> As far as I know, a living donor can designate who can receive an organ (as long as it's not black market). The deceased do not have as much a say, if any at all, but I'm not certain (somebody can do some research about that at unos.org & donatelife.net).
> No Gwyneth Rose poop to report yet. I promise to let you know when that happens.
> Gwyneth was on CPAP (yes that picture below with the mask is it) for about 12 hours, but she didn't like it much, so they moved her back to the ventilator.
> Gwyneth's CF screening report should be back today or tomorrow.
> The docs are working on a plan to try to get the two ladies together sometime soon (see my update below for more).
> Have not heard anything from the Transplant Team, but I doubt they'll have much to say until Tricia is at least back to her normal strength.
> I had blond hair at birth...Tricia had black hair, but was adopted, so we don't know about her birth family. I'm hoping that Gwyneth's current hair will stick around, cause I agree it's beautiful.
> Gwyneth was delivered at 1:16pm on January 8, 2008. She is currently 1lb 5oz and 30 cm/12 inches long. Heart rate, O2 and CO2 levels are all stable.
Both Tricia and Gwyneth may (they're watching cultures for growth) have lung infections. While it's not a good thing, it's not the worst either. I'll let you know when I hear more.
Tricia spent some more time this morning learning (and relearning from what she forgot from yesterday) about all that has happened in the past two weeks. She is amazed (with the rest of us) about the blog, and I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm exaggerating when I tell her some of the stories that are coming about. She says thank you, and asks for your continued prayers.
She is doing some PT with her hands and arms and legs, and while she still can't write, she can scratch her nose and grab some things. She sat up on the edged of the bed for the first time for about 15 minutes.
Gwyneth has been switched to a "Jet Vent" which will allow her to rest a little more while they check on her possible infection. They gave her a few drops of breast milk yesterday, but are waiting also for the news about the infection to give her any more. Otherwise, she's doing well.
The two girls will not be able to get together (outside of an emergency situation) while they may have infections. They are coming up with a game plan, though, and will do what they can as soon as they can to make it happen. In the meantime, Tricia knows that she has to wait, but I'm sure in a few days she'll be getting very anxious to see her baby.
Tricia actually asked me to take her picture and post it for you all! Here you go!
Don't Forget About Tomorrow!!!
Wonderful to see pics of Tricia!!!!
Will continue to pray for poop, and that the infections will disappear! Also that a reunion for the girls, or should I say a meeting, happens soon!!!
Looking forward to more good news as it comes in!
What a beautiful strong woman!! Her brave soul just oozes out of her!
I'll keep praying for her and Gwyneth recoveries, and that lung infections are kept at bay...
Tricia is a beautiful soul inside and out! I'm so proud of her! I'm so glad that she's sharing the joy you've felt for the last week! I'll stay vigilant with my prayers as long as you, Nate, promise to care for your family as you have! Stay strong! Thank you for the updates, we sooooooo need them!
Praying for poop, no infections and that your girls can "meet" for the first time very soon.
Both of our boys were on the "jet vent" at one time or another, and it really did give them the rest they needed. I hope it will do the same for Gwyneth.
YAY Tricia! It's sooooo nice to see your smiling face again!!!!!
Praying like crazy that no infections are found so sweet Tric can see her precious little one in person SOON!!!
Hi Nate,
I'm a 29 year-old living in Ontario, Canada. I've been following your blog and am just amazed by everything that is happening.
I am normally a "lurker", but seeing the pictures of your wife in this post just blew me away. What an amazing and wonderful person you have there. It seems as though your little one has inherited her mother's determination and spunk!
Your story is incredibly inspiring even though, to you, it may be just what you and Tricia are doing because you have no other choice.
I don't consider myself to be religious, but your words have certainly given me cause for thought. Whoever may or may not be listening to me, I am doing my best to send good wishes your way.
I'm not sure how to end here, except to say that I'll be thinking of all three of you, as so many others around the world are.
What beautiful girls you have! Tricia is gorgeous- I agree you can see Tricia's beautiful soul in that picture! I continue to pray for you all!
A friend of a friend joined your facebook group and having a 3 month old (and a 3 year old) of my own - just had to read about this amazing little baby girl... I just spent over an hour reading your blog and learning what an amazing mom Tricia is - truely risking her life for her baby. I have prayed so many times as I smiled and cried while reading. God is AMAZING and has obviously used your lives as a testiment of His love to many many many people. Please know that I will be praying, that holding my chunky little girl will remind me to pray for your little Gwen. God is good ALL the time! God Bless your family!
Excellent pictures, Nathan. So glad you got that great Christmas present! Good one, Tricia. =) I'll be working on your NICU kit this weekend. Looking forward to sending it out! I'll also be bloggin' ya soon, so keep checkin' in for that too. Praying, Praying, and praying....
My 9 year old just came home from school and went directly to your blog. She screamed" there are pictures of Tricia". We were soooo excited to see you awake, and smiling. We will continue to pray for no infections, healthy lungs, and just healing.
We can't wait for another update, and some new photos, especially the ones of a young beautiful family.
love The Robertson family
Tricia knew we were all anxious to see her lovely face again. :-) I loved seeing her pic there. I'm praying for no lung infections and for Gwyneth to poop! Praying also for peace for Tricia as she has to wait to meet her little sweetheart.
Angela in central Ohio
Tricia, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! I am so glad to "see" you. You have such a beautiful, strong baby. Gwyneth Rose is amazing. I am off to Honduras for a week and I know when I return that you and Gwyneth will have had your reunion. Our team and the Bensons will be praying for you without ceasing. Love, Barbara
Thank you for the picture of Tricia! Her half-smile is worth a thousand words. Praying she'll be up for a big, teethy grin super soon!
Rebecca from Ontario, if you're a seeker, you've come to the right place! Welcome!
I have to laugh because I am so excited for Tricia being able to scratch her nose! I think it would just drive me crazy to have an intchy nose on top of everything else. Talk about thanking God for small blessings!
I don't know how you guys feel about it, but I definitely think God was a wonderful sense of humor and is getting a Kick out of the prayers for poop =)
Hang in there...and Tricia, you are the least vain person I have ever "met"- you rock! Still prayin' here in Escondido, CA.
Hi Tricia!!!
Thank you so much for the photos of Tricia, it is so wonderful to see her smiling face again. Our God is so awesome!! I am just blown away by the way He has led this whole situation. I love the photo of you two together, it's been a long two weeks for you Nate.
Praying for continued healing and no infections.
It's so good to see you! Praying that there are no infections!
