A friend of mine (who I hadn't talked to in several years) stumbled upon our blog the other day. Dana is a TV news producer in Washington DC, and she asked me if she could contact some people and see if anyone would want to pick up our story. Apparently, Dana's message made it's way to Barbara, who called me yesterday morning. Barbara contacted the people at Duke, who then contacted Tricia's primary CF doctor and the staff on 7800. They all gave their OK, thankfully.
They were unable to see Gwyneth, but I may be sending them some of our footage to use. Barbara isn't sure when it will air, but I'll be sure to let you know as soon as I find out. This is the same news station that showed 3 Seconds of Tricia back in December...
This was the most exciting thing we've done in a while (outside of spending time with Gwyneth).
Anyway, it's been a really fun day so far. Hopefully, the story will help to raise awareness for CF, Premature Birth and Organ Donation.
And, mad props to commenter, MichelleAnn for guessing what was going to happen.
Yay!!! Super fun! Can't wait to see it air! What a blessing you and Tricia are turning her CF into!!
Hugs and love :)
I almost forgot to tell Tricia how GREAT she looks in that picture!!
Great picture!! Even greater story to be told!!! Cant wait to see the airing!
Wow! What an awesome day you have had!!! Continuing to pray for you..it WAS a great way to spend the morning!! Blessings! P.S. Tricia you look beautiful!
That is so awesome! I cannot wait to see the story! Before long you will have 2 million hits on this blog- what a powerful testimony and witness!
That is very cool!! Tricia looks fabulous!!
whew! my mind was all over the place as to what you two were doing!
Way cool...God will be glorified, and many families will be educated on donating life, along with the March of Dimes and how they have worked for many years to help babies like Gwyneth.
and we can all say that we knew you before you hit the news! heehee!
That is so awesome! And how cool for Tricia to be better dressed than a famous news anchor! Glad you guys are having some fun on a Friday afternoon.
God is at work :) He works in great ways. What a testimony your journey will be to unbelievers that see this!!
That's awesome! I hope it airs!! Tricia looks great. I used to watch Barbara Gibbs when I lived in Roanoke, VA.. she was a news anchor there when she was just getting started. Then one day, when I was at Duke, I turned on the news and there she was. I always enjoyed watching her.
That is so rad!! I was hoping it was something where the story was going to get more exposure!! When someone suggested the news story, I thought maybe it was going to be for the newspaper your dad writes for. But being ON the news would be great!!! So stoked!! AND I donated $100 to march of dimes today. My company is doing a walk for MoD and a walk and I contributed to the team. And I have passed on your blog URL to the coordinator of that for some encouragement and a real life story!!! God bless and I'm praying for you and the family!!!
For some reason my eyes filled with tears when I read this. I think it is so cool that you guys will be featured on the news! What an amazing testimony all 3 of you are! how sweet it will be to see this awesome story on the news -- seems like the news is full of negative and bad things -- it will be so uplifting to see this and to hear about how awesome God is! (Even if the news doesn't say those words, I pray that everyone will be able to see the love of Jesus through this story). Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us in this blog! I pray God continues to bless you and use you in such a mighty way!
I can't wait to the story on the news!!
Tricia looks wonderful.
So cool!! Can't wait to see it...I'll be sure to "DVR" it! :)
Very cool! I'll have to tell my family back home (Raleigh) to watch out for it!
Awesome, Tricia looks great!!
You look awesome Tricia!!! I'm glad I got here a while back, now I can say I knew you before you were a "star". LOL I hope this brings attention and people realize that it is something we all need to get involved in.
Prayers and Hugs,
Christy in KY
Aw, Tric....I knew you when.....
You look fabulous! Can't wait to see the footage!
How fun! I knew Barbara when I interned (and then worked) at WTVQ in Lexington, Kentucky (1996-1997). She is a Christian, and super-nice. I'm sure she'll do right by you. :)
::: waving at Barbara if she happens to see this :::
Glad you had a good experience. :)
How cool is that? Praying that this brings the widespread awareness to CF, organ donation and premature birth! Next Stop Good Morning America and Oprah! Just kidding...Have a blessed day!
