Friday, June 13, 2008

Update and Pics

Tricia's surgery has been bumped back a few hours, which means it's less likely to happen today. We're praying that it will happen.

Here are a few pics from the past several days...

Change, Feed and Burp Pit Stop on the Road...

Eskimo Kisses...
Loving on Mommy...


Heidi said...

CUTE! Praying the surgery will take place today.

Andria said...

Cute pics! Continued thoughts and prayers for you and family.

Momof2bz said...

So sorry to hear that the surgery got pushed back. The pictures are (as always) beautiful. Such beautiful expression caught in a simple moment.

Michelle said...

Sooo sweet! You are all in my prayers!


Sheryl said...

Wow how cool is it to actually be viewing a miracle. That little girl of yours is absolutely beautiful.

Well, the doctors say the surgery will be pushed back but we're praying for God's perfect will today.


~j~ said...

sweet little bebe...

Anonymous said...

PRECIOUS pics loving mommy

Emily said...

What a sweet baby! I know pics can be deceptive but she appears to be happy all the time! So precious! Still praying that the surgery can happen today!

Cassie12 said...

Nate - Thanks for the update. Praying surgery happens today. Love those pictures of that sweet little one.

Seth, Jen, Hannah, Cailyn, and Isaac said...

Your girls are beautiful as ever!

Dottie said...

Adorable Pictures! Continuing to pray for your beautiful family.

jamie said...

As usual, your pics are just wonderful. Nate, you really do have talent as a photgrapher. 2nd career perhaps...
I am praying as hard as I can for Tricia to have the surgery today. Waiting is just nervewracking!!!(Not to mention the hunger and thirst involved in NPO!!)
Also praying that the biopsy will have an overall good outcome, that discomfort and pain will be slight!!!
Hang in guys. This has got to be soo tough. And frustrating. (Heck if it is for us out here, it is beyond our understanding there. I am sooo sorry things are going this way. God knows why, but I sure don't.) Prayers continuing..
Love and (((HUGS)))

God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

jackie said...

so cute! i've always thought that gwyneth looked so much like you, but i'm totally seeing the "tricia" in her in these pics!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear that surgery got pushed back...praying it will take place today.

Adorable pics!!

Julie D said...

My gosh, look how Gwyneth has thrived being home with Mommy and Daddy....

I know this must be very stressful for you and Tricia to be back at the hospital, but you've been a part of several miracles now, there is no reason to believe the miracle well has dried up! More are on the way...I'm sure of it.

Amanda said...

Aww, so cute! I am always in awe of the love you capture in your photos.

Praying for you.

Shelley said...

I don't think there is anything more beautiful than a fuzzy baby head! I read your blog every day and continue to pray for the health and safety of your family.

Marsmile said...

Beautiful baby!

Hoping the surgery occurs today instead of later.


Jenny said...

Beautiful pictures. :)

Still praying...

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

She is just too cute for words.

Anonymous said...

Sweet and precious.

Anonymous said...

*Forgot to add..praying things happen today and you don't have to wait any longer.

Carol said...

How tender and sweet.

Diana said...

I am lovin the eskimo kisses.
Still praying for you guys. I can imagine that the anticipation of waiting for the surgery is tough.
God Bless

~*~Bre~*~ said...

Seriously, how much cuter can you guys get? I love Eskimo Kisses. My 15 month old calls them (keeeshes). Gwyneth is absolutely adorable! <3

I'm praying that Tricia has her surgery today, even though she's not looking forward to it :(

It's nice to see such happy faces, especially in this time of uncertainty! This really shows that you have your full faith and trust in God, and know that He is going to take care of you no matter what. Not a lot of people facing this situation, especially after what you just went through, could have smiles like that.

You guys rock.


Stacemoe said...

Thanks for the pics!!! They are precious. I know ya'll are enjoying being together as a family! Gwyneth is so lucky to have you two for parents! She is so blessed. I am praying that they are able to get to Tricia today for surgery. Thanks for the updates!

Marty said...

Love those little cheeks.

Praying the surgery takes place today.

Blessings From Above said...

Love the pics...bummer about the surgery.

Continuing to send love and prayers from Ohio

Teresa AKA: T said...

