Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Repost

I thought I'd repost this video, as it was my greatest father experience to date.

("Safe And Sound" by Matthew West)

Watch all of the CFHusband videos Here!



Alison said...


I have to say that I have been following your blog and life story for a while. You are one of many unique and beautiful stories. My husband also celebrated his first Father's Day today...after almost losing him when my daughter was 6 days was a very special day for him.

You are an amazing man...Keep on rocking it out...Your story has touched my life...Your witness has changed my life.

Happy Daddy Day...
Alison in TN

Adrienne & Alyssa said...

I'm crying.

Happy Father's Day, Nate. <3

Jenn said...

That's a beautiful video, Nate...very moving!!

Happy Father's Day to you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nate,
This made me cry the first time I watched it and again this time. We were at NHC today and was really looking forward to seeing you but I was given the news of your return to the hospital (I've been out of the blog scene for awhile). My prayers are still with your family. May you have many more happy father's days in the years to come.
God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nate,
This made me cry the first time I watched it and again this time. We were at NHC today and was really looking forward to seeing you but I was given the news of your return to the hospital (I've been out of the blog scene for awhile). My prayers are still with your family. May you have many more happy father's days in the years to come.
God Bless!

Faux Sweets said...

I LOVE that video, the skin to skin time with a newly born baby is what makes my heart ache for more babies......warms my soul!


Ruthie said...

Wow -- that was so moving! Our son was a preemie too and seeing that brought it all back for me. One of the happiest days of my life was when I got to hold him for the first time. It is such an unbelievable feeling, especially when you've lived through having a preemie and their stay at the NICU.
Happy First Father's Day!
Ruthie in AR

Angela R. said...

Beautiful video Nate!! Very touching, thank you for sharing again! I hope you had a wonderful first father's day!! Enjoy the rest of the night and your girls!!


Elizabeth said...

Apparently I didn't see this one when it was originally posted, but I am so blessed for having seen it today. I feel so honored to see such a beautiful miracle.

kidsworld said...

I love my husband, daddy to my own four munchies, but I have to say that this video made me fall in love with you, a complete stranger! I downloaded this song immediately after watching the original post and listen to it on my ipod almost daily. Thanks for bumping it and reminding us how far you've come!

Happy Father's Day, Nate!

refreshing in ohio

Derrick, Shelbie, kai, Addalyn and Eli said...

I started following your blog after Gwyneth was born so didn't see this video the first time. I was crying uncontrollable. My son was premie as well....the experience of premies/NICU as a new parent are "faith testers" alone. Your story with Tricia is truly inspiring....not only the trials God has brought before you both, but the GLORY you give to Him through it all. Thank you for sharing. My prayers are with you.

Stacemoe said...

Thanks for sharing this with us again.....I am amazing to see how far she has come....God is so good and you are so blessed. Again, Happy Father's Day!!!!! Hope Tricia is feeling better.

andiewade said...

what an amazing experience. i can't believe how tiny she was, but so precious and beautiful. our God can do amazing miracles and your little family is living proof of that. thanks for this video!

Chelly & Co. said...

I've been following your story for a while now, and have been praying for you all constantly. I rarely post comments, but I must tell you this video is by far one of my favorite of your posts. What a real and unbelievable moment for you. I actually went out and bought this CD after I heard the song the first time.

Happy Father's Day to you, and many, many more!!

-Kelly in Wisconsin

Megan said...

Hi Nate! I've been reading your blog for a little while now, and just wanted to say Happy Father's Day to you!! My niece (2.5 years old) has cystic fibrosis, and I have found your blog to be such an inspiration. Thank you so much for're a wonderful writer and clearly a wonderful husband and father!

jamie said...

Dang it Nate, That video made me cry the first time I saw it, and danged if it didn't do the same thing tonight. Sheesh...beautiful.
God Bless
Jamie in Texas

Just Me - MJ said...

Awww...way to tug at your readers' heartstrings! Happy Father's Day, Nate!!

Cool Grandma said...

This video is the most precious thing! I am so moved by it. You are not only such a special husband and father, but you are so gifted with your photography, blogging, and videos. I started following your blog only a short time ago and I had not seen this video. Beautiful Miracle!! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

LaNell - Oklahoma

Our beautiful mess... said...

I'm crying as well! Hopefully you can check out my video/slideshow for my husband when I get it up on my blog tomorrow. I had a lot of inspiration watching yours!

