Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thank You!

We should be at the hospital right now getting ready to bring our baby girl home...I've set this post to automatically be published at noon today.

We want to make sure that we say "thank you" to the NICU staff at Duke for all they have done to help make today possible. There were not many people who truly believed that Gwyneth would survive and grow to be this healthy so soon, and we all of the human credit to the doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists and the rest of the Duke Intensive Care Nursery staff for making us all believers in miracles.

We especially want to thank our primary nurses, Susannah and Noel. While the entire staff is wonderful, these two have given us very good reason to miss our daily visits to the nursery, as they have invested in our lives in an incredible way. We'll miss you, and we look forward to visiting in the future!




Tammy said...

Congrats! We've been praying for you guys here in Arlington, TX. It's so great to see God's miracles!

You have a beautiful family and look forward to watching you all grow together and in Christ.


Kristine McKowen said...

Can't wait to hear about her homecoming!

Estelle said...

Here's to great nurses! Duke sounds like it has some of the best!

Here's to your family leaving that hospital together!

Praise God for both.

Here's to me being the first to comment on this post! Maybe ...

mjdav said...

Oh boy...I get to be the first to leave a comment on this post! Many people are rejoicing with you as your family will now be able to be together. I am joining you praising God for the miraculous ways He has moved in your family. Blessings today and always!

Elaine said...

That is such wonderful news. So happy to hear that Gwenyth Rose will be joining her family at home. She is truly a lovely miracle.
Elaine from MT

Story of our Life said...

I don't reply often. However, read everyday.

WOW....what an amazing journey this little princess has been on.

I'm sooo very excited for the three of you!!

This is a day that you deserve!!! And I know have waited so long for.


Jenn said...

Yahoooooooooooooooooo! That is awesome news! What an answer to soooooooooo many prayers!
Enjoy your day w/your little girl.


The Hailes said...

Yay! God is SO good! We could say the same even if you weren't bringing her home! Lots of prayers still coming your way...

cheryl said...

So exciting for y'all! Can't wait to see pics of the homecoming. What a special day. Praying for y'all and all the adjustments that will take place, that it will be a sweet time.

allison said...

I'm so excited for you that Gwenyth gets to come home! You guys will be awesome parents for her. :)

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Great news!
How exciting!

Deanna said...

I'ts a good day!

Anna B. said...

So happy for you!! So exciting. Nurses can be such a lifeline for us. So very grateful you got to experience two of them!! Yeah for Gwyneth! You go girl!

(I know, I know...too many exclamation points but this event is worthy of all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

JUST A MOM said...

WOOHOOOO HAVE FUN TAKE MANY BREATHS WILL YA.... it will be so much easier if you breathe....

Cassie12 said...

Oh my Gosh - Tricia & Nate - I am so excited and happy for both of you. Gwyneth is so lucky God chose you two to be her are the best!!! I am wishing you the best with her homecoming - it is going to be soooo much fun. Each month that passes, seems to be better than the one's so much fun watching them grow and learn.
Getting ready to retire so I can spend more time with grandkids - soon to be 3 and 1...

Brenda Boitson said...

What wonderful news to read! I wish you all well on your life together..finally together!

Amy E. said...

Yippeee!!! So excited for all of you!! I know the day will be memorable and wonderful.
God is still in the business of miracles..and we are thankful..and we honor Him!!
Enjoy your little miracle!!!

LindsayS said...


What a great day! Congrats!

Jenny said...

I'm so excited for y'all today!! I've been praying so hard for this day. Thank you Lord for your blessings and your infinite mercy. Please lay your hand upon this sweet, very special family and bless them as they adjust to life together at home. Thank you so much for this miracle.

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! Congrats on comming so far, God is amazing and your story has truly touched my life and the lives of so many others. We will be praying for you and your new life at home!
Katie in CA

Mama Grizzly said...

WOW! Praise God!!! He is so good!

Blessings From Above said...

I have been praying for this particular miracle for months now. I am so incredibly happy for you both.

