Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Pics!

Here are a few new pics to keep you busy while we drive home. :)



Amanda said...

Oooh! I've never been the first commenter before!

She is looking so great. I'm praying as ya'll head home.


Heather said...


Davita Jo said...

I think that Gwyneth's first word...after Mommy and Daddy...will probably be camera. You are going to be so thankful when she gets older that you have been so careful to document her first year!

Growing Up Rutledge said...

is that double chin i see?!?!? How cute!

dee said...


Our Two Blessings From Above said...

She is so cute. Does she cry much? She always seems so content.
I am just thrilled that you are driving home as I type this.
I look so forward to seeing photos of your family on the beach soon.
Take care and God Bless.

MamaMia said...

What a blessing that you are going home! Gwenyth sure is growing fast!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

beautiful! have a safe trip home!

Mary said...

Thanks! I always enjoy seeing new pics.


elizabeth engelhardt creations said...

Holy cow she is absolutely adorable and getting SO BIG! Congrats on heading home!!!

Martha said...

She is beautiful. So excited to hear you are heading home. Welcome Home to all of you.

Blessings From Above said...

Simply adorable!!!!

She looks so content.

What a wonderful day today is! Praying for safe travels.

Emily said...

Oh, those are just too, too precious! Don't you just love the oos & ahs that you get from posting these beautiful pics! I know she has to be loving the attention that she's I'm sure getting from her proud mommy & daddy! I am so happy for all 3 of you!

The Pelhams said...

She is looking so much like Tricia. You can really see Tricia in her eyes and nose!! Congrats on the homecoming it will be one you never forget!!

Violet said...

gorgeous photo's as usual. hope your drive goes well.

pam said...

His timing is so perfect.

The Beaver Bunch said...

Like I've said before...if I really knew ya'll, and knew I wouldn't get the "crazy stranger look" I'd totally squeeze those little cheeks. Uuuugh, if she were any cuter it'd be a crime. Happy trails! I know it will be AMAZING to be home.

Meredith K Beaupre said...

Those are beautiful! Praying for a safe trip, and a big deep breath of beach air to fill Tricia's new lungs! I'm sure Gwyneth will love the beach!

Thank you for updating for us amid all the hustle and bustle!!

Julie said...

She is so beautiful! Wonderful pictures!

barden photography said...

love them.


Katie Lamont said...

I keep thinking about how amazing it was for me when I drove home from college the first time, and how all the familiar sights were so comforting to see... depending on which way you come, of course. Either direction- when I got on the bridge I felt like I was realy and truly almost home! And I keep thinking that Tricia is feeling all that even moreso that I ever could have and it just makes me so happy for her, and for you, that I almost can't keep from crying tears of joy! What an amazing feeling to finally be HOME after all this time! What an amazing year it has been!!! I hope your ride was wonderful! :)

Unknown said...

she is so precious! Congrats and welcome home to you. I bet it feels so good yet sureal. Hope your family get settled into your new lives easily.

La Familia Garcia said...

I love the new pics!
May your ride home be safe and sound! As a new chapter begins...

"He shall send his angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways." Psalm 91:11

Emelie said...

She's sooooooo beautiful

Kim said...

Holy cow! I just want to gobble her up!

allison said...

amazing! so glad you all are headed home. Just wanted to pass on a fun cd that I discovered benefits the CF Foundation and Jouvenille Diabetes (which I have). I have a 14 month daughter and we love to listen to music...there is a great childrens author Sandra Boynton and she also has a kids cd (creative lyrics and different styles so not annoying-she said with love) called "Philadelphia Chickens"-famous people are the singers...quite clever. Just thought I'd pass it on. -allison

Laurie in Ca. said...

Oh my gosh, she is just so beautiful and perfect. Does she know where she's going or just along for the ride of her new life? I wish you the safest travel and the most wonderful welcome home reception from your family at the other end. What a wonderful day this is!!!!! My prayer miracle for you has come today.

Love you guys, Laurie in Ca.

Lani said...

HOME! What an awesome word!!!

betty said...

Gwyneth is just adorable - love those blond long eyelashes!!! A safe journey - finally going home - so happy for your family.

