Here's the deal. When Tricia goes vent free for 24 consecutive hours she gets moved out of ICU. Then Nate and Agnes will be able to be with her round the clock (we hope) again. She's getting close.
Her sister Megan is arriving this evening for a visit, which is always good for Tricia. She also walked the halls twice today.
BTW, I'm not in Durham. I arrived home Saturday night. But I'm getting telephone updates from Nathan and my wife Gail. Hopefully she'll come home tomorrow.
More news:
Tricia walked 750 feet twice today without any oxygen support, and has been off the vent all day and the plans are to keep her off unless she needs the vent again.
Gwyneth is up past 2lbs 12oz, which means she is now double her birth weight. They think she’ll be completely on the bottle within the next few weeks.
Rick Lawrenson
What a wonderful day when Tricia will be out of the ICU!
Praying for Tricia to continue healing and getting stronger by the minute. Come 24 hours, and bless Tricia for coming so far. Another beautiful day in this wonderful miracle that God keeps unfolding. My prayers continue for Tricia and Gwyneth too.
Love, Laurie in Ca.
Praying for that 24!
Go Tricia Go!!!! Crossing all possible body parts for you for good luck!
Praying for 24 hours vent free
Thank you so much for letting those of us in Tricia's cheering section know how she is doing. I am glad that she seems to be improving bit by bit.
I'll be praying diligently for Tricia to hit the 24 hour mark. Hopefully things will be easier for all involved when Tricia is out of the ICU.
Thank you for keeping us updated. All my love and prayers for Nate and his two girls. :-)
It makes my heart soar to hear about a CFer walking with new lungs - yay Tricia!!!
Thank you for the updates...we will pray for her to hit that 24 hour mark and rejoice and praise the Lord when she does!
The Lockwoods
Great News.....when do we start counting
Praying for Tricia to be 24 hours of vent free,
along with praying for Gwyneth.
Go Tricia! Prayers and hope that 24 hours will pass quickly and in the end you'll be out of ICU.
Go Tricia Go!! We're cheering you on girl. We're so proud of your progress already. You'll be holding that baby girl soon. Keep your head up and know that we're praying and cheering for you.
((HUGS)) from Florida
Mary & Tori
I'll be praying for Tricia to "hit" 24 hours as soon as her health will allow it. I know Agnes and Nate and TRICIA are looking forward to it.
We're cheering and praying!!!
Way to Go Tricia. You be strong and you use those lungs. :o)
Way to Go Gwyneth. You are as strong as your mother. :o)
I am so happy for u guys. I bet Tricia is so happy thats she getting out of the ICU
Great news! Tricia you are amazing! Prayers for continued strength for you. Great news about Gwyneth - can't wait to see new pictures.
Nate, I miss you - I'll be glad when you're blogging again. Hope you're getting some much needed rest and your batteries are "recharging". Can't imagine the stress you've been under.
Thanks to your dad for keeping us updated.
All of you are continually in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you Rick, for the updates. The Lawrensons' fans crave updates!
What a relief for all when the 24 hours is over!
Thanks for keeping up the blog while Nate takes a well deserved blog break.
thank you so much for keeping us updated. I am so glad things are going well. this is all wonderful news.
tell Nate we miss him :-)
Thank you so much for all the updates!! Your family is an inspiration to me. Keep up the Good Work Tricia!! :)
We are praying for you.
Baby Gwenyeth great job!!! You are truly a miracle from God! He has a special plan for your life.
Go 24!! And, way to go Gwyneth - bulking up!!
Praying for your strong girls! Go Gwenyth for getting so big! Tricia- I am glad to hear your up & about.
Love from Long Island, Erin
Way to go Tricia you will be out of that ICU soon. So happy to hear that Gwyneth is doing well too. I think there is a race on as to who will go home first mommy or baby. Will pray for that big 24!
praise the Lord! That is so wonderful. I've not commented before, but have been following your story. God is GOOD!
Praying for Tricia to continue to get stronger every hour, every minute so that Nathan and Agnes can be with her as they want to, and so that she can hold that precious growing baby girl again soon!
WOW... That is great news all around about both Tricia and Gwenyth.
That would be wonderful to get Tricia out of the ICU and I'm sure with her strength she will be out in the 24 hours!! May God keeping working his miracles.
