Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I may have the greatest update in the history of the blogosphere coming up tonight or tomorrow morning...



Allison said...

ooohhhhh I hate it when you do this to me!!!!
Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Anxiously waiting, but boy is waiting hard, i might have to set my clock hourly to get up and check the blog tonight.

Praying for y'all

knuts2knit said...

Could it be??? ooh ooh - Can't wait!!! Eagerly waiting an update!!! Many prayers are being sent from Ohio!

Test said...

You're leaving us hanging! What! Can't wait to hear!

Robin said...

I'll be checking back :)

Jennifer said...


Nichole said...

such. a. tease.

Ashley D said...

Wow! I can't wait! I hope this is the news we've been anxiously awaiting!

Cheri said...

That's not fair! Now, I may have to set my alarm and get up through the night to see your news! Just kidding! I am so excited to see what blessing is occuring in your life now! Cheri

Alexis said...

What??? Not even a hint.

Beth Anne said...

Praying - hard and long tonight.

Ms. E said...

of course i had to read this before i went to bed...i will be praying. but i will also have to pray that i wont be up all night with excitement wondering what it could be!!!! but i am thoroughly excited!!

marcia said...

Nathan, Nathan, Nathan...the Master of Suspense!!! Aaauuuugggghhh!!!! :):):)
Meanwhile, prayers continue!

Patience Leino said...

AWESOME!!!!!! I hope its what I hope it may be! :) Love to you both from the Leino's!

Jenn said...

I feel like I'm starting to celebrate already! Hoping and praying!!!!!!!!!

candicesalazar said...

Ugg. Now I am stressed.
Nurse Candice (who doesn't spill tube feedings :) LOL)
and Company--in Nebraska

agmwilliams said...

On the edge of my seat and hoping and praying in Kentucky!!!!!!!

K Hutchinson said...

Oh I can't wait to hear what it is...waiting in prayer! Thinking happy thoughts!

debangel said...

I feel like we're all like those fish in the net at the end of "Finding Nemo", except instead of swimming down, we're praying.

Everybody, swim down!!

Jen said...

It could be like one of three things, and I'm really praying for one of them!!!!

PRAYING in Illinois!!!

John and Michelle said...

That was not nice. I've never liked suspense. Not fair!!! Will be checking back often... I can think of many things I've been praying for, for all of you.

NCBeachMom said...

I think I may have a heart attack waiting! ....

Still praying here in Raleigh...

The Beaver Bunch said...

I sure hope we get to see the embrace of the 2 most amazing girls ever! Anxiously awaiting...

Jane said...

you are not nice!!! and you expect all of us to sleep tonight?

Praying for ALL!

Teacher in the middle said...

You're killin' me! Praying for you all so urgently!

Lauren said...

How is one supposed to sleep after reading this so late at night?! Can't wait to see the update!

trevsmom said...

Could you at least give us a hint? Praying praying praying for you and the girls! Now to HIM who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine....to HIM be power and glory forever!

Melody said...

Shame on you for doing this to us!

TheRagan3 said...

now really... that tease just isn't funny!! hurry, hurry - I'm dying out here!!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Can't wait!!!!
I'll be checking back often...

Stacemoe said...

SERIOUSLY!!!!! It is 9:30p.m. in Dallas...how is one supposed to go to sleep after that post??????
Praying for all of you...can't wait for the update!!!!

Anonymous said...


~Leah in Alaska~

Bryan said...

praying for a new set of lungs...

Jesse said...

Ohhh, you are the master of suspense for sure. I will be praying tonight (when I can't sleep, wondering what news we can expect to hear!) Extra hugs for both your girls!

megasam said...

Oh my goodness the suspense is killing me. Praying........

Ellen said...

Praying Praying Praying!!!

Anonymous said...

Praying praying praying...and hoping...with EXCITEMENT!!! Love you guys!!!

Chelley said...

I really that is just mean@@ LOL

dont do things like that

Erika said...

Lots of prayers coming your way!

Aspiemom said...

You just can't resist teasing, can you? "I know something you don't know..."

Tell us already! Aspiemom

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Can't wait to see this latest "best of" blog....I betcha it means some new lungs are coming soon. Either that or you won the lottery. Wink

Prayer Warrior in TX

Florida_Mom said...

Come on give us a clue on how to pray.

In suspense


Mandy said...

Man! This is just how I feel when my DVR doesn't record the end of "Rock of Love 2" with Bret Michaels! :) Ha! Can't wait to find out, and hope God is blessing you with great news!

Erin said...

Ack! Like all the others before me, I can't wait to find out! I'm praying that it is what I hope it is. I can't imagine many things that would be greater (considering all the miracles you've been blessed with already!)

I'll be checking in!

Anonymous said...

Praying in Colorado for whatever this super-fabulous post might be!!!! I hope it's what we all think it is!!

Julie said...

Oh Lord - now I won't be able to sleep - LOL! I think half of the million plus "visits" are from me (just kidding of course!). I will be anxiously awaiting the fabulous news. I thought I knew what it was going to be, but after reading some of the other comments, I now realize there are several awesome posibilities!

LoveLladro said...

i can't wait to hear! praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

If I was a cartoon character, I would have just started running around in an anxious circle! Been praying for that update for awhile, so hopefully tonight really is the Eve Before The Greatest Update EVER.

Really Frugal said...

This may be the only thing that makes me grateful for my insomnia - I will be checking and praying all night. Prayers for all involved.

Donna said...

Oh! I hope it's good news about Trisha. Prayers!!!!

beth said...

Whatever it is God is GREAT!!!
Praying for you all!!!

shoutingforha said...

I can't wait to see your news.... praying it's what I hope it is.

Leslie said...

can't wait...can't wait...can't wait!

Blessedw5mom said...

Ahhhh .... now I'm checking back every hour (no - just kidding - I'm a mom of 4 ... I don't have that kind of time)

But I think you thrive on suspence, ha? :-)
Thats ok with me.
Bless you all tonight!

Susan said...

no way, I'm ready to hit the sack and just happened to jump on to just see pics of our sweet babe... and now won't be able to get to sleep wondering!!!....
You are welcome to join us if you want a virtual getaway and get a breath of fresh Alaskan air! :)
God be with ALL of you!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE TELL ME MY DREAM CAME TRUE. Please tell me that my awesomeness when it comes to having dreams COME TRUE .. came to life.

Scott said...

I'm looking forward to the best update ever! Great pics. You are closing in on 1.5 million hits!! Gayle and I prayed for each of you last evening together. We are praying for the donor and family and trusting. . .

Anonymous said...

Ok - well it's almost 8:00 a.m. Spill it already, Nathan!! [said in love & laughter]


Heidi Reed

Tanisha said...

Sitting here...elbows on the desk....chin in my hands....patiently waiting....

Still praying for ya,
Tanisha in Va

Kristina said...

beautiful picture, I keep checking back about every 30 minutes for the rest of the sneak peak . . .

John & Michelle said...

Finding you all has been such a blessing to my life! You have changed to way I pray and believe! I can't wait to wake up in the morning and hear your news!