You are now about 12 inches long and 1lb 11oz.
Your fifth week was another great week for you. You continued to eat lots of much that the nurses are giving you more and more every few days. You gained nearly 6oz this week alone, and you have changed so much that everyone is noticing! You even lost all of the fuzzy hair that was covering most of your body...but, the hair on your head continues to grow as blond as ever. You spent most of this week on the ventilator, but you're doing so well that you should be moved back to CPAP very soon. You've been moved to a different room so that the nurses can keep a special watch on you and make sure that you don't get any infections.
This week, your mommy was able to see you twice, and she is looking forward to spending even more time with you this week. She is getting stronger every day, and we're both thinking more and more about the day we get to all go home together. Your daddy was able to hold you again, for about one full hour.
In the next week, we're praying that you'll stay infection free and continue to grow bigger and bigger. We're also praying that I will get to spend more time holding you, and that maybe your mommy will get to hold you for the first time. You'll celebrate you first Valentines have lots and lots of people who are already in love with you!
We love you!
Compare our Blessed White Rose at:
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
Absolutely amazing...she is beautiful!
WOW~ I can't believe how big she's looking!! Beautiful baby!!!
Praying in NY, Amy
She's so much bigger!!! She is so amazing and beautiful :-) And her puppy doesn't dwarf her so much!
Thanks so much for sharing your story and your little girl with us. It's so inspiring!
I am amazed how much bigger she looks today from her 2 week pictures. Of course I realize she is actually still very tiny. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Thanks be to God! It's truly amazing and a miracle!
Love to all.
What a sweetheart. Happy 5 Week Brithday Gwyneth. Praying your next week is your best week ever and that your Mommy gets to hold you very soon.
She looks great! Thanks for posting pictures! Praying you all have a peaceful night -
J. in Ohio
Many prayers for your beautiful daughter and wife. Prayers for you also.
awesome pictures! You can really tell how big she is getting! Yahoo for the weight gain!
You go Gwyneth - keep on growing strong!
Love from MD
Wow-- so weird to sit and watch this unfold online. She is perfect!
What a treasure it will be for her and you both to have your journey documented! What an amazing example you have been of your heart for God and the trust you have in our faithful and loving Saviour. Thank you for sharing your hearts with all of us anonymous people out here. We continue to pray you will experience the joy of Christ in the little things that happen during your day!
From GR, MI--Becky
wow...she really looks like she's grown this week. especially her hair! holy cow!
we love you, gwyneth!
~josh, nicole & alanna
She looks so Beautiful...and big!
-Jackie in MN
Been following your story for several weeks now. What a difference! She really looks like she's gaining weight! You are doing an amazing job - kangaroo care is incredible. When I first saw those pics of you holding her I cried and said to my husband, "That is SOOOO good for her!" Your family is a light in this dark world and I pray strength for you all.
Aww... beautiful!!!
Just when I didn't think she could get any more gorgeous.... ;)
I cannot believe how big of a difference 6 oz. in one week can make...she is looking FABULOUS!!
Sweet Little Rose you are AMAZING!!! I can´t believe how big you are now.That dog doesnt seems so hudge near you :o)If I could give you a valentines gift for you it will be to see you on your brave´s Mom arms cuddling together with your proud daddy But I know inside my heart this moment will come very soon. Thanks for your parents sharing those pictures with us, Love and prayers from RJ - Brazil, Lu ( )
She is growing more beautiful everyday. Praying that Tricia will be able to hold her soon, and that she will continue to grow stronger as well!
grow baby grow!!! Do you think they will allow a beautician into the nicu to cut your hair if it gets much longer? heeehee!
Praise God....He has been soooo good!
she is so precious!
Wow she is getting big. Her hair looks longer too! What a precious little girl! LOVE the pics!
With Love,
William's MOM
Oh my goodness… she is beautiful! She has filled out in the last week or two. I do so hope Mommy gets to hold her soon. Our Tuesday night prayer group prayed for you tonight.
Beautiful!! I love that swirl of blonde hair on the back of her head. I'm praying that Tricia will hold her soon.
Questions: Does she cry when she's awake? Do the ICU nurses hold her too, or only you?
I can see she's growing... Praise God! Thanks again for sharing this with us. I never get tired of watching the "Safe and Sound" video.
I just can't wait to see pictures of her holding that pug!
She could NOT be any cuter!! Wow, she is a darling! You both are so blessed! I'm so excited to see/hear updates and watch her weight go up-up-up!!
You are truly blessed!
Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful!
i've been reading your blog for weeks now, praying for you and your girls, and am just so captured by your story. what a testimony. thank you for sharing your joys, your sorrows, and everything in between. God sees your heart, and i believe that He is pleased.
and gwyneth? amazing. God be with you guys....