I get channel 11 out of Durham! I will be checking out the news today. :)
Ah, you guys lead such an exciting life. I'm sure there are times when you just want to settle down and go home and life a more calm life. But you know we are all so wrapped up in your family now. Rooting for the best! And enjoying "knowing" you. :)
I do like the occassional reminder from Nathan that it's Your life, not ours. But I thank you for sharing as much as you see fit. You really bring things into perspective with almost every post.
Apryl in NC
Ooops... I meant to say "I hope it airs SOON!" I have a friend in the Raleigh area I will ask to record it for me. I can't wait to see it!
Trisha looks so beautiful. You deserve all things fun and exciting to come your way!
My 4 year old son adores Barbara Gibbs! He saw her through the news window a few months back and she kept waving to him. He was able to see her live on tv at the same time so now, every time he sees her on, he is like "mom! that's the girl that waved to me!" She seems to be really sweet! I am glad you guys will get more notice and were able to get more news about CF, pre-mature birth, and organ donation out!
Continuously praying,
Raleigh, NC
Cool! And so God's message continues to spread! >:0) Awesome.
Wow - that's so awesome. Hope you can post a video of the story for us few million non locals.
Glad you had a good day.
I'm so glad that worked out - I am praying for your story to touch many - it has already - Add me to the list of people who can't wait to see it! Hugs and prayers, Dana
Aw. I can say "We knew you guys back when..."
I would bet that the news stories don't end at the local level... maybe even as far as a Lifetime movie!
Tricia you look great and I hope your story keeps spreading. Praying for you and Gwyneth, have a great Day.....
Wow, congratulations, and now I am imagining what the Mysterious Lorenzo must look like. Tricia looks wonderful--did she get her hair cut? Prayers continuing.
Tricia looks wonderful. God is good!
Wow! Once again, God is going to continue to use your story for years to come to touch people's hearts. What a blessing... even through trial.
Tricia looks great. And Gwyneth gets more beautiful every time we see her. You're a blessed man!
Tricia you look great! And what a fun way to break up the daily routine.
Too bad those of us from more distant realms can't actually see the story, but glad it will be broadcast. This will be such a great way to get the word out about CF, organ donation and the issues of premature birth.
In all my guessing about the mysterious 11:00 event, I did not think of that!
What exciting hews for you, and what a great story to share with the world.
Tricia, you look beautiful! Red is a great colour for you, and it's so nice to see you up and about.
Way to go!
Hahahaha!!! My husband's name is Lorenzo!!!
Looks like a lot of fun!!!
How exciting!! I can't wait to see the interview.. Tricia, you look fabulous.. I bet the hospital doesn't have very many patients that look as great as you hanging around there.
too cool!! Tricia does look wonderful! I hope the story gets lots of attention..b/c that means even more prayers!!
Have a great weekend!!
The interview sounds like a wonderful opportunity!! We live in the Raleigh Durham area. Do you know when it will air? Continued prayers for you family!
Very cool! I will have to figure out a way to watch it from OH.
This could be the beginning of your movie!
She looks great for tv!
Do you have any pics/video of Tric pregnant that you'd be willing to share?
p.s. Tricia I think you look great!
Glad it went well. I told my sister yesterday, that whenever she needed a ray of sunshine, to read your blog! :)
Great picture!
Oh and it would seem that Miz Tricia has decided to wear red for all her television appearances.
That is cool! Please, let us know the link to watch it when it airs! So, from your comment, does Tricia not talk at all? I know you shared a video in the past where she spoke lightly, but is it because of the trach-vent that doesn't allow her to actually speak? Sorry, dummy here! LOL!
Michelle in MO
That's really awesome! Just curious if there's been any talk of Tricia being able to use a Passy-Muir valve to speak. I know a lot of conditions exclude that possibility so I didn't know if it was possible.
What a great outlet to not only share your amazing story, but to get more info out there on all the major topics involved (CF, preemies, and organ donation). You guys have given me the push I need to make sure my hubby and family know that I want to be a donor one day if at all possible.
I hope that there will be a link to the story for all of us out of towners.