My prayers are with you all, ALWAYS!
Wow Rick, thanks for the update. The girls are ticking off the milestones, one by one! Thanks to God.
Yeah, glad to hear the updates for Tricia and Gwyneth.
Thank you for you time in keeping the blog updated!
Still sending thoughts of encouragement from Vancouver, BC, Canada
Karen et al
Things sound so good. I am keeping Tricia, Nate and Gwenyth in my prayers. I hope Nate is getting some much needed rest and I can't wait to see him posting again! Not that your not doing an awesome job!
I and my husband are praying every day. Thanks so much for the updates!
Goooooo Tricia!!! You are phenomenal, my dear. Can't wait to hear when you're out of ICU.
Rick, I'd love to know how Nate is doing through all of this too, if he wouldn't mind you sharing now and again.
Praying continually,
Sarah T
God is SO good. I can't imagine a better way for Him to show his beautiful, merciful, gracious self than through this family. WOW!!! Praise God for your families. What an awesome display of strength and faith. Thank you for sharing your story. And also, I wanted you to send another thank you to your church for supporting you Nate so you can be with your family full time.
Wonderful news!!! Continued prayers for all!
AMEN God is Great!! Continued prayers for you all...
thanks Rick!
YEAH TRICIA!!!! your off and running now! I pray that you feel good enough to enjoy this HUGE milestone!
Breath in, breath out! And remember to eat so that you can get strong enough to get out of there!
Gwyneth...you are such a big girl these days, eating like you are, and gaining weight!
Great news! Go T & G!!!
Thanks for the update.
Praying that both girls continue to gain strength.
How exciting!! I know it will be a great relief to be out of ICU!! I am praying for all of you on this journey!
Thanks for the update! We can't even begin to imagine how exhausted all of you are... thanks for keeping us updated anyway!!!
I hope we'll see at least 1 of the usually Tuesday "Look how much I grew" photos tomorrow!!!!!! (But we'll CERTAINLY understand if we don't!)
Still praying for ALL of you... and the donor's family too.
I can't help but wonder if Tricia has any new 'relatives' who received other precious gifts from the same donor...
Sisters are great medicine...I'm so glad Megan will be able to visit for a short time!
Thanks for updating for them, Rick! Us stay-at-home moms wouldn't know what to do without a daily Tricia/Gwynneth update every day! :-) Glad to hear they're both doing well. Continuing to pray!
Go Tricia, Go!
We are so proud of your progress!
God is good!
What great news today! Thank you Nate's Dad for all the wonderful updates! Still praying for each day to just get better and better for Tricia and Gwyneth and for Nate to stay strong and full of peace and joy!
oh.... this is such great news,
assuming we are now in countdown mode GO TRICIA! Continued prayers and minute to minute thoughts of your recovery and Gwyneth's packing on the pounds. You are loved Lawrenson Family.
God is good!
Sounds like both girls are doing really well...it's great to hear!
Thank you so much for letting us know how Tricia and Gwyneth are doing. Still praying! Natalie
WooHoo from Illinois! God is so good! Your family is dear to my heart and I rejoice in every update!
Praying that Tricia will be able to stay off the vent. She is truly amazing and God is giving her great strength.
Wow! Gwyneth is growing, growing, growing! You go girl! Praise God!
this is Awsume news!
Go Tricia go!!!
And go Gwenyth go...when she makes up her mind to eat, she doesn't look back, huh?
Wonderful news on all fronts.
Prayers for Tricia's pain to subside and her strength to continue to improve! And for the rest of the family to get rest and strength they need.
Wow - Go girls and Go God!!!
Wow! That is AMAZING! It completely amazes me how fast Tricia is up on her feet! What a strong girl and an even stronger GOD!
And Gwyneth - WOW! Pack it on girl!
Hoping that "24" hours comes soon!
That's wonderful! I hope everything goes well, and that you all have a good and restful night!
Wonderful news!
Go Tricia. I am still praying for you every day here in Michigan. I am looking forward to the day you can carry Gwyneth out of the hospital and start your healthy life as a family. Miracles happen.
Wonderful news on both girls! Praying both of them continue to get even stronger!
I eagerly await the day when both girls are strong enough to go HOME!! Cheering you on Tricia - come on 24! And oh my gosh... way to pack on the pounds Gwyn!!
