Saturday, January 26, 2008

Prayer For Us

I'll be selfish tonight:

Tricia had another good day, but she was very exhausted from everything she did yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow she can have some more energy. She took another walk, and we went and saw the baby again tonight (first time was last night). I'll post some more pics tomorrow...

Biggest prayer for Tricia right now is SLEEP! She's back to the same sleeping pattern she was in the last few weeks before Gwyneth arrived...this will lead to another crash and burn, but this time there won't be a 9 day sedation party like she enjoyed last time. Please pray with us that she will start sleeping at night!

Gwyneth is doing about the same. They say her belly is a little smaller (good thing) than yesterday, and they're pretty sure the issue is simply some stool (poop for the immature among us) stuck in there somewhere. She has been stooling (what a funny word) a few times a day, so they're hoping that it will work itself out shortly (with the help of some Glycerin Chips).

Biggest prayer for her is that this Distention will go away and they'll be able to start feeding her breast milk AND take her off the vent and on the CPAP.

I spent the night with Tricia last night, getting about 4 hours of light sleep in the recliner... Went home this morning for another 4 hours of deep sleep. I'm heading home in a bit, and will plan on sleeping in tomorrow.

Biggest prayer for me (and Agnes who is trading shifts with me) is that I will get enough sleep and won't get sick (this will greatly depend on Tricia getting the sleep she needs at night). (This is not an invitation for you to offer me suggestions on sleep, etc....I'm doing well so far, but every now and then I have lots of catching up to do)




Anonymous said...

Praying in Nashville for you three!

Anonymous said...

from someone who knows... it is *not* a selfish prayer request - even God gave Elijah a really good night/days rest when he needed it most!... "Lord, please give all a great night sleep, and wake them refreshed and ready to tackle the new day!"
-Mrs. Dobson

Jessica Morris said...

Ohhh - I am number two to comment!!
Will be praying - I appreciate the specific requests! :)
Hope everyone gets a restful nights sleep!

Megan and Company said...

Prayers for good sleep tonight!

Anonymous said...

congratulations to all of you! two years from now will will be looking at Gwyneth trying to remember a time when she wasn't so active! I pray for each of you every night. All 3 of you are the strongest people I have ever met, and even though you are just living your lives, you are inspirational!!
-the Hubbard family in Iowa

MahoneyMusings said...

Praying in Vancouver, BC, for sleep, and for Gwyneth's tummy.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you got in some more "family time"!

We'll be praying for sleep and stool. :) (Isn't it amazing the things parents will talk about!)

We loved your beautiful family photo. God is GOOD!

We're praying for a healing, restful Lord's Day for all 3 of you.

The Edwards family

bdodge said...

Will pray as you requested! Thanks so much for taking the time to keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

I am just visiting for the first time and read most of what has gone on in the last month or so. My heart goes out to you and your family, and I will definitely be praying.

Anonymous said...

Abba God you give rest to those you love.It is a gift from your hand. We recieve that gift right now for our sister Trisha and our brother Nate. Lord God give then your song in the night. Let them sleep deep and long and wake up refreshed and strong ready to celebrate your day. Thank you for the baby's improvement and we ask that this would continue to be the case that she may be able to take nourshment and grow healty and strong. Thank you Jesus for all you are continueing to do in the life of this family. Make yourself known to each and every person who reads Nate's blog. Your hand is not to short to meet all the needs of all your children. Blessed be your name.

Blessedw5mom said...

Nate and Tricia ~
We will praying Psalm 4:8 and Isaiah 40:31 for you tonight:

"I will lie down and sleep in peace
for you alone, O Lord, make me
dwell in safety" Psalm 4:8

"But those who hope in the Lord
will renew thier strength.
They will soar on wings like
They will run and not grow
They will walk and not faint"
Isaiah 40:31

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your story and allowing us to see God being glorified in your lives. We pray for you daily. I had a baby at 27 weeks who is today 7 1/2 years. She has looked at Gwyneth's pictures and prays nightly for Gwyneth, the same prayer every night: first for Gwyneth, then for Tricia, then for Nate.

