Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Making Herself At Home...



Tricia said...


Barbara Metcalf Bella Vista, Arkansas said...

Pretty darn cute!

Anonymous said...

She is the most amazing, beautiful miracle from God! You have every right to be so proud as parents of this baby girl!

Juliette said...

I love those beautiful eyes! How precious!

Unknown said...

She absolutely gets cuter by the day.

Tammy said...

What a doll! She looks so happy and healthy! It's good to see her out of the hospital.

Kim said...

OK - that was about the cutest photo I've ever seen!!

Melissa said...

She's so cute! I think she looks like Tricia :-)

Christina Miller said...

Look at those big beautiful eyes!!!! She is adorable:)

Sarah B said...

She is precious!

Kim said...

I love that she is so aware of her surroundings! I have lurked for a while and can really tell the difference from the "early days" and the photos in the last few weeks.

What a wonderful shutter that must bring you your daddy's heart!

marcia said...

She is just sooooo photogenic...just like her Mom! :)

twin power mommy ♥ said...

she's getting plump in those cheekies.

Jolly Johnstons said...

I love her big beautiful eyes!

Stacemoe said...

So Precious!!!!

Emily said...

YUMMY!! That is all I can say! Absolutely yummy! I know you could both just eat her up!!

Cassie12 said...

What a little angel...she is absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for sharing.

Elizabeth said...

Ok, this should be illegal....cause it's WAY too CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!

Carol said...

Precious and adorable.

Blessedw5mom said...

Oh she is so beautiful!!!!
And I see tons of wisdom in those eyes.

Bridget said...

She's a perfect combination of both of you! You're still in my prayers!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

She looks very happy at home.
She has the most beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

She is seriously getting cuter by the moment. And she doesn't much look like a preemie anymore!

It looks as if you two are doing an amazing job with her!

Kait said...

She is so very beautiful and adorable to boot. She looks like a little bug all snug in a rug. She is a miracle baby and I know she will bless you and your family for years and years to come.

Off the topic of sweet baby Gwyneth, I would like to encourage you to continue to blog despite peoples negative comments. A friend of mine had a blog for their daughter as she battled cancer, and while I am not aware they got too many negative comments(their blog didn't get nearly as much traffic as yours :)) I do know that they met far more wonderful people than bad apples.

Candi said...

She looks so cozy!!

Sonia said...

She is so adorable! She looks so snug and warm. Very cute picture.

Rob and Amy said...

How PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mama Grizzly said...

SHe is just PRECIOUS beyond words!!! What a sweet picture - and I just know you are loving having her with you every day and every night.

Unknown said...

That has got to be the cutest picture I have ever seen!!

kidsworld said...

Thank you for sharing this adorable picture! So excited for your family to get back to the beach!

refreshing in ohio

Our Family! said...

She has the most beautiful eyes. She is absolutely precious!

~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

WannaseeJesus said...

Wow, she's absolutely beautiful...and she is quite extraordinary if I do say so myself :) I'm so glad that Tricia got her miracle baby :) And that you got 2 miracles out of it all!!!

Angela R. said...

Look at those big beautiful eyes... she is simply adorable!!

Mary said...

She looks all snuggly and comfortable. Cute cute.


P.S. Glad you're getting lots of publicity for CF and Organ donation. God is using you in a mighty way.

Joy W said...

She is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Destini said...

Very sweet!

Cara said...

She is so adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

What a doll baby! Her eyes are amazing. Great photo Nate!

Connie Hughey said...

This picture is so cute...she looks like she is really comfy-cozy! God bless you as you enjoy these precious days of caring for her together in your home...they are gifts!

~j~ said...

Look at those sweet little eyes!She has a very familiar mischevious glitter... perhaps Daddys?

btw, love the new blog header, another significant milestone for your precious family.
love to all of you!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

How CUTE is she! :)

Deb said...


Momof2bz said...

This is the cutest picture yet! She looks so adorable. lol

Shannon said...

Snug as a bug in a rug! How sweet, her little peepers staring back at you.
House hunting? FUN! FUN! May God Bless you on your journey.
-Shannon in "expensive" Austin, TEXAS

Our beautiful mess... said...

She's definately got daddy's eyes!

Anonymous said...


Jen in Al said...

hello there Cutie! jen in al

Kristine McKowen said...


Blessings From Above said...

Look at those eyes!!! Gorgeous!

WannaseeJesus said...

yeah yeah, i'm posting again! :-P I still can not get over how absolutely beautiful she is!!!!!

Kh. Patty said...

Adorable, thanks for sharing. :)

Scott said...

How precious is that!!!

The Hull Munchkins said...

Oh my goodness! She is darling. Preemies have such a distinct, precious look about them.
She looks so healthy too... bright little eyes.

Marsmile said...

ooh, big round eyes... like a monkey... or even a deer caught in the headlights. so cute!

Joshua said...

That picture of Gwyneth is the best one yet! I love it. And congrats again on getting to go home. I also hope you can find a healthy home for Miss Tricia's lungs. You are all in my families prayers. Regards, Joshua

winecat said...

oh! That picture just took my breathe away.

andiewade said...

i'm checking out your blog with my 2 1/2 year old daughter and when she saw this picture she said "peekaboo!"