Thursday, May 8, 2008

White Rose Blooming (17 Weeks)

Every Tuesday while you're in the hospital, we'll take a picture with your pug so that everyone can see how much you are growing!

You are now 16 inches long, and you weigh 4lbs 7oz!

Your seventeenth week was another good week! You've finally made it all the way to 2000 grams, which means you are big enough to come home! All you need to do is learn how to eat everything from your bottle.

Your mommy is getting much stronger and is able to spend more and more time with you every day. You continue to eat more from the bottle every day as well, and we can see how much you are changing and growing.

In the next week, we're praying that all of your final checks and tests show that you have developed just like you're supposed to, and that you will continue to learn how to eat more and more from your bottle!

We love you!

Compare our Blessed White Rose at:

2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks
14 Weeks
15 Weeks
16 Weeks


Amy said...


Elyssa said...

she's getting so big! Great Update!

Lisa said...

she looks sooo snuggly!!!

Kim said...

Great news on her weight! God is definitely growing this baby girl.
Praying for a healthy report and a trip home!

Farrah said...

Yeah Yeah Yeah, I have been waiting on that....WOOOHOOO

Let's go home little pumpkin

Michelle said...

Amazing! I weighed 4 lb 7 oz when I was born and I always thought I looked like a runt in my pictures....but Gwyneth looks huge! Praying for continued progress to go home soon :)

Michelle said...

Amazing! I weighed 4 lb 7 oz when I was born and I always thought I looked like a runt in my pictures....but Gwyneth looks huge! Praying for continued progress to go home soon :)

begins with v said...

Is that the SAME pug??? The big one? If so, I cannot believe how much she has grown!!!

Erin said...

Wow! She is getting so big! It's amazing what a week will do!

Danielle in MO said...

even a big difference from last week.....can't wait until you bring her home!!!

Danielle in MO said...

even a big difference from last week.....can't wait until you bring her home!!!

Sonja said...

She is such a blessing. God truly is AMAZING!

Way to go Gwenyth. Keep up the great work and drink that bottle.

Trish, congrats on how well you are doing. My prayers are still with each one of you adn for those out there who are still waiting for their "miracle" to happen. Thanks to you and Nate for giving me more info concerning Organ Donors and CF. God Bless


Sabrina said...

she looks so healthy!!!

Natalie said...

Gwyneth truly is a miracle. It's hard to believe that she's four months old and coming home very soon. Congratulations to all of you! Natalie

Blessings From Above said...

Looking back at her two week picture - it is amazing how much she has grown!!!

I'll be praying for favorable test results.

Amy E. said...

Woo Hoo!!!

gmomof7 said...

Wow! I'm Still amazed how well she has done and it has given me a renewed look at faith. I am so happy they are both doing so well. How wonderful for you all!


Laurie in Ca. said...

Gwyneth's pug IS shrinking, which can only mean that she is growing!!! What a blessing to watch. Pig Out little girl and empty those bottles so you can be cleared to go home with mommy and daddy. Praising God that you are doing so good Tricia. Your pictures are amazing, always that beautiful smile of yours shining through. God is so good.

Laurie in Ca.

marcia said...

Such continuing great news!! Thanks for sharing! Pics, as usual, are adorable!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Happy 17 weeks! Thanks for the update!

She is getting so big. What a great idea you had to start the pictures with the pug. Everytime I see a pug I will think of "White Rose Blooming"

Speaking of pugs, how is Meka? I hope she is enjoying her little vacation away from home.

So happy to hear Tricia is getting stronger and stronger!!

I will be praying for Gwyneth that all checks and test are perfect, along with learning how to eat every drop from her bottle.
Looking so forward to the day Gwyneth goes home!
Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

That pug keeps getting smaller and smaller. Yay Gwyneth! I am so glad she is doing so well. And that is great about Trish! Enjoy your sweet little one.

Just a quick question. How often does Gwyneth wake up through the night?

Vic said...

It looks like we're using the toy pug again! She is getting so big! What a wonderful gift for mothers day. A healthy baby who might be coming home in the upcoming week. yay! Congratulations and thanks for the update Nate.

Erin & Gary said...

Thanks, as always, for your updates. Such sweet pictures of your baby girl. Still praying in Charlotte!

Molly said...

Nate, Tricia, and (of course) Gwyneth,

I am touch and continue to be amazed by your amazing story! I am a NICU nurse at the Nebraska Medical Center and find that when parents and patients post their stories, it's a great way into relating to their point of view and how they view their treatment/babe's development. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful team of nurses and doctors to help your girls grow big and strong and keep them healthy. I look forward to the day that you post that Tricia and yourself are taking that beautiful amazing girl home with you (with no O2, no feeding tubes, no lines!!!). I'm sure one of the happiness moments of your life! Your family is in my thoughts and hopefully Gwyneth will be discharged very soon!!

Emily said...

I can't believe how much she seems to change (I just see her through your pictures) every week. It really is amazing. She is actually getting a chubby little look about her!!! Who would have thought that the skinny little girl from a few weeks ago would have a double chin so soon! God is so good & that is evidenced to all of us in blogland through your story! I pray for continued GREAT news!!!!

Amy Lynn said...

When I see these photos of Gwyneth each week, I just praise God. She is such a beautiful miracle. She looks precious!

Amy in Oregon

jamie said...

Watch out Pug! Gwyneth can squash you now!! ;)
She looks soo good. My how she has grown. What a little miracle!
Mmuuuaahh Gwyneth!
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

North Carolina Mom said...

I bet that little pug toy becomes your daughter's security object!

She is beautiful!

Kalla said...

I think you might be in trouble when she gets older with all the boys... everyone is going to love her... wait I think they already do! :)

Unknown said...

Gwyneth is starting to look more like Tricia. She's a nice combination of you both:) I love her cheeks.

Wilson Ramblings said...

Gwyneth and Tricia are so beautiful. you do a great job capturing that beauty in pictures! What a great dad/husband.

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

She looks so big, yet I know she is so little still! I was hold our little 8 lb. Eliseo this morning trying to imagine that Gwyneth is still like half his size. I think those adorably kissable cheeks are deceptive :)
love and prayers every day,
The Lockwoods

Fire Hunt said...

she's getting so big! Great Photos:)

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Absolutely amazing. God is GOOD!

Scott said...

And what a bloomer she is! What a miracle baby!