God can do all things, and nothing is too hard for Him! Keep watchful... I'm praying you'll see Him move more mountains!

Blessings from Wheaton, IL

Anonymous said...

it's no wonder she is having trouble sleeping. what an exciting couple of days! :) I do hope you guys get good rest tonight!

Kari said...

Prays for you from another preemie family. We prayed for poop quite often with my Olivia. It was always on my mind so much so, that when I went to my car I said "Now where did I poop, I mean park!"

Hope you and Tricia get GREAT rest tonight

Laurie in Ca. said...

Praying for great heavenly sleep for you and for Tricia and for Gwenyths poop to move on out! What a beautiful sight to see Tricia looking at her baby!!!! I have been praying so hard for that day to come. And I am really praying specifically for you Nate that you do not get sick. It has been an exhausting time for you over these past weeks. Be blessed, rest and stay healthy. You guys bless me so much and God is so good.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

debangel said...

You know your life is out-of-the-ordinary when you have a newborn but you're praying that her mommy sleeps through the night! Not selfish at all...we've got your backs! Sweet dreams, sweet family!

Anonymous said...

Love and prayers to the three of you. It is sometimes difficult to pray for ourselves - I tend to feel selfish also - but, as I know you know, it is what our Lord wants from us. That being said, we will be praying with you tonight for Tricia, Gwyneth, and you (plus everyone else!). Thank you for openly sharing your prayer needs with us. I'm sure God is smiling down on you.
God's infinite love and peace to you all, Cousin Amy

Anonymous said...

it's not selfish

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for the silver bullet (that's what we NICU nurses call glycerin suppositories when parents aren't around;) I'm loving how well Gwyneth is doing, it's so wonderful and I'm thrilled for you.

Jenn said...

Praying for peaceful sleep and continued healing!!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

I've been praying for your family since I first read your story a week or so ago. May the Lord continue to bless your family and show His greatness. It is so encouraging to read of your faith and trust in our Great God. What a testimony your family has to the thousands who are following your story.

Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for you, mom and beloved daughter. I call on our Heavenly Father who created each of you and knows you like none other. May you, Tricia and Gwenyth be blessed with the sleep you need. May God's goodness continue to surround you in the days ahead.
With love, Lynne B.

Jenny said...

I really appreciate when you're able to give specific prayer requests. :) I'm praying hard for you and your girls. I am just blown away by each new blessing God gives. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're selfish at all. I'll remember you all in prayer tonight. I bless you to God.

Anonymous said...

I had to drive from MD to PA yesterday morning for a swim meet & I prayed for your family most of the ride up. When I arrived home in the evening, my husband & I checked your blog. How thrilling it was to see the pictures of Tricia looking at Gwyneth! I'm not much on crying, but I was moved to tears. Our family is lifting your up in prayer. We are thankful to the Lord for how he continues to work in your lives. Praying for sleep & poop!
~Sara in MD

Scott said...

Thanks for steering us how to pray the most effectively for your needs. Taking care of yourself is really important. We'll pray for sleep for all of you and "stool" for Gwyneth.

Andy Lawrenson said...


Get some sleep boy. Double dose on vitamin C.
Im praying that Tricia gets plenty of sleep and rest so that she can be strong for the transplant.

Glad to hear baby Rose is poopin and I'm praying it all works itself out.

I'm sure the band will spend some time praying for you guys this morning.

Gwenyth's Great Uncle Andy

Aspiemom said...

Praying for you here in Georgia. Debbi (Aspiemom)

Anonymous said...
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Julie said...

There is nothing selfish in asking for prayer for something you MUST have. God made our bodies in a way that we need to sleep to rest and for our cells to repair themselves from the damage they get all day long. I don't think I've ever read ONE selfish thought from you during the whole time I've read your blog!
Praying you'll get to sleep in today because Tricia is sleeping and Gwyneth has passed the "plug" out of her system and is eating/resting comfortably!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for some rest and strength for all of you! Praying that baby Gwyneth's belly gets better! Take care!

Terry Gray Sr. said...

Same as Andy said. Heading out to Church now with the wayward traveler, aka Lil Terry, we will be sure to say some extra prayers.