Last June, after 119 days in the NICU, I left the hospital with my own miracle baby. The walk to the car with my son was probably the happiest moment of my life. With everything you all have been through to get to this point, I can only imagine how blessed you are feeling right now.


Angela R. said...

That is GREAT! The day is finally here, I am soo HAPPY for you all. Can't wait to hear and see pictures of the little angel's homecoming!! Enjoy being with both your girls!!!


Unknown said...

How wonderful, I can't believe the day has come! Has it really been four months already! I hope you enjoyed your last night sleep as a free man:)

Anonymous said...

PRAISE THE LORD! That is such wonderful news!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!! Thanks for sharing this with all of us out here in "blog land"!!!

Bless you all!!!!!

Annie- nashville

Nora said...

How amazing and exciting.... God bless each of you as you begin this new journey in your lives!!

Emily said...

Congratulations on getting to this wonderful day! I'm sure that I am not the only person that you've never met that feels the way I do, but after these months of watching your family I feel so invested in you all! I am amazed at your family's faith & true love of our Father in Heaven. I have been blessed by your story & I am honored that I have had the opportunity to pray for you all & get to "know" your family in a small way! Miracles do happen and I've seen 2 major miracles happen in your family. I am so happy that Tricia is doing so incredilby well & now sweet Gwyneth gets to go home & be with you, too! I hope that you all truly enjoy this beautiful time together. Babies are such a wonderful blessing & they do make such good little cuddlers(not sure that's a word, but you know what I mean!haha) I will continue to watch for new pictures & stories & I will continue to pray for all of you! Thank you for sharing your story & thank you for being such a wonderful testimony to the power that God has in our lives!

KeepItSimple said...

Very excited for you all!!! I used to work in the NICU, and I can tell you...the days when parents came to take their wee ones home were incredibly happy, but filled with tears as well!!!

Blessings to you all!

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for you 3!!! yay!

Julie D said...

My gosh, I have tears in my eyes reading this. I held my breath so many times a day as I would open your blog, praying that both Tricia and Gwyneth were okay. And now, to see the miracles that have happened, that brought the three of you to this day, well it's given me a faith unlike any I've had in my life. Here in Ohio, I am rejoicing for Gwyneth's homecoming, and wishing you and Tricia energy as you take on parenting full time!!!!

AlaneM said...

Hi Nate!
I haven't posted in a long time but I had to get in on this one. I am SO excited for you!!! To be a family together for the first time out of the hospital - how incredible it must be for you. What a blessing for you all. I can't wait to see pictures without gowns/lights/tubes etc.
You are going to be in my mind all day, I know it :)
Tricia - your new do looks fab - I love it!! I also loved your photo shoot, what fun that must have been. (and she is an amazing photographer, I could have spent all day on her blog.)
You all continue to be in my prayers, I can't wait to see whtat God does with you now that you're out :)

Anne said...

A well deserved thank you to Duke's staff for making miracles happen with baby Gwyneth and all the other special babies that pass through the NICU!

Also, enjoy your time with your baby girl AT HOME!!! God is good!

HollyMarie said...

A day to celebrate for sure! Praying you through the transition of these next few days... before long you'll all feel like you've been doing it forever. :)

RoseGirl said...

Way to go Lawrensons!

Praise God for all of His goodness and how awesomely He blesses people around us with medical knowledge and know-how to be His instruments when we need them!

How wonderful and exhilerating and scary all at the same time this must be for both you and Tricia.

Know that you have lots of prayers going up your way!


Southern CA

Anonymous said...

Yay! What an exciting few weeks you have had. God is so good!

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

Just about now, in fact!

Hallelujah, is all I can say!

Every blessing on all of you as you start this new, very demanding, and very exciting stage of your journey. Nate, I hope you got some sleep last night - it will be your last full night's sleep for a VERY long time!!!! But you will cope - He who has brought you this far won't fail you now.

And I am looking forward to reading such parts of your life together as you feel you can share in public.

Hope your Mum - Mom, sorry - is okay by now.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay! I'm looking forward to hearing what's to come for you guys, to the extent you decide to share.