Cassie12 said...

Absolutely beautiful!! Praying for safe travels home.
Susan from CA

Anonymous said...

A-DORABLE!! Oh my - she is just so beautiful!! Praying for safe travels! Enjoy coming HOME!

Take care,

Kerry said...

Such a beautiful Little Miracle!
What a privilege sharing as your journey moves on. God Speed!

marcia said...

She is just one good-lookin' baby!! Hope she is proving to be just as good a little traveler!! :)

Stacemoe said...

She is getting prettier and prettier by the day!!!!!!!

Becky in VA said...

She is



Anonymous said...

She is absolutely precious! She looks so filled out and healthy. What a joy that must be for you and Tricia to see! Welcome home!

Sheryl said...

Heading home? Unbelievable. And, boy she sure is cute!! And God sure is good!!

Unknown said...

Does she like riding in the car? Oh, she's beautiful. She gives me a bad case of baby lust making me want another.

Candi and Skeet said...

I can't believe how big she is getting! What a beautiful little girl. I love those eyes!!

Drive safely!

BoosMom said...

Gwyneth is growing so fast!! She is absoultly beautiful!! You take great pics!! I'm still praying for her and for Tricia!! God bless you on your way home!! Julie from Alabama

AlaneM said...

She is just getting cuter every day! I am SO glad you are on your way home, I know that's just a huge blessing for you.
I have to tell you, it's just been amazing following your story. I learned about you not too long after Gwyneth was born & to see you going home to OBX now is incredible.
Blessings to you!

The Myers Family said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! What a blessing!

Jesse said...

She is so stinkin' CUTE!! I know you are proud parents...Have a safe trip.

Cathy said...

she is beautiful beyond words. Praying for a safe journey home.
Cathy & Annabel

Joyful Heart said...

praying and rejoicing as you are headed home as a family!

gotta just LOVE those eyelashes! normally the boys (mine) get them....thanks for sharing

Angie in Iowa

Beverly said...

Just amazing and awesome! How wonderful to see these.

Caroline Cordle said...

Oooooooh, just LOOK at those GORGEOUS li'l chubby cheeks. She's really filling out - what a blessing that the Lord is keeping her so well and thriving. He is SO good! Every blessing to you all as you travel "home" - trusting all goes well and the girls continue to keep in good health. No chance of me passing on lurgies - the UK is a teeny iddy bit too far away to drop in for a visit!

So have a cyber-hug - it's quite safe!


TheOilHippie said...

Gwyneth looks so good!!! She is a DOLL!!!

Donna Geer said...


Going home as a family. That has the sweetest sound to it. Congratulations.

Faith said...

DOUBLE CHIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Momof2bz said...

I love that little double chin! She is just beautiful. The Little Miracle that affected so many :-) I hope that you enjoy your homecoming!

Suzie said...

She is an amazing, precious lil sweetie. Be safe on your way home. Enjoy your time. And welcome home!

Cooper's Momma
Erie PA

Brooks Family said...

Wow - she's incredible beautiful. What an amazing blessing - a healthy, beautiful little girl!

Aspiemom said...

She such a miracle...and so beautiful!

Emily said...

I have been reading your blog since the beginning. I live in Tulsa, Ok and have a friend named Lo Detrich and she has had two double lung transplants. Her sister refernced your blog on her caring bridge site and I have been praying and believing in miciracles ever since! I am so happy for you and your beautiful family! I will continue to pray and continue looking forward to hearing all about your homecoming! Thank you for sharing your story for the world to read! Its truly an amazing story! makes me sad to think that there are people out there who write awful things! Thanks for sharing and good luck! you and your family are beautiful! God Bless - Emily - Tulsa, Ok

laurie said...

Did you know that we were suffering withdrawal from Gwyneth pictures? Thanks for taking time to share with us in the midst of this momentous day.

Deb said...

So pretty in pink! And she's so cute chubby. Chubby babies are the best.
Praying for a safe trip home for you guys!

s is for sarah said...

Beautiful pictures! Looking forward to hearing about your homecoming.

Missy said...