Carol said...

That was beautiful and made me cry!

Christy said...

That video speaks volumes. Thank you Daddy God.

Shari said...

Tears! Beautiful! That brings back memories of when I held my preemie son for the first time. You are a great Daddy Nate!

Kyle, Laurel, Elle and Brett said...

Amazing! Happy Father's Day!

Ashley said...

I knew I shouldn't have watched that video... I was crying my eyes out. It was beautiful! What an amazing keepsake for Gywneth to see when she is older.

Happy Father's Day!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...


I cried the first time I watched this. I'm crying again. What a precious thing it is to hold your baby for the first time. I'm so happy for you all that Gwyneth Rose is doing so well now. She's a miracle indeed!

I just posted some photos of my son's NICU journey today on my blog. It is short and sweet until I get more time to put his entire story on there. He turned 6 today and is quite a cutie! His neonatologists told us he wouldn't make it through the night, but God got the last say on that call. :) You can check it out (like you have time) at

Hugs & Happy Father's Day from El Paso,
Karla and family

Tamara said...

Wow. that was absolutely beautiful! thank you for sharing!!

Julie said...

Will I ever be able to watch this video without crying?! There is something so sacred about holding your child for the first time. Happy fathers day!

Candi said...

Yep--still gets me! What a wonderful moment! The emotion it evokes in me makes me realize that it must simply be over whelming for you!

~j~ said...

pure Love...

Paige Hinrichs said...

This is just beautiful and your story continues to amaze me. Look how little Gwyneth was! She's come a long way. Praying you have a wonderful Father's Day. You are blessed.

jamie said...

Because I am so in love with your daughter, I had to watch this once more. It occurred to me how amazingly valuable this blog, the pics and videos are going to be to you as the years go by. My only movies of my 2 are in my head. Just imagine Gwyenth looking at them down the road. Wow. (I can SO see you embarrasing her with videos/pics when she is dating, Nate. Just seems like something you would totally do! :)
Hope y'all are gtting good rest and that Tricia is comfortable.
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas
PS My grandaughter's middle name is Rose too. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day! I was not able to watch your videos until recently due to living in a cave with bad internet connection. :-) I watched this video & cried, not because it was sad but because it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever beheld! I thank God for the amazing work he has done in your life & I thank you for sharing with the rest of us! We continue to pray for all of you. May God continue to richly bless you!

~Sara in MD

Mobachs said...

what a beautiful video.. thankyou for sharing that moment with us. And that song is amazing!
happy dad's day!

About the Nielsens said...


My sister and I look at your blog religiously. Your story has touched us beyond words. You have the most beautiful family and watching this video brought tears to our eyes. It is so amazing that you have this moment on video and can cherish it for the rest of your life.

Gwyneth is the sweetest miracle. Your story has changed our lives. Life is so precious and you have reminded us of that.

Love from Orange County, CA,

K said...

Happy Father's Day, Nate! Thank you for sharing such a special video.

My prayers are with Tricia at this time. I hope all goes well with her test results and that if treatment is needed, it will be successful.

Amy said...

What an amazing video to share again on Father's Day. So awesome to see how far Mz Gwyn has come.

Thank you for sharing.

Faithe said...

There are no words to express the emotions that sprang forth when I saw the tender moment you first embraced your daughter. WOW!! I didn't see it the first time you posted it, but it certainly fit the occasion this time. What a special Father's Day you must have had. Trust things are going well with your girls, and that you get a good report on Tricia today. I am continuing to pray for you all and believe the day is soon coming when you will return to the OBX. Keep looking UP!!!
Faithe in PA

Chantal said...

What a wonderful miracle your little White Rose is.

Hope your Father's Day was a good one.

designHER Momma said...

wow, nothing like starting my monday morning out all teary....thank you.

very much praying for your family here in Indianapolis today.

Paavan S - - SEO India said...

this is excellent information i have found your blog from best blog. I have made presentation on father day, please see and send your valuable suggetion or comments.


~*~Bre~*~ said...

I swear, you always make me cry. I seriously am left in completely and total awe and amazement at how sweet Gwyneth Rose has grown and developed. Looking at her in that video... hooked up to all of those machines and tubes to help sustain her, and now seeing her pictures and she's so chubby and just adorable. That right there proves beyond all measure that we serve an amazing Father, and that He is capable of any miracle ever. I seriously don't know how someone can look at your two girls' lives, and not believe that God is real, and that He is always watching over His flock. I hope that your first Father's Day was absolutely amazing, and I hope they continue to get better and better as the years go on. Gwyneth is so fortunate and blessed to have you as her proud Daddio!


