Saturday, March 8, 2008

That's My Girl!

1lb 15.5 oz (1/2oz shy of 2lbs!) and breathing COMPLETELY on her own!!!

My God is Great.



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Anonymous said...

And all God's children said AMEN!
The most amazing thing is that God loves even me!

Family by Love said...

Praise God!!! She looks even more beautiful without the extra stuff on her face.

Unknown said...

Wow-her beautiful face! She looks a lot like you in the pic, Nate. My 2 girls have been praying for Baby Gwyneth a lot lately and it's so sweet to hear them pray for her, especially the 4 yr. old. (we have 3 girls (1,4&7) i was thinking how cool it is that God brings us together, as brothers/sisters in Christ, through prayer--although we've never met! What an awesome God we serve!

Marge Sexton said...

Praise the Lord!!!! She is a true miracle.

Unknown said...

Wow--her beautiful face! She actually looks like you some, Nate. My 2 girls have prayed for Baby Gwyneth a lot lately and it's so sweet to hear them, especially the 4 yr. old. I have 3 girls (1,3 & 7) I'm sure she'll never know how many people prayed for her and her mom, but it just makes me think how awesome our God really is.....through prayer, to bring together brothers/sisters in Christ who will never meet, but share a common bond in Him! (i guess i'm wrong b/c we will meet in heaven one day!)

Christy said...

Amazing! A true miracle from God!

Stacemoe said...

What a Miracle!!! She is BEAUTIFUL and getting prettier by the day!!! You both are so blessed. Continuing to pray for all 3 of you from Dallas... Thanks for the updates!

Pam said...

Simply amazing.

Julie said...

She is so beautiful!

Leslie said...

Amen! And not only is He Great..He is Good!

kjames106 said...


Destini said...

How amazing is she! Small and mighty...

I can't get over her breathing all on her own! Our God is indeed amazing.

megasam said...

Praise be to God!! I am unbelievably hummbled at the moment. You must be so proud of your precious little daughter. She is amazing!

Anonymous said...

she is so beautiful, this picture made me all teary with happiness for you and tricia! what a blessing gwyneth is!

Amanda said...

It's great to see Gwyneth's face. I bet she feels much better to be rid of those tubes. God is great! You continue to be in my prayers!

Amy said...

As she grows.... she will bring more and more tears but they will be tears of JOY! Our preemie is 7 months and we can hardly believe any more than she was so tiny!
Praying for you all in Chesapeake,VA!

Anonymous said...

Oh - my last post didn't make it. Well here I'll try again.

Miraculous and Beautiful!

God give me wonder, I pray.

He shows me Gwyneth. An answer to prayer - in more ways than one!

Heidi Reed

The Liberto Family said...

That is great news! God is great!
What a great picture of your baby girl.

clara said...

She is such a tough little girl, truly amazing, thanks be to God.

Linda said...

God is good!!! And God is going to show the WORLD how powerful and mighty he is through your families story. If you don't believe in God after reading this.....something is wrong. Give both your girls a kiss for me.

John & Michelle said...

I am beyond thankful for Gwyneth's good news this morning! God is soooo Good!

Unknown said...

Cool!!! So Beautiful!!! I am so happy for you all!

Andy Lawrenson said...

Amazing! There is that word again.

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

Lesley said...

God is awesome! She looks so alert and sooooo cute!

Courtney said...

I've been reading your blog almost from the beginning but have not known what to say. However, I had to express my excitement and best wishes today after reading that your sweet rose is off canula. The day our preemie twin boys made it to that milestone was such a huge victory, such a blessing to celebrate. CF and prematurity are two things very close to my and my husband’s hearts, and I have found myself struggling with my own faith at times as it relates to these. I'm amazed by the strength and faith which you and Tricia show. You story is not only inspirational but is also reminder of the power of faith, compassion and love. Thank you for sharing your story.

Beverly said...

Way to go girl! She is looking so good...I should know, since I have seen these cuties for forty years.

Ellen said...

AWESOME! She is developing her own little personality already! Thanks again for the pictures (now I know why you went driving around hunting for wireless - the world NEEDED to see that cutie pie picture!) Still praying!

Renee said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!! God is good!

Momnnashville said...

Yes, Nate, He is! Beautiful video, too. But, I'd argue that there is NOTHING ordinary about that sweet little girl! Thank you, God, for this sweet little baby girl and for the message of hope and faith that rings so clear. Protect her Mommy and Daddy. Amen!

Emilie Smith said...

I hadn't checked your blog in a little while and am SO excited to see that big baby girl! How WONDERFUL!!! She looks a lot like you!

Laura said...


Will they ever consider moving Gwyneth to your wife's hospital room so the two can be together? I know they would't let her go home until she gains more weight but it seems she wouldn't be far from expert care if she was with you wife (since she's under close watch and being kept away from germs too)?

Christina said...

She is SO beautiful. That is so awesome about her breathing on her own. What a little trooper!

KYnurse said...

Yes My God is GREAT!! She is so beautiful with those big eyes. Thanks for continuing to share your life with us.

Julia Rosalinda said...

What a beautiful baby,
I'm so happy that she is able to breathe on her own. Keeping you in my prayers

Avery & Hailey said...

Oh my goodness. How beautiful.

Unknown said...

Amen! That Gwyneth is amazing! God is so good. In that picture, she looks just like you Nate!

Sheri said...

WOW! I am in AWE......of our God, and your girls!:)


Rachel said...

yes he is! u grow Gwyneth!!

Sunshine said...

