Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kirschner Family Vacation (Day 4)

The family pics were a big success! The weather was perfect, and all the little kids were in good moods for the most part. Here are a few of my favorites from the evening...

I'll show you the pics of Tricia, Gwyneth and I tomorrow!



My2Girls said...

Looks like ALL is well in the OBX! Loved the beach photos. Thanks, Nate!

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

That last picture is great! Did you think of all those poses/arrangements? Do you want to come down to Mexico and photograph 11 little ones? ;) Looks like you had a wonderful day again! Praying for you Tric!

Lisa C Photography said...

Those are SO great Nate!!! That is so difficult to do with so many people! I'm impressed! They are just so beautiful...all the pictures...and all the people! :)

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Beautiful pictures. I love the individual family pictures! Great job!

ShEiLa said...

These photographs are
F A B U L O U S!!!!!!
I have never seen such a unique layout for including everyone... but grouped as families. If this is YOUR idea Nate... patent it!

Pamster said...

Fantastic photos. I really like the second group photo where each family unit is kind of inwardly focused. Neat idea.

Tammy Staley said...

Great job. I especially like the last one, great idea! DId you use a tripod and timer or did you have someone shooting for you?

Anonymous said...

Enjoying seeing all the photos of you guys having fun as a family. Praising God for the blessings of you all being able to be together like this. You must be overjoyed! God's love and peace, Amy

Ann said...
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Anonymous said...

Love them all! Great photos!

Dan said...

What amazing pictures. Looks like you are having a great time. Enjoy your time with your family.

And I agree with lockwoods, only I think you should come to Washington State for our family pictures ;)


mom nana nelson said...

Like I said Nathan, you not only know how to take a wonderful picture but you know how to take a picture that tells a story....
those beach pictures are SLAMIN'
I love them all but the last one, the expressions of love, joy, happiness and a lil' suprize is so very sweet, someone needs to make a copy for each family in the pic
and maybe a blow up for Mom & Pop K
that picture is WONDERFUL - TOTALLY THE BOMB...
With Love & Prayers,
Patricia N.

karen said...

I adore the family groupings shots! Would you mind if I suggest a similar composition at my next family reunion?

Jane said...

beautiful family! The love that Jesus has filled your hearts with overflows into your entire family and is seen in each of your smiles.

again, beach pictures!!! ...I'm really thinking about stopping all prayers for your family. :)

enjoy your time together!

Ally said...

Awesome pictures!!! I love the first couple with the family groupings.

Cathy said...

Only two words! AMAZINGLY BLESSED! Cathy & Annabel

Will and Julia's Mommy said...

What fabulous memories!

Elizabeth said...


Robyn said...

These photos are incredible... did you take them all and think of all the poses - if so - you have an amazing talent! Beautiful pictures that are truly a treasure! Was there a rhyme or reason to the colors that everyone had on in the photos?

Catherine said...

AMAZING pics!! Love the idea of all the families standing together along the beach.

Absolutely beautiful!!!

Gin said...

Oh, I love it! Especially the first one! There are six kids in my family as well and I would love to take a picture like this of us some day...

Debbie said...

Great pictures. What a good idea to have individual families & yet all in one on the beach. Thanks for the close up so we could get a better look after seeing everyone.

Mrs. Dan said...

I love how Gwyneth has her arms up in the first picture. It's like she's saying "score! we're here!" :)

Unknown said...

oh that last one is awesome!!!! =)

~j~ said...

these are fantastic!!! an amazing group of beautiful people for certain. The pic of Gywneths folks kissing surrounded by family is the best ever...

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

I was thinking some of the ice cream pictures were my favorite so far..and then..there is the one of the colorful beach chair against the sand/house...or the one of the eyes close up with the gorgeous sunkissed cheeks...BUT as much as I loved the others, todays family shots ...take it to even another level.


sandra said...


I want to be in your family as well... Any application avail?

What a beautiful family... they look like such wonderful people.

Christy said...

Awesome photography.. wow!

Looks like everyone is having a blast!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see the pics tomorrow.

Amy Lynn said...
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Amy Lynn said...

Those photos were wonderful! :) I LOVE the last one! :) That was adorable! :)

Melany aka Supermom said...

Wow. These are awesome. Lovely

Scott said...

Wow, great pics, I loved the ones of the families in units stretched out across the beach. Thanks for sharing.

Carmen said...

Beautiful pictures Nate....

Carol said...

Beautiful family and neat pictures! Look forward to more pictures tomorrow. Greedy, aren't I? I'm the balloon lady tomorrow in a half marathon so I'll try to send you a crazy picture of that!

Julie Nickerson said...

Great Job Nate!

Were these on a tripod or was someone else taking them?

Love the last family shot of the parent's kissing.

Holly said...

I love the last one! The expressions on everyone's faces are great - and getting all the kids to cooperate, that's a big job!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

I love the photos!! You can see personality in every single picture! You rock, obviously. Can't wait to see the pics of your little threesome.

Anonymous said...

What an AWESOME idea to put the little family groups all in a row together - such a neat idea! Never saw that before, and would never have thought of that myself. Looks fantastic!