Mathis Family said...

All this time I have thought that Gwyneth looked just like you, Nathan, but that last picture is the image of Tricia! So cute!

amanda said...

LOVE the pic of her yawning! i always try to get some of my girls that way too. :) congrats on going 'home'...praise the lord.

clara said...

So beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

Rachel said...

She is beautiful!

Tarasview said...

she really is lovely.

so glad you get to go home!

Mandy said...

I am reminded of lyrics to one of my favourite worship songs; "our God is an awesome God, he reins in Heaven above, with wisdom and power and love, our God is an Awesome God!"

Amen, and welcome home!

~j~ said...

Oh mercy that baby Gwyneth is beautiful! She is absolutely perfect... just like her heavenly Father made her!!!

Unknown said...

oh so precious!!!!

~ b

Destini said...

I'm sure your probably home by now, just praying that you get settled quickly and easily. Thanks for sharing your journey with us...the baby is beautiful!

Angela R. said...

Beautiful!! She looks great, it is amazing how far you all have come!! Praying things continue to go good for the three of you!!


Lee said...

Precious little angel you have there. We have been and will continue to be praying for you three. GOD IS GREAT!!

Andrea said...

She is so pretty!!! What a little angel!!!

Emily said...

Beautiful pictures, wow!! She is is gorgeous...

Have a GREAT drive home!! Congrats!!
love, Emily Haager (CA)

mummyofprincesses said...

"Now to Him who is ABLE to do SO MUCH MORE than all we think or can even Imaging."


Mark and The Weigner Girls
Quakertown, PA

Julie Nickerson said...

YAY for going home!!!! I'm am sooooo happy for you three!

Is that a double chin I see??? LOVE IT!!!

Jen in Al said...

beautiful baby girl!!!!!!! love all her expressions!
praying, jen in al

Amy said...

What a beauty. I love her blonde eyelashes, so cute.

Mrs. Dan said...

Ahhhhh! I love the last one!

Seth, Jen, Hannah, Cailyn, and Isaac said...


Marsmile said...

Gywn's beautiful-- a combination of the both of you!

Love all the pixs especially of her sleeping and her pretty wide peekers. :-)

Glad you guys are home,
Marissa :-)

begins with v said...

she's looking more like you Nate!

Lynsey said...

Stop it! She's too cute! I have to have one just like her!!!

Beebe said...

Love all the pictures. May God continue to bless your family :)

Steph said...

She is certainly filling out nicely.. lookng great.. Praying for a smooth transition back at home!

kas said...

What a little beauty. God Bless You.

Glo said...

Awww baby is just beautiful. It looks like she is plumping up nicely.

I am thrilled that you are all at home now. Enjoy this precious time together.

christi said...

Precious!!! is all I can say!
blessings to ya'll

Scott said...

She is one precious little girl!

Marge Sexton said...

I just love this group of pictures, and I am praising God for the wonderful work that He has done in your beautiful family. May God continue to bless you all, as you are such a blessing to all of us crazy bog readers. More than that, we are brothers and sisters in the Lord. Love and Prayers for continued health and much happiness!

Andrea said...

So adorable - it makes me smile everytime I see pictures of this sweet miracle.

Tracy P. said...

She looks phenomenal! All bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to explore her world. Congratulations, Nate and Tricia, and praise you, Lord!

Larissa said...

your daughter is precious.

I was offline a few days and so much has happened! I'm glad to hear you made it back safely to the OBX.

The Hull Munchkins said...

What a gorgeous girl! I can't believe she was a 24 weeker!! She looks so healthy and perfect.
Praise the Lord!


Football and Fried Rice said...

Those big blue eyes....... Gorgeous!

Elena LaVictoire said...

Why does this baby look so wise? She has very wise knowing eyes (and probably a wise and knowing soul). I think she is going to be quite something amazing to watch as she grows up!

Haley said...

Can I say (wihtout offending anyone) that she is looking quite chubby! Whuch is saying alot for a preemie! SO for people out there who read into everthing..chubby here means very heathly and well fed! Fabulous!

Gila said...

What a beautiful little girl you have!