Loving and praying for you all-
This is GREAT news! To GOD be the glory!
Still praying!
~ Tanisha in VA
Go Tricia!
Grow Gwyneth!
Great Uncle Andy
Thank you Lord for your continued faithfulness to your children. As the world watchs you have taught us how to trust you more and the importance of the body of Christ. We join together here tonight and ask that you would reach down once again ant answers the prays for Tricia. Lord give the the added strength she needs to reach her 24 hour goal. And then increase it more. Lord thank you for the increased weight of Gwyneth. We are truly in awe of you and what you are doing.Jesus I ask that you sent the Comforter to Nate tonight. Lord surround him right now with your Spirit to strengthen him and noursish him and help him to continue this race. I also ask that you would encourage and give an extra measure of grace to Tricia's mom and she continues to lavish your love on her daughter and her grandbaby. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers."
Tricia, I am praying for 24 hours off the vent and infection free. God Bless and make you strong! Hang in there Nate, may God's peace and strength be with you.
I can't wait to hear more about how Tricia's doing. I'm so curious about how she's adjusting to the new sensations of having new lungs.
Good news all around! Continuing to pray.
HOORAY. Keep going Tricia!!! You can do it. We are still, praying for a speedy recovery for everyone!! Blessings.
Still praying! This is great news to hear that Tricia is doing well. Good news about Gwyneth also.
Continued prayers! I can somewhat imagine Gwyneth's size now that she has reached my angel baby's birth weight. Praying for her continued growth and health.
Much love,
It is so amazing to hear how well Tricia is doing, praying for a vent free night tonight. praying for more weight gain for baby girl, she sounds like she is doing so well PTL.
Praise God for all the wonderful updates! Still praying that she will remain infection & rejection free.
sounds like a great day at duke! keep plugging away! we're praying for all of you guys!
Hi Lawrenson family,
Don't know if you've already heard about this family (http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/ he's one of the singers in the Christian group Selah) but I just came across it on this blog (http://markandrebekah.blogspot.com/2008/04/two-little-girls.html) where the write blogged about Gwyneth and this baby girl. I thought your family would be touched and want to pray.
So happy for all of you! Continuing to lift up your family in prayer. Can't wait to see a pic of Tricia with her NEW LUNGS.
Jaime in GA
YeeHaW!!! Love the update.
Prayin' that the ICU will soon be a thing of the past!
Still prayin' in Texas!
That's fabulous news! My daughter's blown away by Tricia's progress...(she's 7 1/2 years out from TX).
Go God! Go Tricia! Go Gwyneth!
And, of course, another hardworker in this mix -- Go Nate!
Thanks for keeping us up to date, Rick...
Wow, Rick, you're full of good news! I'll be praying for that 24 hr. mark so that Nate and Agnes can be with her continually. I know how important that is.
Have a great visit with your sis, Tricia!
Way to go, Gwyneth!!! Chug-a-lug!
Praying for the 24 hour mark so Tricia will be out of the ICU. Way to go Gwyneth on your weight gain. Thanks again for all the updates!
I hope she is ot on ICU soon! It sound slike she is doing great! I know it's a hard journey but she & Nathan are so graceful in it.
Praying for continued healing.
What wonderful news.
thank you for keeping us updated, I'm sure Nate needs some time. I'm so glad they're both doing so well, and Gwen doubling her birth weight is awesome!! She's really gaining well now.
Can't wait to hear the Tricia is totally vent free
Thank you so much for keeping us updated while Nate rests!
I'm so excited Tricia and Gwyneth are still doing well.
Praying for continued progress!
fabulous news! Thanks Rick for updating! Missing pictures, can't wait to see the two girls together again. (of course Nathan too!)
Love from MI
Go Tricia!!!! You are truley amazing!!! Still praying for you all.
So close to 3 pounds! Yay!
I am totally amazed at everything that Tricia has been through just the last few days. It's been hard to process in my head, but I am praising God every time I think about her (which is a lot!)
We'll be praying that she makes this 24 hour mark, that Gwyneth hits 3 pounds this week, and that *everyone* is able to get enough sleep!
wonderful news
Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!!!
what a praise! we can totally relate (well, not completely-this is new to us and Luke is still young) now because my 7 month old is in the hospital with a nasty cough. he had just gotten a 2 week stay in feb but now he is back in. sometimes i very strongly dislike cf!
lots of prayers headed your way!