Jodie said...

Beautiful, Inspiring, Touching video Nate....certainly makes the eyes well up each and every time! Especially thinking about how far she's come in such a short period of time. You and Tricia are certainly blessed!
Hugz from Jodie In Toronto ONT Canada

Donna said...

I can't watch that one without crying my eyes out! And I've watched it at least a dozen times... Definitely a favorite!

Blessings From Above said...

Wow, what an amazing, beautiful video...that has me crying like a baby!

Happy father's Day Nate!

Catherine said...

Happy Father's Day Nate. What a beautiful video. How neat to see how God has grown your precious Gwyneth Rose!

Sasha said...

How do you make all of the videos?
Happy Fathers day!

Rita Andrews said...

What an amazing time for you and Gwyneth...She is one lucky little girl to have been blessed with the two of you as parents. Here is to MANY for Daddy's Day for you and I pray that you will always feel our God's gentle hands around you all.


Elaine said...

What a beautiful, touching video. I do agree, that has to be the best Father moment one could ask for. Hope all is well with both your girls.

Laura K. said...

That song was just so touching! Thanks for using it because now I must own it! And yes, coupled with the video, I'm crying now. I can't believe I'll be welcoming my own daughter soon!!

david santos said...

Happy forever.

Kathy said...

I am just watching the video for the first time and I have tears streaming down my face, not of sadness, but of pure JOY!!! Your story continues to warm my heart.


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

Happy Father's Day! What a wonderful video.

I smile whenever I read your story; I cry for you; I pray for you; I hope nothing but the best for you and your family.

Keep doing what you're doing. God will keep blessing you!

Emily said...

I just want you to know what an inspiration you & your family have been to me. I am amazed at the way you have handled all of this. You have shown many people what a real man is. A real man takes care of his family above all else & you have done a beautiful job in that department. I can only imagine what a wonderful day that was to be able to hold your precious baby. I hope you're first father's day was wonderful & I really hope you feel special every single day because you are!
Emily in MS

Deni said...

I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. I remember watching this before...thinking I couldn't imagine having such a tiny a baby and I couldn't understand the joy you felt. Ah, how things change. My son was born May 29th, 2008 at 29 weeks. He weighed in at 2lbs 3ozs and I remember the first time I did kangaroo with him....I looked down at this tiny little baby and thought, wow, he's mine and he's beautiful. Parker is now almost 32 weeks, he is up to 2lbs 8ozs and finally came off CPAP yesterday (what a father's day for my husband!). Thank you for sharing this video, as I now know all to well some of the things you went through with your little one! It really made my day.

If you have time and want an update on our little one, please stop by our website:

purejoy said...

i too have been following you, tricia and gwenyth since january. . . i don't even remember how i found you, but i talk about you like you're my friends. . . it's weird (at least my husband thinks so!), i know!
your post made me cry (again) and i think the sweetet part is where you tell tricia thank you.
you are a special man, nate, and my heart breaks for you as the Lord has yet more difficulty for you on this journey. . . He will sustain you and give you the strength to lead your family well, like you have been. may you feel His fatherly grip on you, friend.

kreed said...

Happy first Father's Day! I hope you had a wonderful one. Blessings and continued prayers for you and your girls.

AJay Piniewski said...

Dear Nate,

I have followed your and Tricia's story for some time, like many others. I started last summer when my 14 year old son was in TX Children's battling childhood cancer. We started our own Care Page and followed so many kids thru their fights. On January 5th, 2008 AJ left us, apparently the only person on earth who could fill God's needs at the time. Since then, I have decided to fight back. I want to raise awareness and funding for childhood cancer research.

I recently watched a 20/20 show with Diane Sawyer interviewing Randy Pausch. He's living life with cancer. A Professor at Carnegie Mellon, he wrote the "Last Lecture", and it's been #1 on Amazon for the past couple months. I thought to myself, I've NEVER seen a show on Childhood Cancer. And, after 8 months on a pediatric cancer floor, I knew that these kid's stories were just as good and NEED to be told.