Awesome. Just another incredible way God is using your family to help others. Can't wait to see the story.
hello tricia!
you look really pretty in that picture!! hope this is a good weekend for you.
Couple things.... did Tricia get a hair cut?
And- clearly much has happened with your blog over the past 3 months as the post with Tricia in the back of the news coverage had only FOUR comments. When's the last time there were only four comments? That day clearly. :)
And lastly- I know you no longer have a need for a song (such as the song contest you held) but I just heard the song Little Wonders (in the Meet The Robinsons' movie) and thought of you guys. (And before you comment at me in your posts... I haven't read all the songs mentioned in the comments so if someone else mentioned it I am unaware. AND yes I know you are no longer taking suggestions... I'm not offering one for that video... just telling you I just heard it and thought you might well like it. And no.. it's not country.)
Praying for you all...
I sent an email to the Oprah show a month or so ago about your story. Who knows, maybe she'll pick it up now too!
Tricia! You look fantastic!!! Way to go girl! I hope you get a good spot on tv and raise lots of awareness for organ donation, cf and preemies! EXCELLENT! Nathan, way to go on being a supportive and encouraging husband! Y'all are in our prayers!
Annie- Nashville
SO cool! That threw me for a Loop I really thought Baby Gwyneth was going to visit her...That is so awesome!!!!
Tricia Looks Great!
When you get your movie deal. I think Julia Roberts should play Tricia, and Seth Rogen should play you.
That's AWESOME. Let us know when it airs. :) I don't watch 11, but you know what .. I would make an effort that day.
That's so exciting to share your story with tv land. So happy for you all.. I'm all for preemie awareness and now for cf too.
Dana J
ps..Julia Roberts is too old to play Tricia!!
pss..Tricia, you look great girl!
Tricia, how is it possible to look so beautiful after having a baby and staying in the hospital? You truly look amazing.
Congrats on continuing to share your story with the world. What a great opportunity to show God's hand at work! Can't wait to see the clip!
How very cool! And wow! Tricia you look awesome!!!!
Cool! Looking forward to seeing the interview when you post a link here. What a great day for both of you!!
Tricia, I agree 100% ... Lorenzo is about the most mysterious male name out there. Perfect. =D
Awesome!!! Tricia you look super!!!
Very cool-looking forward to seeing it here on your blog sometime soon. Tricia looks Great!
Have a good weekend!
Keep Imagining!
How cool is that! That's just awesome. Tricia-I cannot believe how great you look for just having a baby and being in the hospital. Wow.
Wow! This IS so cool! :) Hope you can get the news clip to post like you did the previous one! Tricia, you sure looked great in the photo with the newswoman!
Your girls are so beautiful. Thanks for your blog & for letting us all share in your story. I am praying for you all.
The photos of Gwyneth are amazing- I can't believe her hair.
i was wondering how long it would take for this to hit the news waves. God has raised you and triciaus for this time. continue to shine :)
I agree Seth Rogan would be a good actor for Nate, but I think Katie Holmes would make a good Tricia.
that's wonderful, and that is a great picture. Can't wait to see it.
as well, the pic of Gwen with the pink fluffy 'fraggle' hat-LOVE IT! the fraggles rock!
:) The Lord reigns, His mercy is everlasting. Yes, His mercy is everlasting.
Lord, glorify yourself. We are Yours.
Wow, that is too cool. It was nice to see Tricia duded up for the appearance!! I bet it felt good for her too to have some regular clothes on. Gayle and I are still praying each day for you all. Almost each time we pray for the donor and their family as well. Hope you all have a great weekend.
I have followed your story for a while. You are all amazing people. Thought you would like to check out this young man's site I found from a prayer request page. He is 11 years old and has CF. He is soon getting his double lung transplant. www.caringbridge.org/visit/anthonyv
Tricia looks great! What a fun day for your family too (I'm sure it gets boring in the hospital). Still praying for lungs!
Happy Birthday Gwyneth! Only 2-months-old and such the celebrity! Nate, she needs a funny birthday hat! Can't wait to see her 2-month video!
Va Beach
I just noticed your blog today and have shed many tears this morning reading it. What a blessing you guys are, thanks for sharing your story!
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