My children and I prayed for you tonight as I tucked them into bed. Praise be to God for His steadfast love! You have an amazing family, what a testimony!
I just read your story and will be praying. Praising God for your miracle baby and for Tricia's lung transplant and recovery.
Wonderful news! Praying for Tricia to bust out of there as soon as she is ready! And, grow baby, grow!
Am praying for you guys....
Thank you for the updates! This blog is about the first thing I check when I go online.
Both girls are truly amazing and are God's will! They are doing exceptional and I am so happy for your family. Wouldn't it be awesome if Gwyneth and Tricia were released home the same day? We're still praying for not only the girls but also for you, Nate. This has been a long road and very tiring, I'm sure. Keep up the hard work you've dedicated to both Tricia and Gwyneth as well as your faith! Alway-Tracey
OMG, more wonderful news, wouldn't it be great if both girls get to go home together!!
Praying for you Tricia and for your family. I pray that your recovery will continue to grow stronger everyday. I pray for your daughter, Gwyneth, that she too will continue to grow stronger with God's will.
Ronda in CA
That's great news!! Praying that Tricia is back in her own room very soon! So glad to hear about Gwenyth's weight - dont' they say babies should double their birth weight in the few months after they are born? Sounds like she is right on track!!! Many things to praise God for today!!
Praying for 24 hours of being off the vent :)
emily haager (CA)
Thanks for the updates! That's awesome news (about BOTH girls!!)
It is sooo much fun to keep reading all of these wonderful updates just chock-full of good news!
Thanks for the update. Praying that 24 hours comes by before you know it. Prayers. Louise x
This is such great news! Our prayers are working, indeed!
Stacy :-)
That is a great update. It is exciting to think about the future for Trisha, Nate and Gwyneth. We are still praying for no complications to arrive.
Thanks for the update...praying specifically for vent free! Also praying for Gwenyth to remain strong in her feeds.
Praying also for restoration for the family!
This is the first place I "check" everytime I sit down at my computer and it never ceases to amaze me how incredible every step of the journey is! Praying that Tricia crosses that 24 hour mark soon and that Gwyneth continues to gain weight via bottle! Thank you (Nate and Rick) for making it possible for the rest of us to enter your world, it's been an honor to wait and rejoice with you!
Thank you for the update! Can't wait to see pics of all these changes...tell Nate I miss him terribly, but am glad he's taking a break, of course!
Thank you to Tricia for showing me another miracle, yet again!
refreshing in ohio
Thank you, as always, for sharing YOUR journey with all of us! You are very gracious to do so. God is doing some pretty incredible stuff up there at Duke and it's affecting so many lives in such a positive, wonderful way.
We will continue to pray for your family and lift up praises to God for all that He is doing in your, and all of our, lives.
I hope your Tuesday is even better than your Monday!
Hugs and love from Florida :)
You go Tricia. You are so strong. I am amazed by you. If you can do this, I know I can do better. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you are out of the ICU today. I know I said it before, YOU are a blessing. Nate, you are a blessing too. This is hard on the family too. You get my vote for "something". LOL I had to try to throw some humor in there. YOur both awesome and I can't imagine a more deserving couple to have LIFE together. Thank you LORD.
Christy in KY
Continued prayers for your family !
Praying....!!!!!jen in al
We continue to keep Tricia, Gwyneth and the entire family in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you all!
Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell
So glad to hear Gwyneth is gaining weight! I imagine once she masters those bottles and hits 4 pounds she'll be able to go home (at least that was the case with my micro-preemie). It won't be long now!
AMEN to all the great news!
Praying for 24 hours and a good eye check up. Nate, I hope that you are holding up ok... please know that we are all praying for you and your beautiful girls.
less than a wk ago... no one knew if or when "the call" would come...
many people all around the world would pray for daily for Gwyneth, Tricia,& Nathan to be healthy & happy... all the while checking Nathan's blog for updates....
less than a week ago no one knew what tomorrow might bring.....
***this week...***
Gwyneth Rose is accepting the bottle,
Gwyneth Rose is gaining weight...
