Thursday, June 12, 2008

Strike Two

They were able to do a biopsy during the bronch, but it looks like the samples they pulled are useless, so they can't yet determine if it is cancer or something else. This means that Tricia will be scheduled for a surgical biopsy, hopefully no later than the first of next week.

This also means that she's basically in the hospital for literally no reason until then, except, to be discharged, even if we were to stay in Durham, means probably pushing a surgery date further back, which isn't the best option. All they'll do over the next few days is check her vitals and give her her normal meds, which is what we do at home. She won't even have an IV.

All that to say, we're both very bummed. Being in Durham, we've discovered, is incredibly easier and more enjoyable when we're all at "home".

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers...we'll continue waiting to see why God has us here.



Alicia said...

Continuing to pray....

natalie said...

Will keep praying!

Amy said...

So sorry that this did not work as planned. I'll be praying for Tricia and your family. I wish there were something more I could say but just know that you have thousands of people pulling for you. Hugs.

meredith said...

Sending prayers from Colorado...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry that you guys are in a holding pattern. Praying for God's peace and that perhaps it will be revealed to you why this is happening this way. How so frustrating. Thank you for keeping is in the loop! I have been checking and checking and will continue to pray!

Alison said...

So sorry to hear this news, got so used to hearing nothing but good news on this site over the past few weeks so this is a real downer.

Never forget things are still a zillion times better than they could have been, Back in January, this outcome would still have been unimaginable. Hope Gwyneth gets to visit her Mummy (Mommy to her I guess!) tomorrow

Anonymous said...

So sorry about "strike two." What a bummer. But we will KEEP praying!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praying that this happens fast and soon so we can get Tricia back on the mend, now, is this cancer curable? What are the odds? I know it is a negative thought and I apologize.
Praying that they can stop this and get your girl back to health!

staci said...

prayers from columbia, south carolina -

Deb said...

How very frustrating! Is Gwyneth allowed to come visit at all? I'm glad Tricia's mom is there and able to help- that is a blessing! I'll be praying that you guys have peace and get enough rest and dont get too bored while you wait! And that things can go a little more smoothly again.

Kristina said...

Covering you in prayer!!!!

Erin said...

all I want to say is "Oh, ****, not again!"

You're all in my thoughts.

Becky said...

So very truly sorry. We will continue to pray.

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

Still in our prayers in Dallas

Sheryl said...

Oh, I'm sorry it didn't go as you had hoped. God sure does work in mysterious ways and I'm glad He is in charge. Will continue to pray with you and for you.

Love from Michigan,

Jane said...

we aren't bowling here...strikes are NOT good Nate! My heart is sooo very heavy for you guys at this point. I'm praying my heart out for you, pleading with our Lord and Savior for another modern day miracle.

praying in SC!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

I'm sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted them to. We're praying for you like crazy! I'm updating you on my blog again so that other readers on the homeschool front can pray, too.

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and family

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Oh, I'm so sorry...I was just outside working with the children praying for you. I know often times our plans are different then the path the Lord leads us down. But remember that He is always with us, loves us so much and works everything for our good. I will be praying that though it is so hard not being home and having to be in the hospital, that the Lord will use you there for His glory like He has so many time before. Give all your cares and burdens to Him.
The Lockwoods

Anonymous said...

Still thinking and praying for you guys!
Cari (from Chicago)

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry.

jamie said...

Well....doggone it! I too can't see the reason for her staying in the hospital..Convenience for the Docs? Still don't see why she couldn't be out on a pass til surg day...oh well. Oops, that's right, they forgot to ask me!!! :)

We'll all keep praying. Please try to keep your spirits up. Make some funny faces at each other or sumpthin (you're both pretty good at that! :)
(my feeble attempts at levity...)
Sending love and (((((BIG HUGS))))your way.

God Bless
Jamie in Texas

Angela R. said...

So sorry the bronch didnt work out and you guys have to wait and go through something else. Was praying and hoping it would to make it a bit easier for Tricia and yourself. Will continue to pray for you all!

God Bless!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Ah Nate and Tricia,

I am bummed right along with you guys. I will be praying you through the weekend and pray that whatever is troubling your new lungs right now can be taken care of. I am asking for a healing here. He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. I believe this with all of my heart.

Love and Big Hugs, Laurie in Ca.

Stacy said...

Tricia & Nate -

My son is also a transplant survivor. PTLD can be pretty common in post-tx people - we know lots of people who have been diagnosed with it post-tx. The good news is that they can typically catch this early - and treat it successfully.

We'll keep praying for you guys.

Faux Sweets said...

I am so sorry the news is not what you hoped for....I am hopeful that this next step of the journey will prove to be the last step!

Christy said...

Oh how bummed you must be. It's awful being in the hospital when you are "well". I really hate that they couldn't get a good biopsy with the bronch. Tricia is in my prayers many times throughout the day.

j&lcirig said...

Praying again that God will continue to give you strength and courage as you wait upon Him.

Is Tricia able to see the baby while she is hospitalizied?

Will continue to pray from Corry PA.

DogsDontPurr said...

I'm sure you've already explored this, and I don't want to doubt your doctors...but have you thought of a second opinion?

