Monday, June 9, 2008


It seems that our story is far from over.

We received a call from Duke this past Wednesday that the Epstein Virus (Mononucleosis) has been found in Tricia's system. This in and of itself is not necessarily a horrible thing, but on Thursday we received another call telling us that there are some growths in Tricia's lungs. These growths could be the first signs of a common type of cancer called Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder that develops in post-transplant patients, brought on by the mono virus because of the immunosuppressant drugs Tricia is now taking.

We'll be driving to Duke early Tuesday (tomorrow) morning to get a clinic visit in for Gwyneth, who has been breathing a little heavy and fast the past few days. It does not appear to be affecting her in any way, but it's something that needs to be checked out just in case.

Tricia has a PET Scan early Wednesday morning. She will probably also have a biopsy (where they'll remove a small part of her lungs). Hopefully this can be done via a bronchoscope. If not, they may need to perform a surgical biopsy. She'll most likely be admitted as an in-patient on Wednesday as well, hopefully for no more than a few days.

They should have a diagnosis within 24 hours of the biopsy.

If she indeed is diagnosed with PTLD, they will consult their oncology specialists to take over administering the Rituximab, which it is generally given weekly for a month or so.

It could all just be a fungus infection, but it appears pretty suspicious for the PTLD.

This is not something we were aware could happen (not that anything really surprises us anymore), and to be honest, we really don't know much about it or what could happen from here. The idea of going back to Duke and being in the hospital is not something that we really want to think about right now, as it really messes with our plans. We're not sure how long we'll be in Durham, but we're hoping we'll be back within a week.

So, once again, we find ourselves in an unfamiliar, and very scary place. But, if we have learned anything during this incredible journey, we’ve learned to simply trust God.

When I am at my weakest, He makes His strength most evident.

I'm believing more and more that, after this part of our journey is over, God will still be Who He is, no matter the outcome. My plans are only worth anything if they are God's plans, and thankfully, His plans are always perfect.

Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)

I'll show up and take care of you as I promised
and bring you back home.
I know what I'm doing.
I have it all planned out -
plans to take care of you,
not abandon you,
plans to give you the future you hope for.

We have no reason to doubt that God is still in control. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers this week. I'll let you know when we know more about both of the girls.




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Emily said...

May God bless and keep you, sweet Lawrenson family of three. God has big things, huge reward, in store for you. Find you rest in His arms tonight.

Shari said...


Rebekah said...

I'm praying for you right now.

Blessedw5mom said...

Our prayers and thoughts go with you! I am so encouraged by your faith and devotion to God! Praise be the lord and may your lives bring glory to HIM!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

I'll be praying.

Sonja said...

Sending healing prayers for both your girls.


JUST A MOM said...


Katrina said...

definitely praying!

Post Tenebras Lux said...

Hi Nate,

I've been reading for several weeks now, but have never worked up the energy to comment. This seems comment worthy, though. Words, especially from a complete stranger, are so often totally insufficient, but: I'm sorry. I've been praying for you three as the Holy Spirit brings you to mind, and will be praying. This is the verse on the rolodex over my kitchen sink today:

"Do not be afraid:
I am the First
and the Last.
I am the living one;
I was dead
and behold, I am alive
for ever and ever!
And I hold the keys of death
and Hades."
--Rev 1:17, 18

Renee said...

Gobs-o-prayers sent your way! Blessing for you all.

Goodzik said...

Our prayers are again with you as you continue on the journey God has chosen for you. May He hold you in the palm of his hand...

Susie said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you...

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you!

Scott said...

What a roller coaster of emotions you guys must be feeling! We will definitely continue praying. Thanks for sharing with us so we can pray for you!

Toria said...

I sat in tears reading this, I just so desperately wanted you to be able to finally go home and stay there.

I am amazed and humbled by your strength of faith, long may it protect and guide you through what ever comes.

Massive cuddles and love to you all xox

marcia said...

Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth, it has been literally months, now, since I have been wakened in the night with the distinct impression that I needed to pray for you immediately. It happened again just a few minutes ago. Once again, I have had the absolute privilege of bringing you before the Father early this morning, and promise that I will seek to be sensitive to those nudges from the Holy Spirit in the days ahead, and pray for you whenever your names come to mind in these upcoming times of travel, testing, wondering, diagnosis, decision-making......and trust! May you be covered, surrounded and permeated with God's peace as you continue this journey. May His faithfulness be ever-evident to you, in you, and through you every step of the way! And may His presence in all of the details continually assure you of His love! Be still and KNOW the He IS God!

Julie said...

Praying for you all!
Moonta, S Aust

Gila said...

More prayers coming your way from Tel Aviv. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Unknown said...

hey its me ellen i think i did post soemwhere else to u like a very old post in archives jsut want to say im thinking of you u are all amazing i found u on antoehr blog i have charge syndrome and i have been in and out of hosp many times and have many friends with cf lots of them have gone now but theres a few still around one of them had the transpalant and died a year or so later hoping this wotn happen for you many hugs from aus ellen
ps do update on wats goign on when u can

Kelley said...

Praying for you...

Destini said...