Family by Love said...

Will be praying that you all get the needed sleep. I know how important sleep is.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for sleep, poop, and peace. Take care of yourself!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Hey, there's nothing wrong with saying "poop." :) Heheh...

I hope everyone slept well last night.

Maybe YOU (Nate) can give ME some tips on how to get deep sleep (giggle). (Kidding.)

Much love...

Unknown said...

Sending lots of prayers for good healing sleep for all of you.

Dawn Gray Moraga said...

I will be praying for you two..and hope that God know that God uses these times of trial to draw you closer to him and each other..building your marriage up in ways that now no storm can destruct...hold on..what a beautiful baby and wife...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Praying for sleep, sleep, sleep (I know how bad I am when I don't get sleep... it's immediate sickness for me!) and for poop!!! It's great that Gwyneth is at least getting some of it out of her body.

Asking for prayer for yourself is FAR from selfish. With all you are going through, I think it is amazing that you make sure to include other families for us to pray for. You are so engrossed with what is going on in your own family. I would be so overwhelmed, I probably wouldn't be able to concentrate on much more than what was going on in my own little world.

Also, thank you for 1) being specific with what you asked us to pray for. I always pray for you, but I like to know specifics to pray for at times, too. 2) Keeping us updated with how everything is going. It's appreciated!

I'm glad things are going well except for those couple of things. OH.... I wanted to ask... how much does Gwyneth weigh now? From your previous pics, she looks like she's filling out a little, and I was wondering if she had made it past 1.6 yet!!

You're always in my thoughts and prayers!!


Anonymous said...

now you are sleeping like a father, hang in there. Thinking of all of you.

Anonymous said...

Praying that you all get some much needed rest...
Praying that Princess Gwyneth will soon be breathing on her own and enjoying some breast milk...
Lots of Love, Dana and Wil Haupfear

JonesFam4 said...

Praying for sleep for you all! Can't imagine having a good attitude or outlook with no sleep, you're doing awesome.

Deb said...

We are praying for you guys! With the whole family sick- 2 kids that wont sleep through the night while we're sick (or rarely ever actually) I keep wondering why God wont just grant me the sleep I so desperately need when I need it most, too. So I will definitely be praying for you. And that you stay healthy so you can stay with your girls too.
I'm praising God that the littlest is pooping- more than once a day is very impressive! We'll keep praying that her belly gets better soon!
Sweet dreams to both of you!
Deb 'Roberts'

Anonymous said...

praying here in south Jersey for all of you everyday--may you all get the rest and rejuvination you so greatly need!!!

Jim and Bethann

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Yes, Get some sleep. I have often worried about your lack of sleep... I bet Meka would love to snuggle in bed with you!
Hugs to you 3 and praying for strenght and SLEEP!

Gila said...

Hi! Thoughts for you from Israel. Glad to see that everyone is doing well--hope Tricia has a great night's sleep.

The pictures of Gwyneth are darling!


Mary said...

I will be praying for these specific needs for you all. Just wanted to let you know that each night I ask God to give all 3 of you a good nights rest and to give you renewed strength for each day. And yes, even to keep you healthy Nate because I know how much your girls mean to you.

God Bless you all this day..


Anonymous said...

Have CF, had respiratory failure so my baby came at 29 weeks, on a vent, was in a coma for 2 and a half weeks, also couldn't sleep when I came out of "deep sleep"...most likely, her sleep disruption has to do with the drugs she was given previously (before she woke up) to 'forget' and for sedation/pain It took me several weeks before the drugs worked out of my system and I could sleep again. Has she had nightmares? My husband and I went through almost the same exact thing that you are going through. I know we're different people but I might be able to encourage by answering questions...I don't know. Lord willing..I don't even know if you'll have time to read this. But I'm here.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

I will keep praying!

Katy said...

Sleep should never be considered a selfish request, it's a need! I just saw your blog for the first time today (and yes I'm a total stranger), but I am praising God for your two miracles, and their first meeting. I will be praying hard for Tricia, Gwyneth, and you...I am awed by your courage, and commend your choice of LIFE. Peace to you, Katy (Ohio)