Twinkletoes said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE them! OMG - the moments are really captured! I love the last one too - especially b/c the way Tricia is holding Gwyneth was BOTH of my kid's favorite way to be held! Memories!!!

Emelie said...

What AWESOME pictures!!!!! So happy that you, Tricia and Gwyneth are having a wonderful 1st. Family Vacation.
I'm jealous......wish I could be on vacation there also.


Kristin said...

You take such wonderful pics. I wished that you lived in MI so that I could get you to take some of my kids!

Amy said...

You do such a great job with your photography! Seriously, beautiful pictures... memories your family will treasure for a lifetime, to be sure!

Trisha said...

WONDERFUL Pics of your family! And I know this is totally random but how do you watermark your photos like that! I too am a photographer of sorts. :) Feel free to email me.


Unknown said...


~ becky b

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Those are so lovely. :)

Ellen said...

What great ideas for pictures!!!

Tia said...

Nate, you have such an incredible eye with your photography. Wonderful, unique job! You and Trisha have beautiful families. :)

Heidi said...

Wow! The top is my favorite. That is such a neat way to put the families. I use our tripod on the beach to take all of our family as well. It looked a little windy but the pics are great. Happy Anniversary (sp?)!

K Storm said...

I love these pics...what a fun time you all must have had making them! Beautiful family.

Candy said...

Beautiful. The last one is GREAT!

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Incredible pics!

Michelle said...

Nate, Those family pictures are great. I love the segregated group shots. What camera setting do you use to get that washed out look. I have seen it before and love it. Is it an editing technique?

Ben said...

I enlarged the last one and cracked up laughing when I saw Gwenyth. Everyone else is so happy and animated and she's like, "Eh, so what?" Great pictures as usual, Nate!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Nate and Tricia-
I love the beach pictures and how each you had each family stand as a unit!! Terrific idea. You all look like you are having a wonderful time and I hope Tricia is feeling well. Enjoy the rest of your vacation/family time. Happy Anniversary too :-)

bome62 said...

Happy Anniversary Tricia & Nate.You are a precious couple. May you have many more.Looks like you're having a great time with family. Thanks so much for sharing.
Washington, Mo.

Sarabee said...

beautiful pictures as always!

how did Gwenyth like the beach?

TheRagan3 said...

The love for each other and the love for the Father is evident on the faces of everyone involved! They are amazing photographs! You should really start a side job of family portraits!

Carissa said...

These pictures are so cute!

Angela R. said...

Beautiful pictures!! Love them all! It is so wonderful to see the family together having such a great time and enjoying eachother. :)


abi said...

love the photos, especially the groups of families. Very cool. Happy Aniversary!

Di said...

These are GREAT pics!!!

Type (little) a aka Michele said...

Joining the herd to tell you how much I love these photos. Great idea for the family "units" to be distinct, rather than a behemoth group picture.

I also love how Gwyneth has her arms up in the first one. Almost like she's saying "Hooray"

You and Tricia must have felt so much pride and contentment to be able to stand there and pose for that picture.

Mobachs said...

what great ideas for family pictures. You have a real talent and its such fun to see what you post!

Brandy said...

Those look awesome!

Kim W said...

Great pictures. That must have been a lot of fun to pull off!! AHHHH, family......don't you just love it!!!

Angela said...

Those family photos are AWESOME!! Way better than what one usually gets from a family reunion. LOL

NCBeachMom said...

thanks for sharing those pictures! What a wonderful and fun looking family!

Pauline said...

OH i just love this pictures!
You are ever so good!

Pauline said...

OH i just love this pictures!
You are ever so good!

Nina Diane said... the family photos!

Rachel said...

Love the pictures. So glad your girls are home to be in the pics. Did you use a timer and run into the pics.
Also just curious if this is not to personal of a question is Tricia the only adopted child in her family or are some of the others adopted as well? Also tell us which ones are hr siblings. I know her two sisters that blog but the other families I am not sure if they are her brothers or sisters or in-laws?

Cindy Kraft said...

Great pics. They are so lucky to have you on vacation to take all the wonderful pictures.

Brooke said...

Love the pictures!! You truly have a gift!

Blankenship Babbles said...

AWWW...I love your family and your pictures, you are a guys are awesome...You looking for a sister?!?! LOL...Thanks for inspiring me to get on those family pictures finally :)~

Aspiemom said...

I love all of the pictures of the family. I never saw one taken with groupings like the first few...and I LOVE that last one! What great memories!

North Carolina Mom said...

I see Professional Photographer on-the-side in your future! Lol! Great pictures!

Beebe said...

These are the best pictures I have ever seen in my have a beautiful family!!!

Amy said...

THe last picture is wonderful. I love it!!!!!!!

La Familia Garcia said...

What awesome pictures. The idea of the layouts are great...I'm trying not to be totally jealous that you can just slip over to the beach for your family picture.

Violet said...

those are spectacular.

Jill Pagels said...

What amazing pictures! I especially like the top two with the separate families lined up along the beach and the last one with everyone gathered around the grandparents (I assume) kissing. Great job! It looks like everyone is so happy. I hope all goes well with the chemo, I'll continue to pray for you!!!!

The Townleys said...

These pictures are AMAZING! Thanks for sharing! Beautiful Family!!!