Will certainly pray for the girls and for you, Nate.

christina said...

Oh Nate, I'm sure this is discouraging. I'll be praying for Tricia and Gwenyth. Keep trusting in God. He knows what he is doing.

Full of Grace said...

Praying Again for You All!!!

Elaine said...

Prayers are with you and your family at this time. God has his plans and will take care of everyone.

Stephanie, Phil, Kayla, Logan & Alex said...

My prayers are with you guys.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Praying for you.

Sig said...

My prayers are always with you. I am fi ghting lymphoma and I think of Tricia often, she ismy inspiration. I will pray for you with all I have.

beth said...

praying u all!!!!!

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

Oh Nate and Tricia - so sorry to hear about this setback - I know you say nothing surprises you any more, but after FINALLY getting back home, this must have been a bit of a bolt from the blue. Praying that it's only a little blip for Tricia and Gwyneth, and that you're all back home asap. X

Christina said...

I just wanted to add that I too will be praying for you guys

I'm Jen. said...

Prayers being said for you all.

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

As always, but now more than ever, you and those precious girls are in our prayers.

Hang in there!

Much Love,
The VandeCastles

Vicki said...

Praying for all of you.

Mikesgal2009 said...

still praying! hang in there!

Tracy P. said...

Praying for Tricia and Gwyneth.

Robin Schmitt said...

What a roller coaster of emotions you must be on. I am praying for your girls' health, wisdom for the doctors, and for peace that passes understanding for you and Tricia.

Philippians 4:6-7--"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the PEACE of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Lady Eli said...

I am sorry to hear about the diagnosis! We are praying for you! I was just curious has to how the smoke is affecting you? My children and I are having trouble breathing ourselves with the smoke. Hope all goes well.

Anne said...

I pray pray pray that God's plans for you will match your own... and that this is just a small bump in the road!

Good luck!

La Familia Garcia said...

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Eph 3: 20-21

Erin said...

Still praying for all of you!

GreerPowers said...

I am still praying like crazy for you guys, as are a lot of people at Blue Ridge Community Church. I read someone else's comment that God never gives you more than you can handle. I'm not sure I agree with that. He may give you more than YOU can handle, but it's never more than HE can handle. Just keep trusting in Him--He is ALWAYS good! His love and mercy endure forever.

Thia said...

Prayers for everyone!

Rose Casell said...

I feel as if I am trite to say yet again, "I am praying for you guys". And yet, what else can I offer but my prayers?

Lyndsay said...

Sending prayers your way!

Lesley said...

I like the title of your post, "Plans." We all make plans and think that because we have a plan, that's how things will go. The good news is, God has His own plan for each and every one of us. His plan will supercede our plans most times. But, that's ok. That is when He wants us to trust in Him and rely on our faith in Him. That is when he wants us to lay our lives at His feet.

I continue to lift your family up in my daily prayers! There is nothing too big for our God to fix!

val said...

My prayers are with your family!!

Tanisha said...

Praying for all of you....

~ Tanisha in VA

Emily said...

We will continue to pray for you guys. I am so sorry that your family is being hit with another unknown. I cannot imagine what you all are feeling. It seems as if your head and heart are in a good place. We will pray for peace and health over the next few days.

Brenda Boitson said...

We are believing and praying with you as you make this difficult journey. The Lord is evident!

Me said...

I am keeping you guys all in my prayers.

Alicia said...

Praying for you all....

Kerry said...

My thoughts and prayers go with all of you this morning.
This morning I thought of you when I put on my bracelet with the verse:
*I can do all through Him who
strengthens me.* PHL4:13 I look at it and it reminds me of just how good God really is daily.

antonia said...

Oh Nathan i was so terribly sorry to read this. I will be praying for all 3 of you.

Andrea said...

Praying God continues to rain down His miracles upon your life and that He floods you with His peace at every moment.

The Burgess Family said...

I have been reading and praying for you three since I believe December of last year and won't stop now... Lots of prayers for you to have a safe trip, a safe stay, for Gwen and Tricia to both be held steadfast in the Lords hands.

Christy_jebsgirl said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping for all the best.

Candy said...

I continue to pray for you all daily and will add a special prayer to include this new information. God bless you all.

Unknown said...

Sending you lots of prayers!

Julie said...

Prayers are with you and your family!

Hollee said...

As always, my prayers are with you. Good luck and safe travels.

Sunshine said...

Praying! Sunshine

Anonymous said...

Prayers are being sent up to heaven for you all

Wes and Tracy said...

So sorry to hear that you have to return to the hospital. Our prayers are will be with you.


Tracy said...

will be prayig for the three of you.

Kristin said...


chanceofcrazy said...

God gives us opportunities, not set backs. Vicksburg, Ms., Gulf Shores, AL. and Irondale, AL are lifting you up in prayer. God speed, my wonderful friends.


Susan from Barrie said...

Still praying in Barrie! Your faith is beautiful.

Christie said...

praying that God will have his hand on Tricia and that the doctors will find that everything is good when they check her out this week.

Julie B. said...

I've been following your story some time. As a PK I felt an emotional tie :). I will be praying for your family extra hard this week.

Unknown said...

