Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday Update

They've determined exactly what kind of PTLD Tricia has...I wasn't here this morning when they talked with her, so I don't know exactly what it is, yet.

She'll receive a few hours of intravenous chemo (Rituximab) this afternoon, and then be released. We've been told many people do not experience any side effects from the drug. She'll receive one treatment every week over the next four weeks. We'll return to Duke next week or the out-patient treatment, and then, hopefully, they'll allow us to finish up the last two treatments at a location closer to home.

They're also reducing her immunosuppressant drugs.

We'll travel home tomorrow.

I'll explain more about the cancer later.




Coffespaz said...

Thanks for the update. All the best...prayers are continuing here.

Coach Prentice said...

Yay on going home! See ya Sunday!

Kerry said...

Sounds like a good plan and if anyone can handle this it is TRICIA! Hang in there and you will be back in the OBX soon enough- YEAH :-)

Always praying for you all!
Kerry in Guilford, CT

Mary said...

Praying for Tricia now. (and you Nate)


Tracy said...

Thanks for the update, I have been checking in alot to see if you'd posted anything new.
Still thinking of and praying for you all here.


natalie said...

Thank you for updating us. Have a safe trip home! We'll continue to pray.

marcia said...

Praying that all goes well this afternoon, and for a safe trip home tomorrow. Thanks for the update!

megasam said...

Thanks for the update. I am praying for Tricia to have no side effects. I started a blog and posted a link to your blog. My site is I hope you have a safe trip home.

Anonymous said...

Praising God you get to go home! Thank you so much for taking the time to update us. Praying all goes smoothly and that you are comforted during this experience. God's love and peace!

jamarson1 said...

I am so happy for you guys you get to go home! That alone is a true blessing. Safe travels.

Christy said...

Thanks for the update. Praise God! Sounds like you get to be home for the week. I do hope for NO sight effects. You are both awesome. Thinking of you here in KY.

NCBeachMom said...

glad your headed home soon....still praying here in raleigh...

beanhead said...

Praying for an uneventful afternoon and no side effects. It is awesome that you get to go home. Enjoy you family reunion, You deserve it.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Praying for Tricia and the chemo they will be giving her not to have bad side effects for her. Asking God to watch over every bad cell being destroyed while leaving the good cells intact. I am thankful you are going home where family will be there for support. Have a safe trip.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Liz said...

Sending prayers...

Thank you for your update.

Emelie said...

Prayers to you and your family. Glad that you'll be going home for a little.

((((((( HUGS)))))) coming your way via---blogging


Unknown said...

Prayers, Nathan. Glad for the outpatient plan.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for going home! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers here in PA.

Momof2bz said...

I pray the treatments agree with you. So glad to hear that you are getting sprung! Enjoy your vacation. I am sure that you can't wait to see all those nephews and nieces and vice versa.

Staci said...

Continuing to send positive vibes and well wishes to you all. Have a safe trip home.

mary40 said...

Prays being said for you, in North Dakota.

jessica said...

we've been praying for you in portland, or. how did the chest tube procedure go?

you have no idea, nor do i know how to put into words how your journey has touched my life/heart/marriage... thank you for sharing.

Jen in Al said...

thank you for the update! So glad you are going home! Praying, praying, praying...jen in al

Amy said...

I pray her treatment gives her no side effects and you have a safe trip home.

Coralyn said...

Thanks for updating us. Many ((HUGS)) and prayers your way.

Heidi said...

Hang in there Sweetie!! My Mom did Rituximab when she battled non-Hodgkins. Tricia is a fighter and she's been through so much, that hopefully this won't be so bad. Hang in there guys!

Becky in VA said...

Over these many months, I pray for each of you every day. My prayers will continue. Tricia you are one awesome lady and Nate, you are amazing. Together, you've been through more than most couples experience in a lifetime. Together, you'll get through whatever is head. :-)

Love to all.

Jane said...

still praying!

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

Praying for no side effects - a safe trip home, and the ability for Tricia to enjoy and participate in as much of the family trip that she possibly can!

Also praying for Gwyneth and wondering how she is doing??

RiLes said...

Thanks for the update! We hope your trip home goes well! We'll be praying that the chemo works effectively but that there's no side effects. Blessings!

amy smith said...

praise god you are going home.... just in time for the family to visit!

Michelle Jamie said...

I remember reading up about PTLD. I hope that this first step is the only step so that you guys have to do so that you can really enjoy all the blessing of a second chance at life God has given you.

jenn said...

Good luck, Tricia! May you be one of the lucky who has no side effects. I'm thrilled to hear that you get to go home...go snuggle that baby and enjoy your family.

Fire Hunt said...

