Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Piece of Us: First Christmas

Here is a video of our first Christmas together in 2004. We decided not to do the whole drive down to the OBX and try to see everybody thing...we just wanted to spent that first one alone with each other. I remember we rented lots of movies, and spent lots of time playing with Ralphie (my gift to Tricia). Enjoy!

I've already posted several times today, so don't forget to read below.



Anonymous said...

She makes me smile! Beautiful inside and out!


Anonymous said...

Kinda makes you yearn for 'simple' doesn't it??? She is a lovely girl that has an undeniable love for her husband and God.

Praying that simple comes soon...

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Aww..that is a great way to spend your First Christmas together...what is a better gift than having the one you love most to spend it with...Thanks for sharing~

Anonymous said...

Nate,my grandma sent us a link to your blog. Your grandfather was my grandfather's best man, 52 years ago. My husband and I were so touched by your love for your girls. We pray for strength for you all and health for your family.We live in Durham, 15 minutes from Duke. If you need anything, we are willing.kara

Haley & Dustin said...

wow. you guys are amazing. i too, am 25 with cf. i just had a baby girl in october. who would have ever thought us cfer's could have kids. i used to be scared because i didn't know if i would be well enough, luckily i was.

yall have inspired me to get the camera out and just start videoing. we video sometimes, but not as much as we should.

this blog is a virus, but it's a very good virus. i wake up everyday wanting to hear the progess that tricia and gwyneth make.

nate, you crack me up. if i am ever in tricia's situation i hope my soon to be husband can be as strong as you are.

let tricia and gwyneth know we're praying for them and give meka a kiss for me. i'm a dog lover.

oh and on yalls virgina video trica's cough sounds exactly like me :)

take care - haley

Anonymous said...

Checking in again. :-)

I list my blog with my name, but I don't know if it shows up. So here it is:

I know the "milk bank" thing is "weird" sounding, but it has inspired me actually! I didn't know such things existed!

A bit of our story. We have been diagnosed with infertility. BOTH my husband and I. We tried fertility treatments but then stopped when it became an idol in my life. I had to go to my "Mt Moriah" and surrender my hopes and dreams of ever nhaving a baby biologically. We began adoption training and then the class was canceled when people dropped out. And then, I got sick. And it was pregnancy!!!!!!! (Puking was never so welcomed!!!!)

I bled and cramped and was on bed rest and a med called prometrium the first trimester to keep from miscarrying. Had a great 2nd trimester, and then put on restrictions again in the 3rd.
Miracle Rose was born Nov 8th. :-)

In our journey of infertility my heart was opened to hurting babies. Unwanted, sick, preemies, etc etc etc. We may never have another biological but we want to adopt and foster. Until the class is offered again though, and until we get more money (ministry isn't exctly a get-rich thing as you know!) I want to do something. As soon as I read about the milk bank thing this morning I was like, "this is something i can do!!!!!" I've sent for info.
Hubby and I would have thought it was weird up until we had names and faces such as you guys to put with the idea. But now? Now we're open to me doing it while I'm in the nursing stage of life with our own daughter.
So you see---yet AGAIN, God is using your story!
Blessings to you all!

Anonymous said...

How cute - kitties are the best presents. :) Just stumbled on this blog and spent the last hour going through the archives - wow, you guys are amazing! I've been praying backwards for you guys, asking that everything that's happened be worked to His glory for your future; it's so evident that He has wonderful things still to do here :)

Anonymous said...

I was getting ready to say the same thing. Tricia's cough sounds just like me. And here I thought I was original.....ha.

Nate, thanks for sharing the videos and giving us a little peek into your lives.

Gwyneth is so lucky, mom and dad have a great sense of humor.

Jill said...

I can't even remember how I found you guys, but want you to know I am praying for you and your sweet family. You have two beautiful girls, there! May God continue to give you strength.

Jill in TX

allison said...