T, Allison and Colin
so great to see you awake and even smiling! you are so beautiful! not many people look so pretty even when they roll out of bed in the morning, never mind after the last two weeks you have had! you are dancing in my heart and prayers throughout every day. you are such an amazing mommy...what a beautiful sacrifice you have made to bring sweet gwyneth into the world. she is perfectly precious...i know you are so proud (as you should be) and your mommy-heart must ache to love on her in person. she must feel the same way. i'll keep praying, with the thousands of others, for your health and healing and for that day to come soon.
love you so much (although we have never met). ;)
you are a hero.
~nicole coyle
Tricia, your beauty shines through even laying in that hospital bed. I cannot tell you how excited I am that you are awake and able to communicate with your wonderful husband. I will be praying that they can somehow make it possible very quickly for you to be able to see that sweet baby of yours. Be prepared for her to instantly steal your heart. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being willing to share your life with the world. Your story has made such an impact on the lives of so many including myself!! I tell everyone about you and your beautiful baby - my thoughts and prayers are always with you..
Tricia looks so beautiful! I am so happy to see her awake. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!
Hi Tricia,
There is that beautiful smile I have seen in all of Nate's posts. So good to see you awake girl. I am praying hard that you heal up perfectly and that you get to hold the other miracle in this story soon!!! You are the first miracle because without you, Gwenyth would not be here. I love your spirit and your soul and I know who is King of your life. (sorry Nate, you are #2)
Praying for NO infections and for POOP from your little princess. I love you and am praying non stop for you and Gwenyth. God is so good and loves you all so much!!!:)
Love and Healing,
Laurie in Ca.
I always find it inspiring that people can look so wonderful after having gone through the shadow of death. You have two very beautiful ladies in your life.
I can't imagine how uncomfortable she must be feeling, but her strong spirit really does radiate, keep fighting girl!
Tricia looks wonderful!!!!! That smile is wonderful to see!!! Praying for the possible infections, as well as the CF results.
Wow! Tricia looks great! Sending Love and Hugs ya'lls way. I have not come by yet, as my family is fighting colds and such, and I don't want to share with you guys, so continueing to send prayers from here in Raleigh...
Tricia...long time no see!! You look good and happy!!! Nate looks happy to be with an awaking sleeping beauty!
she looks wonderful! thank you for sharing the pictures and the good news about her sitting up and getting stronger!
Halleluja for the last pictures and reports!
The steps of your family of three are amazing to follow.
It's amazing how we can be one body of Christ though not in the same place, and even if we don't know each other personally.
I'm not sure if it was mentioned before, but since you were asking for blogs you are mentioned on: Tenth Presbyterian in Philadelphia had you on their blog (Pastor Marion Clark's blog). http://www.marionclark.blogspot.com/
What a beautiful woman you are Tricia...so very glad to see your smiling face...will pray for the oppurtunity for you to see your little one soon...
Prayer is the answer to all these miracles.
I found out about your blog a couple of days ago, and have checked it every single day since then. You, Tricia, and precious Gwyneth Rose will continually be in my prayers. I have asked my own church, my parents church, my grandma's church, and my aunt's church to pray for you and your family.
I wanted to give you a little bit of encouragement. When I was born, I had been partially detached from the placenta my mom's entire pregnancy. I weighed 3 pounds 1 ounce, and was in the NICU in an incubator for a while. Like Gwyneth, I had tubes in me, and I almost died quite a few times. My parents (my dad is a pastor) are like you: they leaned on God to get them through the rough situation, and put everything in His loving hands. Today, I am 28 years old, and I just had a daughter of my own 11 months ago. I am my family's miracle baby, and Gwyneth is your family's miracle baby. God does wonderful things.
Tricia is so blessed to have such a wonderful, caring husband. And Gwyneth is blessed to have such an awesome Daddy!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers, and I will check back regularly to read about the wonderful progress on both of your girls!!
God Bless You
It is so good to see Tricia again!! She looks great! Praise God for all he has done for you guys!!
We have been so enjoying the pictures of Gwyneth Rose, but when I scrolled down and saw Tricia looking back at me with her brave, sweet smile I was moved to tears!! Tricia, you look AWESOME considering all you've been through! And I am so impressed that you were up for a photo- I feel completely convicted that most of us (including myself) are way too vain! You are one of the most geniune and humble people I know, and God is using your story and testimony to minister to so many!
Seeing your photo was like a tangible answer to all the prayers we have been lifting up. To God be the Glory, great things He has done!
We will continue to pray earnestly for you and Gwyneth's strength and healing. Enjoy your extended family this weekend, and be sure to get plenty of rest! (That means you too, Nathan! ;)
Love and prayers,
The Edwards family
Tricia looks wonderful for what her poor little body has been through. I was so excited to see her face w/ eyes open even though she looks s little stoned (lol). I will be praying that she gets to see Gwyneth soon and that moment will be euphoric. God has truly blessed you three and I know he will continue to keep a close eye on all of you. Can't wait until next week when I see you, I hope I get lucky enough to see Tricia, but if I don't, you have provided me with a closeness to her that I can live with. Love to all, OBXunicorn & her OBXclan
Good to see you, Tricia! Like so many thousands around the world, I am praying for strength and good health for you and Gwyneth so you can meet, skin to skin, real soon!
Hugs from Florida, Pam
Thanks for sharing the pictures of Tricia - for someone who's gone through so much in the last 2 weeks, so looks AMAZING. Actually, she just looks amazing, period - I don't look that good on a normal day!
You know the angels in Heaven are rejoicing about all of the lives that are being affected by your story!!!
Tricia, you look incredible!!! Thank you for posting the pics! I'll be praying that the lovely ladies get to meet soon, that we have POOP from the little one, and that they both don't have/are able to fight off the lung infections.
Sara in Columbus
What an emotional story, my thoughts are with you and your wife. I am 40 year old male with CF and was transplanted a little more than 10 years ago. I have been blessed to received a wonderful gift that has allowed me to start a family (4 boys) and live a wonderful life far longer than anyone expected 40 years ago.
Keep up the good spirits!
What an emotional story, my thoughts are with you and your wife. I am 40 year old male with CF and was transplanted a little more than 10 years ago. I have been blessed to received a wonderful gift that has allowed me to start a family (4 boys) and live a wonderful life far longer than anyone expected 40 years ago.
Keep up the good spirits!
WOW!!! More tears of joy for all of you...May God be PRAISED!
Tricia, what a joy it is to pray for you and sweet Gwyneth. You are both beautiful! Nate, you are one lucky man and and so strong in the Lord...thank you for continuous updates and for being such an honest witness through your story. I also love reading what your Dad and family members post, too! Winning hearts for the Lord!!!
I keep thinking of something that your Dad, Rick, posted right before Gwyneth was born (on his blog) about "How pro-life are you, really?" It touched my heart and really made me think about this statement...not from just a "political" view, but a Godly one.
It reminds me of the Robert Frost poem..."The Road Not Taken"...
Well, you all have chosen LIFE and HE has made all the difference!!!