Thanks for the update and Sending prayers from Ohio!

Unknown said...

wow, another hurdle. Tric you are so strong lady! I am in awe of your strength!

pam said...

Praying that God will balance all things out in her system---that He will be her BIG BAD BUG SUPPRESSOR! WOO HOO--back home to Gwyneth!

Jill in Raleigh said...

Thank you for the update. I hope that you still feel the prayers coming your way! Enjoy your trip home!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

I'm so glad you'll be headed home! There's no place like home...there's no place like home. :)

Our prayers are with Tricia as she journeys on this new road. I know God is holding her just as closely as He's always been.

Send more pics of Gwyneth! HINT HINT

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and family

Love my boys! said...

Continuing our prayers as Tricia shows us all again what a strong, amazing person she is. I'm glad you guys will be heading home soon to be with your famiies.


Marsmile said...

Glad y'all are going home and that the chemo is out-patient. Also, that side effects will be minimal.

Have fun next week on the OBX with family!

Praying for the best,
Marissa :-)

Angela said...

Have a safe trip back home. I'll be praying for no side effects and a quick recovery!

Valerie said...

It's wonderful to hear that you are all going back home tomorrow!! I hope you have a fantastic time with all the extended family next week.

Lee said...

We are praying !!!

Jenny said...

Thanks for the update. I'm happy to hear Tric is being released. Praying the chemo does it's job and there are no side effects.

Christy said...

I'm so thankful that Tricia hasn't had any rejection problems since they are going to have to lower her anti-rejection meds.
And I'm SO thankful you guys are going home soon.
What a blessing it will be to vacation with the entire family!!

Emilie said...

Thanks for keeping us posted. I wonder sometimes if the blog feels to you like this nagging group of thousands of people with their faces pressed to the glass of your lives, waiting.

But really, it is with love and prayer that we all log on to check in. May you all have a lovely drive home and get some rest. Blessings to you,
Emilie in Maine

SarahUndercover said...

Still praying!

M said...

Praying for all of you. I just finished 10 weeks of methotrexate for my cancer. Tricia is one tough cookie. I have no doubt she can take this.

Patience Leino said...

I'm thrilled you're going home tomorrow!!!!!!

Blessings From Above said...

Thanks for the update. I am so glad that Tricia will be able to be home (at least part of the time) for the family reunion.

Praying for you,

Jennifer in Ohio

Melissa said...

Still praying! :)

~j~ said...

Praise God for her being able to return home... truly the best medicine!
Thanks Nate for the update, always greatly appreciated. Find myself breathing a little easier when these updates get posted..
bless you,

Julie said...

Praying for the best outcome for you all! Thanks for keeping us updated.

jamie said...

I am so glad y'all get to go home! Sounds like there's a good plan in place. I'll pray for the treatment to be effective and no side effects.
God Bless
Jamie in Texas

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I am so happy you get to go home!
Praying for Tricia!
Again thanks for the updates.

Kerry said...

Praying for no side effects and that the Rituxan/Rituximab does the trick for Tricia.
Good to here it can be worked out as out patient.

Staci Landis said...

Thank you, Nate (& Tricia...I visit your blog, too!!!) for sharing your story with the world. The reality of life, the love we all feel & need in life, the miracles of life, the hope of life & the sadness & trials of life, too. I have been so incredibly in awe of your perseverence not only as individuals, but as a couple, and now as a family with your BEAUTIFUL, precious baby girl. My prayers are with you each & every day for peace, happiness, healing, health, strength & joy that no one or no trial can take away from you.

Angela R. said...

Thanks for the update.. this will be nothing for Tricia compared to what she has been through. Hoping there is side effects for her and that the treatments start working ASAP! Praying for you all!! Get home safely!!

God Bless!

Jennifer said...

I have been reading your blog since the day of the transplant. I have been praying for your family since then, and have told our women's mission group @ church about your blog as well. I also linked your blog on mine!
Thanks for being so great about updating with all your news!
You certainly have a lot of people praying for you! It has been amazing to watch!
Blessings from a pastor's wife in TN.

Kristi said...

So glad you are going home! Covered in prayer from Texas and Iraq.

Gila said...

Nu...and how is Gwynneth? :)

Sorry to be demanding.... I appreciate the update about Tricia, but have been praying for both of them here!

Am rooting for you guys to make it to that vacation!

Jo said...

Glad you're getting to go home. We'll pray for your safe travels & for the continued wellness of Tricia & Gwyneth. You're in God's hands!
Jo & the fellas

Melanie said...

Stumbled upon your blog. You guys seem like an amazing family. I have been praying for Tricia! Blesssings to you, Tricia and baby!!