a favorite! You and Tricia look absolutely wonderful together! I like seeing Gwyn from a distance because that really shows her size! Adorable!
Thank you so much for sharing, truly! Glad you had your 40 mins of sunshine (does make for a catchy title as well).
Take care,
Marissa :-)
P.S. How does Tricia like the new glider?
AMAZING photos!!! They are simply stunning. I kept trying to pick a favorite, but they are ALL great.
God Bless!
Those pictures are absolutely beautiful and breath taking. You ALL look amazing!!! The love and bond your family has is so evident in those pictures and always. Anyone would be blessed to share what you share as a couple and family. Praying for you all always!!
God Bless,
Ohhhh, those are just beautiful! I love the ones of you and Tricia, and I also adore the one of you and brought tears to my eyes!!
and I couldn't even see the slideshow...just the favorite she posted. :p
Great pics! You guys had a busy day.
You guys look so beautiful and amazing in the photos!! There are too many great ones to pick a favorite!!
ok... I'm in tears (happy tears) for 2... no 3 people who I have never met, but have touched my heart. Your love for eachother shines in those amazing photo's.
I will be thinking of you today as you enter yet another new chapter in your lives togehter as Gweneth joins you full time!
Lots of love!
Vicki in CT
Those pictures are GREAT-- I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM! You can see all the emotion--the love between you and and your wife, and all the expression little Gwyneth has--what a BIG personality for such a little girl! Those are going to be great to frame and hang up all over your home :)
I want to see the pics, too! When I go to her site, I can't get past the main page. I've clicked all over the place...what's the secret?
What a "when blogs collide" moment! I love Jessica's work and have followed her blog for a long time. And I so enjoy your blog too.
What incredible photos she took of you both! She really captured the love between you.
I can not get past the main page
Wow, those really are great pics!!!
So wonderful!!!!!!!!
Oh great, now I'm crying and it's not even 8:30 in the morning!!
I finally got to see the pics, but not the slideshow. It won't come up on my computer for some reason. Just beautiful pictures! I'm so glad you had the opportunity to spend the morning together!
the slideshow should be fixed now--I was getting a few too many visitors there for a few minutes!
Beautiful pics of your two miracle girls, healthy and happy. What incredible gifts...from God AND from Jessica. Seems like I start every day off with tears of joy, as I follow your amazing story.
I shoot weddings on the side so I am a fan of Jessica. That is so awesome that she was able to visit and take your photos!!!
I didn't realized I was signed in as my husband Seth. That last comment about shooting weddings is from me-Julie Nickerson. :)
Hey Guys!!
Those pictures are wonderful!! Gwyneth is sooo beautiful and is Tricia. Tricia, you look great!! What wonderful family pictures and how nice of her to do that!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRICIA!! Love the new do--being pampered is so renewing.
continued prayers,
Shari NC
Beautiful! She did a wonderful job, I think it's her best shoot to date! I'm glad she did this for you guys.
Absolutely amazing! Your love for each other truly shines through. So excited for you guys in being able to bring Gwyneth home. Praying!
Amazing photos!
Simply beautiful!
those are awesomw pictures. we are so fortunate to have wonderful people in this world that will do things for us.
hope you are getting ready for tomorrow!!! GRL all to yourselves!!!!!!!
As I watched the slideshow of you guys I was reminded over and over what a miracle God has given you. We all watched one of His miracles take place. It's wonderful to see you two just two. Tomorrow when baby girl comes home forever officially begins. Praying for a wonderful everyday for all of you.
Mom to 4 kiddos, fighting for one in Guatemala.
thanks for sharing! those are amazing!!!!! it melts my heart :)
The pictures are wonderful! It would be so hard to pick a favorite. That got me thinking...if you had to pick a fav, which one?
Amazing beautiful Photos!!!
Jessica did such a beautiful job capturing your love and adoration! She does phenomenal work... how blessed you are to have those precious keepsakes.