Continual prayers and "cyber" hugs!
Claire Adams <><
Raleigh, NC
i agree with a previous poster - to see Tricia again is like a tangible answer to all of our prayers these last weeks. i have been truly blessed to pray for your family. seeing her face brought tears to my eyes yet again. what a priviledge to be able to petition God for the sake of someone else's life whom you don't even know, yet now feel so connected to. Tricia - your face radiates trust in a triumphant God!
You don't know me....but I found your blog through a friend and have read through every post today. What a beautiful family you have! What a loving and giving wife you have....and I could go on for hours about your precious little girl.
I have wept, smiled, laughed and sighed as I have followed your journey thus far. Thanks for letting perfect strangers into your life and allowing us to share in the goodness of our Great God. I'll be posting about your family and linking to your blog in the next day or so.
Tricia looks WONDERFUL!! Thank you for the update and pics. Praying for you and your lovely girls!!
William's Mama
Tricia is so beautiful...even though she has been in bed for so long. I don't look THAT good getting up in the morning! Jesus is shining through her so brightly.
Will continue to pray for specifics...a future donor, their family, Gwyneth and Tricia's possible lung infections, Gwyneth's poop, and so on.
I can't help but think that with so many reading your blog, who knows? Maybe the donor is out here in cyber world somewhere or someone blogging could know someone who will ultimately become a donor.
Keep on keepin' on, y'all!
What a beautiful wife and daughter you have, Nathan! I continue to pray for you all and have now added additional prayers for no lung infections and a reunion of the two soon! Hugs and prayers...
Nate and Tricia,
Sent this out yesterday to all in our "Tricia Prayer Warriors" group when I read that she was awake, PTL and do a
Snoopy Dance!
I love that second picture. So beautiful. Prayers!
what a brave wife you have. so glad to see things progressing and will be praying!! I'll pass this info on to my family when I visit this weekend.
Dear Nate,
I have been reading your blog over the last week and I am truly speechless. I was not going to post a comment because my thinking was, what can I possibly say that has not been said already, but when I saw the new pictures of Tricia posted, I had to.
I struggle with my faith from time to time, more or less because I am a control freak(lol) and I question way too much sometimes. Reading your blog has really put things into perspective for me and I thank you for that. Your faith is truly amazing!!
My family and I will continue to prayer for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. I have been passing along your website to everyone I know, so there is a nice prayer train chugging along for all of you.
You are all truly inspirational and I am so privileged to be able to follow and pray in your journey.
May God bless you and watch over you...
With gratitude,
Liz in NH
Tricia--- even though I don't know you, how lovely to see you awake and see your smiling face!
Know that all of you are being prayed for !
hi Lawerson family it seems like you are so happy because Tricia is awake.Thoese are pics of Tricia and the of u guys together.The pictrue of Gwyneth r also nice to she is so adorible.Has Tricia seen Gwyneth yet
you friend
Skye the 9 yr old girl
So good to see your smiling face again! Looking forward to seeing you with your baby girl in your arms! See you soon!
Tricia looks amazingly terrific! Prayers for both girls that lung infections are either absent or easily vanquished...
We are so tickled with you! Amy took one glance at your pic and said, "Look, Mom...she's still smiling!!"
Laura E. certainly said it best for all of us.
You are my hero!
Andrea Anderson
All 3 of you are beautiful and amazing. We (me,2 sons and dad) are checking in daily and reading and praying. I love seeing the miracles of God. I love the new pics. I so remember the time I spent in the hospital when I was dealing with cancer. Your family is a blessing and encouragement to us. BIG Hugs and Prayers, Christy, Paul, Matt and Pat
What an amazing woman! Praying for negative results on the cultures and for a quick reunion between Mama and baby.
As always, very glad to get the updates and see more beautiful pics. It was awesome to see the pictures of Tricia - to see with my own eyes that she is alert and smiling for you. Just brings me peace I guess. We continue to pray for you three and everyone else involved/affected by your life journey. Praying we get to come visit Sunday - will email you and let you know for sure when to expect us when I know for sure. We can't wait to see you! Love you all so much. Give each other hugs for me. God's infinite love and peace to you all, Cousin Amy
Oh, and no, we most certainly won't forget about tomorrow - or Respect Life Sunday. Will be praying much!
You have brought joy to many people through the beautiful photo of yourself today, Tricia. Thanks for being willing to share your life in such a public way.
May God bless you, Nate, your extended family with rest, peace, and health this weekend!
And I would also love to be a fly on the wall in many years when Gwyneth is a teenager and reads about the whole world rooting for her to poop! :) May her little digestive system start moving this weekend so she can eat!
Sara (Janet's friend)
Tricia looks beautiful. I'm so happy she's awake and I hope she and Gwyneth get to see each other very soon.
Tell Tricia that I'm EXTREMELY jealous of her. How can your wife have gone through all that she's gone through these past two weeks, and STILL wake up looking better than I do after one night's sleep? ;-)
Mrs. Lawrenson,
You are so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't get over how cheerful you always are! I can't wait to "see" you again!!
God Is Good!!!!
Love Ya,
Amy Anderson
Your blog has become a part of my daily routine. I feel like I know you all and anxiously await what news you will post when I check the blog. I will continue to pray for all three of you and your families. What amazing faith, strength and love you all have! It is quite a testimony! I cannot wait for the day Tricia and baby Gwyneth meet face to face. I am sure the prayer of Thanksgiving that will go up will be awesome!
THANK YOU so much for allowing all of us strangers into this very private, intimate time in your lives.
Also, on a lighter note... I wish I could be as gorgeous as Tricia after I wake up from one nights sleep, let alone being asleep for a week! What a truly beautiful woman she is, from the inside out!
You look beautiful !!!!!!!!!
Tricia, you look wonderful!!! What an answer to prayer!!! Continuing to pray for all 3 of you daily.
Looking good, Tricia! Keep up the amazing work; we're still praying for you over here!
Tricia is an awfully good sport; when I was in the hospital (knee surgery), I didn't want ANYBODY taking my picture!! She looks fantastic though, and please tell her I said so. Still praying for you guys, so keep us posted (we know you will :-)
Tricia is beautiful! We are still thinking about your family here!!
So good to see Tricia. She looks really good. We are praying here for you all.
Just Tricialicious!!!!!
Welcome to the world of people who are obsessed with praying for you!!What an incredible story to tell Gwyneth one day! (You really NEED to write a book from all the perspectives...) SSOOOOOO great to see BEAUTIFUL TRICIA!!! Still praying, and will be on board for tomorrow too!! Love you all!!
Loved the pics of both your girls! they look great! Praying with you that their lungs are not infected and that they can soon reunite! Give Trish our love!