I recently had a bone marrow biopsy to determine if I had a rare type of cancer. The procedure was very painful, but luckily it turned out I didn't have cancer. *But* then, I went to a different doctor who told me that normally a simple blood test is done before they even consider a biopsy. And if I had had the blood test, I would not have needed the biopsy. Oy!

So, just a thought. Ask lots of questions. Make sure to ask if there are other diagnostic options. Possibly ask for a second opinion.

I know you guys have probably done this. I don't mean to be redundant. But I just hate to see your family go through any more than you already have.

((Big Hugs))

Unknown said...

I'm sorry about the positive PET scan and the lack of results from the bronch.

I will definitely keep praying for you guys. I know you are discouraged.


Jenn said...

Nate and Tricia~ We are all praying for Tricia's complete healing, and praying for peace for you that passes any understanding.
Love and prayers,

Amy E. said...

Praying for strength, patience, and God's love to overwhelm you right now. May you have the Peace that does pass all understanding.
Praying for healing.

Mrs. Dan said...


Praying... no PLEADING on your behalf. ((hugs))

michelle said...

Arrghh strike twos are even less fun that strike ones! Here is to praying that God revels his game plan soon and that the outcomes are the best possible ones.

Heather said...


Is there any hope that while they're in there doing the biopsy that they'll be able to take all the visible "it"?

I can only imagine how bummed you all are. You're all in my thoughts and prayers.

Erin said...

Praying for you all! I know it must be SOOO tough to be back in the hospital this soon, but I know in His timing you will have your answers. I am praying that you will feel at peace during this time of waiting...

Jen said...

Praying for you guys. God is with you every step of the way. This is just a bump in the road. Soon you will be back on your way to recovery and be able to be at home with your little girl.

Anonymous said...

I know God only gives us what we can handle but this just seems like a lot to handle. I am praying for all of you.

Tricia said...

We wish we could take your disappointment and worry away from you both. I'ts not like Tricia hasn't done her "time" in the hospital. However, you have our prayers every day. Hang on. you are both amazing. Hope little Gwyneth is feeling better too.
Love, prayers and hope,
Tricia :)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Awww, man! :(


Professor TIllman said...

Argh, so aggravating! I'm sorry this trip isn't going nearly as easily as it could. We'll be praying for you in DE.

So much love,

Sarah Tillman

Momof2bz said...

Hi, Sorry things didn't work out and that the surgery is necessary. I'll pray that it goes fast as soon as it's scheduled so that you can get back to having fun as a family again. We're all praying for you guys. Stay strong and faithful, God will take care of the rest.{{{Hugs to you both}}}

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for you all. So frustrating! Thank you for being real about your feelings. It is such a great example of how feelings can be different from your faith.
I am praying for each of you!

Stacey said...

Dang! I'm really sorry. I am continuing to pray. God bless you.

Bev J. said...

"Please Lord give this dear young couple patience as they wait. It is so hard to understand why this is happening. Thank you God that you are in control of all things. Bless them and make them a blessing."

I've been thinking of you and praying lots. ~ Bev in Surrey, BC, Canada

LuLaRoeMeg said...

Philippians 4: 11-13
I am praying this prayer for you.

Marsmile said...

Awww, sorry to hear things didn't go as we all hoped. But prayin' all ends well and if it is what they thought, that it is treatable and you all will get to go back home as soon as possible. Still prayin' for the best!

At least, you, Tricia, will be in good hands at the hospital even if it's just checking vital signs. Perhaps you can get to go out often, other than to the gardens, then come back to the hospital at nights? Not sure if that's allowed.

Thinkin' of y'all,

Shari said...

Still praying guys!! Do we pray that since things are positive that we have a fungus?? I pray for the most positive outcome...

shari NC

Erin said...

I'm so sorry that she has to stay in the hospital. I'll be praying for her overall health, that the time would go quickly, and for her heart as she is away from Gwyneth.

Tracey said...

dear Lord,

Please wrap your arms around this family. Thank you for all you have done and all you will continue to do, whether we see the reasons here,or have to wait until Heaven.

Please always help Nate and Tricia to remember all of the people they have touched and all of us who are praying for them.

Keep little Gwyneth well, and growing. We all love them and they and we love you!

You are truly an awesome God!

Nate, thanks for allowing God to use you to bless my life.

Hugs and Prayers from Virginia!

Jenn said...

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.

~ Romans 12:12, NLT

This was K-Love's verse on Wednesday and I have been holding on to it since then.....maybe it will minister to you as well!

Bridget said...

Your amazing spirit never ceases to amaze me! Keep your heads up and know that you are in many, many people's prayers :)

Jen in Al said...

praying, praying, praying,,,,,hang in there,,,ya'll are amazing! jen in al

Robin Porter said...

I can only imagine how discouraging all of this must seem. I wish I could give you words of encouragement. I know God has such a special plan for your lives! You guys have already done so much for the Kingdom of God w/o even realizing it. I pray that this time at the hospital will go quickly and that God continues to do a miracle and removes any growths or tumors and that Tricia will be completely healed and whole and that we can all continue to read on your blog and hers of all the GREAT and MIGHTY things our King is doing in your lives! The 3 of you are such a blessing to all of us. My prayers are with you!