Praise Him! She is precious! This is absolutely amazing - such an amazing testimony to the kind of God we serve - WOW! Sunshine

Beebe said...

What a beautiful baby girl :)
I will keep praying that God will continue to bless your family!!!
So happy for you all :)

Jessica said...

No way! No O2- canula even? AWESOME- congrats! What a blessing!!! She is beautiful. I am mom to three singleton preemies, one of whom came home on O2.

Lorri said...

Thank you Jesus!!

Tabatha said...

That is amazing!!!! She is so perfect. You two have a lot to be proud of!

Meredith K Beaupre said...

Flat out awesome! She's so gorgeous! You are so right that our God is great! It's amazing what He can do when we let Him enter our hearts! You, Tricia and Gwyneth are a living testimony to that. What an amazing story your little White Rose will have to tell when she grows up!

Hugs, love, and continued awe!!!
Meredith :)

Elizabeth said...

She is so beautiful! What an AWESOME God we have! Praying for you two and Gwyneth

Jen in Al said...

Awesome God! Amazing Gwyneth! Praising God with you! Go Gwyneth!!!!! :)Jen in al

Jacksprat said...

God sure is great! I find it amazing that Gwyneth's lungs are so very strong and healthy right now. What a blessing and encouragement that must be to you and especially Tricia.

Jodie said...

God IS Great! What a sweet and BEAUTIFUL miracle your Gwyneth is!

Barbara Metcalf Bella Vista, Arkansas said...

She's still as cute as ever. I love seeing her face without the nasal cannula. Go Gwyneth. God IS good. Praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Gwyneth!! You are getting to be such big girl!

Lisa_in_AR said...

I love seeing the tubes come out one by one. Look at that beautiful face! Can't wait til she gets rid of that OG tube! Praise be to God from whom all blessing flow, and to the MDs, RNs and RTs whose hands he guides. Blessings to Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth.

Annette said...

God is Awesome! I hope the internet is back up soon :)

Amy E. said...

Amen!! God is great! and Gwyneth is just precious. What a face!!

Unknown said...


God IS good!

Debbie said...

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!! God is great and greatly to be praised!!!


Susan from Barrie said...

WOOOHOOOO! Thank you Jesus! She is looking like moma everyday! God is GREAT! PRAISE God!

Emily said...

Oh my goodness...your God is great and so is mine (THANK YOU JESUS!!!)
Gwyneth is quite the fighter. I am amazed at the stregth that is coming from such a little body. She looks even more cute now that her entire face has opened up. Those eyes are too cute!

Kylee said...

SO SO Cute!!

Renee said...

She looks fantastic! Go lung power!! Love the video...

Katie said...

I have to be honest...leaving a comment here makes me feel very exposed. I have been watching your family for 6 weeks now, and as a wife and mother, your dedication and love is what this world is about. This post hit me hard; about Gwyneth weighing just under 2 lbs and your statement, "my God is great", I have no doubt, because we share a God, and he is indeed great.

I don't know you but through pictures and occasional videos, but you inspire me. As a Christian, in the hard times, in the good times, You help me to recognize what I have and how God has played the biggest part in guiding me to the love of my found family.

Thank you for exposing yourself to us. This blog makes me smile, even in the down times... because I like to know how much love and support you have out there from total strangers. It gives me hope for the world I raise my daughter in.

Peace, Love, and Light,

Katie in Northern California.

Jessica said...

What a precious picture. God is amazing, and I love watching Him at work in your lives:) Keeping your family in my prayers.

Caroline Cordle said...

AMAZING!!! So little, and yet so perfect...we are truly "fearfully and wonderfully made".

Prayer's are being heard and ANSWERED!!!!!!

our little family of 4 said...

She looks absolutely beautiful!

Beka said...

Yes, He is great indeed. Your little girl is nothing short of a miracle! Praising Him with you, and still praying...

Lori said...

Yay baby Gwyneth! You are beautiful. Congratulations on breathing by yourself... The first of many exciting milestones.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Our God is Great!! Congrats on a beautiful healthy daughter and prayers for a healthy (she's already beautiful) wife very soon!!!! Many prayers coming your way!

Annie- Nashville

Anonymous said...

WOW! Praise God...

Anonymous said...

SHE is so amazing! and so b-e-a-utiful!!!

Shannon said...

Aww, she is so cute.She looks great breathing on her own.

RiLes said...

I think this is possibly my most favorite picture yet....

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! (sung off I generally do =)).

Gwyneth brings a smile as usual! Love those alert eyes!

Mary Knapp

tshaw said...

What a beautiful baby!! Her eyes are sooo pretty... Her hair is looking blonder, huh?

Matt Millard said...

Just when you think she can't possibly get any cuter! She is just growing by leaps and bounds. Way to go Gwyneth!

Shelley said...

GLORY TO GOD! I am so pleased she is doing so well. My prayers are with you all!

Courtney Paris said...


Cyndi said...

Gwyneth is such a little fighter..just like her Mommy (and I suspect Daddy too). I'm so very proud of her new accomplishment with getting rid of the cannula. I hope she can remain off of it and thrive. I am mommy to a month old 25 weeker so I understand how important each new feat is. Keep it up Gwyneth.

Rachel said...

Yes, we do have an amazing and wonderful God! It brings tears to my eyes to look at your beautiful daughter and think about Tricia praying for her "miracle baby".

sarah. said...

It's so awesome to see her whole face like that!!! I'm amazed at how quickly God is developing her little body... she's beautiful :)

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