Thursday, June 12, 2008

Out of the Bronch

Tricia is back in her room, waking up from the light sedation meds. We haven't talked with anyone yet, so we don't even know if they were able to get what they needed from the biopsy. We'll hopefully speak with somebody who knows soon, and I'll let you know.

Just to make sure, when medical tests results come back as "positive", that's usually not a good thing..."positive" means that they found what they thought they would find. A few people left comments and apparently thought that the positive result was good for Tricia. It's not. She has something, they're just not sure what, yet, but it probably is the cancer.




Kristi said...

Lifting Tricia up in prayer from central Illinois.

Me and the CAP's said...

Could I possibly be the first post? We'll see by the time I actually hit post. Please know that along with so many others, we are praying for you. (I have been reading for awhile, but this is my first post) You and the girls have been such an inspiration

As someone who is currently faced with a diagnosis of cancer of a loved one, I want to tell you to hang in there, and take it one day at a time.


Me and the CAP's said...

well, got #2 :)

deb said...

Adding my prayers for Tricia.

Praying for B9! I know the meaning of negative all too well-and pray results are negative.

Jen said...

Praying for you all in Northern Illinois.

Anonymous said...

I pray it's not cancer.

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

Keep hanging in there you guys. Praying for you here in Cardiff, UK.

Marty said...

Praying for healing and comfort. Your story has touched so many people and continues to do so. What I love the most about your story is the fingerprints of God through it all. I know he has the ability to heal Tricia's lungs and I am praying that He will do so.

Faux Sweets said...

Praying for good news soon!

Lori said...

Praying for you all Nathan.

Stephanie said...

you faith amazes me. i am thinking of you guys often and praying hard!!! thanks for keeping us out here in blog land posted.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

only the Lord knows His purpose.
read Psalm 91

I read that over and over while my girls were in the NICU in struggling to live.
I lift you guys up in prayer...

designHER Momma said...

our God is a big God that can work miracles. Until I hear it, I'm praying that it's nothing and all is well.

Praying in Indianapolis....

Juli said...

It's my first time commenting on your blog here, but I have been reading it since Gwyneth's birth, praying for you here in Southern California

Erin said...

When I was a kid, I didn't understand the whole positive and negative thing when it came to doctors... I soon realized though that "positive" meant shot...and "negative" meant not... after every strep test. This determined whether I started crying or not in preparation for a shot...(something that doesn't phase me now) It is interesting how important it is to know the difference between positive and negative in the medical world.
Praying for Tricia and your whole family...

Emily said...

I am so sorry. We will pray that the bronch is all the invasive procedures needed. God is bigger than this. I know that you all know that as well. We will leift you up daily as a family.

Rick Lawrenson said...

I'm still at the office trying to get stuff done, but my focus is with Tricia.

Ashley D said...

I'll be praying for y'all.

ugagirl30 said...

Thanks for sharing with all of us, even if we don't know you. Your family's faith will see you through this, too. The Lord has delivered your family from so much, and I truly believe He will from this as well. Never underestimate the power of prayer. This I know that you know all too well. I am lifting all three of you up to God.

Kerry said...

Praying is all I can say for now.

elizabeth engelhardt creations said...

Praying for guidance for everyone involved. You guys and the doctors.

jamie said...

I am praying they got the biopsy and she will not have to have surgery for it. Also praying for the very best outcome under these circumstances.
Nate and Tricia, I can't know how you feel with this new "mountain" put in front of you. I can only imagine I would feel discouraged to say the least. I am praying God gives you strength and peace.
Wish I could help somehow. I will continue to pray for all of you. Take good care of each other.

God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

Beth Johnson said...

Still praying.

Beth Johnson
Montgomery, Al

Amy said...

I'm still praying that it's not cancer. I am keeping you all in prayer.

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

Caring. Praying. Lifting Trish up. Lifting you up.

Anonymous said...


Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

Sorry I do that all the time..but I generally catch it before I post =) One of my great friends is a "Trish"a instead of Tricia!

Renee said...

Hey, will be praying for you here in NZ...hang in there! you have been through so much, take it one day at a time! praying for an awesome outcome!

Fire Hunt said...

Praying for you all in Ohio.

Cassie12 said...

Praying hard for Tricia.

Unknown said...

Praying for you all in Dallas, Texas

Unknown said...

Oh my, sending up lots of prayers for you all.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I'm glad to hear she's out of the bronch.

I'll keep praying.

Destini said...

Keep your chin up...I know this is a big blow, but our God is even bigger!

Karalyn said...

I am hoping that they got what they needed so that Tricia does not need to undergo surgery. I am also hoping like crazy that it is not cancer. Tricia has been in my thoughts and prayers all day.

Mandy said...

I am praying for Tricia and I know that God can do over and above anything we could ask or think!! We serve an Awesome God one who can be Trusted He is Good. I know when my mom was sick in the hospital she stood on EPHESIANS 3:20 she wrote down and she would read over and over when she wanted to speak negative about her situation. God brought her thru many set backs and I believe here again God can bring Tricia thru any set backs. Praying for you all.

Donna said...

Still praying here in AZ.

Lauren said...

Just wanted to let you know that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers!

michelle said...

I am praying for you all right now with everything got.....

Aimee said...

know you are in my thoughts and prayers. it is good to see gwenyth is doing so well. i remember our first days home and we didn't have some of the other struggles you are facing.

The Benzes said...

Praying for you and Tricia. I'm so sorry you two have to go through all this again.

Lynsey said...

I can tell by the tone of your posts that you''re very down. With good reason. I am praying that God will lift your spirits.