Ok, I am yet another addict of your blog. I found it through another blog I often read, and they had it posted as a prayer request. I now check it three or four times a day lookin for updates. I don't know why it's taken me so long to leave you a commet! Anyway, just let me say to Nate.. you are an amazing husband and father. Your faith and strength through this time has truly been a testament to me! It's so easy for me to say "God is in the miracle business" or "whatever happens is in His hands, and he will never give you more than you can handle with his help" but Nate, you actually LIVE that! I just hope and pray that if I were ever in a similar situation, I would be able to be as strong and faithful as you are!
To Tricia... although you have yet to meet your baby, you are a MOTHER in every sence of the word! You fought, risked your life, prayed, and took care of this child even before she was born! Those things are what entales being a "mommy" and that you are Honey! You keep resting and getting your strength back. I have no doubt that one day soon, our prayers for you will be answered! You will have two healthy lungs, and be chasing a beautiful little Gwen around the house, wondering if she will ever slow down!
And to baby Gwen.. You are Beautiful Darlin! You keep fighting the good fight! I know you got it in you, and you are so enveloped in prayers that you will soon start to get bigger and healthier by the day!
I am praying for your family Nate! You are a walking testamony to me!
I love all of you, My Brother and Sisters, in the name of our Holy Father, the Healer!
Kate in Va Beach
We wont forget about tomorrow.
Thanks for all the answers Nate!
So happy to to see your picture Tricia- I wish we all could send you pictures of us smiling and waving to you - its a treat to see your smiling face, and your beautiful little daughter just gets to us all.
Can't wait til Mom and daughter get to see each other IRL!
Sending prayers to God for all of you and love to you all.
another Carol
So happy to see the face of the one that's been in my prayers. You all are amazing! I know that you are reaching up to God for strength every day. He is more than able to sustain you. Take comfort in His peace. Take joy in the life that He's given you. Take pride in the fact that you have two lovely ladies to share each and every day with. You have no idea who I am, but know that a fellow sister in the Lord is praying for you down in Haiti. Being a nurse, I can somewhat understand the many difficulties that you may face on a daily basis and long term, but also have much faith in a God that still performs miracles, touches lives, and heals hearts through the stories of other's struggles and victories. Thank you for putting your story out here in blogland for all to see. That is a vunerable step, but one of faith. You believed that we would be touched to pray, love, and give. You have done your part. I can only pray that each and everyone that reads your blogs will do theirs. I'm praying my heart out for your girls! Again, if there's one thing that I know, it's that God loves His children and will never leave of forsake them. I trust that He is making His presence and power real to you all every moment of every day. Lori
omigosh Nate, I can't believe Gwyneth's hair! What a beautigful color - I think she's going to be strawberry blonde like her daddy!
Trish - you look great! (I've never met you, but I feel like I have with all the gushing Nate does about you here and on WorshipTogether) - I'll keep you in my prayers, and I haven't forgotten about praying tomorrow :)
Hello Nathan, Tricia, and Gwyneth, I came across your blog via my cousin Heather's blog (Rice-a-roni-ville), I am praying for you all.....Nate & Tricia stay strong, as I know that you will.....I am praying that your transplant will be the perfect one for you Tricia. I too am adopted, and this year will be the 10th birthday of my kidney transplant, it is kinda cool because I have two birthdays that my husband celebrates, something you can look forward to when you get your new lungs.....I will put a link on my blog so that others can also lift you up in prayer.....Love and Prayers, Jami
I know you have to be so happy to look in Tricia's eyes again. It's also wonderful to see her smiling! To have been through what she's been through and still be smiling is a wonderful sight! Life is good and God is good!! Still praying for poop!! And that the infections clear up soon so that Tricia can meet the miracle that grew inside her face to face!! You're truly blessed!!
Wow! So good to see a smile. I am praying for you all.
Yeah, So we don't know you two eithre, but prayers are going up!
It is so wonderful to see Tricia awake and smiling. We are still praying that all is well and there are no infections and that she gets to meet and touch her daughter very, very soon. That will mean such a great deal to her. Nate you are an angel sent to watch over two of God's chosen ones and I feel you are doing a terrific job. You are admired by many and probably envied by many others, wishing they had your heart and could love as you do. Not alot of that around any more. Praying for you all.
P.S. thank you so much for the updates, I check at least 3 times a day.
Hi Tricia, Nathan, and Gwyneth,
I came upon your blog from reading one of the preemie blogs out there in the blogosphere. I have been reading your updates since the beginning of this year. Normally, I am a lurker but felt inspired to post something for you guys. Once I found out about the c-section and being put on the ventilator, I prayed for the best for all of you. I am very glad to see that you, the Lawrenson girls, are doing wonderfully so far and Tricia, you look wonderful! I truly hope everything continues in this path, leading to a reunion of the three of you very soon. :-)
Your blog has also motivated me to continue in my exploration of religion as I am not very religious. Yet, I yearn to find fulfillment in this part of my life and hope someday I will. I also enjoy reading the spiritual/religious parts of your blog because it helps me learn more about Christianity. Your faith shines so strongly, which amazes me! Keep it up! :-)
Oh one more thing, I loved seeing Gwyneth holding up the ILY sign, which I recognized because I am deaf. I was a 29-week preemie and became deaf within the first few weeks of life in the NICU from receiving strong doses of an antibiotic, Gentamicin. My main mode of communication is ASL and I think it is great that you guys know the ILY sign. Do you know more signs? I encourage learning more ASL because 1) it's neat for you guys to know, 2) it would help Gwyneth communicate with you guys during her speech development period when she is older, and 3) you may meet some deaf people, if you haven't already. Your photos of Gwyneth are spectacular!! She is adorable and beautiful!
Sorry for such a long post and please don't feel compelled to respond. You must be very busy with your loved ones and there are so many messages to read. It's probably even harder to respond to everybody! I continue to pray for you all.
Take care and all the best,
Marissa :-)
-I added your Facebook group to my FB profile.
-If you truly want to email me, you can by contacting me through my blogger profile. :-)
Oh...you answered all the questions playing around in my head. I spent alot of the night thinking and wondering of your 2 beautiful girls...I am so happy Tricia asked for you to take her picture..she is so precious. she looks like she is ready to take on the world. She is full of spunk..I love her personality as I do yours too.... What a Fun Loving couple!
YEAH TRICIA...YEAH! This is crazy...I don't even know you but I cried when I saw your picture. It's so great to see you awake :) I am in awe of you and your family each and every day. I draw inspiration from your husband and the rock he has been during this time...I draw inspiration from your strength as a wife, mother and a CF fighter...I draw inspiration from Gwyneth who despite horrific odds, fights to see another day and another day and another day. Thank you for sharing your story!
I can not wait for the Reunion pictures!
Lisa lisa04027@yahoo.com
It's so good to see the "after" pics of Tricia. She looks great!