I have thought several times about leaving a comment, but didn't want to do it just to do it. I wanted to do it when I felt there was something to say. First of all thanks for letting us into your life. So great to see video of your bride, pictures of your new little rose, and your words to challenge us to expressing the glory of our Lord.
In your words today of Tricia being anxious these words rang throughout my thoughts...."Peace I leave with you. Peace I give to you, but not as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (wouldn't it be great if I could remember the address in the bible that comes from?)
Anyway, I am praying here in Cumming, GA (right outside Atlanta). I've shared w/ my parents who live in Kansas and they too are praying.

Anonymous said...

I've just read your story and want you to know that I have a daughter, Lilly, that was born at 24 weeks and your daughter looks so much like her. She is now 16 months old and perfect. God gave us so much strength during her struggles and I know your faith is a comfort to you during this difficult time. Miracles are commonplace when you believe! I'll be praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

We, as a family, are praying for you and your family. Your story has touched us. My kids, ages 10, 8 and 6 have been praying for you without being reminded to.
Hang in there and thank you for updating so frequently. You are a remarkable husband. Tricia is a remarkable woman. Your baby girl is beautiful.
Praying without ceasing....

Anonymous said...

The more you post, the more we fall in love with your girls!!! Thank you so much for sharing God's love with the world!!! May His blessings be plentiful for you and your family today!

Anonymous said...

Wow...there are no words to explain how amazing your story...your life is!

I came across your story by reading a prayer request on myspace and have been with you everyday since then. I saw the Lawrenson name and thought...hmmm very familiar. Although I don't know you or your girls I have been around your uncle Andy when he lived in the great state of Oklahoma! I live in Harmony and remember him and his wife well! They are wonderful people!

I am now addicted to your life and I think about and pray for your family constantly. I have told anyone that will listen your story. I had no idea I could feel so strongly about people I've never even met! Everything about you and your family is inspiring to me. I have two beautiful daughters that mean the world to me and i hug them a little tighter and kiss on them a little more each day after reading your blog!

I am a nurse in this small town and i admire the entire medical staff taking care of your girls. They are amazing people to deal with such precious lives and manage to carry on each day. They deserve abundant blessings...and apparently that's what you and your family are!

Your faith in God, love for God and trust in God is something i will never forget!

Something else I will never forget is the love you have for your girls! I don't know you at all and I've only read things you've written and seen a few pictures and listened to a few songs...it's just absolutely wonderful to see that kind of love and know it's real!

You and your girls are an inspiration to me from now to eternity! You have changed my life! Thank you for sharing your story...your life!!!

Love & Prayers from Oklahoma,


Laurie in Ca. said...

Okay Nate,

I was hoping someone had already asked the question but they didn't, so I hope there isn't a sad answer. If Ralphie is still with us, where is he right now and is he getting lots of love?? I am a cat lover is why I asked. I have to tell you that Tricia has the sweetest voice and I can't wait until Gwenyth hears her mommy, from an outside the womb perspective.
Your girls are on my mind 24/7 and I have come to think of you as a son who keeps in touch all day long:) I have twin sons who are 36 with children, and live 15 minutes away. We are in touch all the time but they don't show me videos!!!:)
Prayers are continued here all day long for all of you as God keeps this miracle going, and going, and going. He is so wonderful and is showing Himself big time these days. Thank you so much for sharing and try to get good rest.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Anonymous said...

Funny.....I use to have a cat named Ralphie. He was named after the little boy on the Christmas Story movie because I got him for Christmas in 1990. He lived to be 16 years old. I work for Kitty Hawk Kites and was at the staff meeting when you and Tricia came to talk about the CFF walk last year. I was, also, one of the walkers for team KHK. I've been checking in here regularly to keep up-to-date and praying for you all.

Julie said...

Thanks for sharing - I've been checking in a LOT, and commenting probably too often....LOL
The title of your blog almost got me in trouble with my husband - he glanced over my shoulder and all he read was "Confessions of a husband..." Apparently he didn't see the CF! When I explained who you were and showed him some pics of Gwyneth, I think his heart melted a little...I'll bet now he's going to be asking me for updates!

Anonymous said...

Nate, got to see Janet today and hear a little of her visit with you. Your testimony continues to be a blessing. My son's school is now raising money for Tricia. God is using your story in so many ways. Thanks for your steadfastness. Joanna

Anonymous said...

Our family continues to pray daily for you and "the girls". When I comment, I always try to include an old hymn of the faith...