Thanks for everything.

And hooray for the NICU! :)

Emilee said...

Wow I can't believe that she is coming home today! That is absolutely incredible. I would say how truly blessed you are, but you three and all of us already know that. God is amazing adn miracles do and will always exist! Good luck with everything.

Stacemoe said...

YEAH!!!!! Amazing!!! God is so good!! You are so blessed and Gwyneth is blessed to have you two as her parents. Can't wait to follow the rest of ya'lls journey OUT OF THE HOSPITAL!!!!!! Congradulations!!!!!

Three Seventeen Photography said...

Congratulations!!! I hope to be seeing fewer posts because you're finally able to spend all the time you want with that precious baby. Your family is truly a miracle and blessing to all of us with the privelege of following this journey with you!

Matt Pfingsten said...

Good luck, you guys!

Chantal said...

Nate, you are so lucky. You have not just one, but two miracle girls, who are both so strong, beating all the odds against them.

May you cry many happy tears today, and give each of your girls a big hug and kiss from sunny Canada.

Joy said...

Congratulations! That is amazing news! God is good :-)

I know today will be a extremely exciting day for you all! I remember the day we brought home our 27 weekers after 85 days in the hospital. We just sat and stared at them sleep when we got them home! It was a wonderful day! All of our prayers had been answered :-)

Casey's trio said...

I am so thrilled to read this post! Congratulations on bringing Gwyneth home today. I look forward to hearing how things go at home when you have her all to yourselves:) I am simply amazed at the miracle she is.

(mom to triplet girls born at 25 weeks)

Briana said...

YAY! Can't wait to hear all about Gwenyth's first car ride!

jenray said...

Yay for Gwyneth going home! I can't wait to hear about her trip home!
You are a beautiful family and I definatley look forward to seeing more pics of Gwyneth at home with her parents!


Lisa said...

I am so happy for you and the family!!!!Praise Be To God!!!! this is so excititng.

Destini said...

I cannot even begin to express how excited I am to see this day! Your life (as unbelieveable as it has been already) will truly never be the same again. I thought that when I got married, my husband and I had seen a lot of "life" before our children were born. It has been so awesome to revisit some of the things we did before children with our children and experience things through their eyes. Perhaps the most awesome thing is to teach them about Jesus and watch them grow in their relationship. I am praying for your family, that you continue to do well in the healing department and in the health department! I'm praising God for all the great things he has done!

Heather said...

*tears of joy*

Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

Can't wait to see pictures :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can't wait to see the first family picture of you guys as a family out of the hospital! I'm guessing this is the first time Gwyneth has gotten fresh air? How awesome. I hope the weather is wonderful. So cool to actually be able to see two physical miracles of God. Have an amazing day!

Annette said...

I am so happy for your family! I am pretty sure that you wont have a s much time to blog as babies take up a lot of time (especially a tiny one and one that you have longed to be with for so long) I am happy for you!!!!!! You will be back at the OBX before you know it!
God is awesome!

Anonymous said...

What a mighty God we serve!

Today is the first day of the rest of your lives. Enjoy it.

~j~ said...

oh my gosh! this day has finally arrived. Glory to the Lord for all HE has done. I am smiling so big right now remembering how far the Lord has brought you and am rejoicing with tears of utter and complete joy for what you are both experiencing right now. I sincerely want you to know how much I love your family and how extremely,extremely overjoyed i am for you! Continued blessings always,
love julia

tshaw said...

Praise God!!

Ellen said...

What an awesome day! Praise God for the Duke staff and the strength of your girls!

winecat said...

Whoop-de-do! Home with your baby, how wonderful it that?

Aren't nurses the most incredible people? They hold your hands, they nuture, they get you on the road back home. What would we do without them?

Meredith K Beaupre said...

I truly have chills just thinking about the miracle that you and Tricia are experiencing right now with your baby girl.

Thank you so, so much for letting us piggyback on your family's journey and thank you for being such a Christ-like example for the rest of us!

Your story is one that I will continue to be inspired by throughout my life and your attitudes toward all things presented to you are something I strive to acheive.