I will be praying about the poop, the lack of lung infection and also that the Lawrenson gals can reunite very soon. I'm sure it's very hard for Tricia to be waiting for that. It's her daughter!!!
Thanks for the answers and update, Nate!
Trisha looks beautiful! :)
I am praying for poop from a certain little girl (man that looks funny to write), and clear lungs from both of the girls, so that they can have a healthy visit soon!
Tricia looks beautiful!
Thanks for all of the updates...We will continue to pray!
We love you all!
~ Dana and Wil Haupfear
My family is from the Outer Banks. I've been following your story since before your little angel baby was born. I am so happy to see that mom is looking so good! I can't help but be so happy for all of you...you have been such an amazing dad so far. I will keep following you and your new family through this journey. Best wishes for all of you!
Catherine Midgett Christiansen
Hi Tricia. So nice to see your smiling face (your's too Nate). Your daughter is beautiful, as are you. Prayers continuing for you both.
You look beautiful. I wouldn't look nearly so great if I'd been lying in a hospital bed for over a week! And you have a beautiful child, and a husband who obviously loves you very much. Congratulations.
she looks awesome! Praying for the infections
You look beautiful and your baby is so precious! I am so glad to see you awake. I can't wait to come visit you!
It was really neat to see pictures of Tricia today. We will be praying that Tricia and your precious daughter will have the chance to meet soon! We continue to pray for the future and Tricia's need of a lung transplant.
You are so brave Tricia! Praise God for what he allows in our life and the strength He gives us each day. Your faith in God's plan for your life is such an encouragement.
Danielle Davis
I'm so glad to finally see a new picture of Tricia. Kind of a "need to see that she's actually doing ok" thing. :P Wow, she looks really good!! :) Tell her thank you for allowing us to see them. And thank you Nate, for posting them. I'll be praying specifically for no infections for the girls and that they're able to meet soon.
I'll be joining you in prayer tomorrow. Lots of love!
Tricia, you are one brave woman. I am in awe of you and your faith. Praying for you and your beautiful little girl with the most precious little head I've ever seen. Hang tough, many good days are yet to come!
Tricia looks so amazingly beautiful - it must be that new mother's glow:):)
I am snending lots of hugs and prayers your way via the web:)
praying for poop and NO infections:)
In prayer for you guys! I pray for transplants and infections to go away and renewing of lungs, and proper flow of oxygen. I pray God moves in a mighty miraculous way, to Him be all the glory and honor! You're very much in prayers.
So happy to see Tricia's smiling face!
I will be praying that both your girls are free from infection and that they get to see one another soon.
Seeing mommy's sweet face choked me up.
I don't know what else to say right now!
Apryl in NC
Tricia is STUNNING. Gorgeous even. I am praying the Hand of the Lord upon you all.
Jehovah Jireh- your provider. He will meet all your needs!
Prayers for you all as always... and prayers for all with CF tomorrow.
God Bless!
Wow, to see her Tricia up and smiling after all she has been thru is awsome!! We continue to pray for you all! Hope Mommy and Baby get to see each other soon!
Praying in Clayton!!
Then McLamb's
O'kay, I swear this is true. As I was reading the comments about all of us praying for "poop" I laughed out loud. My three year old son walks into my office and says, "Mommy, I've got poop in my butt. Come and get it out." I ran to the bathroom laughing and thinking to myself, "Ya know, I'm glad you have poop in your little butt. Poop is good!!" Too funny!!
God bless and I'll pray for poop!
Tricia looks wonderful... and she looks like she is doing fairly well which is great... and little Gwyneth is still so gorgeous and perfect! Still praying
oh, its so good to see you Tricia, you are is such a strong woman & such an inspiriation! I hope you get to meet your baby girl soon.
Ok, Nate.. I laugh at the poop talk, once you become a parent that's one of the top things we discuss. LOL When we were in Kazakhstan bringing home our boys, both times we would be asking if they pooped, details etc. :) I hope she will be able to poop soon.
Ann & family
Nathan, I have followed your blog, and I am so proud of you. You are truely blessed in your faith, You and your family are so much more than an example for all to follow. Even sporatic people like me. As I see the love in your confessions, the beauty in your strong spirited wife, and the wonderful pureness of Gwyneth, I see you have also been blessed with a great family. I will , in my humble way, continue to pray for a day that you can bring your girls home.
I will pray that the infections are gone, and that Tricia can offer that special smile to you as she reunites with Gwyneth.
Hello Tricia!. You look wonderful, even though we have never met I truly feel like I know you. We pray for you all the time. Your family has a very special place in my heart and your husband is just amazing. God is so good :-)
Hello Tricia!. You look wonderful, even though we have never met I truly feel like I know you. We pray for you all the time. Your family has a very special place in my heart and your husband is just amazing. God is so good :-)
Wow, how does your gorgeous wife manage to look so pretty and amazing after only having just woken up from being unconcious on a ventilator?! I bet she is desperate to see her little girl, really hope that they can be together soon. Take good care of yourself Nate, xxxxx
Hi, you three!
Trish, it's so great to see your picture! You have NEVER looked more lovely to us. Thanks for posting the pictures.
In my prayers for you, I often think of the Don Moen praise song "Give Thanks." And then I cry again, in thankfulness and wonder for what the Lord HAS done, and will do! : )
"Give thanks with
A greatful heart
Give thanks to the
Holy One
Give thanks because
He's given Jesus Christ
His Son
And now let the weak
Say I am strong
Let the poor
Say I am rich
Because of what the
Lord has done for us"
© 1978 Integrity's Hosanna! Music
Anyway, what grace and mercy our God is showing through your life, miracle after miracle - and for letting the weak say that they are strong (in ways none of us will understand, this side of Heaven!).
Oh, and great taste in Christmas presents for Nathan! No pressure, this year, Nathan! : )
Nate, Tricia and Gwenyth:
I found your blog via a link on a friend's MySpace page. I am praying that God keeps your amazing family in His perfect grace. Nate, you truly are an example of God's love and humility.
A Friend in DC
Tricia looks GREAT! Still Praying!
** In Michigan **
Ahhhh....how wonderful to see pictures of your two beautiful girls on here!!!!!! Praying for that reunion with them to happen SOON!
Wow, what a truly beautiful wife and daughter you have Nate...I am so incredibly happy to see pictures of both of your girls after hearing so much about them! We have you in our constant thoughts and prayers and literally come here more than once a day to check for updates. I know what faith and prayer can do, my son is a living example of that! God bless you all!