Gosh Nate, Those are some AWESOME pictures...... Thanks so much for sharing your story.......

I hope an pray that everthing goes well with all of the test today.....

Right now I'm going through a little something..... You see today marks the 35th year(June 13, 1973) since my baby brother passed from CF.... Back in the late 60 and early 70's there just wasn't all of the info and treatments for cf as there is today....

Just last month my mom had a reel to reel audio tape digitally remastered and we heard my brother's voice for the first time in 35 years..... I cried and cried..... Oh how that little boy was so strong.... (he was only 5)...

Thinking of you and your beautiful little family from way down here in Beaumont, Texas....
PS..... I wanted to let you know I went ot church with you this past Sunday.... What a great service even if only via the internet..

Unknown said...

The Eskimo kisses brought back memories of when my kiddo's were tiny....then we moved on to butterfly kisses.

Sweet pictures!
~ becky b

Edwards gang said...

Beautiful photos! There's no place like Mommy and Daddy's arms! We LOVE Eskimo kisses at our house, too! :)

We're still praying for Tricia's surgery and God's perfect timing and healing. We know He is going to use this hospital stay to bring glory to Him and to further your witness to those around you. Someone at Duke MUST need to meet the Lawrenson family and hear your testimony. We're also praying that God will make His will perfectly evident to you both.

Love and continued prayers,
Greg and Laura

The Barrick Times said...

How precious... remain joyful through all things! Praying for the surgeons in MD!

Amanda said...

Holding you all in my thoughts.

Kerry said...

Thanks for sharing..So beautiful your Girls!
Prayers coming your way.

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Love the pics! We're sending out prayers that you'll soon be on a road trip back to the OBX! :)

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and family

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Awwww. i LOVE eskimo kisses!
With your little one, there's nothing better.
Many prayers going out to you all!
I pray that Tricia will just feel a peace and comfort that only our Lord can provide.

The Hull Munchkins said...

Too Cute! Her little nose is so darling. Your smiles are amazing... it must be such a hard thing to be back at the hospital.
Hang in there!

The Gang's Momma! said...

Haven't been reading my blogs much lately (big prayer things going on for The Gang here!), so imagine my surprise when my reader showed like 26 posts from this site. Praying for you all!!! I must say, I am so regularly encouraged by your faith and your perseverance. Thank you for the testimony you all are of His absolute faithfulness even in the midst of the hardest journeys. It's a great lifter of my head for this season of my life too!

Carrie and Maggie said...

Your family is in our prayers. We are offering up lots of little sacrifices for you! I know it must be frustrating being back in the hospital.

You both are such an inspiration to us all. You seem to take it all in stride and that helps us to see how small our "problems" are! God bless you and your beautiful baby!

I will be visiting Duke soon for an appointment with a specialist. I am definitely going to check out Duke Gardens after your great pics the other day! Any suggestions for a hotel that's close to the medical center? Thanks!

Angela R. said...

What a beautiful family, love the one with your noses touching, so cute! Praying Tricia gets in today and things go well!!

Keeping you all in prayer!

JuJu - said...

praying and agreeing with you guys for another miracle:)

Jennifer said...

I have kept you constantly in my thoughts and prayers today. Continuing to pray here in Michigan.

Donna Gregory said...

I've been reading your blog for months now, but this is my first comment. Praying with you for Tricia as she goes into surgery. Praying for God to guide the Doctor's and that she will have a short time in the ICU and that the chest tube will not bother her much at all. Praying for you as you are strong for her - praying that God sustains all of you.

Carol said...

I LOVE the new pictures especially the one of her sleeping on Tricia's shoulder which shows her hair in the back! She has grown so much!

Michelle said...

LOVE LOVE the pics!! Are her eyes brown?? She looks great and being in the care of her mama and daddy seem to suit her!!! I think she is looking more like Tricia!!! LOVE IT!!

Amy Lynn said...

Those pics are too precious!!! She is beautiful!

You continue in our prayers.

Christy said...

Those are awesome pics. I need to take more. I have a good camera. Just can't get used to taking it with me.
More prayers.

North Carolina Mom said...

Booootiful pictures! I love seeing Gwyneth, I could just look at pictures of her all the time! What a little blondie cutie!