Gwyneth is basically to the point where she is able to control her head when she's being held upright...she's also spending more time on her belly. It's making play time more and more also makes holding her close to your own head when she's squirming (which is pretty much anytime she's awake) a hazard to your teeth, lips and nose...with Tricia and I as parents, she was destined to have a hard head.
Write a caption of Gwyneth's thoughts for the picture below...I have no prizes to give away like other cool blogs, but you will earn a mention of your name and winning caption in a post if I think it's worthy enough (like that's anything super special...).

"Quick take the pic before my head drops!" - Julie D. (Fl)
"Somebody please stop this thing before I get dizzy"
Amy S. (KS)
"Boy, headbanging to rock music looks fun but it sure makes you dizzy!!"
"Oh no! More PAPA-razzi!"
EKKK!!! Attack of the striped blanket monster!!! :)
Erica O. (TX)
"Hiiiiiyyyyyaaaa! there take that you sheet... and now for my next karate move..."
That isn't Frebreze!
Hurry Dad -- get the freakin' camera -- I can't do this for too much longer.
Heidi Reed
Long time lurker have not commented much. I sure have enjoyed your blog and have been praying faithfully for your family.
Love the photo, how about....
"And they thought I couldn't do it"
HELP!!! I can't hang on forever!!
Emily in MS
When's the last time you cleaned under the couch?!?
"Ahhhhhhhhh, That Camera is back!"
"These push-up workouts are a killer!"
Yikes! I've told you NOT to sneak up on me like that!
LMBO @ the Febreze caption above!!
"Whatta ya mean my lunch isn't ready"
I thought you said Oral Thermometer...
Up Down Girl!
"Just a few more inches and I'm off this couch....and out the front door!"
"I'm ONE step closer to getting away from daddy's camera habit!"
"Aaahhh!! Not the flash! Anything but that flash!!!"
(G-Rose is well-versed in the photo flash department...)'t you know a girl needs her privacy?!
" i'm gonna get you for this"
Hey! What you lookin at? Ha?
You wanna piece of me? me here will you?
1001, 1002, 1003....
Wow daddy, this rock and roll music makes me want to do crazy things with my head, make it stop!
What do you MEAN 'I look just like my daddy?'
"Oh my, here come those two people again making all those strange noises and weird faces!!!!"
"Run, run for your life...that camera thingy is back!!!"
"No, DAAAAAAAAAADD! Get rid of the camera."
AAHHHH It's that big black thing in daddy's hands again! I think he calls it a Cam-a-ra
"Help! I'm top heavy!"
-Tyra [WI]
Hey Dad! I thought you said they only get earthquakes in California!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I thought I got away from this camera!!!! Please, no more pictures.
"This is my best impression of my Daddy's silly faces!"
"Only 997 more to go until I get those arms & abs of steel... oh forget it. I'm done!"
" The thermometer goes WHERE?!"
-Sarah (VA)
My husband actually came up with it :)
"I gotta tell you, this is harder than it looks!"
"whoa...what a rush"
AHHH Meka don't back up!!!!!
Everywhere I turn, the blogarazzi's after me!
I love how you captured a still moment in the midst of her wildly moving her little head.
My entry?
"Gwyneth. Froze."
"Hey what you talking about Willis"?
'Drop & give me 20', 'Drop & Give me 20', all we ever hear around here is 'Drop and give me 20!'
AND two...AND three...And four...
"Help! I've fallen and i can't get up!"
"Daddy, it's cool that you shaved your head for mommy but wearing her clothes is a bit much!"
I've fallen and I can't get up?
oh yeah, i rock my own world
"Aaahh, I just know daddy is about to make one of those scary faces again!"
The Montreal Expo baseball team doesn't exist anymore?
'why does it suddenly feel like the room is spinning?!'
"Yikes, it`s the man with the black box again"
"Ohh Daddy I am ready for my close up"
"They should see what I do when they think I`m sleeping"
"Tummy time is over rated"
"Gee next think you know they will make me tape an exercise video"
"video would capture my actions shots MUCH better....PARENTS!"
Help! Meka's gonna eat me.
"I'm gearing up for the Great Strides Crawl on the OBX next week. Anybody want to sponsor me?"
Say what?? I'm gonna be a big cousin!?!?
BONK, BONK, BONK! "This is fun!"
"Watch me do the worm!"
*All that work and I didn't move an inch!*
"Stop with the camera already...let me do my push-ups!"
One.... Drill Sargent...
Haven't you ever heard of Febreeze???!
rockstar baby headbanging already
Head and shoulders about the rest!
-Jackie (MN)
"I WILL draw the line on this guy when I am potty training. A girl's gotta have some privacy."!!
Laurie in Ca.
Out-of-control...monkey...jumping...on the...bed!!
The....spinning....wooo.... I...can't...stop...the...spinning...
Whatcha doing Willis...I mean Dad
Hey Dad! Check it out, you have got to see this diaper!
I don't really have a comment for the pic but as a mom of 4 w/ 1 on the way I often look at my babies and wonder what on earth is going through their minds about us.
YEOW that's a cold thermometer!
Dad! Meka's got my Pug!!
"Hey! That's not be best side!"
"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"
(you have to remember those terrible commercials from 20 years ago)
Wassup! :)
"Uh... Meka made me do it!"
Put the camera down and help me here, Daddy!