Tell your wife "thank you" for sharing her pics with everyone. I am so glad to hear everyone is doing well!! We'll keep praying!
ahhhhh, sweet little gwyneth is beginning what i affectionately/and not so affectionately refer to as the nicu two-step...two steps forward and one step back...and repeat over and over again until discharge day.
our little man, daniel was an expert nicu two-stepper. hang in there! gwyneth is immersed in a lot of serious prayer and my comrades (the nicu gang) no doubt is taking extra special care of your sweet princess.
tricia is oh so lovely. how wonderful to see her beautiful smile. i can't wait to see when she is reunited with her sweet baby girl.
If I ever am in the hospital I hope I look as good as your beautiful wife! She looks FABULOUS!!! What an amazing woman, and to be smiling! Now we know where Gwyneth gets her beautiful looks from! I am encouraged each and every day when I read about her spirit and strength. We won't forget to be praying tomorrow and will be claiming NO infection in either Tricia's or Gwyneth's lungs and for God's supernatural healing touch to be present in both their bodies. I am so thankful I was told about your story and blog spot as I feel I (like many others) am witnessing some of God's amazing works. I came across this scripture today and thought of your family.....
"My family is healthy and prosperous. Everything we lay our hand to is blessed". 3 John 2 and Deuteronomy 28:8, 11-12
We are claiming this today for your family and are believing this word without a shadow of a doubt! Have a restful and blessed evening! Meredith/Orlando FL
What a wonderful surprise. Tricia, it's so good to see your beautiful face. You must have known how good it would make us feel to "see" you. That camera sure was a great Christmas present. We're praying that the lung infections disappear and that you and Gwyneth are together soon. We love you and sure miss those hugs......
So good to see Tricia smiling and alert. Will continue to pray for her recovery and strength for the transplant. Gwyneth is so beautiful...I agree with your dad that her hair is beautiful. Praying for no infections. God is good...all the time.
Blessings to you all.
Continued prayers for your girls!! Tricia looks beautiful! And baby Gwyn! She's stolen my heart!!
Love always and God bless
I'm so happy that Tricia is awake and will soon get to meet her beautiful daughter, I hope both your girls continue to improve. Have a good night and I will check in on you tomorrow.
Tricia, you look like a million dollars! That's a picture we've been waiting for! Praying for you to get to meet Gwyneth soon. Do we ever miss you! You too Nate!
Nate, a side note, Your mom had the dog at practice last night. The diaper is hilarious!!!:)
Sunday is for you guys....
Dear Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth Rose,
Discovered your blog a week or so ago and have been keeping close tabs on you and praying for our great God to be very close to you and to bless you with more miracles. Thank you for being specific in the ways we can uphold you in prayer.
I am including a story that I received via email the other day which made me think of your dear family. Have the tissues nearby!
~ Beth
A cold March wind danced around the dead of night in Dallas as the doctor walked into the small hospital room of Diana Blessing. She was still groggy from surgery. Her husband, David, held her hand as they braced themselves for the latest news. That afternoon of March 10, 1991, complications had forced Diana, only 24-weeks pregnant, to undergo an emergency Cesarean to deliver the couple's new daughter, Dana Lu Blessing. At 12 inches long and weighing only one pound nine ounces, they already knew she was perilously premature. Still, the doctor's soft words dropped like bombs.
"I don't think she's going to make it," he said, as kindly as he could. "There's only a 10-percent chance she will live through the night, and even then, if by some slim chance she does make it, her future could be a very cruel one"
Numb with disbelief, David and Diana listened as the doctor described the devastating problems Dana would likely face if she survived. She would never walk, she would never talk, she would probably be blind, and she would certainly be prone to other catastrophic conditions from cerebral palsy to complete mental retardation, and on and on!
"No! No!" was all Diana could say. She and David, with their 5-year-old son Dustin, had long dreamed of the day they would have a daughter to become a family of four. Now, within a matter of hours, that dream was slipping away.
But as those first days passed, a new agony set in for David and Diana. Because Dana's underdeveloped nervous system was essentially 'raw', the lightest kiss or caress only intensified her discomfort, so they couldn't even cradle their tiny baby girl against their chests to offer the strength of their love.
All they could do, as Dana struggled alone beneath the ultraviolet light in the tangle of tubes and wires, was to pray that God would stay close to their precious little girl. There was never a moment when Dana suddenly grew stronger. But as the weeks went by, she did slowly gain an ounce of weight here and an ounce of strength there. At last, when Dana turned two months old, her parents were able to hold her in their arms for the very first time.
And two months later, though doctors continued to gently but grimly warn that her chances of surviving, much less living any kind of normal life, were next to zero, Dana went home from the hospital, just as her mother had predicted.
Five years later, when Dana was a petite but feisty young girl with glittering gray eyes and an unquenchable zest for life. She showed no signs whatsoever of any mental or physical impairment. Simply, she was everything a little girl can be and more. But that happy ending is far from the end of her story.
One blistering afternoon in the summer of 1996 near her home in Irving , Texas , Dana was sitting in her mother's lap in the bleachers of a local ball park where her brother Dustin's baseball team was practicing. As always, Dana was chattering nonstop with her mother and several other adults sitting nearby when she suddenly fell silent. Hugging her arms across her chest, little Dana asked, "Do you smell that?"
Smelling the air and detecting the approach of a thunderstorm, Diana replied, "Yes, it smells like rain."
Dana closed her eyes and again asked, "Do you smell that?"
Once again, her mother replied, "Yes, I think we're about to get wet. It smells like rain."
Still caught in the moment, Dana shook her head, patted her thin shoulders with her small hands and loudly announced, "No, it smells like Him. It smells like God when you lay your head on His chest."
Tears blurred Diana's eyes as Dana happily hopped down to play with the other children.
Before the rains came, her daughter's words confirmed what Diana and all the members of the extended Blessing family had known, at least in their hearts, all along.
During those long days and nights of her first two months of her life, when her nerves were too sensitive for them to touch her, God was holding Dana on His chest and it is His loving scent that she remembers so well.
Thrilled to see Tricia fully awake & smiling!! I can't wait till we all get to see a family photo. Boy what a day that will be! So happy to for you to have your wife awake again. An there will be NO infections because we are casting those out in the name of Jesus and speaking words or life & health into Tricia & Gwyneth.
We're praying for you here in PA. It's great to hear news that Tricia is awake. We will pray that she will be able to see her baby soon.
Tricia looks so great! We are praying for baby gwyneth and tricia, as well as your family!
Prayers & Blessings!
Hey guys...Its us again in Gilbertsville pa. I know we have never met..but I know you all..we can feel your family in our hearts as we continue to pray for you all of you. Wow..how cool for your women to met..what a great moment that is going to be. I hope the dr.'s can figure something out. Nice to see Trish was up for pictures...she has such a great smile...Well enough from up here in the North..All our prayers and coming South to the whole family.
God is good. God speed to each of your.