Praise God for His sweet blessings. She's growing and doing so well. I love these little updates. >:0)
I LOVE her fuzzy blond hair! And Tricia's blue teeth are quite becoming as well!
*hugs* to all of you!
Apryl in NC
WOW! She IS filling out!!! Thank You, God!!!!!! wooo-hooooo!
~ becky b
Hi Nathan and Tricia,
Glad to hear that Tricia can eat some food again - though not too sure that pureed chicken wings would taste very good! Pureed brownies on the other hand = very delicious.
I'm so happy that gwenyth is doing so well, although I'm still boggled by her size, I can't imagine an infant being so tiny. I hope that everything continues to go well for your little princess, and that the MRSA stays away.
She is just beautiful. You must be so proud of your daughter. Continued prayers to your family.
Gosh Gwyneth is just so beautiful. I agree with the comment above; pureed chicken wings sound kind of gross. Ice cream, on the other hand--or good homemade applesauce, or mashed potatoes made with heavy cream, now those sound yummy and I hope Tricia can find some things that taste really good and also pack some good nutrition to help her build weight and strength. Prayers continuing of course.
I agree! Amazing! She is beautiful!
oh, yes!! She is definitely growing. And still as beautiful as ever.
Wow! What a big girl!! So precious...
Just adorable :-)
Praise the Lord for Gwyneth's continued growth and progress. Won't be long she'll be wanting some chicken wings herself!
grow baby grow!!
But gosh sleeping like that looks SOOO uncomfortalbe!
I am addicted to your updates and your stories. I hope that you will raise awareness for CF, prematurity, and Jesus Christ with your story. I wanted to share a picture of my son that I found on the web.
This picture shows him with a beanie baby (regular sized) when he was right at a pound. His birth weight was misquoted (he was actually 15 oz) because they quoted the weight he was when he was transferred to this hospital after lots of tubes, probes, wires, and several hours of fluids with no peepee. Anyway just wanted to share!
Oh my goodness, she looks so good! Prayer works miracles! I am praying that Tricia gets to hold her soon, just being able to see her is awesome!
Wow! Yesterday my bro and SIL had baby #2. It kind of gave some persepctive regarding just how small Gwyneth is. What a miracle!
Praise God, It's amazing the difference this week has made! She really does look like she is filling out a bit and growing!!!
I am so thankful all is going so well :)
WOW, she did lots of growing this past week!!
i just can't wait for the day we see a picture of her mauling that little pug, like munching on the dog's ear!
What great posts to wake up to this snowy morning in MI!!! Keeping up the prayers!!
This is the first week where I've been able to see that she's actually getting bigger! It's incredible! Her head and torso are actually longer than her little doggie - YAY!!! She's still beautiful... I'm sure you're looking forward to your first Valentine's day w/ both of your girls tomorrow!
~Sheryl, NJ
WOW she has grown. That is a great answered prayer that she is doing so well. Still praying for your family, Nate. What a testimony you have lived already. God does not waste pain or hard times. We had to go through something hard with one of our sons when he was a baby and now I can look back and see how God used that time in my life. I just keep reflecting back to "I will Praise You In This Storm" song. He is there, holding you by your side.
Katie Columbus,OH
The blue teeth thing is so funny. I had to have dye put thru my lymph nodes, starting in my feet. They were blue like that. I woke up from having it done and called my best buddy. I kept trying to tell him that I was a smurf. LOLOL Thanks for the laugh this morning. Gwyneth is growing and changing so much. WOW! OUr guys are 11 & 12. Change is so amazing.
Christy in KY
Yea!! The pug is looking smaller and Gwyneth is looking bigger each week. Hooray for growing!! We will continue to pray for an infection free week. Love the blonde hair!!
she really is bigger. such beautiful blond hair. looking forward to many more amazing testimonies and photos. you are such an inspiration. blessings from Florida.
Oh wow, she does look bigger! Wonderful!!
Still praying in Raleigh.
I can't believe the difference 5 ounces makes! She looks amazing and as beautiful as her momma. Happy 5 weeks, beautiful white rose!
Read this just after putting on my makeup to go to our Seniors Valentine Luncheon at our church--oh well, it was worth the streaks. Praying for as much progress this week as last!! We're so happy to say we actually know you through attending your church. Your witness here is going all over the world and is really reaching so many people.
She is getting so big. She(& Tricia) are such fighters. I am praying for your family everyday. you guys are such an inspiration!!!
Nate and Tricia,
She looks so good - she has filled out so much - you can really tell how much she has grown. So glad T got to see her in person, I hope I get to come and see all of you soon as well.
T, Allison and Colin
She is really filling out, isn't she? What a beautiful baby!
I can't wait to see the picture of Gwyneth at ~11 months riding her pug.