If I win, will you please post a link to my fundraising page ( Next month, I'm walking 60 miles in 3 days to fight breast cancer. Before I can walk, I must raise $2,200. I'm almost there -- only $700 more to go! Any help is appreciated!!
Thank you!
I like the febreze one too! Hilarious!
Ahhhh, not the clicking, flashing machine again....
I have to say the one from Ronnie Roach made me laugh out loud!
Preemi shhmeemie, Im a tough girl now!
Hey Dad, Mom, anybody..... Do I really have to do 50 more push-ups before I get to play with my pug?
"Seriously Dad--how many more push-ups?"
This bed is coming at me waaaaaaaaaaay too fast!
"I knew I could do more push-ups than Daddy could!"
"Am I really a PK??"
~ Bev in Surrey, BC, CANADA
LOL! reading these has brought a smile to my face on a craptastic day! =)
"That isn't Febreeze"... hahaha.. Ben Williams is hilarious.. that one is my favorite!!!!
I can't beat that one, so I won't even try.
"I didn't realize daddy's shoulders were that was a long way down."
Susan Russell
Blog Reader
"Ahhh, the cool bald guy who refers to himself as 'Daddy' has got that thing in my face again!"
"I hope you are taking a picture of this...I am rockin' the holding up of my head daddy."
Tricia :)
Whaddya mean girly pushups?
Quick! Hide! He's got that camera again!
How many more pushups, Dad?
The bottle was JUST HERE! Where did it go?!?! MEKA!!!!!!
"No Pictures, Please!"
I liked the Febreze one too - oh, and the Pappa-razzi caption, too!
So many funny ones!
Dude you just wait til I'm walkin and get ahold of that camera!!
"I think I can, I think I can"
"What do you mean my music is too loud??"
Southern CA
Annoucing the Baby Boot Camp All Star Gwyneth Rose
"Headbanger In Training"
Who is that strange man and and why does he keep saying "smile for daddy"???
" I am SOOOOO BUSTED!! Hes NOT s'posed to know I can hold my head up yet...".
"Oh no dad, NOT the camera AGAIN!!"
That's what my girls say when they see me with my camera - MMMOOOOOMMMMM, no more pictures! :)
"Uh oh mommy....QUICK HIDE THE COOKIES!!!! Daddy's coming!"
hey stop by and see what I got this week.
"Oooooh, is that a pizza?"
I vote for the Febreeze one, though! hundred & one, one hundred & two, one hundred & three....
(Nate in case you don't get my drift I am meaning PRESSUPS !!!!!!)
I want my Grandpa now!
I can haz tummy timez?
I wish I were creative. :)
I LOVE the PAPA-razzi one. :) That was too cute! :)
She is so adorable and getting so big!!! :)
The creative juices just aren't flowin yet...but I LOVE the paparzzi comment...not that I matter LOL. Lots of good stuff this mornin!
How many more pushups?!?!?
Ever see the movie A Night At The Roxbury?
"aahh, it's the tickle monster!"
"Geesh Dad, will you stop sneaking up on me, I about peed my diaper!"
MOMMY....Daddys doing it again!
(to the tune of the Frito jingle)
aiii-yi-yi-yi...I am the diaper bandito...I wiggle and squirm all over de place and when you catch me I kissa your face!
"Holy Crap! Are you my Dad?"
Help! I'm falling off the bed, and dad's just standing there taking pictures!
Senator McCain chose WHO to be his vice presidential running mate!?!?!
DAD!!! Don't take my picture on a striped background when I'm wearing POLKA DOTS!!
Cowabunga, Dad!
"Why does everyone look so blury?"
I like the Papa-razzi one!!
I can't believe you forgot fabric softener.
Oh no, you really are my dad???!!!
ok.. you woke me up and didn't bring coffee!!!
"You talkin to me?"
"Not Meka coming with another kiss for me!!"
"Whadda ya' mean give you two more push-ups or you won't feed me. You're not exactly a lean, mean machine yourself, Daddy-O."
No WAY are you taking my temperature 'old school!'
"I'm going to make it up on this couch no matter what it takes!"
"C'mon Daddy, can't you see I'm sleepin' here!"
I am not very good at this kind of thing, but can I just say I love the "Gwyneth Froze" one!?
What have you been putting in my bottles? wow the room is really spinning!
"That's it. Drop the camera, right now! Do it or else I swear I will barf on this bed!"
AHHHHH HE'S Got the camera again.
I think I saw a puddy cat!
Wow! Look at the view from up here!
"O.K. you two clowns, hold on to your hats. After I finish these push-ups,.........I'm gonna..........
How do you like me now?
OH NO!! Watch out here comes my crazy dad again!!
YUCK What is that smell????
Sheesh! I didn't realize my noggin was so heavy!
Accckkk! Dad! Not while I'm doing my pilates!
"Soulja Rose"
Not that I'm trying to promote Soulja Boy in the least, but she does look like she's about to do the "Superman" dance part of the song...also ties in pretty well to the "G-Rose in da Hood" title from the previous post.
Although I love the "Gwyneth FRoze" one :)
"Oh my gosh! How long have you been standing there???"
Amy in Pa
She is such a doll!
" Daaa- aaad"- (in two syllables- parents of teenagers know of which I speak...)-
Then, all of a sudden...You know it! The camera never goes away!
"I swear, it's the dog that stinks. Not me!"
BOOOOO! You know you were scared!!
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