The cool thing about this is that I'm not doing anything! It was somebody else's idea and somebody else is in charge. I'm just helping to connect people who want to help.
If YOU want to help by donating items or volunteering on the day of the event, EMAIL ME!!!!
Also, feel free to download the flyer and email it to all your groovy friends or print and post it wherever you can in and around Raleigh!
Remember, all proceeds go directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!!!
Thats so awesome that your story has such an effect on others and will be positive for CFF!
some really cool caring people came with a positive, caring,
supportive plan,
i am sure you all will have a great day making lots of $$$
for CF Foundation
patricia n.
if i didnt live so far away,
i would be right there donating items for the garage sale and helping out and thats FOR SURE
=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)
WISH i could be there to help out. What a cool thing.
It'd probably take me, like, 48 hours of straight driving to get me all the way across the US towards your neck of the woods.
I hope it goes wonderfully!
aww too bad the money doesn't go directly to Tricia and Gwyneth!
but by doing it for CFF ... it DOES go for them. This is their heart's desire. for CF to raise funds for research so that CF can be cured.
Hope you sell a bunch!
That was a great idea, wish I was closer to Raleigh!
That is great, hope you do really well with it!! I wish I lived closer, would have loved to be part of it.
And as someone who lives with CF, I want to say thank you to all those who support the CFF, hopefully one day they will be able to change our lives for good.
Good Luck!!
All of this is so cool!
It is neat that you don't have to do anything, but following your blog I can't see you jumping right in.
I am sure the Cystic Fibrosis Fountation is going to appreciate this so much.
I pray that it is a huge success!
Wish I was in Raleigh to help.
Good luck!
How cool is that? Unfortunately I am not in the Raleigh area (it's unfortunate for many reasons, this is just one...) so I won't be able to participate.
Praying that you will be able to raise lots of money, as well as awareness for CF!
Very cool...hope the event is a smashing success!
Nathan and Tricia,
Thank you for helping us help a cause that is so incredibly close to your heart. You all mean so much to us. And, thank you for being so selfless and choosing for the money to go to the CFF so that many can be helped who are living with cystic fibrosis. God's love and peace to all!
sure wish i could be there to help out...will be expecting to hear great things from this sale!!
Nathan, can we turn the sign into a blinky and post it on our sidebars if we want to help advertise?
Thank you, Nate and Tricia, again for all you are doing to help make this fund raiser a success! We have been blessed with so many donations and volunteers. Also, unless the weather changes, the forecast for that day is beautiful. I am humbled, honored, and blessed to have the opportunity to help. Praising our Father!!!
Such great news in the posts below. I love the picture of Gwyneth and her chubby cheeks! Trish looks awesome.
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