So, I started a petition with the goal of having just that, an hour long show specifically devoted to childhood cancer. And, during the show, we hope to promote a book about the way these kids have changed the lives of those around them. Our hope is to raise public awareness and funding specifically for childhood cancer research. The petition has been up a month and has nearly 7,000 signatures, all though our contacts at Care Pages and Caring Bridge and other blog sites. But frankly, we need more publicity to achieve our goal. And your site has so so many visitors. If you would take time to review the petition, contact me with any questions or concerns, and ultimately help publicize it for a few days or so on your site, I know that AJ and thousands of other children will be looking down and smiling on you.

Please visit.....

thank you for your time and I wish you, Tricia and Gwyneth nothing but the best......

AJs Dad
Care Page - - AJsspace

Julie said...

Wow, my computer was out of commission for a few days, and apparently I've missed out on a LOT.
Praying for renewed health for both Tricia and Gwyneth, and that Tricia's diagnosis turns out to be better than you expect.
BTW, Happy Belated Father's Day!!

Rose Casell said...

Um yeah. . . just as teary now as I was the first time I saw it. This blog has turned me into SUCH a sap. . .

The Curtis Crew said...

Wow. I watched this when you first posted it and remember how amazing it was then, but it's even more amazing today to see it again. There was so much unknown on that day and look where the Lord's brought you and how He's growing that beautiful baby. I read your blog every day and I can't thank you enough for sharing your story.

Can't wait to read more!

Sarabee said...

bawling. that is amazing.

praying for you guys.

sb in ky

Laurie in Ca. said...


This is the video that really shows your "daddy" heart for that little miracle that Gwyneth is. It is such a beautiful life gift to be a parent.
It gives us a glimpse of how much God loves us. Praying for both girls to be able to get outa dodge and go back home this week. Prayers continue.

Laurie in Ca.

Cindy said...

All I can say is that is the most precious video I have EVER seen!!

Many prayers and much love to you!!

Lee said...

Happy Father's Day, Nate!
I think I cried even harder this time watching it...knowing how far you all have come...the struggles still facing you yet you continue to glorify our God and King through your insight, transparency, honesty and love. She is a precious baby who has mighty things in store for her. Praise God she has been given a Mommy and Daddy who will bring her up in the ways of the Lord!
God bless you all on this Father's Day and all the days ahead.

Julie said...

Truly Amazing. What an amazing family you have!

Jenny said...

Happy Father's Day, Nate. I thought about you yesterday...actually think of you guys everyday, but you know what I mean. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and yourself with us. You are an amazing witness and I'm so grateful to have found you on here. I pray that you will be able to post good news about Tricia later today. Prayers, hugs and love, Jenny

Kimberly said...

This is just beautiful. I been following your blog for a few weeks now, so I did not see first one - it is so precious and heartwarming to get to see your first time you held her, and how you were talking to Tricia so she would feel the love that you felt when she saw this. Happy Father's Day!

Lynsey said...

Happy (belated) Fathers Day Nate! I hope it was just as special as you'd ever dreamed it would be.

Michelle Jamie said...

In the parts of your "adventure" that you've allowed us to share with you, this is one of the most memorable. Especially the part..."Thank you Tric for doing this for us". I think most of us bloggers who have never dealt directly with CF have only a tiny clue of what kind of sacrifice it was for Tricia. And ultimately what a miracle baby Gwyneth is. Soli Deo Gloria

Trisha said...

Nate and Tricia,
Today I watched your video and was overwhelmed with emotion. I have 4 beautiful gifts from God. How trule amazing your journey has been! I had to call my husband up from his office to view the video with me. We were both near tears. It is truely amazing to us that God has blessed you with this little person. We pray she continues to grow in leaps and bounds and brings you years and years of joy! I had no intentions of posting today or ever but you both have truely inpired me. Troubles in my life seem so trivial to me now. And all that God passes your way you have taken with such ease. I know it hasn't been an easy journey. I hope that, someday I have half the faith in the Lord and his plan as the you do! And while my name will be here and then gone, please know I am praying and routing you both on in your incredible jounrey!
God Bless

The Beaver Bunch said...

Nomatter how many times I see that, it still brings a smile to my heart. Happy Father's Day!

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

I must have missed it the first time it was posted too... that video was such a tear-jerker! You are a FATHER Nate - in the most true and pure form of the word. I know you already know this - but it was so poignantly illustrated in that video. So beautiful!
Watching that video I felt so proud of you, so proud FOR you, so happy, so touched.... what a gift to be able to share that moment with you.
Thank you so much for including us on this journey Nate. My heart is changed for the better because of it.

