Saturday, March 22, 2008




Katie said...

That takes my breath away.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Completely breath taking and such a miracle. I am praying for both of your girls daily and asking God to bring Tricia's new lungs soon. Have a most blessed Easter, the three of you. He is Risen!!

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Helene Eichenwald Slutsky said...

What a beautiful photo of your beautiful girl- how can you not smile when you see such a true miracle?

Carolyn said...

So perfect! We want to try to come down on the 19th, Lorad willing our car will make it. Miss ya'll.

Still Praying...

-Carolyn & Joe

Dutch Momma of 4 said...

She could wear your wedding band for a bracelet...!
Awesome father-child picture, thanks for sharing!
PS And I am counting on 92000 hits before tomorrow 9:09..., Keep logging on, people!

Millicent said...


Anonymous said...

I've been a long time reader and never commented before, but that picture just takes my breath away.

What a gorgeous little miracle your baby girl is!

Nana2Six said...

Beautiful Nate,
The picture brings added meaning to "fearfully and wonderfully" made! Our prayers for you and your entire family to have an amazing Easter celebration! He is alive and working in so many ways today!


Anonymous said...

Let's just hit "refresh" a bunch of times. :)

Beautiful fingers (Gwyneth's fingers .. not yours. yours are not beautiful .. they are masculine)> :)

John and Michelle said...


marcia said...

So tiny....and so PERFECT!

Brooks Family said...

Wow - you have a big hand! ;)

Just imagine holding her hand one day when you talk her down the aisle....:)

Gila said...

I am with everyone else: simply breathtaking.

Catherine said...

This is by far one of my favourite pictures that you have ever shared with us.

God is holding that little hand in His just as He is holding tight to you and Trish too. Continuing to pray for your family. Excited to see what God has planned for each of you!!

Your blog is a ministry to so many.

Happy Easter!! He is Risen!!

Jen Wilson said...

Oh my word! She's SO tiny. And perfect.

higgie08 said...

What a great picture. You can really see how she's grown and filled out a bit since she was born. She is so strong and has two strong parents as wonderful examples.

Caroline Cordle said...

so perfect and tiny - but getting bigger - YAY!

love and prayers to you all.

Shari said...

Precious! Miraculous! Amazing! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...


Twinkletoes said...

Simply amazing!

Kay said...

Oh, I love that picture! I forget how tiny she really is sometimes! Amazing!

Angela said...

Wow! Truly indescribable...our Creator is simply amazing!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

That's amazing. It's also amazing to realize that she wasn't even due to be BORN until April 25ish, right? (You told me in late December, but I can't remember the specific April date.)

karen said...

HI MY NAME IS KAREN I READ YOUR BLOG EVERYDAY YOU ARE SUCH A STRONG FAMILY. I have a little girl Lucy who wa born with some problems that we are still dealing with and she was in the NICU for 10 weeks it was the hardest thing we have ever been threw.U
I think about about all of you eveyday

Michelle said...

Absolutely beautiful! That picture needs to be up in Tricia's room! And you should enter it in a photo contest. You would win hands down (no pun intended)!

Anonymous said...

As always, your updates/pics bring tears to my eyes. Thank you for continuing to share with us so we can rejoice in His miracles. Praying for a blessed Easter full of peace and joy. God's beautiful love and peace to all, Cousin Amy

Rachael said...

That is so beautiful.

Love, prayers and hugs

Bethany said...

That is so precious.

megasam said...

What a miracle. I wish I could touch that tiny little hand.

Anonymous said...

WOW! A Tiny Miracle in the palm of your hand.

Allison Walton said...

This picture reminds me of the verse in Psalms, "for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."


Steph said...

God is awesome!! I wish you, Tricia and Gwyenth a very Blessed Easter tomorrow.

Steph/Stl Mo

Mandy said...

perfectly perfect!


Shari said...

How beautiful!! Love the hand pics. One of my favorites is her great-grandma holding her hand.

Shari NC

Tarasview said...

so precious. have a wonderful easter with your sweet girls and thanks for sharing your miracles with us!

candicesalazar said...

He's got the whole world....

Tarasview said...

oh, I wanted to mention that I did a short blurb about your blog today at

The Wades said...