WOW! I've missed checking up on y'all for a few days but what a treat to come back and see how much Rose has blossomed.
You can really tell she grew this week. She looks so much more sturdy. Our God is good.
Nate & Tricia - she is so beautiful. I long for the day that you 3 walk out of that hospital for good - together. I can't wait to read about and am already thanking God for that day! Love & prayers from SNOWY (FINALLY!!!!!!) Nashville.
I promise you will be saying this the rest of your life "Awww.. she is getting SO big!!"
Yay for Gwyneth getting to drink more and more milk, good stuff!
Continuing to pray for all of you-
The Brantner Family
WOW!!! That is a HUGE difference!!! I can't believe how big she got in the last week!!! How awesome!!
I'm so glad that you are doing so well pretty princess!!! You remain a constant thought in my heart, and I pray for you and your family tons of times during the day. You are one special little babydoll!!! :)
Brianne in VA
You know, the more I see the pictures of Gorgeous Gwyneth, the more I think of having a third baby....that little fuzzy head and her little eyes peeking out every now and then are just the cutest. I would have some issues to overcome if I/we ever went ahead with another child...but Nate, your and Tricia's faith in God through all of this has certainly helped deepen my own faith that God would be with us if another child is in our future. I'm soooooo glad that you (Nate) have been able to hold Gwyneth, and I pray that Tricia gets to hold her very very soon....what a delightful photo THAT will be!!!
J. in OH
Nate and Tricia,
You can tell that she is starting to fill out. She looks like she has a little meat on her bones! We are continuing to pray that this MRSA goes away. Also praying that Tricia will be able to hold her soon. What a wonderful Valentine's Day present that would be. May you have a blessed Wednesday.
Love, The Hagers in Michigan
Wow! She looks:
a) gorgeous
b) adorable
c) precious
d) loved
e) much bigger!
Amazing how much she is growing and changing. Those are great pics that you will treasure always. She is a true miracle and we give all the glory to God!
WOW!! You can see her weight gain!! Such a cutie and doing so well!. Sleeping, growing and getting stronger!! Praying for all of you and the donor family. Also, I have a granddaughter adopted from China, we know none of her medical, I can identify with much of this!! Hang in there--our God is an awesome God...Go Tricia, keep getting your smile!
Shari J FV,NC
Happy 5th week birthday baby Gwyneth.
I saw on another blog that someone used to build a book. They will import your blog and create a beautiful hardback book.
Sounds like a great keepsake.
I can tell she's growing! That is so cool! :)
thanks for sharing Nate! she is getting so big! wow 1lb 11oz cool! god is great...way to go Tricia i bet she is happy to be able to atleast eat some diff things...keep up the awsome work Tricia. you guys are in my heart thoughts and prayers...
thanks for sharing Nate! she is getting so big! wow 1lb 11oz cool! god is great...way to go Tricia i bet she is happy to be able to atleast eat some diff things...keep up the awsome work Tricia. you guys are in my heart thoughts and prayers...
Wow, you have grown so much this week little Gwyneth. You are one beautiful little girl! Thanks for letting us all look at you each week and pray for you. We love seeing how God is at work!
I am so thankful to have found your blog! With your permission, I would live to write about you on my blog and use a few of your pictures? I will wait to hear back from you. I will be asking all of my blogging buddies to start a prayer chain for you all. I am unable to carry a baby of our own so we are not so patiently waiting to bring our daughter home from China. You will be in my daily prayers!!! My email is
I love these White Rose Blooming posts. I can't believe it's been six weeks since I first heard of all of you. It seems to have flown by and yet, I feel that I've known you for a long time. :-)
Still praying...
Angela in central Ohio
Oh my gosh...she's getting so big! :) What an amazing blessing to see. I love it!
She's gonna overcome that dog real soon. I didn't think she could get any cuter, but she did!
Yay for Gwyneth! Keep growing little one! :)
I am amazed to see all of the 'extra' hair gone. She is so beyond beautiful!
I am super jealous of the red/blond hair. I am a redhead myself, with two little girls, and neither of them got my hair color!
Can you imagine the head of hair she would have come out with, if he was full term? My goodness!!
She is a MIRACLE and so is her Mommy! Both beautiful, inside and out.
Blessings to all ~ Ashley
Go Gwyneth! You are growing like a weed and filling out! Such a pretty girl!
Keep it up!
Marissa :-)
She is so pretty! And she is getting so big. :)
these pictures especially move me. 4(ish) years ago i had a set of twins and we spent a fair amount of time in the nicu. my smallest was still bigger than your white rose, at 2 lb, but these pictures are so familiar and they take me right back. thank you. continued blessings.
You can definitely tell she's growing! Keep it up, Gwyneth!
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