Hugs, Pam
Your family is gorgeous and Jessica's work was lovely. I am so happy for you.
got to see the pics and the slideshow! WOW!
Now, if that isn't God, what is? I don't believe in coincidences:) Beautiful, beautiful! God is so GOOD:)
HOly cow! I'm sitting here crying my eyes out, that photo shoot was so amazing!! The love y'all have for one another just oozes through those pictures....
I praise and thank God for using you and your family to touch my life.
The pictures are amazing...sitting here crying and remembering all you've been through the passed few months and so happy for the three of you!
Tricia-you look gorgeous!
The pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with us.
What beautiful pictures. Thank you for shring them with us!
This photos are beautiful. THANK you so much for sharing this photo experience with all of us.That is awesome that Gwyneth will be discharged tomorrow.It will be great.
Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Missouri
Absolutely awesome! Those are some great photographs. Good thing you had Tricia and Gwyneth in the shots, they make the pictures look so much better.
She did some fantastic work.
WOW! What amazing photos! You will definitly treasure those! Beautiful!
Those pictures are beautiful. You really can see the love that you two share. So nice to see her out and about like that with no tubes or 02. :)
those pictures are incredible! and JEEPERS your little girl is cute!!!!! how can you even stand it?? :)
What beautiful pictures that you will have to treasure forever...
jc great photos - tricia and nate -well, for pete's sake, just stop already :o)~ cute and dripping with adoration is just sooooooo.... amazing! fav photo -gwenyth looking up with the look on her face that screams "em, are you people alright????" she really seems to be wondering about the sanity quotient in her serious little face!
God is so good, and all who have been reading this blog are so blessed to have been able to witness His work through your story - thanks for being brave enough to share it with the whole wide world. Imagine the time is likely approaching where you will want to pull back a bit from the ultimate shareathon, but just know how many hearts and minds you have touched, the thousands of people who never comment, who had never been privy to a full-blown GOD miracle through you. And, His kingdom shall flourish through it!
Your photos are just amazing, and your story is so inspiring to me. I wish your entire family a long and happy life together. Hugs from Australia.
Cathy xx
Nate the pictures are just beautiful. You and Tricia looked so happy. What a great birthday gift for Tricia.. I love the fraggle hat picture of Gwyneth and the peace sign, they are my favorites....
Wow - what a small world. I am a huge fan of Jessica Claire and follow her blog daily - just as I follow yours. What a wonderful surprise to see the four of you meet!
The photos are beautiful (how could they not be with such amazing subjects and gifted photographer).
What a wonderful day. Thank you for sharing the photos with us!
Those photos are amazing! Your love for each other really come across on those photos. You are such an amazing family. You were blessed to have her take them and SHE was blessed to be able to meet you!
*gasp* Those photos are GORGEOUS!
Such memories!
Hi Nathan! Long time reader, first time commenting. Jessica did my maternity and newborn pictures and I'm so happy that you had such a talented photographer to take your first official family photos! You and your family are amazing and your story truly inspires me everyday!
Oh my word!
1. You have the most beautiful wife and daughter EVER.
2. Those photos by Jessica are absolutely breathtaking.
3. Do you have a Canon Digital Rebel? I saw the strap on your shoulder in one of Jessica's pics ... I have the same one and I LOVE it!
WOW. Awesome photos!!!1!
God Blss you all
Jamie in Texas
Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! She sure captured some beautiful shots of the two of you. What an amazing gift she has given your family.
God is good!
~Leah in Alaska
I've been reading for quite sometime, praying for you all. What a blessing to have these moments as a family recorded in history. The pictures are just incredible and tell such a beautiful story!
Brought me to tears! You are a BEAUTIFUL family and I am so thankful that Gwyneth will soon be home with her wonderful parents. Love just bursts out of all your pictures! Many prayers from South Dakota.
Memories of a lifetime! Gorgeous! Your family is a testimony of God's love and grace! Thank you for allowing us to view the photos.