Bob Barbi & Dylan
Thank you for sharing your pictures once again. It was fabulous to see Tricia's pictures. :) We are praying...and praying the girls get to see each other soon.
Becky in Lynchburg
She looks beautiful! So nice to see her smile! You must be so very happy! -Mrs. D
Glad to see that Trish is awake and learning all about her miracle little girl. I hope soon she will be able to see Gwyneth. You are right Gwyneth does have a beautiful head of hair. Keep strong you have 2 amazing women in your life.
(mom to Elizabeth-Ann 3years a 25 weeker who terrorizes her parents every minute and we love it)
I found your blog. What a blessing you are to share your journey..
I live in North Florida, i received your blog from Anita Lewis, she went to Liberty. Your story is amazing of God's faithfulness. Praying for you and your family. Have a blessed day.
Laura Russell
So beautiful to see her smile. Nate, you have a beautiful wife and daughter...they are in my daily prayers.
Tricia looks beautiful...how wonderful to see her smile.
Seeing Tricia's face moved me in a way that is hard to describe. Thank you for sharing that. Many prayers still going up on your behalf.
Since you are answering some questions, do you mind taking a few more? A few things have come to mind - I was just wonderfing about....
Does Tricia have a feeding tube? If not, if that why she is SO weak - lack of nutrients?
Since she has 'woken up' is she able to sleep better at night? I know you had mentioned before, she had such a hard time sleeping.
How much memory loss does she actually have? Like how far back can she not remember things, and what is that from?
I am still praying and thinking about all of you. It is SO good to see Tricia with a grin on her face. I know she has been through SO much and has a very long road ahead, but she is doing an amazing job - I hope she knows that!
God Bless - Ashley Black
Tricia, you ae SO BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for the update Nate. We will continue our prayers for your family.
Tricia and Nate- Your blog was the first thing I checked when I came home from work today. I was so surprised to see Tricia with that beautiful smile on her face. So glad that she is awake. Praying that she and Gwyneth don't have a lung infection. Hoping that they get to meet soon! May you have a great weekend. With love, The Hagers in Michigan
What great pictures of Tricia!! She looks good!! I am keeping on praying for her and your sweet baby..Sandy
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! Inside and out! You and your precious Gwyneth will be in our prayers for NO lung infections and strength in your bodies! You have a precious husband who loves you so very much (and I'm sure it's because you are just as wonderful and precious!). We are blessed to be able to share this part of your lives' journey with you all. You and your little one stay in our hearts and prayers! We are looking for more miracles to come for you both!!!
Thank you for the photo, Tricia. You are beautiful as ever. Can't wait to see you. I think Gwyneth looks like Nathan, sorry Tricia. I remember the blonde hair and eyebrows!! Will be praying for everyone tomorrow. Poop is a good thing, bring it on. I've read many of the comments from today,
it still amazes me how many people stay in touch, I'm beginning to recognize some of the names. Addictive? Yes. If we all could be as addicted to our Lord!! And people "searching", not religious.
Nathan and Tricia, you are touching so many lives. God is using you in such a mighty way.
Love you all. Aunt Donna
So wonderful to see the picture of Tricia looking so good. And Gwyneth is amazing. My prayers are with both Tricia and Gwyneth, the doctors caring for them and all of the family.
Keeping you all in my thoughts. I am so thankful for your wonderful update. Continued prayers coming to both of you girls.
How wonderful to "check your blog" tonight and see a beautiful picture of Tricia! Honestly Tricia, aren't you supposed to be ill???? You look great!!! We continue our prayers that soon the two ladies can be together!
God is good....
Got to see Tricia and Gwyneth tonight. two miracles. It was great to see them both. Oh, and Nate too. (dont tell Tricia but he was wearing his orange shoes today)
Watching faith grow,
Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy
It was sooo... good to see Tricia-give her my love. Still praying much for all of you dear ones. Kathie
amazing amazing i just found your blog through another friend...i will post on my blog so that my friends and family can pray for your family!!
Beautiful Tricia!!!! My heart skipped a beat when I saw her picture up. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!! That is so amazing. So strong...and what an amazing love you two have for one another and for Gwyneth.
I am continuing to pray for your family. The pictures of Tricia were so good to see.
Rocky Mount, NC
I have been following your blog since Gwyneth was born. All of you are my heros, and leave me wondering how I ever thought my problems were ever important.:) I still am trying to grasp how much strength all 3 of you have.i am a mother of a 15 month old boy who was 2 months early, and I know how hard having your baby in the NICU can be. You are amazing for going through all that is happening. Its so good to see Tricia with her eyes open!! I am checking your blog for the moment when Trica finally gets to meet the beautiful, wonderful daughter you both have! I'm sure I'll cry on that one! We are always praying for you and your family
-The Hubbard Family
I wish I looked that good, after 9 days of slumber. Tricia, you look great. Now, let's get you to feeling as good as you look. What a sweet daughter and husband you've been blessed with. They love you very much, as does all your worldwide followers...Prayers going up for ya! Heather in Dallas
I found your blog on a friends blog 10 days ago. She's not even sure how she found it. But anyways, I check your blog several times a day for good news about your family. I hope things continue to go well. Praying for yall in Tennessee.
It's so great to see Tricia's smiling face! Praying for no infection and continued recovery for both girls.
Nate, please post pics of the great reunion when it happens. We can't wait - can't imagine how Tricia feels! You're in our prayers and thoughts continually.
Love you guys,
The Capano's in NJ
(P.S. How's Agnes & Joe doing? Please tell them we're also praying for them.)
Although rare, the deceased (or family of) can identify a specific individual to receive organ(s) via a process of directed donation: a friend of mine was set to receive lungs that way, but unfortunately they weren't usable.
More info here:
I have to agree with so many of the other posts, that Trisha looks amazing. She's one of those that could shave her head and still look beautiful... with no makeup. :-) Thank you both for sharing your life with us.
Hello! Your story has touched my heart deeply and I am honored to faithfully pray for you all! May the Lord continue to bring healing and comfort. May the Lord take away any infection in Tricia and Gwyneth, may He give them strength and peace so they can unite! God is our great Physician!
Love and Prayers from Arizona
Praise God for her steps. I am so happy that the plan is for the baby and Tricia to have time together. We are praying for you as well. I pray with God's love, that you will have strength and a sound mind to sustsain your precious family. It is making a HUGE difference in Gwyneth and in Tricia, as well as in the hundreds and thousansfs of your supporters. True blessings to you all, from our God who delights in you.
Olivia Brigham
You are an extremely strong family and God has truly blessed you with such strength.
I want you to know that I am praying for you as well as the entire Marquette University. I offered your family up in prayer during mass last night and people came to ask me more about your situation, after the mass. I directed them to your site along with the facebook group. We are holding you all in prayer. God works miracles. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Nate, thanks so much for sharing that beautiful picture of Tricia. As soon as I saw her, I let out a little yell and my kids came running to see (they've been praying too). They thought she looked so pretty and so good for all she's been through.