I look forward to checking your blog for updates, if you choose to continue it. I do hope, though, that you don't have too much time to blog because you are so busy relishing every moment with your incredible family and the miracles God has performed.

Hugs, love and joy from Florida!

Alison said...

I can't wait to hear about your new adventure of having your baby girl at home. It's about to get way better (and harder). :)

I remember when they brought our daughter to us from the NICU (she had only been there 2 days) it felt so strange. I kept thinking "doesn't someone need to be supervising us?!"

Erin said...

That is fantastic news!! Can't wait for the updates from 'home'!!

Candi said...

Yay!! Praying that her transition home is a smooth one for all of you!!

mumof4 said...

A silly question perhaps but will this be Gwyneth's first time outside?

Anxious AF said...

yeah......patiently waiting for pictures!!!!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! How exciting for you and Tricia. Praise be to God!!

amanda said...

praise god because he is worthy to be praised! i've enjoyed reading your journey thus far!! enjoy your time with your precious baby girl, the time flies!! ~~amanda~~

Tumbleweed said...

God is so good! Today marks the beginning of an awesome journey, as parents, for you. You will make terrific parents! Congratulations and praise God!!

pretty portajohn said...

Hey Lawrenson Family! I read your blog daily and I am just so amazed at the strength you guys have, both in the Lord and in each other. I have been wanting to post for awhile now and I thought what better time then to say congrats on being completely moved out of the hospital. I know you guys will cherish every moment with that beautiful little girl! Enjoy it! I also want to encourage you to keep up the blogging! God is doing some amazing things through you and your family.

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...


God Rocks!

I am so happy for you guys and can't wait to hear how it all went.


Much Love,
The Vande Castles.

SheilaDy said...

Yesterday, when you told us that you were going to bring your baby girl home today...this song came to my mind, and I have been singing it ever since!
God is amazing!!!!


When I think about the Lord
How He saved, how He raised me
How He filled me with the Holy Ghost
How He healed me to the uttermost
When I think about the Lord
How he picked me up
Turned me around
How He set my feet
on solid ground

It makes me want to shout
hallelujah! thank you, Jesus!
Lord, you're worthy
of all the glory, and all the honor
and all the praise!
Hallelujah! thank you, Jesus!
Lord, you're worthy
of all the glory, and all the honor
and all the praise!

Artist: Shane & Shane lyrics
Album: Carry Away
Year: 2003
Title: When I Think About The Lord

Cindy said...

Praise God! Tears are streaming as I thank God for your miracle. Now go home and have FUN! You have a beautiful baby to show off!!

Love & Prayers from Carthage, NC.

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Bye, bye NICU! Welcome home to YOUR home, with YOUR parents, precious Gwyneth! What an awesome homecoming you'll be receiving! Our whole family loves you so much, even though we haven't met you yet. May God bless you from this forth and forevermore. :)

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and Family

careysue said...

Have a wonderful, memorable day today!


~Carey from MI

Jen in Al said...

Wow! Welcome Home baby girl! you are so loved! praying you all have a beautiful day together. so amazing to see how far she has come! Yeah Gwyneth! awesome God! thank you Duke! praying and rejoicing jen in al

Photochick said...

YAY! WOOT! YA HOO! I'm so excited to hear that the whole family is healthy and out of the hospital! I am praying for you on your first day alone with her! I'm sure this will be a crazy weekend! God bless!

Cheryl said...

I agree with so many posters. I've followed your story and check your blog several times a day, always saying a prayer before I do. Watching Gods mircle family has given so many of us hope & even renewed faith. I will be anxiously waiting for pictures of your family AT HOME. I understand you need time to adjust but don't take to long...LOL. HUGS from one of your cyber friends.

BTW, Prayers for your mom too. I hope she heals quickly.

Dawnette said...

Father, thank You for dedicated medical staff, for people doing what is natural - loving others. Thank You Lord for Your watchful eye and healing hand that would take this family through such a long battle. Continue to be with them and guide them. Give mom and dad peace and comfort as they solely raise their precious daughter. In Jesus Holy name, Amen.