WOW! These pics are AMAZING! I'm trying to work here... stop making me cry ;-) hehe ;-)
They are fantastic photos. Gwyneth giving the peace sign.....amazing. Tricia looking so well now - I have followed your story for a while. Cannot believe your baby girl is getting discharged soon!!!! Wow. Great news.
That slideshow is AMAZING!! I am crying. The love that you two have for each other is so evident in those pictures. I am in awe of the awesome love you share. Gwyneth is going to grow up in such a happy and loving home. She is a very lucky little girl.
Those pictures are phenominal! You are lucky to have such beautiful and candid photos. Have fun shopping for all the frames to put all the wonderful photos in.
The pictures are awesome! Jessica did a great job.
I went to check out her site and she has some incredible stuff.
I am so excited for ya'll to get to have that family time together and have it captured so well.
I will continue praying for your family and that Gwyneth will soon be going home with you.
I agree with ajc4ever, below,she is starting to look so "big".
Halie in Georgia
Awesome and such beautiful pictures. It is really wonderful to see Nate & Tricia together. You two are so darling to me!
Heidi R.
It is sooo funny.. I found Jessica's blog trough the BLOG VOTING link where you both are nominated for Best Photograpgy Blog... I was just browsing (after voting for you..) and clicked on hers since I love wedding pictures... Since then, your 2 blogs are the ones I read everyday... and now they are LINKED AND CROSS-MATCHED! How neat is that!! I already loved HER pictures and YOUR story.. now it is a double treat! The pics are beautiful and make you 3 shine!!!
Isn't it funny that after having followed your story all of these months, it's this slideshow that brought me to tears? I love, love, love it...and am so happy at how God has blessed your lives.
Wonderful pictures!
The slideshow is awesome!
Thanks for sharing
WOW!!! Those pix were stupendous!!
Wow! Those pictures brought tears to my eyes. I know the blessing of being loved by a good man so that all is right with the world when in his arms. How beautiful to see so obviously that Tricia is similarly blessed, especially after learning that it can not be taken for granted. You are a beautiful family and a true witness of God's goodness to those who follow His ways and acknowledge Him in all things.
The tears are running down my cheeks. You all sure know how to make a blog reader happy! Thank you to Jessica for sharing her talents, thank you to the Lawrenson family for sharing their moments, and wow, look at your daughter Tricia, she is amazing!!
Apryl in NC
(I mailed you a book yesterday, I hope it gets to you before you leave your temporary home!)
I was almost in tears watching the slide show! Wow!
I've been following your site for a while, but I've never left a comment. I just had to this time! Your photos look absolutely amazing! Jessica Claire did a great job! Tricia, you are beautiful, as is your daughter. You all look fantastic in the photos, it looks like you had so much fun shooting them. Your story is so inspriational. Thank you SO much for sharing all that you do with us, I truly enjoy reading your blog. God Bless your family in the coming days as you grow together in your home.
Thanks also for the link to Jessica Claire's page, it was fun to view her portfolio.
Any day I get to see many pictures of Gwyneth, especially when she is doing GREAT, is a wonderful day for me. Thank you once again! I like seeing pictures of you guys, too, but Gwyeth steals the show. And, now, I think that her eys and cheeks are just like Tricia so she is not EXACTLY a carbon copy of you, Nathan.
Oh my gosh I looked at the pictures she took, then came back to your blog then read that you "get" Gweneth tommorow and I started to cry. God bless you all!
Beautiful photos, and the slide show is awesome. How very special this day must have been.
I just adored the pictures. Thank you for sharing.
Wow, incredible photos! I've been reading your blog since the beginning of the year, and I'm always amazed at how perfectly God chose you for Tricia, and Tricia for you. Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl and the future God has planned for your family!
WOW. awesome, amazing, fantastic, beautiful, glorious to say a few words.
those pics were utterly amazing. perfect, beautiful..