A friend of mine suffered a great loss last year, and part of her testimony (which is amazing), she determined that life can just be rude. This is just rude.
My prayers are with you as they have been since I found your blog.

B said...

Your positive attitude will bring you through to the other side. Ya'll are in my prayers.

Jenny said...

Praying over you and your girls. I know it's scary, but we've all seen God's hand in your lives. I trust He will continue to bless.

Love to y'all!

erika said...

Thinking and praying for you all! Safe travels!

Shelly said...

Praying for you all!

Briana said...

Praying for some good news!


My thoughts and prayers are with you always!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear about all this. I'll be praying for you!

hoosier homemaker said...

Praying in Indiana for you 3!

Christy Lockstein said...

We'll be praying for all three of you!

Anonymous said...

Awe man. And you guys just got out of there. Well, here's to praying that everything is fine and is easily treatable. Good luck Trish and Gwenyth. Stay strong, you will get through this.

Liz Ferguson said...

I am continuing to bring you 3 before the Throne of the Almighty!


Lauren said...

Saying prayers for both your girls. Hope that everything turns out to really be nothing and you are back home safe and sound in no time at all.

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for your family that all will be resolved quickly and for safe travels.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Praying for Tricia! Praying for your whole family.
God Bless all of you.

MamaOnABudget said...

I can't do anything but pray... but pray I will.

God go with you.

Theresa said...

Tons of positive thoughts and many prayers are being said for Gwyneth and Tricia from Minnesota!

Rachael said...

Love and hugs to the three of you xx

Sarah H said...

Oh my goodness, I wasn't expecting this sort of news when I logged on this evening. My thoughts and prayers are with you for the best possible outcome for both Tricia and Gwyneth. Be strong.

Sarah H in Kent, England

Aspiemom said...

I'll definitely be praying for you all!

Leanna Willis said...


I know all to well these scares. My niece, Sarah Scarletto-Nolte, underwent a heart transplant last year (7/5/07). The doctors say the heart is bueatiful, however, she suffored a massive stroke during the transplant. This past year has been full of scares.

I know you already know this, but for good measure I will repeat it... rest assured knowing the Lord will get you ALL through this. No matter what!

We, like you, have a large extended family who has been by our side the whole time. I know the burden & the pain your family goes through.

Our family is praying with yours.

My nieces website is whenever you get any free time you can read about some of our miracles (there are far to many to list on the website). Your miracles encourage us so much! I pray ours will encourage you as well.

-Leanna Willis (Sarah's Auntie)

Silver Martin said...

our prayers are with you, remember you, and your two beautiful girls are taken care of by someone who knows so much more than we do. If you need some comfort read Matthew 6, especially Matthew 6:34.

Dottie said...

Praying for you all. God Bless.

AlaneM said...

My heart and prayers go out to you.
I was given those verses in a time of trouble & they helped me immensly as I pray they will help you.

debbale said...

Prayers are with you and your girls. Your faith will get you through as always because it is strong.

John & Michelle said...

We are praying for the three of you in Illinois!

bodegalee said...

i've been following your story for months. I am sad to hear of this potential set back but KNOW that that's all it is! You have been thru so much - ALL of you. I mean stuff many would never survive. You were meant to be together, to be parents and to do all that you're doing in this life now! I will be praying for you! You all are in much need of time off... you've fought and conquered with the help of a greater power :) It's now time for you to help others, in that perfect health I pray is coming your way. I'm thinking of you. Take good care!

bodegalee said...

i've been following your story for months. I am sad to hear of this potential set back but KNOW that that's all it is! You have been thru so much - ALL of you. I mean stuff many would never survive. You were meant to be together, to be parents and to do all that you're doing in this life now! I will be praying for you! You all are in much need of time off... you've fought and conquered with the help of a greater power :) It's now time for you to help others, in that perfect health I pray is coming your way. I'm thinking of you. Take good care!

jprice422 said...

Praying for you all.

Carol said...

I am late to reading this newest development but happy to join my prayer with all those who care so much for your family - this really takes faith and courage and patience beyond any level I have ever personally experienced. I pray you feel God right beside you through this entire journey.

Momof2bz said...

Many prayers from here in New Jersey. We'll offer ours up tomorrow and hope for the best. Thank you for a wonderful idea on how to help.

Betsy said...

Nate - I have been following your blog for months after my friend Terri told me about your family. Terri has been attending your church in OBX. My Mom was diagnosed with Lymphoma last October. Just wanted you to know that I posted a prayer concern for Tricia on the Yahoo Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cyberfamily group. They are a praying group! The group also has a website where you can read lots about Rituximab. My Mom took it along with CHOP (her chemo cocktail). It is a very manageable drug.

bkmanary said...

Continuing in prayer for Trisha's and Gwyneth's health.
Praying for the strength you will all need to support one another. Praying that the medical team has answers that will bring help.
As always, your faith and trust in God is inspiring!
Vancouver, BC

Sheila said...

Sending prayers right now, will continue all week. Hoping for good news for both miracle girls!

mjdav said...

Thank you for remaining faithful in God's control, I'll be praying.

Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad said...

...still praying...

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