Today, I was commenting that even Gwyenth's skin was cut. "Look, she is sooo precious with wrinkles like a little ole' lady" My son commented yeah, like and elephant!!!! :i Well, alrighty!!!

Best wishes for the day. Please sing Gwyenth "This Little Light of Mine" for us (no pun intended- pulse oximeter).

From "S. Jersey"

Anonymous said...

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards.THEY ARE THE ONES THAT CARE. Thanks for caring enough to remember Tricaia ,Nate and Gwyneth in your prayers.
P.S. Ralphie is visiting Grandmom L.

Anonymous said...

good morning nate
(well, it's morning in hong kong!)

did you know nathan means - "gift from God?" did you know you are blessing people worldwide? thank you for CHOOSING JOY!

our triplets (jasper - the precious stone that will build the new city, sela - pause and reflect in the word of the Lord, carys - beloved) and older brother sebastian (revered) continue to pray for your family.

they love the pictures, they think they are pictures of them, and wonder (and i wonder this too...)

why isn't she wearing a little hat?

i hope you enjoy these next weeks as gwyneth's face starts being revealed to you. as duoderms and tape and tubing is removed off her face, and her face fills out, and her nose is properly shaped, it's like wrapping off an exquisite present, slowly being peeled back. fascinating to watch. savour it!

all best.
charles and tess

Anonymous said...

Hey, brother and sister, I'm sure it's a God thing that I found your blog. I went to gradual school at UNC and worked at UNChospitals, with many many people who had CF and double lung transplants (as a PT), and they all had beeeeyoooodifull outcomes!! Wish I still lived in NC so I could come over and hug on you. I don't have a blog, I found you through Emily and Miller Grace's blogs, but I wanted you to know that my whole family is getting calloused knees in prayer for you all. I did a stint in NICU, too, and was constantly amazed at the power of God to heal those teensy weensy bodies with teensy weensy organs. Gwyneth is SO beautiful and SO precious. I'm an old geezer, and I remember being told stories about Rose Red and Rose White, so I'm going to look for those books and send them to you if I can find them. Keep your eyes on the prize and KNOW that God is making so many good things happen for so many people because of you just now that it should make your heads spin. C'mon Lawrenson girls, show your stuff! xoxoxoxo

LouLou said...

You guys are just precious!! The love you have for your wife is truly a gift from God...My hubby and I have been married for almost 4 years. In that time we have had quite a few struggles. It only makes you stronger. I am praying daily for Tricia and Gwyneth.... You have 2 beautiful girls. You can find us at annepearceandessie.blogspot.com


Whitlamy said...

Love seeing these videos and getting to "know" your girl's personality a little bit

Anonymous said...

I watched your camping video & saw the pictures of Tricia. She is such a beautiful person. Even as a RN with a medical background, I am confident that she'll be able to read these comments in the near future. And for this I will be on my face praying for you guys.
Love from Florida

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing so mamy personal memories and letting us into your lives.

Tricia and Gwyneth are beautiful girls! Prayers for you all from Ohio...

Amy L said...


I found your blog from http://untiljourneysend.blogspot.com

I have been praying for your family throughout the day. It is absolutely amazing to see God's love pour out of you even in your current circumstances.

I have a question about the lung transplant. Sorry if this seems silly. When Tricia receives her lung transplant will she ever have to struggle with the effects of CF again?

Praying for Gwyneth's test results!! What a MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!!!

Praying in Indiana

CJolly said...

Hey Nate, Just checking in. I have been keeping up with this day and night. Still amazed by the response to your bolgs (great stuff BTW!), praying for all of you, so impressed by your faith and strength, eagerly awaiting news that Tricia has come around and realizes for real that she is a mom, and thanking God for all He has done.
And can't wait for the day we can see Gwyneth in person!

Anonymous said...