Marsmile said...

YAY WAHOOO! Such an exciting time! :-D

Will be looking forward to reading about the homecoming experience--pixs and all that. But of course, only when you can even if it's not until the weekend, next week, or else, as family time is important and comes first! :-)

Full of excitement for you all,
Marissa :-)

Leesa said...

What an amazing miracle! God is so good!

starbee said...

Woo-hoo!!! Hope everything goes smoothly taking your precious girl home! Have fun with her ;)


Heidi said...

Finally coming home to be snuggled in your arms, I cannot stop smiling when I think of the joy you must be feeling. Three years ago this week (May 17th) we brought our 23 weeker home after 4 months in the NICU. He was also born in January (2005) and as we've read your story and celebrated these anniversaries of our own, you've been so much in our hearts and prayers. Congratulations as you begin this wonderful new phase of the journey with your beautiful family.

Momof2bz said...

Hope today is wonderful! Most of us are troubled by the lack of sleep during those first nights home, somehow I think you two won't be.

amy smith said...

joy, joy, joy, overflowing!

The Rogers Family said...

What a happy day!! I have had 2 premies. And both times we left the hospital, as happy as I was, there was just a little bit of sadness.... Because these wonderful nurses become so much a part of your everyday life. It is kindof like moving away from a family member or something.

My 2nd premmie had a wonderful nurse named Noel. She(Noel) was born on Christmas day and had a twin named Holly. I think I heard that she moved east with her husband. She was the best nurse we had. I wonder if it is the same Noel or if the name Noel is just a prerequisite for a great nurse.

The Finn Family said...

What incredibly wonderful news! I am smiling ear to ear for your family right now.

Continued blessings to all three of you!

Tam said...

Wonderful! So happy that your dreams are becoming reality today!

The Mom Jen said...

Today is the day! Miracles happen, and twice in as many months for you, what a true blessing!

Anonymous said...

This is my first post here, but I have been following your story and praying/thinking positively for you since right after little Gwyneth's birth. Reading about Tricia and Gywneth has truly opened my eyes to the power of prayer and to how wonderful and awesome our God is. Thank you.

Anyway, a huge congratulations to you for your big day! I am eager to hear all about her homecoming. You are a beautiful family, both inside and out, and I am so happy for you to finally get to bring your little girl home.


Unknown said...

This is my first time posting - My little girl was born a week before yours, and I've been following your family's story since mid January.

I'm so thrilled to see that you get to bring your little girl home! It's a wonderful adventure :) Congratulations!

Melissa said...

that is soooo exciting that you are going to be bringing your girls home!! i just recenly started reading your blog and i think it is fantastic.

i have a cousin who works at Duke in NCIU...small world....wonder if you guys ever crossed paths....

all the best to you and your family...God is good :)

Tracy said...

I am beyond excited to hear the news about your sweet baby girl making her debut out of the hospital-God has shown his Glory through your family's story.I never doubted all would turn out well.
Enjoy every goes by so quickly!
God Bless!
Keep Imagining-

Molly said...

Congrats Congrats Congrats!! This is the best part of working in the NICU, you get to send babies home and Tricia and yourself are finally getting your day to bring yours home!!

-Molly Nebraska NICU Nurse

Emily said...

Rejoicing with you guys as little Gwyn comes home :).
Praying for an awesome homecoming!!
Emily Haager (CA)

sarah. said...


That is so incredible... God is so good.

I'm so excited for you guys to be able to really get started on your new family outside of the hospital.

God bless :)

danielle said...

yay for primary nursing! =)

Unknown said...

How wonderful! Welcome home sweetie!

Hope your mom is ok with the surgery to her hand.

Rosie x

mama2drama said...

I'm so glad I came today (Friday) to see that y'all are home now! Woo hoo! What a blessing!
Based on our experience with the NICU I know that some of those nurses begin to feel like genuine friends and family and you wonder how you will bring the baby home without them. Congratulations on a fantastic milestone. =)