MUCHO love!
The VandeCastles.

Sarah said...

such a sweet video! Now did I miss it or have you still not received a diagnosis for Trica's lung biopsy?

Mary said...

Still made me cry seeing it again. Hey, I think we need some new video footage! Hope you all are having a good day.


Quin's momma said...

I love this video. I cry each time I watch it. I find it so touching that you thank Tricia for your miracle.

I don't know if you have posted this previously, but who was behind the camera during that video?

I hope you're all being comforted!

KYnurse said...

I realize I will never know you, but I remember watching that video and crying with joy for you when it was first posted. How amazingly far she has come!!! Happy Father's Day--with many more to come.

Meg said...

Made me cry all over! WOW!

Candy said...

That video takes my breath away. Our 2nd daughter was a 25 wker and sadly did not make it. Seeing your precious girl takes me back. I found your blog about the time of the lung transplant, but have never posted. Continued prayers for your family!

Shannon said...

Amazing, love the song choice. Brought me to tears, yet again. :)

jamie said...

Hoping and praying for a good biopsy report.
God bless you all,
Jamie in Texas

Kimberly said...

Always makes me cry - I hope you had a wonderful first father's day - it's amazing to see how far Gwyn has come! Have you ever heard a country song called, "I saw God today." by George Strait? Every time I hear that song, I think of your amazing story with both Tricia and Gwyn - check it out on Youtube when you have a moment

Bridget said...

Adorable! Love that song!

Dawn said...

I had not ssen the 1st post of this vid. How precious. The story of you, Tricia, and Gwyneth brings tears of joy and sometimes saddness to my eys almost everytime I check in for an update. All 3 of you are a beautiful testimony of God's grace and love.
Gwyneth is such a beautiful gift and I know you both know that. I pray for more blessings from God for you 3.
In His Love,

tillisfam5 said...

Don't know how I missed this when it was first posted ... I have been a faithful, daily follower! It was beautiful and I sit here typing through tears of joy and rejoicing. We serve an Awesome and Mighty God! What an honor He gives us to watch over our children and the love we feel is amazing. I know it is not even a fraction of the love He feels for us! Amazing and breathtaking!
Happy Belated Father's Day!
The Tillis Family

Amy said...


Your family story is amazing. As someone who also deals with chronic/congenital illness, you and your wife's hope, faith and laughter are an inspiration. Good luck to all of you and I will be revisiting for updates on both of your "leading ladies". Your daughter is a true blessing and a beautiful one at that!


Georgie B said...

You made me sob.

Out loud.

Amy said...

I have been away for a while so just caught up on the past several day's worth of blogs. I am thinking of you, Tricia and Gwyneth and praying for you all.



Anonymous said...

Wow. I wasn't prepared for that. Now I'm all puffy-eyed and sniffly. Thanks a lot, Nate.


AlaneM said...

I cried watching that video again, it's just the most amazing thing.
Happy father's day Nate!

pinkirish said...

Beautiful Nate, truely amazing and beautiful. xxxxxxxxxx

Therése xx
Dublin Ireland

Nancy H. said...

Best video ever Nathan!

Millicent said...

There should have been a warning on that one. I am crying buckets. Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...


I have also been following your story for awhile (since my friend Jessica took your picture and posted it on her blog!) and nothing so far has touched me like this video - and that's saying something, as I often end up in tears reading your blog. I had to look away a few times when you were talking to Tricia because it seemed so intensely personal; I almost felt like I was intruding on a very private moment. Thank you for sharing!

Happy (late) Father's Day. Many prayers!

Jill in NC

Unknown said...

Looks like we've gone through some similar things here....

CJ Mills .::.

Jennifer and Amy said...

Kanga-care is awesome. I remember it fondly. Thought about the three of you on Sunday - Happy belated Father's Day. My prayers are with all of you especially with your latest set-back!!

xo Amy in Texas

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

What can I say... Happy belated Father's Day... what a very special moment for you... I know it is an old clip but hey... a ton of love to you all... take care

Yamma Mamma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yamma Mamma said...

That was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Thank you for sharing.

I just found you blog about 15 minutes ago. You now have a new reader. I look forward to following your story.

My prayers are with you and your family!