Hello there Nate. I am so glad that you have this Blog. I have Carepages and it really helped my husband through our tough times. (Plus, you don't have to keep calling eveyone with the lastest news)I can imagine how tired you must be... but you are doing everything in your power to hold things together for your georgous girls. From what I can tell, you are doing an amazing job. I am a CF patient there at Duke also. I received a double lung transplant there not long ago. Duke is family to me now. They saved my life... but so did my FAITH, the LOVE of my family and friends, and yes, the DONOR family. I have so many things that I would like to tell you... some may help ease you and Tricia through the winding road ahead. There are things that just the Post tranplant patients know. But, that can come at a later time. For now, I pray for healing, recovery and easy breathing for your girls. God Bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I just love seeing the videos and getting to 'know' you guys that way. It's awesome hearing Tricia's voice too after seeing pictures and praying for her all this time. I just love the picture below of Gwyneth 'signing' I love you. You have such a precious family. Thanks for all the updates. I think of you guys all day long and pray for you often. I can't wait for the time I get on here and read that Tricia has seen Gwyneth for the first time outside of the womb. :-) BTW, I've never prayed so hard for someone to poop before. Lol

Angela in central Ohio

Lora said...

Your story is so inspiring! I just spent an hour reading all of the posts from the very beginning. Please know that I will be praying for all of you. I am also going to write about your family on my blog to spread the word so that my friends can also join in prayer! God bless you! Lora

Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan - I linked to your blog from the blog of an acquaintance here in Nashville: http://conorbootheandgirls.blogspot.com .
You are in my prayers for sure. What a heart-rending story, and yet it is clear that you and Tricia have had such a happy and full life together. I hope for your tiny baby girl to flourish and know such happiness in her life.
I don't have a blog, but you can see me at www.npr.org/thisibelieve. I wrote this week's featured essay, and there is a picture and a bio.
I will keep following your story, and hoping for the most beautiful and unexpected and life-bringing outcomes for everything you are facing.
Thank you for telling your story -
Maria M.R.

Sheri said...

You guys are the cutest couple. Trisha is beautiful and has such a great personality.

Glad to hear Ralphie is with Grandma :)

Ashley said...

I spent a pretty good chunk of time reading your recent and older posts...I am incredibly moved by your family's story. I will be praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Hello Nate, Trica and sweet little Gwyenth. I just want to thank you for sharing your heart and lives w/ us. Your testimony of faith is a blessing.
I heard of your blog through a yahoo group called "momys": mothers of many young siblings. I am a momys to 6. My older 2 are special needs. My oldest is autistic and my 2nd son is non-verbal intelligent. Sometimes it is difficult for us to remember to always be thankful.(1 Thes 5:16-18) I am realizing everyday that no matter the circumstance God is there and has a gift to give us through our journey in Faith w/ Him.
I am reminded a few yrs ago of a story I told my boys, and how God used that to teach me. It is the story of the blind man. The disciples ask Jesus about the blind man. "Who sinned". Being that the blind man was born blind. In their thinking the blind man or his parents must have sinned since he was born with his blindness. Jesus answers, "no one has sinned", but rather" the man was born blind so that the glory of God may be manifest through the blind man" John 9. I know that in my son's case and in Tricia's case also, no one has sinned meaning it isn't sin that caused their illness,but rather God has plans to display Himself through them and their struggles.
My personal belief is that God has a purpose and a plan for all of us. It isn't always visible what that plan and purpose is, but that we remain patient and faithful to see how God plans to use us and our situations for HIS glory.
A few verses for encouragement. Allison quoted,"Peace I leave w/ you; it is my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 After all Peace is from the Lord while fear is not. "Perfect love casts out fear" 1John 4:18.
Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord. Psalms 27:14
Trust in the Lord w/ all your heart, and lean not on your own understandings, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths strait. Proverbs 3:5-6.
Referring to your precious little angel, Gwyenth. I recall a song by Steven Curtis Chapman, "The finger prints of God". Looking at your little one, it is obvious God's finger prints are all over her. Psalms 139:13-18. Especially verses 15 &16."My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body". Also, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5
Little Gwyenth may not seem like a prophet yet, but her life story and how God is working in her life, she is a testimony of HIS greatness, mercy and grace.
Praying fervently for your family. With love and friendship, The Smith family in Alaska, Crystal,Phil Phinehas9, Shaphan8, Ezra6, Othniel4, Casiphia2 and Jehosheba 3mths.