I loved that so much! Your title couldn't be any more perfect! Happy Easter!

Melony said...

What an amazing and priceless picture. Think how tiny our hand is in comparison to our Fathers!!

daralala said...

This photo is beautiful.


Cathy N said...


Jane said...

if you had a size 4.5 ring finger like me, than she would be REALLY growing....but I'm guessing you are like most men and wear over a size 10!

thanks for the pic!

praying for a breath of fresh air for you Tricia...and for the donor family too. Lord, please hear our prayers!

Barbara Metcalf Bella Vista, Arkansas said...

Wow! That's amazing. I saw the video with your finger holding her hand, but this gives a better perspective of her tinyness. (It's not a word, so I can't misspell it, right?) She is truly a miracle. Praying for you all. Have a wonderful Easter as we celebrate the risen Savior.

Kathryn said...

She is growing like a weed! What beautiful fingers she has! God's Peace.

Bonnie Hunt said...

Wow, I love that picture like the others have said it really does capture what a mighty God we serve. It reminds me of a friend whose little one came almost as early as Gwyenth, he could put his wedding band over his little ones hands and all the way up to his shoulder. That child grew with nothing holding him back. A true witness to the God we serve.

Aspiemom said...

What an awesome picture!

Amy said...

Awww, looks like piano fingers on that little bitty hand. Precious.

Julie Nickerson said...


Test said...

Wow! Amazing.

Have you thought about taking a picture with Trisha's wedding ring on Gwyenth's left hand? We did that with out boys (my husband's ring on their left ring finger) It's amazing how big they get so fast!

Have a blessed Easter!


mjdav said...


Shan said...

this is one of my favorites! just precious.

Jenny said...

so precious.

Katy said...

Wow...that is so neat! Praying for your little one-it's almost her first Easter!

Tammy B said...


Alicia said...

Wow - that's amamzing! Beautiful picture.

Laura Norman said...

this is my favorite picture so's beautiful!

Blessings From Above said...

Wow...what a powerful picture. And, to think Gwyneth has almost even doubled in size since her birth.

Many blessings to you all this Easter.

Life in Fitzville said...

Wow... just... wow.

Julie P said...

I am a photographer also and I love that picture! That is one of those pictures that will be a keepsake a memory forever.

JonesFam4 said...

Oh. Breathtaking.

nicole said...

she is still so tiny, but from my strictly virtual perspective, it looks like that wedding ring definitely wouldn't get around her hand anymore as it seemed to so easily when she was born...gwyneth you are amazing! happy first Easter, sweet girl!

Candi said...

I'm a sucker for hand pictures----and that one is awesome!!

Cara said...

It's amazing to see her perfectly formed, teeny tiny hand. Still praying for ya'll daily.

Also, you wouldn't BELIEVE the number of people who have talked to me about your blog lately! Knowing that I have CF too, everyone I know seems to be reading your blog and wanting to tell me all about it. :)

agmwilliams said...

That is definitely a prize-winning photo...I have no clue if there are contests for preemie photos, but I'm sure this would be a winner for photography in general. Beautiful!

Carol said...

Such beautiful hands.

Debbie said...

So tiny & precious

Gretchen said...

Oh...that is beautiful. Something about daddies and girlies always makes me weak.
Thank you for sharing that; it's really beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, just beautiful. Still continuing to pray that both your girls will come home soon. And I pray Tricia will get her Transplant on this blessful day.

Nathan, can you do me a favour? I just found out from my friend that his baby isn't doing to well. The baby is still in it's mother's womb and we just learned that he/she has spina bifida, and has no bladder, no kiddnies and is missing a heart valve (sp). Could you please pray that my friend's wife will carry to term and that the baby will be ok. It just breaks my heart to know that my friend might loose his first child.

Thank you. Sincerely Jenn

Anonymous said...

That is one of THE most awesome photos I have EVER seen

Scott said...

Precious! How awesome a gift little Gwyneth Rose is!

Tamara M. said...

Aww it´s so cute, that picture!! But as I can see, she´s got beautiful hands!!!

xxx Tamara

twin power mommy ♥ said...'s just proof of the miracle you see daily. HAPPY EASTER! He is risen!!! :)

amazedbyu said...

That is the sweetest thing I have EVER seen!