As I scrolled back and forth between Tricia's picture and Gwyneth Rose's picture, a line from a worship song kept running through my head..."Oh the pure love of God"
Our prayers are continuing to go up for all of you.
I'll be praying for you and your family!
We have been on the giving side of organ donation. Our 3 year old son passed away unexpectedly and we donated his organs.
Have faith and continue to trust Him. Our God is good All the time!
Nate thanks' for posting some pics of Tricia, seeing her smile was really uplifting...Praying for there to be no infections in either of them. I remember when Kellar was put on the jet vent, it did help him a lot. It just gives them that extra bit of help and much needed rest. These little ones are true fighters!!!
I've been a lurker after my sister-in-law sent me this blog address. I have spent the last week reading this blog and praying for you so so so many times! But when I clicked on this page and seen Tricia sitting up and smiling back at me... I had to catch my breath. I started laughing and crying at the same time. Tricia, you are such a beautiful wonder of God's miracles. And Gwyneth Rose!!! OH MY GOSH, what a gorgeous little baby! I'll continue to pray for all 3 of you, just to watch God's amazing Grace shine down on you. God is Great!! This is such a testament to God answering prayers!
P.S. Nate, I'm afraid that I have basically fell in love with your family and so, well, you'll have to keep this blog up until little Gwyn is grown and having her own children :) sorry. LOL
Glad to hear that the girls are coming along slowly but surely. You're in our family's prayers in Arizona. My preemie twins did the NICU journey and are healthy bouncing 3 yr olds today. May Gwyneth Rose be the same. You look great Tricia!
I feel so blessed to have met your family through this blog, I found it quite by accident one day while search for 'CF' as casein free. I know that it was no accident though, the Lord has led me to here so that I can meet you virtually and be witness to your great faith in Him.
Thank you so much, Tricia and Nate and Gwyneth, for sharing your story of hope, triumph and love. God has blessed you already, and I will pray that he continues to do so. You have my prayers for your day of prayer!
What an amazing story--I have spent literally the last hour looking over your blog and Tricia's blog and am just completely in awe. Thoughts and prayers coming to you from Israel.
Dont' we serve an amazing God?!?!?!
So glad to hear that Tricia and Gwyneth are doing better. I will continue to pray for God's healing!
Tricia looks GREAT!! after all she's been through that I'ved read on the blog. I mean if it wsn't for the hospital gown and tube I wouldn't of even known she was in the hospital-that's awesome.
I can't wait for her and her baby to meet, and you are right to assume she's gonna be itching to do that in a few days! My sister did just that after she had an emergency c-section and her baby was placed in the NICU it was crazy-she was throwing washcloths and everything-lol. A mother's love...better let happen, which I had been trying to do! They kept telling me she couldn't get in a wheelchair, and my reply was "Well, ROLL THE BED down there!!!" They wouldn't do it, until she started throwing anything and everything in the room that she could grab. Must have been a lazy shift of nurses that day is all I can assume? Pretty comical to say the least, because the bed DID get rolled to the NICU for my sister to see her baby!
What a precious moment when the 2 do meet for the very first time person to person, and I'm excited for that to happen for you all.
Specifically praying for continued health improvement, and praying for you and your families!
amanda from MB, SC
You three are God's perfect example of His love for us and the miracles He sends our way. My son (34 yrs) is also a CFer and awaiting a lung transplant in Salt Lake City, Utah. At this time he is in the hospital but he should be back home in a few days and then we wait for God's perfect timing for his lungs. Use this passage as I do often.
Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say, Here I am.
Isaiah 58:9 I will continue to pray for all three of you. The love you must be feeling from the hundreds and hundreds of people in here WILL help you through the rough times. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!
Thanks for all the updates. I've not been able to get on here as much the last few days because of work travel. I'm home again now. We'll be praying about the girls getting together and the possible lung infections. Tricia looks wonderful! It was good to see her awake.
Tricia and Nate, The most beautiful picture I've seen in a long time. Tricia, you look well rested while Nate , on the other hand, looks kinda tired. Ha! Ha! Tears of joy to "see" you. Praying without ceasing. We love ya'll so much. Love in Christ, Ellen
I can't tell you how many times in a day we think of you and pray. This God we serve is truly awesome and I can clearly see him at work in your lives. We will continue to pray for the three of you. Thank you for sharing your lives in this way. I know many will be blessed by your faith and hope in Him.
The photos of Tricia are great. I'm glad to see her. :)
Thanks for all the info...
We've been praying for Tricia and Gweneth Rose since we heard about them on another blog. Gweneth Rose is absolutely beautiful!!!!!
I am and will continue to pray and you guys are being added to my prayer group and I am including a link to your blog! God be with you! I survived what the doctors said was certain death from an infection because of a birth defect when I was 4 years old so I know first hand of God's amazing miracles! He still is giving us miracles everyday and He can do it for your precious little family! that is what I am believing!
Good to see your beautiful face, Tricia. Praying for you today here in rainy (maybe snow later!!) VB. AND praying for all the others needing transplants.
My love and prayers to you.
Nathan, Please tell Tricia that she is beautiful! Thanks for all of the updates. We will cont our prayers for Tricia, Gwyneth and the rest of the families waiting on the transplant list. Looking forward to more great news.
Jilliane, TJ, Corey, Dylan and McKenna (from rainy, snowy Chesapeake, VA)
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" Hebrews 13:8
Tricia, you look gorgeous! Its so great to see you! I will be praying for you and your amazing family. To see your faith so strong throughout this is amazing Nate. I only hope that my family can and will have a faith as strong as yours in times of adversity. Know that your family is loved! God bless!
"My health may fail and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart." -Psalm 76:23
God surely has a very high calling on yours and baby Gwyneth's lives!
My little sister was a prremie, my mom had to be in the hospital for 2 months on total bedrest to keep her in the womb as long as she could...Yet, she was still born 2 months early. ---If you saw her now, you'd never know! She is a 10 years old, perfect in every way, NOTHING is wrong with her.
We know it is all due to our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ's never-ending lover for all of his children :)
I pray for you and know that you with both be okay :)
I have been keeping up with your story. While I had no where near the problems with any of my children as you have with little, beautiful Gwyneth, I did have a son whose lungs were not fully developed at birth, even though he was carried full term. He came out a blondie too, and remained that way...he had to be on most of the machines that I see little Gwyneth on, so it tears me up...reminds me of my little guy. BTW, he still has blonde hair...he's 3 years old and hasn't had any problems with his lungs since he was released from the hosptial. We are praying for you and sending requests for others to pray as well.
Your wife still looks beautiful after all she's been through! It's incredible!
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