Gwyneth Rose has doubled her birth weight...she is now 2 lbs. 12 oz.
Gwyneth Rose continues to amaze her Nurses on how well she is doing,
Tricia & Nathan received "the call",
Tricia pulled through the 9 hr surgery like the true champ that she is,
Tricia getting out of bed the day after surgery to walk to the
chair in her room,
Tricia walking at least 1,500 ft on the second after surgery,
Tricia taking all of these walks oxygen support FREE,
Nathan feeling a bit like the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders,
Nathan being able to rest, God knows he deserves it,
Nathan I send you endless praise for being the most concerned, caring, loving, informative, speaking up when "something just isn't right"
determined thoughtful husband, father, man that you are ! !
Though no one truly knows what tomorrow may bring, tomorrow is certainty looking like a brighter day................
Yes, YOU do deserve all this praise Nathan ! !
Patricia N.
I had to get out my calculator... 750 feet... that's 250 yards... and 100 yards makes a football field, right? WOW - 2.5 football fields without oxygen!!!
I'm so proud of this amazing lady I've never even met! Thank you, Rick and Nate and Tricia for sharing your lives with us - you can see that so many people get so much out of it. I know that you have a great appreciation for the amount of prayerful support you recieve and the change it has made in some peoples' religious life and views of organ donation.
But it has also made an enourmous impact on a lot of people in terms of their general outlook on life. We're learning, through a stranger's story, told in such depth and candid honesty, what really matters in life... what isn't worth being stressed over... and the things that we should look forward to and be thankful for every day.
I don't imagine there are many people who can read your story and then not hug their kids a little tighter, spend a little more valuable time with their loved ones, or just be greatful for their own health for a moment. On top of that, we're witness to a couple who (though Nate has told us are not perfect) handle these mindblowingly heartwrenching trials and their willing publication with such grace and class and goodness that we can only hope that in a similar situation we might follow their example.
Thank you.
Way to go Tricia, you GO girl! So happy to read that Gwyneth is growing well and eating more, keep going little one.
Excellant news! Praying for Tricia and Gwenyth!
Wow - what a difference a week makes! This time last week we were stinging from the "dry run" and now we have new lungs and are almost out of ICU! God is good!
Still praying in WV,
Continuing to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth that they continue to become stronger every day. So happy with how well they seem to be doing. Also, praying for Nathan that he is getting some much needed rest. God Bless.
FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!! Praise our AMAZING God!!!
GO Tricia GO!!! You've got thousands of cheerleaders out here rooting for you! Praying that you'll be in a regular room soon, and off that VENT for good!!
rick thanks for posting..this news is awesome! 1500 feet vent free..my word GOD IS GREAT! still continued prayers that she can double that and vent free for the whole 24 hours and get outa ICU!! go TRICIA your totally awesome!
Woohoo!!! These girls are really making progress. The power of prayer and an amazing God...Thanks for the long-distance update, Rick. I'm glad Nate is getting rested and recharged..
I am continuing to pray for you all! Tricia, you are so amazing!! As one who as had two c-sections I am impressed how quickly you are getting around!! Praise God! I pray that today brings you that 24 hour mark! (side question - did Duke let you keep the room you were in before surgery or did Nate have to "move" out?)
Gwyneth continues to amaze me. I pray that she continues to do so well. I really really hope the weekly Pug pictures get posted! (HINT, HINT) Can't wait to see how much she has grown!
Nate, I continue to pray for you as well. I pray that today you get to go back to being Tricia's primary caregiver. I pray for continued rest and peace!
She didn't keep the room. All of her belongings had to be moved out. She's now in ICU and will from there go to a step down room on the same floor.
But I think she'd like to be back up there since she can't yet go home!
Great news of progress! We are continuing to pray!
u get this a lot Nate, but I wanted to share with you that I have never been an organ donor but today after following your blog for months I signed up for organ donation.
thanks for sharing your story, it has touch my family so much and opened our eyes to organ donation.
Thank you, I cant wait for my card to arrive in the mail so I can get it signed!:)
Praying for Tricia to be able to move out of the ICU!!!
Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose. It's hard to believe it's been 3 months. I hope that we'll get to see the pug pictures. :)
Still praying for Tricia's strength and endurance, and Gwenyth's contnued growth.
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