There were so many that were great. i really liked how she captured your love for each other. those tender moments were just beautiful.
tricia looked amazing.
gwyneth looks so healthy.
how awesome for you guys to be able to do that photo shoot.
Those are some pretty amazing shots she took!
P.S. I think Gwyneth looks just like you Nathan!
Thank you so much for sharing that with us. That was truly amazing to watch. I love to see you and Tricia together and then to see the pictures of all of you was amazing. I really feel like I am watching two of my very good friends at this point in your journey. Thank you again!
Another visitor (from Jessica's blog) dropping by to congratulate you and your family and send best wishes. Truly inspiring and I thank you for sharing! :)
Tricia you are absolutely GORGEOUS! the new hair cut completely suits you and the red nails are great! What a beautiful memory you have of your family. She has truly captured the "essence" of your lives.
Stunning! I absolutely love the one action shot of you holding Tricia! These are all wonderful! What a terrific, WELL DESERVED opportunity!
Wow. Such beautiful pictures and so nice to see you you, Nathan, captured by a new lens :)
Could Tricia be any more beautiful??? Could Gwyneth look any sweeter or more full of personality?
You guys rock - you're so inspiring, yet so humble and down to earth. I pray for all the best for you each and every day.
Great pictures! Lots of great memories in those pictures for future years.
These pictures made my day! Wow! I am so happy for you and keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
May God bless and keep all of you!
Fairfax, VA
thank you so much for sharing. you are so blessed.
WoW!! Amazing that God orchestrated the weather just for the day :)
oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh...that's all I can amazing these photos are! i can honestly feel the love come through the screen that you and your wife share! i adore you all!
God bless!!!
I have loved reading your blog and following your story! Jessica Claire is one of my *FAVORITE* photographers (I'm still a lurker)...not only is she amazing, she has a heart of gold. The pictures are wonderful. What an amazing gift as you start your new life together, all three of you!
Happy Belated Birthday, and praying for sweet baby Gweneth to go home soon!
Those pics are a treasure - that is so cool that she came!
Pretty cool story!
AMAZING!!! simply AMAZING!!! those pictures (along with all the ones you take) are so awesome! Thank you for sharing those with us!!!!
Good luck tomorrow as you take your beautiful daughter home! I will be praying for you
Wow, these are great pics! It looks like you guys really had fun doing this and so did she as the photographer! THanks so much for sharing them with us! Glad you were able to do such a precious thing together.
Hopefully this works....anyhoo, haven't posted before but have been following for a long time. Your pics are gorgeous and it's so great to see the love you have for each other and Gwen. Hope you guys can always have that! Thinking bout you and praying you get to take your little sweetie home today!!!
So many, many blessings for you all! Best wishes to you guys throughout your journey :) May God continue to shine His face upon yours this day!
Jessica is SO talented! She did an amazing job of capturing the beauty of yours & Tricia's relationship as well as the bond you both share with Gwyneth. Truly beautiful.
Precious, precious memories that have been captured in such a special way for your family! In 10 years you will be so excited you agreed to have your pics made together during this meaningful time.
Pictures of my baby girl in the NICU instantly take me back to those days... they are so special.
Congratulations on being home together as a family at last!!!!! You must be so glad.
May the Lord bless your days together.
Precious, precious memories that have been captured in such a special way for your family! In 10 years you will be so excited you agreed to have your pics made together during this meaningful time.
Pictures of my baby girl in the NICU instantly take me back to those days... they are so special.
Congratulations on being home together as a family at last!!!!! You must be so glad.
May the Lord bless your days together.
I think from the minute I started reading this blog I could tell how much you two loved each other but I think those pictures capture how much you two are in love and I just want to say its incredible. Gwyenth is lucky to have two parents like you!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!
What a treasure for you all! Those are fantastic! It was so nice to see Tricia in non-hospital clothing - no gowns and masks - just Tricia! That's what is so great about the photos since she came home too!
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